A Dream Come True


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After asking Amy if she felt like eating, and with her saying that she did; I pulled the plates out of the refrigerator and put them into the microwave to heat them up. It was going to take a couple of minutes for the food to heat so; while this was happening, we were afforded a few moments to talk.

I'd been expecting it, when, after placing her arms around my waist, Amy looked into my eyes and told me, "Michael, honey, there's something I want you to know."

"Okay, baby," I softly replied, "I'm all ears, my love. What is it that you want to tell me?"

"I want you to make love to me," she quietly replied, "But it doesn't have to happen tonight, does it?"

"Of course not," I smiled, gently kissing her lips, "We can wait until you're ready."

"Oh, I'm ready, believe me," she softly giggled, "I just don't want to disrespect your parents by having sex in their house."

"First of all, neither of them would mind one bit," I gently replied, "But if it makes you feel more comfortable, then we can wait until we get back to Houston. Hell, we'll even get a hotel room if you'd like."

"Oh, Michael, that would be so nice," she purred, hugging me and kissing my lips, "I love you so very much."

"Classes don't start until Wednesday of next week," I grinned, "I've got to be back at school no later than Tuesday afternoon for lessons with my friends on the football team so; I'm sure that we can arrange something before then."

"Thank you, baby," she replied, clearly relieved, then giggled, "But I don't want to be walking bow-legged for the rest of my life so; you'd better take it easy on me with that big cock of yours, okay?"

"You're silly," I chuckled, "But I still love you."

"I'm serious," she grinned, "And I love you, too."

Little had either of us realized that Mom had heard our whole conversation just then? And making her presence known to us, she walked into the kitchen wearing her robe and said, "What's this business about getting a hotel room, when you two have got all the privacy you could ever want right here?"

"Jenny," Amy said, startled, "I didn't know you were there."

"I heard you come in," Mom smiled, gently placing her hand on Amy's forearm, "And I got up to see if you two needed anything."

"Oh, my God," Amy replied, her face red in embarrassment, "Please tell me that you didn't hear what we were talking about just now?"

"I heard every word," Mom gently smiled, taking Amy into her arms, "And there's nothing for you to be embarrassed about...not one bit, sweetheart."

Of course I had no problem with Mom knowing what Amy and I had been talking about, because my parents were that understanding, just as they had always been.

"You're a virgin, aren't you, sweetie?" Mom asked Amy, "It's okay, baby girl; you can tell me."

"Yes, ma'am," Amy explained, "And Michael and I were talking about making love when we got back to school on Monday."

"I'll tell you what," Mom conspiratorially grinned, "If you two would like, I can get Michael's father to take me shopping tomorrow. We'll probably be gone for most of the afternoon, if you know what I mean?"

"Really," Amy wistfully asked, "You wouldn't mind if we made love under your roof?"

"No, baby, not at all," Mom tenderly smiled, "As a matter of fact; I can't think of a better place for the two of you to give yourselves to one another, than right here, where no one will bother you."

"What about Tom?" Amy fretted, "What will he think about it?"

"He wouldn't mind at all," Mom giggled, "But then again, he's not going to know."

"I love you, Mom," I smiled, hugging her, "You're the best."

"I love you, too, baby," Mom giggled, teasing me, "But if you're anything like your father, then I know that you're probably packing a weapon in your pants so; be very gently with her, okay sweetie?"

"Jeez, Mom," I said, my face turning beet red in embarrassment, while Amy giggled, "Did you have to go there?"

"Yes," she plainly said, "And one more thing, I want the two of you to be responsible about this, if you know what I mean."

"You don't have to worry about that, Jenny," Amy knowingly smiled, "I've been on the pill since I was fourteen to help regulate my periods."

"You're a very wise young woman, Amy," Mom smiled, a lone tear making its way down her beautiful cheek, "And I wanted you to know that I'm so happy that you've chosen Michael to be with. He's been so lonely."

"We've only know each other for a short while, but I love him, Jenny," Amy replied, her eyes filling with tears, "He's so tender and gentle with me...he's the kind of man that I've dreamed about being with since I was a little girl."

"I've got the distinct feeling that we're going to be seeing each other a lot more in the not too distant future," Mom giggled, "So, I'm going to tell you now; welcome to our family, sweet girl."

