All Comments on 'Retribution'

by Scorpio44

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
i liked it

a little over the top but interesting just the same. somebody always pays a price when a spouse cheats and this time it was the cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
that what i'm talking about

when you play,you pay.when you disrespect your home you pay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

like the pevious review said, the revenge was over the top, but who wants to read about mediocre revenge. I thought the story was good, but i like to know the results. Personaly it would have been good to see a bit of what happened when they reached the brothel. Could of led to some sexy scenes to!

good story

bruce22bruce22about 16 years ago
Just like the taste

Makes me understand Julia's point of view. It was fun

reading about it but I could never live the revenge. I think

I hope!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Fun Read

Thanks again for a good story. PAPATOAD

DrallDrallabout 16 years ago
Great story!

A bit too much retribution but I Liked it.

fregenfregenabout 16 years ago
Kinda nuclear revenge

I guess if you are going to do revenge no sense in doing it half way.

Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Did not work...

You write well and I enjoy many of your stories; this was not one. Over the top retribution, slavery, murder, etc. is cliche. It is lazy writing and you are a better writer than that. The story started out good, but the ending was poor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

good build up but ending seems unrealistic and too much of your retribution. Having collected prove of her infidelity and of how her sister and brother-in-law were involved would have served the purpose for divorce and sueing the others to hit them as much as possible in their pockets for facilitating and covering her affairs. G.Belgium

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Good good good. You go, Scorpio 44.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorabout 16 years ago

Way below your usual very high standard. The sentences hung together, but the theme belongs in one of those crappy porn sites. The punishement should fit the crime. There was nothing in the story to lead the reader to believe the wife (and sister) deserved their fate as determined by the husband.

Joyce19063Joyce19063about 16 years ago
This is far beneath you and a big disappointment

Makes one think of you as a wimpy little creep and not my normal image of you

CthruCthruabout 16 years ago

Great Story:

Justice - apparently the wife did not know the judge as well as she thought.

High Regards: Bill

GToastGToastabout 16 years ago
Too dark

I enjoyed the setup, but the payoff was over the top. Public humiliation would have been about right.</p>Retribution = good; abduction = bad.

Nicholls9Nicholls9about 16 years ago
Nice and neat

I, for one, don't think of Scorpio44 as a "wimpy little creep". In a fictional story, "over-the-top" works. I enjoyed this story immensely. Hell, even PAPATOAD (or at least someone who signed a comment as "PAPATOAD") likes it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Selling his wife and sister in law into slavery...

... was way over the top, especially when he let the two guys she cheated with off a lot easier. Just my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
too extreme

I like most of the stories by this author. But this tale is too extreme. The punishment way outweighs the cheating issue. Perhaps you should write a second story entitled "Revenge is My Name: Julia." RAG

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I am amazed... the people who don't understand how angry a man (or woman) can become when he/she discovers the other having an affair, especially one involving more than one other. I've been there and, though I didn't go as far, the thoughts were there and nothing was considered to be too harsh a punishment. The only thing that stopped me was the timing, otherwise I would have sold her to the highest bidder. As it was, her friends learned that she was NOT the church pianist they thought her to be.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 16 years ago
a new low in pathetically stupid

WHY is it OK for Mike the husband's friend to go thru months of sufferring... not knowing where his wife is?


according to the story Mike... his best friend.. the guy who found the scrap book and brought it to the husbands attention knew NOTHING about what Maureen was doing to help or cover for Stephanie. <b>At the end of the story Mike confesses that he THOUGHT Julie MIGHTof been cheating on those trips... but the husband did NOT know this at the time he planned his revenge! </b>


Kidnapping Maureen...Mike 's wife... NOT telling him what happened for MONTHS... selling Maureen into sexual Slavery was NOT justified.


sure Mike COULD of supported this "Punishment"/ actions the husband took. But maybe Not. <b> IF the husband thinks that Maureen is Just as guilty as his cheating wife... then why doesnt Mike get to KNOW right away?

WHY is MIKE getting Punished?!?!?</b>


sorry folks ... this story is written for Morons.

Gary_LostGary_Lostabout 16 years ago

Husband was way to hard on the wifes. I love a good revenge story but this one went overboard on the punishment. I rate most of you stories 75 to 100 this one I rated at 50. Other than being to hard on the wifes it was a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
What happened to you?

