The Virgin Ceremonies Ch. 17

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Virginia: Black Widows.
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Part 17 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/27/2022
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Virginia: Black Widows

I sat in the back of a dirty SUV, food wrappers everywhere. This wasn't a car service. The driver was quiet up front. I had no idea who he was, except that my mother and aunt had hired him. I knew they had because he'd been on the phone with them when he got out of his car, and their screaming to get into the car motivated me to obey.

All of my future plans, my scheming with Brent, was over now, I knew that. I'd been caught with my pants down. The man was driving me out to Long Island, where my family was staying for Christmas. I had my backpack with me, just a simple change of clothes I never had the chance to use.

I played on my phone a little. I'd missed a few calls and messages.

One text from Quinn: "They know. Destroy all evidence."

Another from my aunt: "Ginny, come home immediately. Do not see Beau again."

My mother had written a few: "Stop what you're doing and come home now.

"I know everything. I am so ashamed of you.

"How could you humiliate me like this?"

I even had one from Brent: "Are you okay? I saw you get into an SUV."

I replied: "I'm okay. My mother knows about us. Please don't call until I call first. Don't assume it's me texting. It's going to be bad. Love you :-*"

He replied instantly. "I'm sorry. I love you too :-*"

It was two hours later when the car pulled into a long driveway that led up to our family home. My spirit was destroyed. I knew the nuclear bomb had gone off, and now I was stepping out of my shelter into the wasteland, but even this wasn't the full scale of it. Surely, my mother and aunt would contain it before my father found out. I wondered how many other people knew.

The driver held the door for me. He escorted me right up to the door. I felt like a prisoner. Then I was inside our family home, Nana's home. She didn't live here, exactly, but it had been in the family for generations, a ridiculous mansion we only came to on holidays and summers, while we all lived and worked in New York City.

This place was a tomb, and I hated it, a symbol of status and opulence that I didn't care for, even less now that I felt I was being dragged toward poverty, where Brent thrived.

Harrison the butler escorted me through the house. He waited outside two closed doors. I could hear my mother and aunt on the other side. This was it.

"Through here, Miss Virginia," he said.

"Thanks, Harry. How's Florence?"

"She's very well. Thank you for asking."

"Good. Would you be kind enough to put my backpack in my room?"

"Of course, miss."

Harrison knocked on the door and waited until my aunt called, "Come in!"

Harrison opened the door. I passed through, and he closed it behind me. Quinn sat at a round table in the study while my mom and Aunt Olivia stood over her. Tall book shelves loomed around us, the room cold from disuse. My mother gestured to the chair next to Quinn. Quinn's head was down in submission. I obediently sat beside her. I'd try to protect her, but I didn't know what she'd said. Then again, I hadn't forgotten what she'd done either.

"Your father is out on the driving range," my mother said.

"This conversation does not leave this room. Is that clear?" Olivia said.


"Phone on the table," Olivia said.

I took it out of my purse and placed it there. She snatched it away.

"Password?" Olivia said.

I met her eyes, hoping she didn't decode the numbers into letters. "2328."

"Credit cards, now," Olivia ordered.

I took my wallet from my purse and surrendered them.

"I am so disgusted with you," my mother said.

"Excuse me?"

"Disgusted. Running around, fucking that boy, cheating on your fiance."

"How did you find out?"

"How direct! That's your question?"

I put my elbows on the table and my forehead in my palms. "It's all true. Why deny it? So how did you find out?"

"Take your elbows off the table!" my mother barked.

I put my hands in my lap.

"You do know your mother pays your cell phone bill, don't you?" Olivia said. "You realize we can look at your call log anytime we want."

"I know that now," I said, because Brent had told me. "I meant, what tipped you off? How'd you know to look at them?"

"I didn't suspect anything until I saw those coffee cups," Olivia said. "Then I knew he must have contacted you. After you vanished all night, I had my paralegals make a few calls to a few hotels, and I found his name easily enough. And you were dumb enough to go to the same hotel yesterday. I guess you figured out it was better to use a pseudonym though, kept my private investigator waiting outside all night. I have some adorable pictures of you on your knees at Bethesda Fountain if you'd like to see."

"No, thanks," I said, trying to hide my humiliation. I wanted to cry.

"What the hell are you even wearing?" my mother said, staring me down.

"My blue dress."


"Why do you think?" I countered.

"How long?" my mother asked. "How long was it carrying on?"

"None of your business," I said bitterly.

My mother reeled. "Excuse me?"

"Did Quinn know?" Olivia asked.

I swallowed, glancing at Quinn, who still had her head down. I could see her strained eyes wide open.

