Teaching Teacher


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Miss Simms reluctantly opened the door, keeping out of sight to all save Heather as she showed the girl the results of the too revealing outfit.


"I can't see you there," Heather said. "Come out in the light so I can get a look at you."

The poor teacher danced from one foot to the other.

"I can't," she pleaded. "Someone might see."

"Come on out and turn around," Heather said. "Otherwise...." She held the Treo threateningly.

The hapless teacher stepped out of the dressing room, her eyes dancing due to her humiliating predicament.

"Move your hands and turn around." Heather said.

The poor teacher reluctantly put her hands down and turned quickly around, showing her tormentor that the outfit was indeed out of the question.

"What's the problem?" Heather asked. "It looks perfect."

Miss Simms felt her cheeks grow hot as she was forced to outline the shortcomings to the stupid little bitch.

"The shirt..you can see my boobs. And my butt hangs out from the bottom of the shorts...and my God...you can see the shape of my...of my..."

"Hot little cunt." Heather finished.

The poor teacher had never hear her body referred to in such a manner. It made her...it made her tingle. What was wrong with her?

"Now you say it, " Heather said. "Or I'll find you another just like it."

"You can see the shape of my...of my..." the mortified teacher stammered, trying desperately to keep her voice down lest someone hear. "...my hot little cunt."

"What are you still doing out here? Flashing you little cunt to everyone? Get back in the dressing room. What are you some sort of exhibitionist?" Heather said. "Now turn around."

The young blond reached out and touched the exposed swell of her teacher's tight bottom.

"I see what you mean," Heather said giving her teacher's ass an nice squeeze. "It exposes that tight little ass nicely."

Then Heather's hand traveled up between her teacher's thighs. The woman wanted to yell due to the fright it gave her, but her tongue was paralyzed lest she cause people to wonder what was happening in the dressing room. Even as the hand grew more daring and fondled her sex...already responding to the unwanted caress.

The young teacher felt breathless. She felt a speeding of her pulse. A quivering in her loins. She shouldn't be responding to such treatment. Yet, she was. How had this happened?

"Hands behind your head. Turn around like a good girl. You know the drill...and the position." Heather said.

Miss Simms remembered. Yes, she had been ordered into the position before back in her office. Now she assumed it in this dressing room. It made her feel like she was less than a person. Even as it made her tingle inside. Worse, Heather smiled and fired off another picture using her cell phone.

"Good girl," Heather said. "I'll go find you something else to try on."

Waiting in the small dressing room, Miss Simms cursed herself for letting her little bitch of a student grope and humiliate her. She determined not to let the girl get to her. After trying on the next outfit, she didn't let on how inappropriate it was. She turned and modeled it, not complaining once that it was far too short and the top cut far too low.

"You like it?" Heather asked.

"It's okay," Miss Simms replied, smiling innocently and laughing inside as she went back in the dressing room. At last, she had outsmarted the little bitch.

"Good," Heather said. "You'll wear it to work tomorrow."

The color drained from the teacher's face.

"Wait," Miss Simms hissed.

"What?" Heather asked.

"I can't. I mean ... it is far too short for work," Miss Simms said.

"Is it now?" Heather asked. "Come closer...let me see."

The little bitch had outfoxed her once again. She had hoped that by agreeing, she could endure the outfits for just a little while and escape the inevitable groping that went along with complaining. Yet, it she didn't complain, she could be wearing the very same indecent outfit to work. She had no choice. She was between a rock and a hard place.

Hidden by the door, Serena came closer and allowed her tormentor to reach beneath her skirt. Hot fingers found even hotter flesh. Miss Simms felt her cheeks burn as the girl discovered that she was aroused. That she grew even more aroused as those fingers stroked and prodded.

"I guess I didn't realize your skirt was so short," Heather purred. "Why..the slightest breeze and it could show...what exactly would it show little Rena?"

"It would show my v- my v-..." Miss Simms stammered, as she felt her cheeks grow hot as she referred to her nether parts just as she had been taught. " - my hot little cunt."

"That's my girl," Heather said. "Let's see what else we can find."

And they made their way through one outfit to another. If the hapless teacher had no other choice, she complained about the selected outfit, knowing full well that it meant being groped and handled. Tormented and teased. And so she began to look at every new outfit with a critical eye. Could it pass? Could she make it work? If she were careful when she bent over? If she kept the hem down?