You normally write very well, but this was one of the sickest stories I've read. It really is far below your usual standard. I hope you return to decent writing in the future.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Scorpio...ignore the politically correct little

ultra liberal assholes that have commented so far. They are little pieces of shit. They are so damned afraid to do the wrong thing...according to San Francisco style media that they live their lives in sniveling apathy sucking on each others little two inch dickiey poos. Your character did the right thing by ridding himself of two women who thought that he was a wimp. If more husbands would act the same then infidelity would become a thing of the past. Nothing like a little fear to keep the slut in her in oh and if you other commenters don't like what I say email me...I would love to rake your ultra San Franswischo liberal ass over the coals...But then you would probably like the pathetic people ( er make that creeps...and your mammy too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Harry, ...

are you OK. I am affraid that sometihng happened to you. The comment is to "liberal" for coming from you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I am puzzled

by the comment from Harry in VA.I have read the story twice and can find no mention of a scrapbook.I know Harry lives in a different world to most normal people,does he also read different stories?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I really liked this story

This was was a very well thought out story of revenge and for once the husband wasn't some weak willed wimp. The story was well written and the plot exciting, I wished more authors dealt with the adultery stories like this or at least let the man be a man instead of the usual cuckold wimp. BRAVO!!!!!

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 16 years ago
Good one!

Another good one Scorpio. I liked it even though I may be one of the few. Mike got what he deserved for keeping the secret. The retribution was not over the top at all. Seemed a bit less than some of Rob Conner's stories. Overall a fine story.

ZamphyrZamphyrabout 16 years ago
How ?

How does a technician know who to call to sell women into slavery. Are they in the phone book ? I don't mind the over the top revenge but something to tie him in to Central Americans, dock workers, or white slavers would have helped.

Risq_001Risq_001about 16 years ago
I'm torn

<p>It was dark, but I'm not sure why I had no problem with it being as dark as it was. I agree with Harry seemed strange that the men didn't get something as harsh as the wife and her sister. The men just got divorced, but the wifes got sold as whores =(</p>

<p>That didn't seem fair. Well, thats not true. One wife had her husband sent away for drug possession, even though all he was doing was cheating on her. But the other guy got away easy.</p>

<p>But the reason that I'm worried that it should have disturbed me more was that the wife in the story got the husband to go down on her after she had been with another man. That creeped me out and didn't upset me that it was as dark was it was. But selling "both" sisters, seemed harsh. But I guess it was a dark story for a reason.</p>

<P>PS: I didn't feel too bad for the brother in-law. He knew that the main characters wife was cheating on him, but helped keep the secret also. The pain of making him believe his wife left him for another man didn't really bother me as much as the slavery did</p>


Alvaron53Alvaron53about 16 years ago
Waste of time

About as erotic as reading the owner's manual for a new chain saw.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

But life has a way of biting you in the ass when you destroy something.


JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969about 16 years ago

A little extreme but good to see a story with consquences.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Much Better Than The Last - No Drinking Piss

Was it written a little rough on edges - [yes] - Was it as well written as his last three stories - [no]<P>

But the subject and elements were more toward life than the last albeit harsh. People go nuts when they find they have been cucked for a long period of time.<P>

The sister had no get out of a bordello pass card with her full assistance and coaching of her whore sister for 12 months or more.<P>

The brother-in-law was collateral fall out but was party to him being cucked and hardly without fault even of omission.<P>

What was nice was the cheated had some return of the monthly hotel expenses - over the course of a year that builds up you know. The balance of the sales money may have covered the new clothes and stuff he saw second hand and the mouthwash to cover her different taste [do you suppose - nah she wouldn't do that - would she?].<P>

The grousers had little to complain about after all the rings did come back to their rightful owners.<P>

Author - strangely missing from your last were several comments of a constructive or negative nature - must have been a puter problem huh.<P>

You are much better than that and this story is a consequential step forward to the prior 2 stories direction which were much more favorable and closer to real life circumstance as was this - however harsh.<P>

With Higher Regard

PS: An improvement to the cost of boat fare would have resulted by including a certain VA certified loon considering the state reimbursement factored in.

bornagainbornagainabout 16 years ago
A Little to extreme

Scorpio44 I think Mike went to far why not let a P.I. follow her when Mike found out then when he was given the proof that julia was cheating on him why did`nt he just file for divorce?



gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 16 years ago
Interesting Story; Interesting Comments

Zamphyr raises a good point about how would he know to connect with Central American white slavers - a border bordello in Mexico would have been more credible. Harry also raises a good point about Mike and Maureen being punished too severely - but I do understand Scorpio's logic - she'll be completely pissed at sister dearest for the entire time that she's in the bordello, which is part of <i> Julia's</i> punishment. Overall, though, I kind of liked the story - great to have a non-(wimpy cream-pie eating voyeur) husband.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 16 years ago
Very extreme . . .

