Teaching Teacher


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The coming weeks brought many more such guilty feeling for the young teacher. The days at school pretending that everything was like it once was. But it wasn't.

Her clothes were different. Her hairstyle was different. She wasn't permitted to wear undergarments. Every work period was spent engaging in perverse sex acts with Heather. They were careful, but even so, the other students knew something had changed with their history teacher.

She seemed more timid. She seemed sexier. They suspected she had a new boyfriend. It was evident from the hickies she attempted to hide.

Once school was over, Miss Simms became Rena. An eighteen year old sex tart. A little pink on her lips, a bit on her cheeks, a little glitter above her eyes. A wig of curly short dreads. A choker. A short skirt. And usually a tank top, to better display the cute piercing through her belly button.

No one would ever suspect her of being a twenty six year old teacher as she walked through the mall eyes downcast lest someone recognize her.

But they recognized her at the spa.

"You again...."

Miss Simms felt her face grow hot. "I need a wax. Is...Liz in?"

"I'll get her..." Gina replied. "But this time you clean up after yourself..you got that?"

"Hi Rena," Liz said as she came up to the counter and invited the young teacher to the rear of the spa.

"Make sure she cleans up," Gina warned. "I've never been so mortified as I was last week when I took a client back for a wax after you two."

Gina looked on disapprovingly as the two woman walked back to the back of the spa. The little bitch had come back a week after her first wax wanting another. Once again a bunch of ones and no goddamn tip. She was about to show the bitch to the door, but then she had a better idea. One a bit more sinister. With a smile she had turned her over to Liz, a purple-haired lesbian that she worked with...with a warning about the tip.

Liz gave a wink and a smile and said she would get her tip one way or another.

Miss Simms had tried her damnedest to get out of these weekly spa visits, but Heather was insistent. She liked her bitch smooth.

Miss Simms assured the girl, she could buy a waxing kit and do it just as well. Better even...

"Not like they do it."Heather refused to budge.

But Heather didn't know what it was like to undress in front of this hungry-eyed lesbian. To get on the table and spread for her. That this wasn't a usual waxing. Gina had been efficient, maybe even too efficient, as there was no compassion in her five minute wax.

Liz wasn't efficient. A wax could last upwards of an hour.

An hour of being groped and fondled. FIngered in both her pussy and her ass. Waxed smooth. Waxed over and over again til not even the most microscopic of hairs remained. Waxed and oiled until she gleamed. Fingered and fondled till she came. The young teacher felt such guilt it threatened to overwhelm her. She was cheating on Heather. Cheating with this girl at the spa.

Still, it wasn't over yet.

"You look so pretty now. So pretty and smooth." Liz said as she circled the young teacher like a shark. "Do you have my tip today?"


"You naughty girl," Liz said. "After I spend all that time and effort on you...and did you extra special. Now you plan to stiff me. I should call the cops on you. Perhaps you could...ahh..."

"I could make it up to you," Miss Simms finished, as she dropped to her knees. She knew where this was heading, it had headed that way often enough already.

"I don't know if I should," Liz said.

"Please..." Miss Simms begged as she dipped her head beneath Liz's skirt and caught hold of her panties between her teeth. The panties were leopard print. The sex was shaved. Liz had a tattoo of a thorny rose above her mons and a stud through her clit. The antithesis of Heather's young sex.

The odor was pungent. Liz knew that Rena came for her wax on Fridays and for fun had stopped bathing on Thursday nights.

"Why do you do this Rena?" Liz asked. "It's not like I do it for you. Just bring in your money with you next time...or damn, just say you'll go out with me tonight. I know I must smell, I didn't bathe last night."

"I'm already in a relationship."

"Are you?" Liz asked gripped the dark-skinned beauties hair. "Are they taking care of you? Just look where you are."

On her knees. Licking. Sucking. She was a disgrace.

Still Rena licked. Flicking the stud with her tongue and sucking the woman's cunt with growing experience and dexterity. As Liz began to coo and her clit to enlarge, the young teacher began to feel an increasing sense of dismay.

"Fuck fuck fuck.." Liz cried and her hips pumped.

Liz closed her eyes and opened her mouth as wide as she was able. It wasn't wide enough. Liz was a fountain. A gusher of cum. By the time she had finished, Serena was soaked all over.

The young teacher went to stand, but Liz held her firmly in place.

"You remember what Gina said," Liz warned. "Clean up after yourself."

You are the one that made the mess you mean little bitch, a part of Miss Simms screamed. Oh but the beast in her .... the beast had her on her hands and knees, licking that vile fluid from wherever it landed.