Because the girl wasn't just feeling her up anymore. The girl was fingering her. Working her up. Making her thighs slick with honey. Her nipples erect. Making her exit the dressing room to show off the next outfit. To show off her increasingly aroused state to the other shoppers. Hard nipples and leaking juices. Trembling knees. Worse, the little dyke could see that she was getting to her, and Miss Simms hated that smug little look. She wasn't...she wasn't like that.

After what felt like hours to the poor teacher, it was finally over. She had a substantial pile of clothes now. They weren't the sort she normally wore.

No, her usual clothes were conservative and tended to hide the body that lay beneath them. To make her appear on the outside, as old as possible. But these clothes, they tended to do just the opposite. Even the most conservative of the lot fit her snugly and showed off the body that lay within. More ever the colors and cuts were new and young. They were suited more for her students than for her.

"Go pay for them," Heather ordered.

So, Miss Simms piled her clothes on the counter. And old lady ringing up her purchases looked at her with disdain. And the she gave her the total.

"That'll be 57.40"

It was cheap enough. Miss Simms was used to paying that much for one sports coat.

She handed over her card.

"We don't take credit cards," the old woman sneered.

"I..I.." Miss Simms stammered. Everyone took credit cards. Her cheeks grew hot as she glanced behind and caught sight of the growing line behind her. She fumbled in her purse. Twenty....thirty...thirty five...forty...forty one...forty two...forty three...forty four...forty four twenty five...forty four fifty...Dear God, she was counting out change now. She was mortified. She wanted to crawl in hole and die. The old woman was shaking her head now. Tisking under her breath.

Heather was creaming all over herself. Seeing her teacher....her pet teacher there counting coins...obviously mortified in her little schoolgirl outfit. It made her so fucking hot. Made almost cum right then and there.

"I'll guess ... I guess... I have to put something back.." Miss Simms stammered.

"How much do you need honey?" the old white woman behind her asked.

"I-I-I-" MIss Simms stammered.

"Seven thirty four," the woman behind the counter said.

"Here." The woman handed the embarrassed teacher ten dollars.

The clerk gave Serena the change, and Serena tried to pass it back.

"You keep it honey," The woman said, pushing it back in her hand. "I want you to look nice when you go back to school tomorrow...not in these clothes that you've obviously outgrown."

Miss Simms could feel her heart pounding in her chest. God, the woman assumed she was a student. Not a...not a teacher. And that she had merely outgrown the slutty outfit that she was being forced to wear.

"Thank you..."Miss Simms whispered, though the words came painfully. "Thank you very much."

Seeing her teacher's obvious state of distress caused Heather to alter her plan. In the stories she had read, she knew what she wanted to do next. But now she was going to make it even more delicious.

Back in the car Heather told her teacher to go to the bank and walked with her up to the bank machine.

"Get out two hundred dollars." Heather said.

Miss Simms didn't even bother to argue and inserted her card.

"What's your code?" Heather asked.

"Maybe your mom will tell me when I send her a few pics."

Damn it. This little bitch kept digging her claws in deeper.

"It's 3876"

"Good girl." Heather said and entered the digits herself just to be sure. But she wasn't finished yet.

"Wait here," she said and took the money into the back.

The young blond as so hot she was nearly squirming as she handed the money to the teller.

"Can you break this for me?" she asked. "My mom is having a yard sale."

"No problem. How do you want it?" the woman asked.

"Ones...pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters."

"Fives?" the woman asked. This was a little unusual.

"Nope." Heather said.

"Here you go," the teller proceeded to count out the money. "Some of this is a little worn I can go get another bundle if you like."

"No, this is perfect," Heather said. "This way it won't stick together."

Now it was time to take the next step with her new slave.

"Let's go to the mall." Heather ordered her teacher once back in the car.

"Haven't we done enough shopping?" Miss Simms asked.

"We aren't shopping," Heather said. "Not like you think. And when you address me, you need to remember to do it right."

"I'm sorry ... ah Miss Morgan," Miss Simms said. "Ahh...what are..what are you doing ah..Miss Morgan."

"I'm going to help you remember how to address me." Heather said as she tucked the hem of her teacher's short mini-skirt into the waistband. Exposing the woman's sex to any car that might happen to pass them.

"Scoot forward," Heather ordered.

