All Comments on 'The End of the Affair'

by qhml1

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gemman1gemman1about 3 years ago
Good Story

This was another good story. I have fantasied about a polyamorous marriage, but figured out quickly it wasn't really for me. I do know some couples who are giving it a go and working hard to make the dynamic work, I wish them luck.


johnadpjohnadpabout 3 years ago
Good Story

However, not up to your usual standards. Still 5 stars for me. Past quality of your stories deserved pushed the score on this one higher for me.

However, as far as the afterward on your story. When gay marriage was challenged in California years ago the California Supreme Court tossed out the challenge. And the reason was that those contesting gay marriage didn't have any standing (the Mormon church, and others that brought up the lawsuit). Essentially, it came down to it was none of their business and they couldn't show how gay marriage was causing them any harm. I can't see how this wouldn't extend to polygamous marriage if it's all by choice and there is no coercion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Can't give any one of them empathy, bunch of brainless morons

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
That wasa good one

I like it when everything turns out for everyone involved. The BTB stories getting pretty tiring after a while.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
5 stars

Amazing as usual thr best author this site has 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Whew that took too long

If he just listened to Amber in the beginning we would still have a good story but it would be 2 pages.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 3 years ago

The idea that there is going to be acceptance for a multi purpose multi partner lifestyle and America sometime within the next 100 years is absolutely absurd.


When the gay marriage Issue 1st came out concerned is consistently argued that it was a slippery slope and gone to lead other things such as adult marrying children. That argument of course was and Is absolutely ridiculous.


But it is equally ridiculous to make the argument that eventually multi partner adult relationship marriage is going to become acceptable in this country. People all around the world are for the most part trained and raised and socialized into monogamous relationships. One may argue that this is artificial but that's the way the world actually is constructed right now.


That's why day marriages so accepted because it's still a 1 on 1 relationship.

Hooked1957Hooked1957about 3 years ago

You continue to be an amazing storyteller. 5 stars.


oldsage_1oldsage_1about 3 years ago

Great story from a great story teller. Just goes to show that every other paragraph doesn't have to be detail sex, big boobs and 10 inch dicks. Although some of them are good also! ;-)

Thanks for sharing your great talent.



jwbailey00jwbailey00about 3 years ago
Need to do research

An 1100 is a semi auto remington, 870 is the pump

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Excellent story

Well written, as usual. You managed to tell the polyamourous story without sounding too preachy. But here's the deal. I'm an old soul. And that lifestyle is a lie on any scale you care to measure it with and I don't see it being accepted (unless you're a Mormon) by the mainstream - ever. So, in accordance with my feelings, I gave you 4 stars instead of 5. Polyamourous my ass.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 3 years ago

"You're a dumbass for wasting all the years you could have had with her."

Yep, he was a fool. It was obvious he loved Amber far more than his slutty ex-wife and they'd already been sleeping together for years. Why on earth would he just chase Amber away like that? What makes it even more ridiculous was that Amber made it quite clear that she was deeply in love with him too.

Because of his idiocy, she ended up in that nightmarish marriage with Bob, and even had a kid with the asshole. The story was interesting up until that point, but after that it dragged, because I lost all respect for the protagonist.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 3 years ago

A good well-written story, but I started getting lost in all the names and convoluted relationships, and eventually just gave up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Check your firearms

Not being picky but anyone familiar with firearms will tell you an 1100 is a semi-automatic - an 870 is a pump. Otherwise, good read.

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimabout 3 years ago
Excellent story

I always get that little fillip of excitement when I see a new story with your name on it, and once again you haven't let me down. It's great to read a fully grown-up story with thought, care, good research and a strong plot all put together at the hands of a top-class writer.

Thank you, sir. As always. 5*

njlaurennjlaurenabout 3 years ago
I hate you

Having finally submitted my own first story ( it is in limbo someplace), I realize how hard it is to write a good yarn. Since it is St.Patrick's day I am putting you in me book and striking it out three times (or pheeny is doing it) *lol*. Different and good.

justbobkcjustbobkcabout 3 years ago
5 stars from me.

As always a very well written tale.

Unfortunately what is happening in modern American society is the diminishment of all marriage, not actually any strengthening and broadening of marriage.

The born out of wedlock rates is the main indicator. Also the "marriage is for white people" reality. In African-Americans the born oow rate is still almost 80% now. For White Americans it is over 50% now for women under the age of 30.