This is only a story, of course. I'm amazed at how many comments it generated. It was actually pretty well written and it read smoothly. That said, it's ironic that juries have let more than one husband off after he discovers a tryst, then shoots and kills his cheating wife and her lover, yet this story seems more harsh despite the fact that no one was killed. There are definitely fates worse than death. Usually an accomplice does not get as harsh a sentence as the perp, but in this story, she does. I actually think Maureen was a facilitator for Julie rather than an actual accomplice. Other than being family, she did no more wrong than a motel that provides a room and does not blink when it's for a marital affair (not only morally wrong but illegal in some jurisdictions. The State of Alabama, for example, lists adultery as a class B misdemeanor). I understand the emotions involved, how a wounded spouse would wish the other dead in the heat of the moment, etc. but acting on that emotion . . . well, that's different, isn't it? I agree with other comments that Carl and Paul got off far easier -- at least they will eventually get their lives back. I think that is somewhat of a double standard. Our hero should have at least gelded them -- I'm sure he could have arranged it with no more difficulty than selling women to a South American brothel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I really liked this story

And remember my fellow readers that this is only fiction, as many say when replying to those who leave negative comments on stories where the husband alone is humiliated.

With this story you have shown at least one way to resolve a cheating (SLUT) wife story, it was very well written and very extreme (not as extreme as murdering all those involved) and with all the standard wimp stories floating around I found this to be a refreshing change of pace. BRAVO!!!!!

toesmantoesmanabout 16 years ago

Dude, this is some bad ass story; "retribution" for sure! Liked it a lot; the only quibble is one that others have mentioned, how did he know to contact Central American pimps-brothel owners. Altho, I did have a thought, maybe he Googled them; wouldn't that be a hoot?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Blah blah blah...

yeah, cheating slut wife gets sold to a brothel,big whoop. If she's such the whore why send her somewhere she'd probably enjoy herself? Why didn't he just kill them both off with his own hands? As methodical and careful as he was with everything else, I'm sure he could of gotten away with it as well. Defintely no "wimp" husband but why don't you write some crazy ass revenge on a husband that cheats( that something that doesen't exist?) instead of cheating husband stories being under Erotic Couplings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
finally a cheating story that has some realism in

it. Women, young women, go missing all the time in cities like Houston. Most are moved south although some go far west.

northbaybearnorthbaybearabout 16 years ago

I very much like Scorpio44's stories, almost without exception. This one I don't. The anger I understand; the response to the anger is way over the top.

It's very sad how people treat each other, whether it's in reality or in fantasy. This story was a sad and painful one to read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Failed on multiple levels

<p>I think that stories of this type should come with a warning, something like a “D” rating for “disturbing”. Certainly this type of story represents a husband whose need for revenge takes him to the dark side.</p>

<p>Personally I find child rapists and murderers to be the lowest form of life on the planet; in a very close second are slavers. So having a husband think that slavery is a worthy response to adultery was particularly distasteful and probably reflected a depraved mind.</p>

<p>How do you look at your wife in tears after having aborted her child, albeit the child from an adulterous tryst, and then while she is pain, you drug her and sell her into slavery? What level of insult and pain justifies such actions?</p>

<p>Also missing was any foundation for the husband in this story knowing of, or being friendly with, slavers. How does one find a slaver, let alone persuade them to engage in kidnapping?</p>

<p>As the story concludes the husband walks away content in the knowledge that the accomplice sister was raped first since his wife was still has “a pad on, collecting discharge from her abortion”. Why is the harshest treatment given first to the accomplice sister?</p>

<p>It should not be construed that I dislike stories with dark endings. Some such stories are exceptionally well written and make the case for a husband’s extreme response. </p>