"Ask her. She's not going to lie to you," I said.

"I'm asking you!" Olivia snapped.

I glared at her. "No. She didn't know anything. I think she suspected, but I was lying to her too."

Quinn closed her eyes.

"She's already told us everything, Virginia," Olivia said. "She told us how you and Beau started talking on the phone, how you met, everything."

I looked at Quinn again. She was biting her lip. I looked back at Olivia. "Do you know about the postcard?"

"The postcard?" Olivia asked. "Yes, we know."

"How?" I asked. "Quinn didn't even know about the postcard."

"What postcard?" my mother asked, tipping their hand.

"Diana, please," Olivia snapped.

"That's how Beau contacted me. He saw me at the cafe, followed me home, and put a postcard in my mailbox. It had his phone number. I called him, we talked, and then we met up and had sex."

"Oh, my God," my mother said. "Goddamn you, Virginia!"

"Quinn, look at me," Olivia barked. "Did you know about that postcard?"

Quinn lifted her head. I could tell she'd been crying now that I could see her face properly. She squeaked just above a whisper. "No."

"Do not lie to me!" Olivia shouted. "Did you know and not tell me?"

"I didn't know, Mom. I, I only knew she was talking to someone and acting weird, but I didn't know who. She didn't tell me."

"She doesn't know anything," I said. "She doesn't even know Beau is Brent."

Quinn looked at me. "Who?"

"The barista from the cafe, the gay guy. That's him."

"Really?" Quinn said in legitimate surprise.

"Yes. Obviously not gay, but, yes."

"Oh, very good performance," Olivia said.

"It's not a performance," I said. "It's the truth."

"You two," Olivia said, prowling now. "You are both lying. I know it. I've seen you whispering. You don't keep secrets. You knew, Quinn. Admit you knew. Don't make it worse."

"Mom, please, I didn't."

"Liar!" Olivia roared. "Your life in the city is over! That boy you're fucking, it's done! You will--"

"Leave her alone!" I shouted, slamming my palms on the table and leaning forward. "She didn't know! If you really think I tell her everything, and I mean everything, I'd tell her your secrets too!"

"What are you talking about?" my aunt said, but then she recoiled like a snake as she processed the look on my face, the look that told her I knew all about Brent's interview. Her eyes raged and her body shook. I stared at her, refusing to blink. Somehow, this nuclear explosion had given me an ounce of courage. I had so much to lose before. Now, my secrets were laid bare.

"Leave her alone," I said calmly, leaning back again. "She didn't know, and she never will. I keep my secrets, all of them."

"What is she going on about?" Diana said.

"I don't know," Olivia said, straightening up. "Maybe Quinn didn't know. I'm not sure."

"At least one of our daughters respects this family," Diana said.

My mother's phone rang, and she sighed, pulling it out of her purse and looking at it. "Oh, what does she want now? I don't have time to discuss wedding plans. Foolish woman would die if she knew what a slut my daughter was. Hold on a moment while I make an excuse."

She answered the phone, and I knew this was going to be bad. Knowing Tom, he had told his parents everything, like a little boy begging for their approval. My opinion of him was in the toilet.

"Hi, Matilda. How are you? Hm? Uh-huh. Yes. What? Oh, my lord. That's impossible."

I watched my mother's face shrink and expand in rage. Olivia was looking at me now, her eyes boring into my soul. I figured I may as well lighten my load. I took Tom's ring from my purse and placed it on the table. My mother stared at it. She was boiling. But it got worse, far worse than I was ever going to make it.

"He said that? That he and Quinn...?" My mother's eyes darted to Quinn.

I exhaled. Even I never thought Tom would tell his parents he slept with Quinn. I suppose he was trying to control the flow of information, because he thought I'd say something first. What a fool. How was I ever attracted to that child?

Quinn's eyes shot to my mother, then to me.

I looked at her. "Yeah, I know."

"I can explain," Quinn said.

"What is this? What did you do, Quinn?" Olivia said.

"I'm sure there is some way we can fix this," my mother was saying.

Matilda was screaming on the phone. And then she hung up abruptly. My mother charged at me, startling me. Her hand flew, and she hit me in the face. I gasped and held my cheek. That had never happened before.

"You stupid, stupid bitch! You've ruined everything!"

"Diana, what happened?" Olivia asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"She told Tom she fucked another man!" my mother screamed.

I held my cheek. "I had to end it. I don't love him, Mother. I can't be with a man like that."

My mother screamed behind her teeth, her hands shaking. She was ready to hit me again.

"And you!" my mother screamed at Quinn. "You fucked Tom?"