This is all right inline with Marxist philosophy to eliminate marriage and replace it with government as "Dad" for all. Both no fault divorce and choice abortion were first made legal in the 1920's in the USSR - the first "Western" modern nation to implement these negatives for a marriage and family centric based society. America implemented both these concepts in the 1970's.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

God you have sucked for a while now.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 3 years ago

You can't tell the players without a score card!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A great story, thank you Q. 5 STARS

MaximusTheMadMaximusTheMadabout 3 years ago

I didn't like it. None of the characters seemed real, the situation seemed made up like you were describing something you had no experience with. The story was told like some drunk musing on his past. Ugh. I want to read something good and expected it from you, must be the quarantine... we all need to get out in the world again so we can remember what it's like to be real people again.

1959richard21959richard2about 3 years ago

"The Bitch is Cheating on Us" was written by qhml1 in 2014. It is a very well plotted entertaining story about the lifestyle.

It is definitely more interesting.

This felt too long, even though it is only 4 pages.

Thanks for the effort...

secretsalsecretsalabout 3 years ago

Good story, if quite unconventional. Can't say I agree with the idea that polygamy/polyandry will inevitably become mainstream, and the parallels drawn to gay marriage don't hold water. Marriage between 2 people is complicated enough, add more people to the mix and that just becomes exponentially more messy. Sure, it can work for certain people in certain situations. But as for becoming mainstream, unlikely. If anything, marriage is more likely to become less mainstream in favour of regular cohabitation.

BaggyUKBaggyUKabout 3 years ago
Excellent storytelling

Always top of the class. I suppose some won't be happy with the storyline but it was a different type of story and as expected very well written. Very grateful for your work.

brownmobbrownmobabout 3 years ago
Thank you

A simple thank you should suffice,

stoicfiendstoicfiendabout 3 years ago
I've met quite a few polyamorous people

I dip my toes into the BDSM community off and on over the years and I've met quite a few Polyamorous people/groups. On the surface they paint a pretty picture but what I've seen is people who use each other for financial reasons or to cover for the fact that they don't really care for anyone but themselves. Maybe I just never met good people who enjoyed that lifestyle. My observation has always been someone in a group being exploited emotionally, financially or sexually because they are afraid to be alone. Many of the individuals not in a group who claimed to be poly usually were covering for some major fault in themselves and want to have mutiple options to use as a cover for their own lack in some aspect. I never played with anyone who was in a group or relationship. I did paly with single women who claimed to be poly but since we were just dating and playing around it didn't mean much at all. Any women with a copy of The Ethical Slut is almost never ethical...they just give you a heads up that you won't matter to them unless it satisfies their immediate desires.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
2 star

but not because qhml1 is a bad writer. I give his writing 4 star.

but because the story seems hell bent on making swinging or polyamory a normal thing. But maybe this polyamory thing may become a hit in the not so distant future because the Bible always taught that in the last days the world will become like Sodom and Gomorrah and then GOD will destroy this world. The end is near. Repent if you want to go to heaven.

RSKY54RSKY54about 3 years ago
Hmmm....only a three.

I have seen the results on children of some of the 'exotic' lifestyles and I do not like them. In the two examples I know of younger female children were initiated long before they were of an age to make responsible decisions. As other commenters have said this story seems to be trying to normalize a life and family style that will take the place of a loving extended family. Hence the lowest score I've ever given this author.


steeltiger01steeltiger01about 3 years ago

Like you, I know a handful of folks with 'alternative lifestyles' - whether that's polyamory, BDSM or whatever. I've come to the conclusion that it's not my thing, but as long as it's open, safe & between consenting adults I don't really care. This was really well presented, and as always, well told by the characters. It's a 5 from me!

Thank you!

GhostdogginGhostdogginabout 3 years ago
Anon 3/18/21 2*

Are you really preaching to people while you're on an erotic literature website? Do you preach in the pornhub comments section as well? Lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Sorry, I've met a few and, have to agree with stoicfiend

ALL the polyamorous relationships, I've witnessed; ended up breaking down. Unfortunately, most of the time it was due to plain, simple envy; someone spending just a little more time, than what was agreed to. Or, not "pulling their weight" in the relationship.