"But someone might see...."

"You forgot again," Heather said. "I guess you need another reminder. How about we go through the drive through and give them a show."

"Please Miss Morgan," Miss Simms begged. "I'm sorry. I forgot. It won't happen again."

"Maybe you'd like another punishment?" Heather asked.

No. Not really. She didn't want any punishment.

"Yes..Miss Morgan."

"You can also call me Miss for short or even ma'am." Heather said. "But first let's finish the current punishment. "Scoot forward...good girl...now spread."

"Yes Miss." It wasn't easy. Not with driving too. But Serena managed to follow her student's instructions. Her eyes darted frantically from left to right and monitored her rear view mirror. She had to pay strict attention, lest someone pass her and see that she was exposed from the waist down.

"Now on to your punishment," Heather said as her hand reached between her teacher's thighs, and found soft moist flesh and began to rub.

"From now on you are to thank me after every punishment or pleasure," Heather said.

"Thank you Miss." Miss Simms said. It felt nice she had to admit, but being handled by this young dyke certainly counted as punishment.

"If it's pleasure you are to thank me for it explicitly. As in thank you Miss for fingering my hot little nigger cunt."

Surely she wouldnt' - couldnt' make her say such a horrible thing. She felt her anger rise. It wasn't fair. She didn't want this. She hated this little blond bigoted bitch.

"But this isn't pleasure," Heather said. "Otherwise it wouldn't be punishment. But I bet it sure feels like pleasure. Doesn't it pet?"

Serena had to admit that much. Even if she didn't like the girl's touch, her body was reacting to it nonetheless. Even now the girl's finger was pistoning into her tight slit. Her sex was even making wet noises she was so wet.

And Heather was very intent on priming that hot little cunt. Getting her digits soaked, then wiping them off on the woman's tight dark curls. She tormented her teacher mercilessly, She had already given the woman two orgasms, and she didn't really feel that generous at the moment. No, she just wanted the woman worked up nice and hot. She pulled on the woman's nether lips, making them nice and plump. Next came the clit. So stalky, so erect.

Miss Simms's breath grew heavy. Goddamn this girl.

"But it is punishment...as you will soon see." Heather kept to work like an artist. Two fingers then three. Nice and sloppy, just the way she wanted it.

Finally, finally they were at the mall. Miss Simms was especially thankful because she was having an increasingly hard time keeping the car on the road.

"Follow me." Heather said as she got out of the car and handed her teacher a wad of ones. "And put this in your pocket."

"Where are we going? What is this for? Miss?" Serena asked.

"You'll see."

With shaky trembling legs Miss Simms followed her young charge. She had to admit the girl had a nice body...as far as girls went.

God- what was happening to her? What was she thinking? Then it hit her. She was in the mall. Dressed like some sort of teen tart. God, what if someone recognized her? When they ducked into the shop, Serena was secretly pleased...she didn't recognize anyone here. Then she saw Heather talking to someone. Pointing back at her.

She caught Heather's words.

"My friend wants a Brazilian."

No! Oh hell no! But what could she say? No I don't. Then what would Heather say? I got these nice pictures I can send to your folks. Then she'd end up right back here and the humiliation would be even greater the second time around.

"Right this way," said a cute brunette with short spiky hair.

But in the back it was a fat red head that was to do the waxing.

"Take off your skirt and panties and get up on the table," the woman said.

Mortified, the poor teacher stepped out of her short skirt. She tried to pretend like she was taking off her panties at the same time, but the woman had seen. There was a look. A condescending look that made the teacher's heart pound in her chest.

The teacher mounted the table and the woman pulled apart her knees. Then it hit her. The thick musk of arousal. Oh God! It was her. She reeked.

"Shit..goddamnit.." the woman muttered. "I don't get paid enough for this."

But the woman was fastidious. She proceeded to work immediately, if not delicately. She wanted to move up the ladder. First this. Then shampoos. THen finally she could cut hair. These young sluts. She knew the kind. They got off on the thought of getting a Brazilian. The pain. The exhibitionism. Sick little bitches.

Apply, press, rip. Apply press, rip. She'd teach her a lesson.

The black bitch smelled like a fuck farm. The girl wasn't only aroused. She was wet. Apply press rip. Apply press rip.

A typical Brazilian wax usually took thirty minutes.

