The Crimson Tithe


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As the largest of the three phalluses was being pushed in, Kara started flopping and then bucking uncontrollably on the table as waves of pleasure shot through her body as it inexorably entered her centimeter by centimeter. The sensation of now having no hair covering her down there made it that much more intense. She screamed in a strange mixture of pleasurable pain. Her breasts were repeatedly crushed into the table, dragging her nipples across the polished wood, as she jerked against her bonds. Her hands clenched hard inside of the gloves around the cylinder so tight that if she'd not had them she would've been dragging fingernails across the wood of the table.

Once the phallus was firmly and completely entrenched inside of her, the acolytes let her go and Kara collapsed back down onto the table, her breath now coming in deep heaving gulps. She moaned again as her pussy was now being stretched more than ever before; more than she'd ever thought possible.

Kara managed to look up at the acolyte by her. "Why?" she asked, her voice hoarse and ragged.

The acolyte smiled at her. "They like their potential women properly prepared," she replied. "This is to ensure that there will be as little pain as possible for either of you tonight should you be claimed."

Managing a nod of understanding, Kara started thinking about the upcoming night. She'd never seen any of the beasts that the girls are tithed to. All she'd ever seen was the crossroads of where the five villages met to merge into the single path that led part way into the forbidden woods. She'd heard stories and rumors of massive black beast things that were neither human nor animal. She'd heard from girls who had not been chosen of the beasts' heavy footsteps, deep breathing, and low, menacing growls. No one, probably save for the village leaders, had ever seen them as all of the villagers left the area, per the agreement, and all of the tribute girls were always blindfolded.

Now the acolytes rubbing the oil into her body finished with her legs and were moving up her back and sides. "Ohhh," Kara closed her eyes and groaned when the sides of her breasts were touched. She tried lifting up to get them to touch the tips of her breasts and nipples, but they merely pushed her back down into the table. By now, her pussy had relaxed, now accommodating the large phallus easily and it was making her needy for some movement. She tried pushing her mons down into the table but was unable to get the angle right.

The acolyte with the phallus box saw her need and reached up to grab the phallus. She pushed it into Kara slightly and pulled it back, letting it relax back into position. She then did the same motion again, this time reaching under to slide her fingers across Kara's sex to apply pressure to her clit. Kara arched her body and breathed deeply, "Oh gods, yes!" The acolyte kept an eye on her two sisters finishing up the oiling and timed her movements accordingly. By the time they were at Kara's neck, she was giving Kara a well-timed fucking until she reached her peak once again.

Kara buried her face into the pillow and screamed. Her whole body now violently trembling as the earth shattering orgasm ripped through her. Once her body came down off of the erotic high, she kept her face down and moaned as the tiny ripples of pleasure continued to resonate all throughout her. A few moments after that, she stopped caring about anything as her consciousness faded and she lapsed into a deep, deep sleep.


Sometime later Kara awoke. She wasn't sure what time of day it was as there were no windows around her. She was still on the preparation table and she was turned over lying flat on her back with her wrists and ankles strapped as they were when she was first put onto it but the strange, fingerless gloves had been removed. This time, however, she felt something around the calves of her legs and looked down to see one of the acolytes finishing up fastening the leather straps on the knee high boots that came over her knee in a point. Valkyrie Boots; as they were called in the region.

The acolyte smiled and bowed her head to her to acknowledge that she was awake before moving to undo the straps holding her wrists. "Please, sit up," she asked politely, helping Kara up. Kara did so, feeling that her head was lighter than normal. She reached up and felt that her hair had been done up in a crown of elaborate braids while she slept. The acolyte handed her a plate that had bread, fruit, and cheese on it with a goblet of fine wine. "Eat, Drink," she said, "you'll need your strength for later."

Kara tore into it, suddenly aware at just how empty her stomach felt. "How long have I slept for?" she asked the girl.

"Dusk is upon us. As you noticed; we braided your hair while you slept and finished cleaning you outside and in before anointing you with more oil and perfumes. Once you are finished eating we will do the final preparations in order to take you out for the presentation," the acolyte replied.