Then there were the weekends with Heather. The young girl continued with her program of training her teacher. There were so may good ideas she had learned about in the stories she read. There was spanking. Bondage. Strapon play. Exhibitionism. So much to teach and so little time to teach it.

Little did she know that her time was shorter than she had thought.

Miss Simms was let go just a few weeks later. There had been complaints from her fellow teachers. Her classes were too loud. Her outfits too young. She wasn't the kind of image that Heddingham High wanted to perpetuate.

She was no longer a teacher. But what could she do?

Thankfully, Heather was there to come to her rescue.


Serena Simms's fingers lingered over the soft expensive fabric of Mrs. Morgan's intimates that she was diligently folding. She remembered longingly that she used to have such clothes...well maybe not quite so nice. But so very much softer and luxurious than the coarse, unyielding, heavily starched fabric of her maid's uniform.

Perhaps - perhaps her uniform wouldn't be so uncomfortable if it were a bit less form fitting. Worse, with no bra, it tended to rub the sensitive flesh of her nipples raw. And it was tight. She'd requested a uniform two sizes larger, but Mrs. Morgan was insistent.

"That's a uniform for a big girl," Mrs. Morgan had said. "We need something suitable for a girl of your stature."

A size zero it was, but Serena was no size zero. She might have been lacking up top, but she had thighs and a plump ass that protested against the confines of her too tight uniform.

"What's keeping you girl?" Mrs Morgan said. "How long does it take to fold my laundry? You are useless, truly useless. Well instead of standing there stupidly with my knickers in your hands, you might as well make yourself useful and bring them to me."

"These ma'am?" Heather asked, holding up a pair of silk black panties.

"Idiot!" Mrs. Morgan sneered. "You can see I'm wearing white, can't you?"

Already used to being waited on by this dark-skinned girl that was more servant than maid, Mrs. Morgan stuck out her legs so she could be dressed. Again there was the constant buzz of desire that this girl invoked in her. Thus far she had resisted,after all the girl was a friend of her daughter.

Yet, that didn't stop her from pushing the boundaries. A maid was supposed to wear a uniform. Mrs. Morgan chose the smallest she could find. A maid was supposed to be helpful, Mrs. Morgan would call the girl to fetch her towel while she was nude. And like now, she'd even taken to being dressed. To be waited on hand and foot.

Serena obediently pulled put the panties over Mrs. Morgans feet and proceeded to pull them up her calves. Right then and there she was overwhelmed by an urge, so powerful yet so wrong. She should wait for Heather to return from college. Yet, the girl was calling her less and less. She was lonely. She even missed her trips to the spa. She had no one save this dreadful woman. A woman that was such a perfectionist and who seemed to be in one constant bad mood after another. A woman in desperate need of....

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Mrs. Morgan asked.

Serena didn't know herself till just then. Instead of dressing her employer, she was...she had placed her head between those thick thighs and...her loins tingled. The demon inside her had betrayed her once again. She cursed herself.

Serena quickly pulled away. God, what was wrong with her. How could she explain?

"Sorry- sorry ma'am. You seemed tense," Serena stammered. "Rena-just..wanted to help you relax."

When it was out her cheeks burned. It sounded so stupid. She'd surely lost her job. Worse, like an idiot she'd referred to herself in third person, just like Heathe made her do.

Now that it was out, what would she do? She had no home anymore. She lived in a spare room in the converted attic here. Her savings had long since disappeared thanks to Heather.

"Out!" Mrs. Morgan ordered. "Get out of my house."

But then she had a chance to think it through as the small dark-skinned maid stood and shuffled to the door of her bedroom. She was no lesbian by any stretch of the imagination; although, there was something about this girl that made her loins moist.

Besides, it had been so long, so very long since she'd been properly satisfied. She was divorced. And she still had flings, but, well, men no longer went down on a woman her age, although most all of them expected her to. It wasn't fair. Not at all.

"Wait..." Mrs. Morgan said as Serena stepped over the threshold of her bedroom door.

"I'm so sorry ma'am. I don't know what possessed me." Serena begged. Tears flowed from her eyes. "It'll never happen again. Just let me...just give me a week before you throw me out. I have no where else to go."

"You're not fired...not yet," Mrs. Morgan said as she stepped out of her panties, hitched up her skirt, and spread her thick thighs. "But you are right. I am feeling a bit tense. I have been all week. Come on girl. Don't just stand there like a dimwit; it was your idea."