This one was going to be done in just over five.

"You are lucky," the woman said. "That kinky hair really grips the wax."

Rip. Ow...shit. Serena's pelvis bucked into the air before slamming her sweat covered bottom on the paper covered table with a thwack.

Apply press rip. Apply press rip.The poor teacher was gasping with every rip. Her fingernails dug into her palms. God. And her thighs. Her thighs knew what was coming every time the woman pressed that cloth to her mons. Knew that the sharp rip was next. They knew and they clutched together to delay the pain. And that big fat bitch just sighed with exasperation each and every time.

"I ain't got all day," she said as she chewed on a piece of chewing gum

Tears were trailing down the poor teacher's cheeks. This bitch. She felt as if she wasn't even being treated like a human being. And animal No sympathy. Oww- Jesus.

"Now let's pull your leg over like this," the chubby woman said. "And hold it. I said hold it."

Oh God..no no no. Serena wanted to crawl under the table and die as wax was applied even back there. Then the cloth. Oh God, this was going to be even worse. She was sure of it.

"I don't think I can take anymore..." Serena admitted.

"No one does," the woman said, and then gave a final rip.

Serena gave a one last groan. God. God damn it.

"You're finished." the woman said. They'll take you at the counter. Matter of fact, I'll go with you to make sure you find your way alright."

To make sure I pay my bill, Serena thought to herself as she put her short skirt back on with shaking fingers. Her legs trembled. She could barely stand, much less walk.

"That will be ninety dollars," the short spiky haired girl said.

"Plus tip," Gina added from behind.

Serena dug out the money from her pocket. Then she realized with increasing dismay what Heather had done.

Shit. Fuck, they were all ones.

One bill after another after another. She had never been so mortified. And the looks they gave her. God, she could see the thoughts going through their brains. What was this girl? Some sort of two dollar whore?

One bill after another after another. Ninety five. It wasn't enough tip and she knew it. But the fat bitch didn't deserve even the five she was getting. But still, if she had more she would have given it just to get the look out of these women's eyes.

The teacher slunk out to where Heather was sitting in front of the salon.

"It was a good punishment wasn't it?" Heather asked.

"Yes Miss Morgan," Miss Simms said. "It was a good punishment. Thank...you..."

"I bet you don't forget how to address my anymore will you?"

"No Miss never." And she meant it. Never again. Anything so long as she didn't have to go back to that horrible place again.

"Or to thank me after?"

"Yes Miss..."

"Let's go home and get you started with your night job."

Dressed up in a short tartan skirt, looking every bit a young black school-girl, with no panties, and a freshly shaved sex, Serena was happy to go to someone's house...even if that house belonged to her student.

But little did she know that Heather was only getting started.


At Heather's house

The bathroom vanity Serena was perched on was cold and uncomfortable. She was naked and chill bumps covered her dark skin. One arm draped protectively over her breasts. The opposite hand protectively over her newly denuded sex.

The only way out was past her student, but the girl wasn't only bigger, she held a camcorder in her hand, recording her teacher's humiliation.

"Get started slut." Heather said.

"I won't - Miss," Miss Simms said determinedly. Her student had enough evidence, and she refused to let the girl gather even more leverage to blackmail her with.

"What are you worried about?" Heather asked. "You are already smooth as a baby's bottom. This is just for show."

The teacher didn't need reminding. Her freshly denuded sex felt foreign beneath her hand.

"You already have enough blackmail Miss Morgan," Miss Simms said, adding the Miss Morgan at the last moment, and glancing down at the razor and shaving cream Heather had placed on the counter. It wasn't enough that she had been waxed...the kinky bitch wanted a video to rub off to or to make her do other ....worse things. "I refuse to give you any more."

"You refuse huh?" Heather smiled, her eyes narrowing to a steely glint. "I wonder what mom will think when she comes home to find my teacher naked and in my bathroom? Oh momma, I couldn't help it. She made me. She wanted to film me."

"But you...but you..." She was the one being made. She was the one being filmed. Not this little dyke bitch. Damn. Damn. There was no hope. Deeper and deeper.

She picked up the shaving cream. Shit! She was in a real fix.

"I thought you would see it my way," Heather said with a smile. "Now lather that cunt up."

Miss Simms proceeded to follow instructions while maintaining as much modesty as possible. However, Heather was having none of it.