"Thank you, Jenny," Amy smiled sniffling, "I promise you that I'll always be good to your son...always."

"Do I get a say in this?" I teased, "I mean, you guys are talking about me, after all."

"NO," Mom and Amy simultaneously laughed.

"It's late so; eat up, babies," Mom smiled, taking our plates off of the microwave and setting them on the kitchen table, "Oh, and if you want to sleep together tonight, it's alright with me."

"I love you, Jenny," Amy suddenly told Mom, quickly placing her arms around her and tightly hugging her like she was never going to let her go, "I love you very much."

"I know you do, baby girl," Mom softly replied, kissing Amy on the cheek, "And never forget that I love you, too."

Then Mom leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, and said, "Take good care of her, Michael."

"You know that I will, Mom..."


That night after Amy and I finished eating, as well as after everything had been cleaned up and put away; I brought Amy's bag from across the hall and moved her into my room.

"Your Mom is the sweetest lady I've ever known, Michael," Amy tenderly smiled, kissing my lips, "And now I can see you're the way you are."

"Is that right," I knowingly grinned, still holding her close to me, "And what way is that?"

"It's like I told your Mom earlier," Amy sweetly replied, "You're kind, gentle, tender, and last but certainly not least, in the time we've known each other, you've never once pressured me for sex."

"I love you," I told her, "And I knew that if I did that, it would push you away from me...and to tell you the truth; I wouldn't have been able to take that."

"Michael, can I be honest with you about something for a minute?" Amy asked me, "And please don't get angry, okay?"

"Let's get something straight right now," I smiled, "As long as you're always honest with me, I'll never get angry, no matter how bad it hurts."

"I understand," she began, "When I first met you in the bookstore I thought that you were the most beautiful man I'd ever seen; but when I found out that you were a jock...err, I mean an athlete, I got mad as hell because of my own stupidity."

"That's okay, you're only human," I grinned, "But why should I get mad about that?"

"Because I called an old boyfriend from my hometown," she said, "And he's going to be on campus this coming Wednesday thinking that he and I are going out that night," then she hung her head and added, "I promised him that I'd fuck him."

"It's no big deal," I grinned, "All you need to do is call him and cancel."

"So, you're not mad about that then?" she asked, relieved.

"Why should I be?" I chuckled, "That was before you and I got together so, I have no right to be angry."

"Sheila was right about you," she smiled, "She told me that I should ask you for another chance, because after your room mate, Rick, told me the things he did, Sheila said that you were special, and that I was crazy to let you get away."

"Oh really," I grinned, taking my clothes off and climbing into bed wearing only my boxers, "Maybe you should listen to her more often then."

"Mmm," Amy smiled, as she began to undress in front of me, "I think you're right, baby."

Amy took off everything but the dark blue bikini panties she was wearing, and then with a seductive look on her face, she purred, "Do I look alright, baby?"

Her body was perfectly formed, as I looked from her face, down to what she informed me were her size 36C cup breasts. They rode high on her chest, sagging only enough to give them a beautiful shape. Her gorgeous aureoles were about two and a half inches in diameter with her nipples perfectly centered, being slightly smaller than the eraser on a pencil, and roughly a quarter of an inch in length.

Her waist was thin and her tummy was flat, and as she turned sideways, her beautiful thirty five inch hips revealed her tight, round little ass; which stuck out far enough to be alluring, but yet not so far that she had a bubble butt per se. However, her legs were soft and sleek, and as she climbed into the bed with me, Amy made certain the she and I were touching one another from head to foot.

"I love you, Michael," she tenderly told me, "And I promise to always love you."

"I love you, too, Amy," I breathed, "And I'll never let you go...not ever."

"Good," she softly giggled, teasing me, "Because I'll cut your dick off if you ever hurt me."

"Damn, girl," I grinned, "That's kind of harsh, don't you think?"

"Relax," she continued to quietly giggle, "I'm only teasing you, ya big baby."

"So, I'm a big baby, huh?" I teased, pinching her hot little ass, making her loudly squeal, "Shh, be quiet, or you'll wake my parents up."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," she impishly smiled, "But I'm real ticklish around my ass."

"Is that right?" I knowingly grinned, "Hmm, I'll have to keep that in mind from now on."

"Don't you dare," Amy began to giggle again, "I should've never told you that, Michael...please don't tickle me. I really don't like it."