"Ah," was all Kara could say to that as she popped some of the delicious fruit into her mouth and drank down the sweet wine that seemed to go straight to her head and down to her loins. She took the opportunity to stretch and shift. For falling asleep on a table, she still felt surprisingly refreshed and relaxed and commented on that. Then it sank in what the acolyte said about being cleaned inside and out. Well, at least she wouldn't need to go to the outhouse any time soon. "I slept through all of that?"

The acolyte smiled again. "That is in part of the incense that we burned and the oil that we used on and in you. It was specially created for total relaxation and increased pleasure."

"Pleasure?" Kara asked in surprise.

"Yes, it heightens your senses and increases your sexuality. That is why you were able to experience pleasure twice while we worked on you."

"Oh," Kara said absently again. "That would explain why I'm feeling desire now then?" Glancing down she saw the flush of her own chest and her nipples standing hard on end.

The acolyte nodded. "Although you will not be brought to release again, I'm afraid. That will be reserved for tonight if you are taken."

Kara nodded in understanding and handed the plate back after she ate the last bit of cheese. "Well, I guess we should get on with it, yes?"

"Yes," The acolyte bowed as she took the plate away. She then clapped her hands and the other three acolytes emerged from side rooms. Two of the acolytes carried out a cushioned platform by two poles that ran through iron rings on the sides. The third acolyte came out with coils of rope over each shoulder. The items were placed on the floor before Kara. Her ankles were freed and she was directed to sit on the carrying platform with her knees to her chest.

The acolytes then took out different lengths of the fine rope and proceeded to bind her legs in the kneeling position so that she would not be able to straighten them out. This was done in two places; once by her knees and once running from her ankles to her thighs. Kara watched them with interest while feeling that familiar, erotic warmth starting to pool within her loins again. She found herself becoming turned on by the idea of being helpless before whatever the hell it was that was going to possibly take her tonight. That, or it could've been the aphrodisiac working on her; she wasn't entirely certain.

Once they had her legs bound properly, they helped her into a kneeling position with her knees spread. The ropes at her knees were then attached to holes in the corner to keep her there. They then positioned her bottom right between her feet so that she wouldn't totally be on her legs and therefore wear her out from the strain of kneeling for some time. Then they attached the ropes around her ankles to nearby holes to totally secure her to the platform.

Next they had her lift her arms up and place them forearm to forearm above her head so that they could start binding her body. The rope was doubled up and used as a bight for them to loop it around her torso just under her breasts with the bight centered on her spine. They then looped the rope around her above and below her breasts a couple of times before crossing it up and down through the loops so that it made a bit of an M that crisscrossed between her breasts, making them jut out and stand tall and proud. Her nipples stiffened even more at the feel of the open brassiere made out of rope as they tied it off.

Finally they directed her to bring her arms behind her back putting them forearm to forearm again. Then they lashed them together with the remaining rope and anchored it to the rope brassiere on her back and sides. Kara tested the bonds finding that she had some wiggle room but she was quite secure. It scared her but thrilled her at the same time. "I am to stay like this until the selection?" she asked.

"Yes," the acolyte who was there when she awoke said. "They will either free you and have you walk with them or they will take you back to their den just like this. It depends on the manner of the beast who comes for selection, really."

The Priestess came out into the area with a cloak that was dyed in the crimson color that identified their village and a small black lace circlet. She smiled down at Kara. "This cloak is imbued with our magic and will keep you warm from the winter chill in the air tonight. This blindfold will keep your eyesight blocked when night falls so that you may not gaze upon the beast until he is ready to take you," she explained, pulling the cloak around Kara's shoulders and tying the straps at her neck. She then took the black lace blindfold and affixed it into place over Kara's eyes. Then she brought the hood of the crimson cloak up and over Kara's head and arranged the cloak so that it covered her up enough to keep the cold away.