On another note; out of curiosity: what would be all the legal ramifications in a polyamorous relationship (if it broke down, etc.); division of assets, parental custody of children, etc. We have a difficult enough time with the current state of affairs when just a couple divorce/separates, what happens and how convoluted could it get by adding more people to the mix. And, any poor children would question their parentage, without a DNA test; nevermind who is on the birth certificate anymore...

Or, if one person passes away and a viable Will wasn't in place; which relationship/marriage would take precedence as executor of estate?

These would just be some of the legal issues to be resolved for that lifestyle to really become mainstream. Otherwise, it will probably remain a fringe fetish and, like the story; private groups.

Like stoicfiend alluded to: someone in the group is probably just being used.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
They can say

No woman bears a child except her husbands but:

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
Good story

As to the polyamory, I don’t recommend it, but where possible, I prefer to let adults do what they want to do. Doesn’t mean I have to support or even recognize it as legitimate. As Lincoln said, calling a tail a leg doesn’t mean a dog has five legs. It’s still a tail regardless what a legislature or court calls it. In any case, leave them alone and hope they have the decency to shut up about their alternative beliefs. Be friendly and keep your opinions to yourself to the degree they do the same.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
Since everyone is offering opinions

What JBKC said.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 3 years ago

When I first started reading your story with a polygamous marriage I almost logged off. It just isn't my thing and I've never seen you go in "that" direction before. In the back of my mind, I'm saying "Q" is one of the best on this site so let's stick with it and see where he leads me. That God I kept on reading. You gave us an amazing journey and, once again, I had tears in my eyes as he proposed to Amber and Belle. It was well foreshadowed but I had given up hope they would be together (Claire was right). The story was real, believable and rewarding to read. Your anecdote seems to be the base of the story, perhaps? I've never run across these groups in my travel, some swingers, but not the arrangement you describe. Everyone is different, but tens of thousands of years evolving as a species has made such arrangements contrary to our DNA. No, I don't see us ever moving in "Claire's" direction although I'm sure acceptance of folks who choose that lifestyle will - my 2 cents. Thanks for the ride, as usual! 5*

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 3 years ago
Live and let live

I guess it applies here. Different topic in this "End of the Affair" story. Some times is good to experiment, to see if a lifestyle if good for a person or not. At the end, you have to live with yourself and what makes you happy. I believe in biology and genetics. Your chromosomes determines sexually what you are, not the plastic surgeon, the endocrinologist, or the beautician. I like my women "Organic" not "Man-modified". Great story. Thanks for the story and the effort.

MichaelFitzgeraldMichaelFitzgeraldabout 3 years ago

This story works so very well because Jake’s internal voice feels so real. His thoughts are fleshed out. His emotions grounded. Wonderful writing. Engrossing story. Good job.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Well l liked it, it dragged a bit in places but on the whole the story held and improved as it closed to the end. Everyone likes a happy ending, and everyone here got one.

Still, it just took long for our hero to get his gal. They were obviously meant for each other. So, it was always just a matter of time before our hero realised he was acting like a dickhead and stepped up.

A lot of unnecessary pain could’ve been avoided if he had of got his head out of his own ass earlier

Was going to score it 4/5, but will score it 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Not my cup of tea

I prefer basketball relationships, as in 1 on 1. You want to play "slip into the crowd", if that's your thing then go for it. I'll pass.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 3 years ago
Bob was a dick...

...but he wasn’t an asshole. He most assuredly loved his daughters. To what degree is questionable, but that he did is not, IMHO. So to force him to surrender his parental rights is pretty harsh. Admittedly it was after he was a dick to his wife, and he was a dick for trying to hurt his wife by not paying support therefore hurting the kids, but in high emotions sometimes we hurt those we love, even if we might deep down realize it. Ya know, jus’ sayin’.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You are the better of the best,always in the fours plus. In the top 6 on this site. As usually another great story .the end of affair

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Maybe polyamory will become common, but I doubt it. I've known four people involved in that sort of lifestyle and they were all predicated upon more than one man who loved the same woman. I think the longest relationship I heard of was eighteen months.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I Wasn't Sure What The Plot Was Till The End.

It was a very tedious and puzzling read, till I finally determined that it was all about who is fucking whom, why, and why not, with an eye toward revealing and discussing polyamory. I think the term polyamory is considered to be relatively new, but the lifestyle in its very many manifestations and iterations is probably older than the Bible.