"I understand," I devilishly teased her, "But maybe now you'll think about that when you start trying to aggravate me on purpose."

"Me aggravate you," she girlishly giggled, feigning innocence, "Now Michael, you know I would never do such a thing."

"Yeah, right," I quietly chuckled, "And pigs can fly, too."

"I love you," she softly smiled, rubbing her beautifully bare tits against my bare chest, "And I can't wait until tomorrow when we can give our virginity to one another."

Me either," I whispered, tenderly kissing her lips, "And I promise to be as gentle as a kitten when we do, too."

"I know, baby," she said, "And that's another reason why I love you so much," and then after getting comfortable settled beside me, she kissed my lips, and then after quietly yawning, whispered, "Goodnight, Michael...I love you."

"I love you, too," I smiled, "I'll see you in the morning."


Chapter Six

The next morning when I woke up, it was still dark outside, which, after looking over at my bedside clock, I realized that it was only five forty-five in the morning. There was nothing particularly special about that, as I'd always been an early riser ever since I was about seven or eight years old. What stood out the most in my mind that morning was the fact that my beautiful Amy was tightly snuggled up against my right side. Her face was softly against my throat, while her arm was draped across my chest. Her soft breasts were pressed against my ribs, and her crotch was firmly pressed against my hip, with the inside of her left thigh lying firmly over my cock.

I was thankful that she was still asleep, or so I thought; because I knew that she would definitely be able to feel the hardness of my cock, which was throbbing and pulsating with every beat of my heart. I had to pee, but there was no way that I was going to be able to get out of bed without waking her up.

However, Amy solved that problem for me when, with an impish giggle, she tenderly kissed the underside of my throat. And then after reaching down and gently taking hold of my cock through my boxers, she began to subtly grind her panty covered pussy against my hip and told me, "Mmm, maybe this beautiful cock isn't as scary as I thought."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, baby," I softly replied, gently rubbing the top of her hand that was on my cock, "But I've got to get up and go pee."

"Now that you mention it, so do I," she softly giggled, "But can we take up where we left off when we're done?"

"Of course we can," I smiled handing her my bathrobe, "Here put this on and then I'll go when you get back, baby."

"Thank you, Michael," she softly told me, "That's so sweet of you to let me go first."

"I'm not trying to be sweet," I grinned, "I just love you, that's all, now get your pretty little ass moving; I've got to go, too, girlie."

Because Mom and Dad's bedroom was on the other side of the house, I knew that they wouldn't be awaked by the flushing of the toilet once we were finished. So, after Amy had used the bathroom and was back in bed, she kissed me and said, "Hurry up and come back, baby. I don't like it when I'm not with you."

"Me either," I smiled, kissing her, "I'll be back before you know it..."


When I got back to my bedroom, Amy was in my queen sized bed with the covers pulled down to reveal her beautiful bare tits.

"Damn, Amy" I smiled, "You are so beautiful, and I can't begin to tell you how it feels knowing that you love me."

"I sure do, baby," she knowingly giggled, "Why don't you take off your underwear and climb back into this bed with me?"

"Are you sure you want me to take my underwear off?" I cautiously asked, "You don't have to do this ya know."

"I know, and we're going to wait until your Mom makes your Dad take her shopping this afternoon before we make love, baby," Amy softly purred, slowly pulling the covers back just far enough to show me that she, too, was naked, "But there's something else that I want to do right now."

"Okay, my love," I grinned, taking my boxers off, and then standing there naked in order for Amy to get a good look.

"Oh, Michael," Amy sensually panted, her nipples becoming rock hard right before my eyes, "I've never seen a man naked before...this is so hot, oh, my God."

After a few moments I climbed back into the bed, and the moment my ass hit the sheets, Amy was all over me, kissing, licking, and gently nibbling her way down my chest until she was face-to-face with my cock.

"Can I suck you, Michael?" she groaned, the muscles in her ass cheeks flexing back and forth as she rubbed her bare pussy against my leg, "I've always wondered what it would feel like to have a cock in my mouth."

"You can do whatever your heart desires," I told her, "You don't need my permission to do anything when we make love...not ever."

"Oh, fuck, you taste good," she quietly moaned, licking my cock up one side and down the other, while also sucking it and then grabbing my hips in order to make me fuck her mouth, "Yessss, give me your cum...Oh, your cock is so big; and I want you to shoot your hot cum down my fucking throat, Michael."