Standing back, she admired the work her acolytes have done. "Exquisite work, ladies. I do believe that this is our finest Tribute to date," she said proudly. "They're ready for the presentations now. Let us go show the beasts that our Tribute is the superior one this Lupercalia Festival!" She clapped her hands and the four acolytes took up positions around her, knelt, and picked her up using the carrying poles. The acolytes bore her weight with ease and followed the Priestess as she led the way out of the temple.

This time, the front door of the temple was used. As soon as the doors were open she could hear the roar of adulation from the crowd as they cheered at the sight of their Tribute heading out for presentation. Kara moved her head as much as she could to either side in an attempt to see her family, or even John. There was still enough light in the sky for her to see out of her lace blindfold. She knew that her friends and family had to be out there, somewhere, looking at her. What were they feeling? How were they reacting to seeing her naked, trussed up, and being carried out almost like some wild boar to be put onto a spit?

When one of the acolytes noticed her looking around, she reached up to pull the hood of her crimson robe down to a point where it obstructed her eyesight. Kara let out a little huff of frustration that the acolyte heard. "It is better and easier for you this way that you do not see who you're are seeking," she whispered up to Kara. "and to not see the blows as they are coming."

"Blows?" Kara wondered a half a second before she heard a woosh sound from her left. A leather whip struck her rump and the blow was lessened by the cloak covering her backside. Nevertheless, she made a yelp of surprise. Ah yes... THOSE blows... she remembered from previous years as she'd participated as one of the young girls lined up along the parade route to whip the Lupercalia Sacrifice on her hind end to promote fertility in their chosen girl.

Kara didn't even have to have the ability to see in order to know what was going on. Each swat from the simple leather straps would be coming from the women who were not selected this year as well as the girls who would be eligible the next year. Further on down the line would be the married women of the village and they usually put more into their swings from what Kara had seen in past years. Then would be any girl in their teenage years who giggled and laughed at the whole procession most of the time to even think about swatting the tithe as she was carried past.

Enduring the series of blows was easy enough thanks to her cloak. Regardless, she kept her head down as her face was burning with shame and embarrassment as she was acutely aware as to how she was being displayed to the whole village. She sincerely hoped that John and her own family couldn't see her but honestly doubted it. Now she knew why the acolyte pulled her hood down over her eyes.

The celebration procession led out of the village and down the road about a mile to where the roads from the other four villages joined the main road that lead north and south. To go south would be to go further inland and further into their territories. To go north was to go into the southernmost border of the forbidden Mormor Woods. It was in that direction that they turned.

As they turned, Kara caught flashes of color of the other tithes and their processions all decked in the colored cloak and hoods of their villages. There was a golden cloak for the village whose primary responsibility was the mining of the precious rock from the earth. There was an aqua cloak for the village that was responsible for the collection and distribution of fresh, clean water as well as capturing fish for consumption. The violet cloak was from the herbalists, and alchemists of the area. Kara's own crimson cloak signified the hunters, loggers, and lumberjacks. Each one of those four colors had a girl like Kara for tribute.

Ahead of them leading the procession this year was an empty emerald cloak hoisted up on a banner pole, signifying the village of farmers and land food gatherers. As Kara and the other three were moved into position behind the emerald cloak, Kara could see a happy girl her own age as the bearer. She would've been the tithe for emerald village this year had the beasts not chosen them already last year.

That would explain why she was so happy.

Another mile down the northbound road and they were waking though the gates of the perimeter wall to a place where five boulders jutted up out of the ground in the middle of a circle of stones that were all glowing warm. The stones were so warm with imbued magic that it was keeping the air hot and the snow melted within the circle. Over time the boulders themselves had been shaped to be five flat stone tables in which the girls would be placed atop. The girl from the emerald village placed her banner pole into a hole that had been drilled into the middle of the center stone. Kara and the petite looking girl from the golden village was place to the left of the pole as it faced the woods while the aqua and violet cloaked girls were placed to the right.