Quinn lost her voice as she tried to speak. "I, I--"

"What?" Olivia shouted, her glare turning on Quinn. "Did you?"

"I, I'm sorry. I--"

"You did? Goddamn it, Quinn!" Olivia shouted. "You knew Tom was for Virginia! Why did you do that?"

"I was drunk. He took advantage of me. I swear it was one time. I'm sorry." She looked at me. "Ginny, I am so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. I hate that it happened. I feel awful. I've felt like the worst friend in the world. I swear I love you and would never hurt you. It was a mistake. I was drunk, so drunk, and stupid."

I wiped a tear from my eye. "If I had found out a couple months ago, I don't know how I could cope, but now, I don't even care. Tom and I are done. All I want is Brent."

"You did not just say that!" Diana screamed at me.

"It's the truth. I know I can't be with him. I know you won't let me, but it's what I want."

"You're Goddamn right I won't let you! You're ending it with him, now!"

"Please, Mother, can't I see him in secret? No one will ever know. I promise I'll be discreet."

My mother scoffed in disbelief. "You want to keep fucking him in hotels, is that it?"

"Yes," I said softly.

"You are disgusting. I can't even believe you're my daughter. You're a slut."

"Oh, I'm disgusting?" I said, standing up from my chair. "This is the family that puts their daughters in a room and watches a stranger fuck them, and I'm the disgusting one?"

"That is our tradition!"

"And it's disgusting! I wasn't ready to have sex that night. But I had to, for you! And you know what? I found a way, by falling for the guy I was with. It was the only way for me, because I'm not a coldhearted monster who can lay down and open my legs for any man my mother tells me to!"

My mother slapped me again. I didn't care.

"You want to hit me? Hit me. You can call me a slut, but I'm not. I would be happy to be with one man forever, with Brent. I'm loyal to him. If you hate my choice, fine, but don't call me a slut."

My mother straightened up and calmed down. "You will cease all communication with that boy, immediately. You will not discuss him with me or anyone else. He is dead, as far as I am concerned. You are on severe probation. You will live at home and go to and from school. And you will keep your locator app active at all times. If you leave your phone at home, we'll know. I'll monitor all your calls. And, you, young lady, will be quiet, obedient, and I will let you know when I've arranged a date for you with another man. If you're very lucky, he will forgive your disgusting history."

My throat burned. I was losing Brent, and there was nothing I could do about it. How could I ever change her mind? She was a river, and everything she said was written in stone. There was never any room for negotiation with her.

"What on Earth am I going to tell your father?" she said, throwing her arms up. "He'll know. You admitted to Tom that you had sex with someone. All we can do is say you were drunk, stupid. Goddamn it, Virginia. I wish I could lock you up and throw away the key." My mother shook her head. "What a mess you've made. Look at how you've humiliated this family."

I lowered my head.

Olivia held out my phone to me. "Call him, and tell him it's over right now."

"What?" I said.

"Call Brent and tell him it is over, that you wish to never see him again. We want to hear. And tell him if he does not comply, he'll be arrested."

I pulled my neck back. "Arrested? You can't do that."

"I already have. With your mother's written consent, I filed a restraining order this morning. A friendly judge of mine approved it on the spot."

"You, you can't do that!" I said.

"If he comes within 300 feet of you, he'll be arrested. Now you are going to call him and tell him to abide by it, and then you are going to surrender your phone. Your mother will decide when you can have it back."

"I can't believe you did that. How dare you? How dare you!"

"Shut up!" my mother raged. "You will do as you are told!"

"Diana, remain calm," Olivia said. "Virginia, I understand you're upset. Believe me, I am more upset with myself. The responsibility of this entire affair weighs very heavily on me. After all, I found this boy, but I did not do my due diligence. I should have known it would be a mistake to couple a young man without experience in the sex trade with a girl like you who is so easily given to emotional attachment. For that, I apologize to you, to Diana, and even to Quinn. However, I will resolve this situation, and it starts with that restraining order and ending this relationship. I know it does not look like it, but I am trying to help you."

"I don't want your help," I said. "I didn't ask for it. All I want is for both of you to let me live my life without hounding me, judging me, directing me."

"You are rapidly trying my patience, child," Olivia said.

"Now get this through your head, Virginia," my mother said. "He is a tool, a prostitute. The moment you start seeing him as a walking dildo, the better off you'll be. This idea you have, that you'll have some sort of relationship with him, it's absurd. He is a pig, and we own the farm. I will not allow him to drag you down into the mud."

"Now call him, " Olivia said. "I want to hear you tell him it is over."