"Are you absolutely sure?" I asked her, "I don't want to do anything that's going to cause you to puke or something like that." "Besides," I continued, "You're still a virgin baby; have you ever even actually sucked a cock before?"

"No," Amy excitedly smiled, stopping for a moment, "But I hid in my cousin's closet when I was a freshman in high school and watched her suck her boyfriend's cock."

"What a nasty girl," I grinned, "And did you learn anything?"

"Yes, I did," Amy hotly replied, kissing me, "I found out that it makes my pussy very wet when I play with your cock, baby."

"Does it really?" I asked.

"Uh, huh," she softly giggled, placing my hand between her legs, "Here, feel it for yourself."

I felt her wetness, making her quietly moan as I rubbed her soft, slightly hairy mound. And although I wasn't trying to penetrate her in the least, I felt my middle finger being slowly sucked into the entrance of her hole, her natural lubricants only helping to guide my finger in deeper.

"I'd better not go any deeper," I quietly said, slowly withdrawing my finger from inside of her, "I don't want to start something we can't finish; at least not yet."

"See?" she giggled, still trying to grind her crotch against the palm of my hand, "I told that it made me hot didn't I?"

"I can't wait, Michael," Amy smiled, firmly pressing our bodies together until there was little to no open space in between us, "I don't know what it is about you, but I just can't stand it when you're not near me, baby."

"I don't know what it is either," I quietly replied, holding her as tightly against me as she holding me against her, "But I think this is the start of something really good, don't you?"

All of a sudden I felt her shoulders began to shake and then I heard her softly crying as she sniffled and said, "I'm sorry for crying, baby, but I've never felt anything like this before, not like this...not with my heart."

"Aw, its okay," I soother her, softly rubbing my hand down her back all the way down to her bare, tight little ass, which felt great in my hands, by the way. And then I leaned back away from her so the I was looking into her eyes, then smiled and told her, "I've heard it said that if you don't feel things with your heart; then what's the sense in ever feeling anything at all?"

"You're pretty smart," she smiled, "Has anyone ever told you that before?"

"Not really," I teased, "My Dad calls me a smart ass all the time though."

"He's right about that," Amy quietly giggled, "And you're a brat, too."

"Me, a brat?" I asked, feigning innocence, "Now that's a case of the pot calling the kettle black if I ever heard one."

"You're silly, too, Michael..."


We finally drifted off back to sleep, and the great thing about was, Mom didn't peek in to check on either of us, not even once. I think that she knew what was going on, and being the beautiful soul that she's always been, she didn't want to disturb us.


The next morning at breakfast, Amy and I ate alone while Mom and Dad were getting ready to go shopping. I made Western Omelets for the two of us, accompanied by the biscuits and gravy that Mom had made right before we woke up.

"Damn, sweetie," Amy giggled, "I didn't know you could cook like this. I guess I'm going to have to keep you around a little while longer," which made my parents laugh heartily.

"Yeah, right," I grinned, looking at Mom and Dad, "And you guys call me a smart ass."

"Oh, hush," Amy laughed, "I was just teasing you and you know it."

"I know," I impishly grinned, then quickly reached under the table and pinched Amy on the ass, making her loudly squeal, "But payback is a bitch, ain't it?"

"Oh, you are such a shit when you want to be," Amy said rubbing her pretty little ass, then looking at Mom, "Has he always been like this, Jenny?"

"Yes, he has," Mom replied giving me a cross glare while Dad laughed, and then abruptly stopped when Mom pinched him in the middle of his stomach, "He gets his behavior from his father."

"Hey, wait a minute," Dad yelped, "What in the hell did..."

"Let's go dear," Mom interrupted him with a glare, "Now, please."

I could see Dad giving me a dirty look, which, in turn, made both me and Amy laugh like children. And as they were leaving, Mom looked back at us and knowingly smiled, "We'll be back in a few hours, babies..."


Once my parents had left the house and their car had gone down the driveway and then disappeared down the road, I turned to Amy with a giant smile on my face and said, "If you don't want to do this, or if you want to aback out, then I understand, Amy. I know that maybe you might..."

"Michael," Amy said, interrupting me by placing her right index finger upon my lips, "There is something that I want you to really think about before we do this...okay?"