Priestesses from each village came up, each with a wicker basket in their hands. The baskets were placed in front of the girls with the color of their respective village. Kara managed to see her Priestess set the red wicker basket down in front of her and then smile up at her. She then surprised Kara by stretching up to kiss Kara on each cheek. "Be calm, be brave, and be yourself. Remember the ancient song and sing it to them when you are presented as it will endear them to you," She whispered. "I have seen the signs and you will be the one chosen tonight. You are destined for great things, Kara."

Then she was gone and all she could see through the black lace was the dark woods in front of her. The celebrating people from the five villages started back down the road towards their homes to continue the festivities there. There was then a loud rumbling behind them with the closing of the border gates and Kara knew that she and the other three girls were being locked outside the boundaries of their villages.

They were now totally alone in the dark, silent woods.

To her left, the girl in the golden cloak started wailing. "I can't believe this is happening! I can't believe it! I refuse to believe it!" she sobbed. That prompted the other two to Kara's right to join in on the crying and denials as well. Kara let out a long, drawn out sigh and hoped that the beast would be there soon.

Otherwise, this was going to be a long night.



When the moon had reached its zenith in the night sky was when the beast moved in the woods.

Geir found it fitting that the moon was in its fullest on the night of the Lupercalia. Off in the distance to the south he could make out the human villages with the warm glows of lanterns and hearths emanating out from windows. Soft wisps of smoke rose from chimneys as fires kept each dwelling warm in the cold, silent, snow filled night. He pictured that he could see old mates and new lovers each entwine, either with the hot passionate sex from knowing each other's body for so many years, or from the gentle, embarrassing bumbling of those young ones experiencing their first blush.

Similar happenings were going on back in his den as his pack celebrated the Day of Valentine along with the mortals of the world. The young pups would be feeling others their age out for potential mating, maybe even trading gifts of endearment. There would be a scuffle or two as males vied for the favor of a female they both fancied. Whether it was done in their human form or their beast form was another matter altogether, but by the time Geir returned home to the den, all would be in beast form as they witnessed him claim his mate and turn her to her new form. The pack elders would be on the spot to ensure that no casualties would ensue on their holiest of days; the day when an Alpha ventured forth to select his mate from the nearby mage community.

In the hierarchy of his species everyone had a role to play. Alphas ran the pack and made the decisions. Betas were their trusted lieutenants that were placed into supervisory roles while Omegas were pretty much the common citizenry. Elders were the select group of Alphas, usually the oldest and wisest of them all, who were the top governing officials. Geir would need to choose carefully a mate who would complement him as an Alpha.

When he made his way to the clearing his initial reaction was that the pickings were slim with this tithe. One girl was babbling incoherently, two were openly crying, and the last looked like she was bored. He let out a howl, as was custom, to alert the girls to his presence and to frighten away any would-be guardians. All four of the girls visibly stiffened up in response to the sudden sound. Geir stalked out of the woodline, upright on his haunches. He paused to raise up to his full height so that anyone lurking around in the woods could get a good look at him and maybe think twice about interfering.

Even from this distance he could hear the teeth chattering of the two girls in the violet and aqua robes as they quivered in fear. The one in the golden cloak was rocking back and forth while repeating to herself that she was experiencing a dream. The one on the end in the crimson robe was the one who remained still. As he walked forward with heavy footsteps in the snow towards the town's sacrifice circle. The smell of fear was prevalent in the air. That... and something else. His enhanced gaze was drawn once again to the girl in the crimson cloak. This one carried herself with an air of strength about her. When he stepped through the perimeter of the circle he could make out her braided blonde hair underneath of the hood.

Geir regarded the strong looking blonde. Getting up close, he inhaled her scent; nostrils flaring as he moved his muzzle up one side of her head and down the other in order to get all of her aroma without the reek of fear from the others. There was something else about this woman... he knew this one. Inhaling again he smelled... Pheromones... Wetness... Sex... He glanced down to where her legs were parted. Yes, the scent of mating was definitely with this one. He was so close to her that his fur was grazing along the sides of her robe. The other girls felt that his presence was close and were shying away from him and yet this one knelt there unmoving. Interesting.