Serena dried her eyes. Not only had she not been tossed out on her ass, but it seemed as if she wouldn't be quite so lonely anymore. To be sure, this would pose some complications. After all, she loved this woman's daughter.

Serena could see that Mrs. Morgan was different than her daughter. Twenty-one additional years had made the woman's slim sleek thighs dimpled and plump. She also had a belly and a large hairy bush. It was quite a contrast to Heather's slim delicate triangle and toned abs.

The former teacher knelt between Mrs. Morgan's thighs and breathed her aroma. There was only a hint of musk. It wasn't overpowering - not yet.

"Let me help you relax," Serena said, and warmed the older woman with her breath, then applied her tongue to the delicate folds of her labia.

"Say it again," Mrs. Morgan said. "Like you did the first time."

Oh God. The former teacher knew that there would soon be no turning back.

"Let...Rena help you relax..."

"I'm only doing this because I'm tense," Mrs. Morgan said to no one in particular. "I'm not like that. Gay I mean. I was married. I have a daughter. It's just that...oh my fuck...that feels good."

Serena felt a thrill of satisfaction. She was having an effect on this woman. She took a bizarre degree of pride for causing such a reaction form a straight woman.

"You are still my maid." Mrs. Morgan said. The woman was amazed by her maid's skill. No one had ever made her..God, so hot..so damn quickly. Her loins were quivering and that tongue, that tongue touched her in all the right places. "I don't fraternize with the help...oh goddamn that tongue..fuck..oh...oh fuck....."

The former teacher brought her employer down from her orgasm slowly and languidly. She'd done it. She'd broken that tough exterior.

"Thank you Rena," Mrs. Morgan said. It took awhile for her to say it, so strong were the after effects from her climax. God she had missed them when they were like this. Had it really been so long? Too long.

"That was lovely. Be a dear and pull my panties up for me. I must get to Harvey's for lunch with the girls. You've caused me to be late enough as it is. Remember. I'm still your boss. And you are still the maid."

Serena realized that perhaps she'd not broken through that exterior after all. She numbly pulled up Mrs. Morgans panties and walked her to the door.

"Rena," Mrs. Morgan said. "I don't want you masturbating while I'm away. Not on my time. I want you working instead."

How did the woman know what she'd planned. The dark-skinned maid felt her cheeks burn in response.

"Yes ma'am," Rena said with disbelief.

Watching the woman peel away in her white convertible. Feeling used...like some sort of sexual servant.


Over the course of the next few weeks, Serena came to regret her moment of weakness, because of the one-sided nature of the relationship.

"I'll be home in five," was the usual customary signal. A perfunctory phone call.

Serena would drop what she was doing and open a bottle of wine. She'd pour a glass, then take it and bottle to Mrs. Morgan's favorite chair in the living room. Next, she covered the chair with a large towel, then knelt on another folded towel at the foot of the chair. She'd undo the top two buttons of her too tight uniform.

'Why am I doing this?' she'd often wonder.

Serena heard the door open and the click click of Mrs. Morgan's heels on the expensive marble floor.

"God, I've been thinking about this for the last hour," Mrs. Morgan said as she stepped through the door and was already in the process of stepping out of her skirt and panties on the way to her seat. "The girls went on and on. I didn't think they would ever shut up. So fucking tense."

The older woman gulped a swallow of wine and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I'm sorry ma'am," Serena said. "Was it Kelly again?"

"Sush," Mrs. Morgan said. "I said I was tense didn't I? You are just making it worse."

"Sorry Miss." Serena found another use for her mouth, and applied herself with diligence, even though the woman seemed to always be tense morning noon and night, while the former teacher's own needs were woefully neglected. The worm inside her relished the humiliation of this servitude, yet, the needs of her body could not be denied. She took Mrs. Morgan to the threshold of bliss, but this time she stopped short.

It was difficult to stop short and took a great deal of will-power, for the older woman had reached her hand into Serena's gray uniform and pinched sensitive nipples - hard.

Serena moaned from the pain, but didn't hurry her tongue. She had good reason.

"God....little bitch..you know I don't like it when you tease me," Mrs. Morgan said. "Finish up...fuck finish up..then start again if you must."

"Rena ...is tense too," Serena said, and it took all her backbone to utter those words. Words that had needed speaking for several weeks.

"You know I'm not like that Rena," Mrs. Morgan said her voice thick and throaty.

"I know..but..."

"You ungrateful....haven't I tipped you every week?"