But isn't it odd, maybe unfortunate, that any couple's or group's relationships need to be labeled, detailed, explained? Fucked up people live fucked up lives. Intelligent virtuous people tend to live happy satisfied lives. Fucked up people following conventional relationship patterns often fail in those relationships, while intelligent people can pretty much live any lifestyle they choose successfully that honors normal human understanding, decency, and respect. We don't need no stinkin' labels or guidelines or analysis.

But I think there is some arrogance or generational preening when it is proposed that monogamy is becoming obsolete and poly amorous arrangements will become the modern norm. I think people have been fucking and cohabitating and experimenting with various relationships for a few thousand years now. If we can believe Darwin, those features and behaviors that maximize survival and procreation tend to dominate within a species, between the species, and then over the entire ecosystem or planet. I have not bothered to research this, but I can think of several species of animals that exhibit some form of monogamy, some form of patriarchy or matriarchy, seasonal monogamy, or what I will call crowd fucking, where the male and female randomly join to procreate without any form of relationship or commitment, like fish, or cats. I don't know of any actual polyamory that occurs in the animal world, except for a small percentage of humans. Darwin would say, Bingo! Its fine if there is some animal specialist who thinks I'm wrong. But why does a practice that is supposed to work so well not been dominant in nature? Oh, right, we are all so much smarter now. Laughable.

Do you know how many religions exist that will tell you if you don't belong to their religion you will suffer eternal damnation? So should we be surprised that the poly amorists want to tell us what warm (sex) loving (sex) supporting (sex) and beneficial (lots of sex) relationships we are giving up for monogamy? Not to mention all the cock and pussy you could experience. But that's not their focus, really. But it is interesting that even in retirement communities, where a lot of the old singles are fucking their brains out, polyamory is not a major choice. I wonder why?

So thanks for the effort. If poly anything floats you boat good luck with it. The more the merrier, or the messier. Probably both.

patilliepatillieabout 3 years ago

Idk Q, this just felt flat to me, Very well written as is your usual, but never got me engaged in the piece.

PeelercrabPeelercrababout 3 years ago

If it is normal so be it. It is like growing old. Nobody cares what the old people think anyway. And it as always been that way. Life is like loving wives. For some it is the thrill of the chase and the kill. For others it is the taste of the blood. Explaining the why of it not being enough will still be a problem.

Ravey19Ravey19about 3 years ago
Good Story

A difficult subject with multiple characters but handled well by the author. Surprised the rating is as low as it is as qhml1 is an excellent writer - is it the subject matter?

5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

tl;dr: degenerate people = degenerate problems.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 3 years ago

Well written as usual by this good author. A multi partner story is not my thing as I'm pushing 80 and am a bit conservative with sex as well as life. The lower rating of this story shows that most people agree that these multi-person arrangements are not part of the mainstream and I don't think they ever will be. I've known of only one in my years and that was of a man living with two woman, My morals pretty much say there is only room for 2 in a marriage plus children of course. As far as cheating goes, one and done pretty much says it all. It's two dangerous and trust has been destroyed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
And, so...

Being a history nut and reading on the Mormons and having watched Big Love with my wife, I often ask why anyone wanted more than one spouse considering how hard at times it was with just having one. I keep going back to that scene in Paint Your Wagon where that mormon was frustrated with his two wives constantly bickering at each other. So he did the easy thing, he auctioned the younger one off. Notice how her life afterwards with two husbands didn't work out. I'll just keep the one and be happy. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well written and a very interesting topic. Certainly not a lifestyle I have any interest in, people being people, I don't ever see this ever becoming a mainstream lifestyle because at heart almost everyone is selfish and jealous when it comes to relationship

KingCuddleKingCuddleabout 3 years ago

This is so much about the people?

The story could use more colorful details...

"literary texture"?

Enough so...that I'm a 4 for this...

And you've been a knee-jerk 5 for me.

NitpicNitpicabout 3 years ago
How come

How come the group never asked Claire or found out who her lover was?.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Fuck this author. He can't write for shit. This is like the third useless story with no clear plot above just some bad decisions on everybodys part and the ensuing cluster-fuck of old man with young and slightly maladjusted girl.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Interesting story with a different point of view about relationships. You got kinda wordy at times (for me) but overall an easy to read tale. I didn't care for the violence at the end but then I'm a lover not a fighter.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

One of my favorite authors, but I just don’t care for this story. I don’t think polyamory will ever have wide acceptance, and will never be more than a fringe type relationship. It is a relationship however and not a disease like cuckold. It’s just not for me.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


What can I say about this tale? It won't become a favorite and I gave it four stars. If that is your lifestyle go for it. One question. Did Molly and Claire participate in all the sharing? Truthfully I don't really care but I would like to know. And how about the children? Do they know?