<p>I contrasted your story to four others: ‘She Needed the Pain’ by Agena, ‘Becoming a Slut Wife: Angie Ch. 02’ by Just Plain Bob, ‘The Crumpled Letter’ by Just Plain Bob, and ‘To Protect and Serve Ch.12: Aftermath’ by jakewho69. </p>

<p>In ‘She Needed the Pain’ Agena masterfully paints the portrait of a husband who seeks to humiliate an adulterous wife that by his inference tried to to evoke in him a nervous breakdown or heart attack. Agena made the case for the husband’s response and in fact the husband is not entirely comfortable in the actions he took.</p>

<p>In ‘The Crumpled Letter’ Just Plain Bob has a wife obtain an abortion of another man’s baby. Bob’s carefully drawn husband has it documented by a P.I. and then he seeks public humiliation of the wife.</p>

<p>Just Plain Bob had a husband take an even more drastic action in ‘Becoming a Slut Wife: Angie Ch. 02’. In that story, the husband has been raped and the wife and her ‘boyfriend’, the neighbor, are both active accomplices in his rape. In response, the husband drugs and tortures both and then leaves them to die in the neighbor’s house. That was retribution! </p>

<p>The story worked because JPB made the case for the husband’s response against his wife and her lover who BOTH were accomplices to the man’s rape.</p>

<p>Generally when I have read about accomplices the to adultery husband’s take more benign actions. For example, in To Protect and Serve Ch. 12 (Aftermath) we have another husband and wife accomplice team, the only other such team similar to the husband and wife team in this story.</p>

<p>In the jakewho69 story the husband of the adulterous wife severs all ties of friendship with this other couple. That kind of response seems to make more sense in that story. It certainly made no sense for Retribution for the author to maintain a continuing friendship with his brother-in-law, another party to the adultery.</p>

<p>This story would have more aptly been titled “Retribution – Women Accomplices Beware.”</p>

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Good, but not enuf!!!

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanabout 16 years ago
I assume

if this man ever cross any one, they are okay to cut all his fingers off, gouge his eyes out, cut his tongue, cut off his ears and his penis and balls BUT ALLOW HIM TO HEAL, in cellar, before releasing him back to society? <p>

the author, needless to say, agrees with such a premise. <p>

i can't say good enough things about from DIANE TO SAM; but this one is about pure psychosis, not revenged, not about being wrong and righting wrong, or even about retribution. from DIANE TO SAM IS PURE RETRIBUTION and righting a wrong. <p>

this, however, is pure psychosis...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
It wasn't that bad

It is fiction and though it isn't the kind of response I would have, it was interesting.

I'm not much on revenge but I enjoyed the story taking that twist.

Both of the women were to blame and both were punished. Was it too severe? I think so but that is the way fiction is at times. The characters are different than me and can choose a different way that I would.

There were some holes in the story but that will happen with amateur writers. All in all, I enjoyed it.

sherlock40sherlock40about 16 years ago
This was the exact fantasy that I had when I found

my wife had cheated on me. It became even more exotic as time passed, but I realized it was counterproductive to my life and I finally stopped thinking of it. It's nice to see something written that doesn't glorify betrayal of a marriage. Thanks for the story and I look forward to your next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Top marks for this one! True, the consequences of his actions can't undo the rotten behavior by the wife or her sister, but it was nice to read about the results. Clearly both needed an education and they will have plenty of time to think through their lessons. It was great that he made it so the brother-in-law had to conclude that HIS wife was a cheater, too. It wasn't clear from the story that she was, but she certainly endorsed cheating behavior.

I propose that you make this into a series like the Celt's-Consequences series! OK, I am just being a greedy pig. Please feel free to write more of these.

Most of all though-----THANKS for this one.

toesmantoesmanabout 16 years ago

Dude, this is some bad ass story; "retribution" for sure! Liked it a lot; the only quibble is one that others have mentioned, how did he know to contact Central American pimps-brothel owners. Altho, I did have a thought, maybe he Googled them; wouldn't that be a hoot?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Realism vs Entertainment

The story is well written and certainly is a realistic depiction of the cruelty people who feel they have been wronged are capable of.

It is interestingly diametrically opposed to the bulk of this authors work which I have read and enjoyed. I read for entertainment and if I need real life cruelty and injustice I only need to listen to the news.