"Yes ma'am," Serena said. All while thinking thirty dollars for nearly just as many orgasms. "I'm grateful. It's just that...I'm tense too. May I - may I at least touch myself..while I ...finish you?"

"But you are young," Mrs. Morgan said. "A little tension is good for a girl your age. And I must admit...there's something about what you are doing for me. "

Mrs. Morgan ran her fingers over her very wet sex and collected some of her moisture and held it up to her young maid's plump lips. The poor former teacher was helpless to stop her lips from parting and greedily sucking the nectar.

"The way you .... please me...with no thought to your own pleasure. It makes me hotter than I imagined. I never thought I was gay..but now? Now I'm beginning to wonder."

"Really?" Serena said hopefully. It was to much to hope for. "You mean..you like me?"

"Maybe," Mrs. Morgan admitted. "At the very least I like the thought of you."

At last, Serena had finally broken through that exterior.

"I like you...I love you.." Serena said. "And I'm sorry ma'am. It's just that Rena is ..so tense.." God the woman didn't realize just how 'tense' she was. Three weeks of sexual servitude all while the older woman forbid her to pleasure herself. Sure, she could cheat, but she couldn' bring herself to.

"Perhaps there is a way..." Mrs. Morgan said. "Just this once. But you'll have to do something for me too."

Serena damp face eagerly burrowed between the older woman's thick pale thighs. "Anything..." She breathed.

Mrs. Morgan nudged her expensive red pump between Serena's thighs.

"Go ahead." Mrs. Morgan said. "Here I'll do you. Go on idiot girl. Move your hips. I can't do it all myself."

No..that wasn't what Serena wanted. Not what she meant. Her nostrils flared. She wanted...she wanted a sweaty body on top of hers, heaving, hot lips and clit rubbing against her own. She wanted... a dildo fucking her hot ...nigger pussy.

Not this..this shoe. But by now the demon inside her had reared its ugly head. Her slim hips pumped. She was already wet and soon, so was Mrs. Morgan's pump. She was so close...

"Not yet," Mrs. Morgan purred. "Me first..."

The former teacher shuddered as the demon inside struggled for control. Begged to hump the red pump no matter the consequences. Ignoring her own needs, Serena brought her skilled tongue to bear, and deligently brought the older woman off.

"Okay - now it's your turn." Mrs. Morgan smiled wickedly and held out her slick wet pump.

The woman was helpful at first. Crossing her legs and moving her foot back and forth. But soon she grew less helpful. Instead, reveling in her maid's humiliation as she attempted to rub herself off on her foot. Laughing and feeling mischievous, she put her foot on the floor.

"What are you waiting for girl," Mrs. Morgan said. "Get to it."

Serena bit her lower lip then lowered herself in shame and continued humping that foot for all she was worth. Oh that worm inside the young maid was fully in charge. It had total control of the young woman's body, making her hump and pump. Making her mewl in dissatisfaction as her employer's foot was moved to more and more humiliating and uncomfortable positions.

Making her do it on the floor. On her hands and knees. In reverse. Even so far as to fucking the tip of it inside her sex. Over and over. Again and again. Finally, her body drenched in sweat, the poor maid was able to come to a shuddering orgasm.

It was her first in a long while.

"You've made a mess of my shoes maid," Mrs. Morgan said. "What are we to do about that?"

"Rena is sorry." Serena muttered as she went down to her hands and knees and began the task of cleaning the expensive leather with her tongue.

"Bottoms too," Mrs. Morgan said.

The former teacher, a college educated woman from a good family, then cleaned the dirt and grime with her tongue,

"That's better," Mrs. Morgan said. "But they are still wet. What are we going to do about that?"

Serena draped herself over her employer's lap. "You could spank Rena miss. She's been a very bad girl."

Serena had been spanked by this woman's daughter. But those spanking had been accompanied with rubbing and loving. This spanking was hard. Hard and without compassion. It was then that Serena realized just how far she had fallen. Yet, curiously enough, the demon inside her was finally content.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
skyler39skyler39over 2 years ago

Oh my...I'm so wet now imagining I'm Rena

Sephy009Sephy009almost 3 years ago

Pretty hot until the end. I dont feel like the landing was stuck. Maybe I'm just not into that though.

TocoHillTocoHillalmost 6 years ago
Very different yet good

Love that you tackled to this very hot and very un-PC storyline. 😎

Robert_NotRobert_Notabout 13 years ago

So depraved, so politically incorrect, so erotic.

I wonder what sort of a person you are ....

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

all your shit is the same. i liked you style 10 storys ago

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