Fuck it. To each his own.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Some people love the stories of qhml1, some don't. I don't. The reason is that his main heroes are always pontificating. This is a usual thing on LE but his attitude in this is to make whole story one long pontification. For example trying to portray the main hero as a referee for the whole group constantly making statements of evaluation like the rest of the characters are his children. Lots of hypocrisy as well, just like almost every LW story anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Us older folks (perhaps a few younger) remember the adages : DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS and my favorite YOU CAN'T JUDGE OTHERS WITHOUT LEAVING YOURSELF OPEN TO THE SAME (or words to that effect). Seems some have forgotten or never heard these (at least don't live them). I always love your stories Q.

somewhere east of Omaha

Helen1899Helen1899almost 3 years ago

Not the best by this author, but acceptable. I am maybe old fashioned in my outlook for my age, but I can't understand how married people can act like that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Agree with the previous comment. You cannot commit to multiple people. Then you are not married! You are part of a group who share sex; and marriage isn't only about sex. This will never be a part of the future as a legal option. No, not one of this author's best.

Btrying2Btrying2almost 3 years ago

I like qhml1’s writing style. I have enjoyed every story by this author that I have read. Happy ending stories are what I prefer. The dialogue in this story comes across as heart felt - this is amazing. I enjoy the realism I sense in the story. So many twist and turns and wonderful unexpected outcomes. Thanks for a nice diversion from reality

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 3 years ago
Heck. When I was a kid divorce was uncommon. I’m pretty sure in my 3rd grade class...

...(not classroom but entire class) of ~125 kids, only 1 kid’s parents were divorced. It was a BIG DEAL. Of course at the age I’m thinking about most parents would have been married only ~10 years at that point. 5-6 years later the country elected our first divorced president with nary a quibble by the Christian Right. 20 years after that a full 50% of marriages were ending in divorce. 10 years after that some of the first gay marriages were being performed to HUGE controversy. 10 years after that... meh, no big.

So I can totally see another type of marriage becoming accepted in our society soon. Though I must say I don’t know of any openly polyamorous marriages at this time. But I’m old now. As are my friends and most acquaintances.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 3 years ago

She couldn't "faithful" to three men and a woman, how will she be able to stay faithful to one man?


I was thinking of Jake with Amber, but I thought it would happen when he left Claire.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

3 stars - I do not understand why anyone would ever consider a traditional marriage in 2021.

The unnecessary pomp, ceremony and unbelievable expense, only to divorce in 7 years or less.

A prenupt contract and swearing an oath in front of a justice-of-the-peace should be the better choice.

If it does not work out, then they split as per the prenupt, which makes everything so much easier - except for one problem - CHILDREN. I do not think that we will ever figure out how to deal effectively with the children of divorced relationships. Being a survivor of divorced parents, I know first hand that it takes decades to get past most of the damage created by a divorce - you never really heal 100%.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Not everyone likes the same things - I get that. What I never will figure out is why someone who states (as anonymous of 2 months ago) that they don't like a writers stories for whatever reason (in this case ALWAYS pontificating). Why torture yourself and the rest of us - move on to another writer or write your own damn story!

You and so many others don't enjoy the pleasure of reading, you only like to see your gripes and petty criticisms in print. It seems a sad way to use your life. I imagine that Qhml1 writes for himself and for those who enjoy a good tale. I guess THAT is why he, Randi and so many others write what I love to read and I thank them every day.

somewhere east of Omaha

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

@etchiboy Re: Divorce Rate - I question the 50% divorce rate vis-a-vis first marriages. I would hazard a guess that 2nd (and 3rd, etc.) marriages have a higher divorce rate than 1st marriages, skewing the rate higher.

notredame43notredame43almost 3 years ago

Eh sorry but no this poly bs will never be legal . Doesn't make sense or provide for a stable family unit. Ok story

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago

Read This Before

I don't believe it wou;d ever be mainstream, but it made for an interesting tale.

WoodencavWoodencavover 2 years ago

I liked this storey, nice happy ending and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good story. It seemed fairly obvious to me that he and Amber were going to be together before the story ended. I’m pretty sure there’s no way I could ever get involved in any kind of a poly situation. In fact just having all those people hanging around his house the way they did would drive me up a wall. I just don’t function well in large groups of people. I liked this story, it was different from any of the other stories I’ve read here. Thanks, Q.