"Please don't make me," I said.

"This is not a negotiation," Diana said. "You will call him and end this now. It has gone on far too long."

I was trapped. I didn't know what else I could do. I took the phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Brent answered.

"Hi, Brent, it's me."

"Ginny, are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm with my family. Listen, we need to talk."

"Do you have any idea what your aunt did?" he said.

"Did someone serve you a restraining order? I just found out. I'm so sorry," I said, glancing at my aunt. Arrogance filled her face. My mother was still seething.

"It's way worse than that. Some lawyer guy was here when the police officer arrived with the restraining order, and my grandmother was home alone. This lawyer says he knocked on the door to make sure I was home before the police arrived, and my grandmother answered, and now he is claiming she attacked him."

"What?" I said. "Did she?"

"Of course not! He's lying! He told the police she pulled a knife!"

"Oh, my God."

"And he says my dog bit him! Max has never bitten anyone! They took him to some kennel and won't let me see him. They said they would put him to sleep in 72 hours! I'm freaking out. My grandmother is at some mental hospital, and they won't let me see her either."

"Oh, my God, no!"

"Ginny, please, you have to ask your aunt to have this guy drop the charges. The kennel said they can't release Max unless the charges are dropped. And the hospital said the same about my grandmother. They're holding her for observation."

"Hold on a minute, I'll ask." I muted the phone. "Did you do this? Did you send someone over there to harass his grandmother?"

"What did you think, Virginia?" Olivia said. "That I would leave this to chance, trust a silly restraining order to keep him away? He fucked with my family."

"So you destroy his? You're going to kill his dog and lock up his grandmother?" I couldn't believe it. "That's beyond awful."

"I will instruct Davis to drop the charges on the condition that you end this, and he agrees not to speak to you again."

"Tell him, Virginia," my mother said. "Tell him he will abide by the restraining order, or he can say goodbye to his grandmother and his little dog too."

My family was evil. It was like I was seeing my mother and my aunt for the first time. All this time, Brent wasn't wearing the mask; they were.

I unmuted the phone. "Brent, my aunt will have the charges dropped, as long as we don't see each other again."

"This is insane."

"It's over, okay? We tried, and it didn't work. We have to end it now, and you have to obey the restraining order."

"This is bullshit. They can't have this order against me unless you agree to it. Just tell the police you didn't want it, and they can't enforce it."

"Brent, enough. It's over."


"I'm sorry about this. I'm sorry you were dragged into this family. I'm sorry for everything."

"Let me talk to them, please," he said. "I can explain I'm not a threat to them."

"Goodbye, Brent."


I hung up and then looked at my aunt. "Call your minion and tell him to drop the charges right now."

"In the morning," Olivia said. "Best to let the threat weigh on his mind for the night."

"Your phone," my mother ordered.

I surrendered it.

"Both of you are just... evil," I said. I headed for the door.

"Where are you going, young lady? I haven't dismissed you yet!" my mother shouted.

I looked back. Then I dug into my purse and pulled out Brent's cash. I threw it at both of them. My aunt slapped the envelope away, and the cash exploded, raining across the room.

"There's your fucking money back. It's all you both care about, money and power. So use it to lock me up, because I don't even want to look at you anymore."

I stormed down the hall, up the stairs, and locked myself away. I cried in my bed. It was all over. I'd lost. My true love had been destroyed by my family. This was my life now, a life without Brent, loveless and empty inside, locked up in a family prison for all time.

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Fenris420Fenris4204 months ago

Yup. As expected. 😕 5/5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

And just think.....there are people out there that are just like them. Interested in only money and power, and how they can get more of both, regardless of who they have to destroy to get it. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a story on some tabloid. Well done! 5⭐ Rafe

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Really intense and thrilling. I am looking forward to the next chapter(s).

VanillaExtractVanillaExtractalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Hi ST, like Ginny said, they really are evil. The girls really could destroy their mothers if they went public. What a scandal! I wonder if Quinn would have the spine for it... Nah!

Hi, Nthusiastic, maybe you're on to something. We'll see. I know it all feels hopeless now, but stick with me. We're building to the exciting climax and the stakes are getting higher and higher!

Next chapter... Brent: The Nuclear Option!

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 2 years ago

Having had a few hours to digest this, it occurred to me that the best way to fight back against this matriarchy might be to join forces with Quinn if she gets enough backbone to fight for her own life as well. Quinn's relationship with her current boyfriend has been attacked as well. If the two of them combine forces and threaten to reveal everything by going public, then they just might have a chance to turn the tables.

17 down and 5 more to go.

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