
I believe age and cunning will overcome youth and enthusiasm every time. Being some what of an egomaniac I believe my stories are very interesting. Only the readers can verify or disprove that premise. Several of my stories are based on my own experience or most have a little of me in them.. Lots of literary license and embellishment but based on fact.

I write because I enjoy doing so. I hope that others will enjoy reading my stories as much as I do writing them. The bottom line is if I please myself, it's all good.

One last thing,most of my stories will have a happy ending. It is the way I feel as my life is good. If my endings offend, upset, or makes readers mad, I strongly suggest that you don't read my stories.

To the rest of the readers, enjoy and thank you.


I've written several stories since I posted this profile and have learned a few things. At a writer's seminar a published author told us to write what we like to read, not so much about what we know. Makes sense.

According to the comments I've received my westerns are a very good genre for me. That's great because I love writing them.

The westerns and the detective action/adventure stories have become my favorite stories.

I have published a few books for the Kindle reader on Amazon under the name Woody Leach and for the Nook reader from Barnes & Noble; take a look if you're interested. I hope to add to them in the future.

Thanks for sticking with me and keep reading and I'll keep writing.


I have had several comments about the house pictured on my bio. Just to set the record straight...that house is on a golf course in Williams, Az. My wife and I saw an Open House and a For Sale sign on it while playing and afterwards stopped to talk to the agent. Getting out of the car I knew they would want an arm and a leg for it. I was prepared to pay that. However, they wanted both arms and both legs, my testicles,our first born and his first born for the property. Guess I looked at the place at the wrong time. Needless to say, we did not buy the place.





Author Stats

16 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
47My Favorites
590My Comments
18Series Published

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Golf, Writing, Travel


If Loving Your Wife Is A Fetish, I Have One Big Time

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