SimpleGuySquaredSimpleGuySquaredover 2 years ago

This story brings out many valid points. Is society becoming more tolerant and accepting of alternative life styles? Yes.....very slowly. Two steps forward, one step back. Will there be a time where poly relationships will be considered normal and legal? Yes, though I'll be long dead before that happens. Just look around and what's really apparent is the effect of very vocal morons on the attitudes that shape the geometry of US politics and acceptance.

Not everything should be legalized or accepted in my opinion. Children should be cherished and protected and anyone that would abuse them, sexually or otherwise, should be sentenced to the maximum punishment. Rape? This is one of the most heinous non-sexual crimes and should be condemned and prosecuted to maximum punishment, not the current wrist slaps that are so prevalent now.

BDSM with all participants on board with it? It's their lives, let them be. Actually that pretty much would sum it up: If everyone is cognizant, aware, and compliant...let them be.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

Interesting slant on affairs.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Interesting story. A tad ridiculous to be honest but then again writing outside the box doesnt always guarantee a sane story.

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

Interesting story. While I fundamentally disagree with what appeared to be the premise of the polyamorous life style being a valid alternative to conventional marriage; this well written piece makes one pause and examine it through the lens of the characters and events of this tale. What I see here is a cumulative disaster. as the participant characters substitute erotic love for the unconditional love that is required for a real marriage. Given that the physical eros love is based on emotional is necessarily limited to the duration of the impulses and the physical performance of the parties involved. Actually what is portrayed in this tale is not erotic love per se but what the greeks called pornea... Pornea is the opposite of love. The unconditional love that is required for a marriage is not is a state of being.. It is contained specified in the 12th Chapter of the Book of 1st Corinthians....I recommend that you read this not for scriptural reference but as one of the best lists of what has been alluded to here as true love. At its core it is loving another by placing them first before your self. This love forms the core of true marriage and is not swept along by the temporary storm of emotions.

The pornea detailed here is used on place of that true love. Pornea simply put is using another person as a thing to gratify your own lusts. Pornea is using another as a thing....a wlking tool instead of valuing them as a person. Pornea almost always leads to sociopathic behavior which is aptly demonstrated in this story.. Pornea relationships are necessarily utilitarian and only last as long as the lusts are satisfied. The concepts shown here where you need sexual gratification outside of a "marriage." is a perfect demonstration of a pornea relationship masquerading as a true marriage. That is why so many here comment that when a slut wife (sociopathic) betrays the is evidence of lack of love. That is intuitively definition that is a pornea relationship which has been misconstrued to be real marriage. Regardless of what you call it a pornea relationship is lethal to marriage. Pornea is based on performance...what can you do for me today as opposed to someone else. By definition, this kind of relationship does not create a safe place where the partners can let down their is instead a false flag...doomed to fail.

You will note that qhml1 recognzes this truth in his closing comments. "if it doesn't hurt anybody it's their lie" A pornea "marriage" always results in a train wreck....its built into the definition of the beast.

Again excellent dialogue through story of this issue 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yeah.... As I have posted before, people are inherently jealous. They also won’t do anything, unless they get something out of the deal. Ever wonder why the former Soviet Union collapsed?

( the one Vladster, is trying to get the band back together on?) It’s really quite simple. The premise of Communism is this- everyone contributes equally, and shares equally. But once Igor sees his friend Ivan sloughing off, only coming to work 3 days, and getting the same pay he does, Igor then begins sloughing off. The system does not work, because there is no incentive to do better, or raise productivity. So this whole discussion of polygamy becoming “ mainstream”, will never work, for one reason. Someone will always be jealous, or feel they are getting the short end of the stick ( pun intended) . If a husband takes his date out to a new restaurant, wifey will be jealous. If wifey stays 2 hrs longer with her date, hubby will be jealous. If either one has to start picking up slack for the other at home....Well, you get my drift. Years ago, women and men married and stayed together, because they needed each other to survive. Today that is not true. And many women get divorced, because they are jealous of success others have, they perceive they don’t.

So, the human mind is capable of imagining and doing a lot. But human nature will always look out for #1.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Don't believe it.!!!

Look at problems lbgt causes.

