
12/12 Update: Double Helix 24 is moving along. It’s one of those chapters where I’ve had to rewrite several times for everything to make sense. Sometimes the plot flows like a river. This is one of those times where it hacks and slashes like a gory horror flick. I’ll get there, but cleaning up the blood stains is going to be a bitch.

At some point, I plan to repackage the series as separate books. Book 1 would be chapters 1-6. Book 2 would be 7-15. Book 3 would be 16-21. Which means I am in the middle of book 4. Lamia would make another novel-length book. Again, it needs a good, thorough edit.

Future projects that I have started:

“The Maiden and the Empress”, a fantasy novel of magic and orgasms that should make a standalone book.

“Power”, another standalone novel, this one about a shy but talented doctor who discovers BDSM and unlocks her dominant potential.

“Half a Life”, about a widowed, terminally ill man, who finds new life playing the character of Amiletha, along with love in a way he never expected. I’m toying with using the LitRPG format.

“Foundling”, about a young women who is introduced to a world of magic and unspeakable evil. Urban fantasy.



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