Saw story on net about transgender today and uproar.

Not happening

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The thing that kinda killed the vibe for me was the fact that he was so upset that his wife cheated but his the fact that the woman he "loved" husband was cheating.

He caught him twice and just let her life implode. That's pretty garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Too long & confusing. Way too complicated for a fun read

At least it had an ending.

Not my cup of tea.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good tale. Not my life style though. LP

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I can’t fathom that lifestyle. If I have a wife, she’s mine and mine alone & im hers in the same manner.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Not my cup of tea. Life with Amber and Belle is quite fun and good.

Bob did NOT get the kind of punishment he deserved or the extent that he deserved it.



oldtwitoldtwitalmost 2 years ago

I liked the characters but not so sure about the plot line but everyone to their own, well thought out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice story. I enjoyed reading it.

On polyamory and non-traditional marriages: am I the only one questioning why people need to be ALLOWED to do this by a government? Just have a registrar and that's it. Laws should not touch this.

DrgwngDrgwngalmost 2 years ago

Another author pushing this on society. The fact is this sort of thing is for adults, and supposedly benefits adults, but the stars show extremely high failure rates. In any case, IT DOES NOT BENEFIT KIDS IN ANY WAY. So, adults can be selfish, and can push their thinking on others but is still is self centered and overall immature.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

drgwng - your comment is stupid personified! The writer is telling a fictional story. Pull your head out of your ass long enough to READ the story and Q's comment at the end. Of all the stories on this site, THIS is the one that puckered your ass?

Thanks Q.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Brilliant work! Q has absolutely smashed it with this well thought out, well written tale. The fact that the subject matter is outside the parameters of most peoples experience (mine included) does not detract from the excellence of this work. 5 stars plus all the way!

HooHaa77HooHaa77over 1 year ago

Yet another story that either intentionally or unintentionally proves that open relationships can't work. To the contrary of some of the characters in this story, no, open relationships won't be the norm or somehow "work" in the future. Society will have crumbled by then, in no small part by the destruction of the family those people support.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

HooHaa - I'm not sure where your head is but I expect its tight and dark. A fictional story doesn't prove anything, hence why it is FICTION. I'm not saying yea or nea to open relationships but you need to assemble more FACTS.

Thanks Q!

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting argument for polyamory, but I really doubt it goes that smoothly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

4 Stars on this one . I also had a horse but mine was an Appaloosa Mare . She cost Me a ton in Food and Shoes and vet bills but I did love that horse .

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 1 year ago

This reads like a low budget soap opera and there are so many characters my head was spinning. 3 stars and thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hard to keep all the people apart. With so many people sleeping with so many others, it was hard to remember who was married, who was faithful, and who the protagonists and antagonists were. Still 4 stars.

juanviejojuanviejoabout 1 year ago

Cinco Estrellas...*****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Every multi-person sex group I’ve known about has blown up. It normally costs one or more couples their marriage.

kirei8kirei8about 1 year ago

I can see polyamory working with one man and multiple women...for a while. But I can't see it working at all with two or more men and multiple women. Why not just join a closed

swinger club? You would still have loving intimacy with one person but sex with many. And when problems arise, as they most certainly will in any marriage, it's a lot easier to dump a sex partner than a loved one. I don't understand!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

And back in the '60's, the hippies said in a decade or two, simply everyone will be living in communes or kibbutzim. After all, it was the dawning of the age of Aquarius and in this enlightened age, love and money will, of course, be shared freely by everyone.


Al Gore told us the water in Manhattan would be 6 feet deep by now, y'know, when the poles melted due to global warming. It was inevitable, according to him, unless we start giving the gov't lots more money in taxes. In fact, the flooding of our coastal areas was supposed to have happened many years ago.


One constant throughout the centuries is Human Nature. People are people. The 7 deadly sins are still just as deadly and ever-present as ever. We will see what we will see. 5 stars.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1about 1 year ago

Love, hatred, jealousy, fear, joy, angst, frustration, anger, happiness, satisfaction, violence, serenity...

...I honestly think you've touched on and included most of the human condition in this 5-star tale.

Well-written, interesting, entertaining, and very enjoyable !

Thanks for the great trip...

Opinionated1Opinionated1about 1 year ago

not my favorite 'Q' story due to my disdain for the 'lifestyle'..but still a wonderfully told story with your typical

attention to characters and detail.. Please keep writing for your LW fans :)

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