I hope that you have not decided to move in this direction in general.

I still believe that the key to winning stories is that the good guy gets the girl and the bad guy gets his ass kicked, and everyone lives happily ever after


KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 16 years ago
Exacting revenge like an Italian Don...

You reign in the justice and the punishment much more like a traditional Italian Don than a first time duped husband! In going so you nourish one kind of fantasy- of those who always carry in them the sense that not only they have been cheated by their spouse, they also have been robbed of the opportunity of seeing justice being delivered afterwards. Regardless of the justification of those sentiments in reality, many people feel that way. For them, this and similar stories are great opportunities to escape from their bleak gloom. <P>

As far as the fate of the good friends goes - if we already go with the premise of 'self enacted justice', I say F- them both. Some good friends they were; one was an active accomplice, the other had "only" serious suspicions that the wife of his best friend is cheating on him, but of course chose to keep his mouth shut. With such good friends...<P>

For morality worriers: good news, no one who enjoyed the story is about to turn into a crazed axe murderer. Unless you are psychotic, you distinguish between fantasy and reality, thank you very much. If your fantasy is to buy Martini for the “good friends” in honor of their part in helping the wife - enjoy yours, and let the rest enjoy theirs!

zed0zed0about 16 years ago
Loved IT!

I dunno about realistic, but it was a good read with pretty good revenge. I enjoyed the hell out of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Dont do the crime unless you can afford the time.

There is nothing over the top here. The exwife and her accomplice have what time they have left to enjoy their chosen profession, its that they are professionals now, not amateurs. The men involved actually got off lightly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Enjoyed this ending also but Hansbawl is wacked!

Great ending - liked the other ending also. The author hansbawl should take lesson on how to write a non-wimp ass story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Should be BDSM

A confusion of heroes and sadists. What action by these women merited rape, torture and probably death? I read the story twice and could not find the justification.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Carl's wife

got the best "retribution".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
he did not tke half measures


PikkuKallePikkuKalleover 14 years ago

Harsh, and the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Nor is there much development as a story. You can do better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
more pain

you could have gone to the country in a year or two to see them and let them see you, how beat up they would have looked

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Too much

This kind of revenge is more than equal. That kind of punishment is so far beyond what either did. It is sickening that the commentators think it is fair. Says a great deal about their health and attitude toward others.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
hey "too much"

she fucked around, she paid the price. end of story.

devildog26devildog26about 14 years ago
Too Much

Your hero is a sociopath. This was too much!

oldwayneoldwayneover 13 years ago
I love a happy ending!

Thanks for an outstanding story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Its a wounderful thing. The solution to her boredom became her problem

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Wow - Overkill

Great read and a fun fantasy -

In RL HUGE overkill - and signs of a very disturbed mind belonging to someone I don't think I would want to know too well.

Fascinating plan though and quite possibly feasible with the right connections - that makes it all the more terrifying heh

Thanks for another great story

brujaybrujayalmost 13 years ago
Yikes! Definitely a scorch the bitch tale

A far fetched fantasy for fanatical fiends.

Still a good read. Thank you for sharing your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Like "oldwayne" said: I like a happy ending such as this....

Hope the slut jumped off a tall building or stepped in front of train just like that fag- shoe-no-IQ should do after finding out his wife is just another cum-slut.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I gave that garbage 1*

You cannot sell to a whore house. That requires that they be guarded 24/7 and you still must feed and house them. The cost of guarding them is far more expensive than paying willing women a percentage of what they are paid.

Nor would the husband be taken to the cleaners in a divorce. It would be a 50/50 split. Also, how unrealistic that a business man would be dealing drugs.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago

I wasn't reading your stories when this was written but as others have said, this is beneath you Scorpio. Playing to the trolls is pitiful. Once again, I know that this is fiction, but kidnapping and selling someone into white slavery are felonies. All the sickos on this site applauding your story makes me sick because it betrays their own inhumanity towards women. Why would you encourage these readers fantasy about harming women. Women that have loved you and still do?

Why don't you write some about men cheating and being sent to gay bordellos somewhere? Isn't that popular enough? Husbands brag about their conquests to their buddies and brothers who cover for them. Talk some about protaganists getting caught sucking cocks or taking it up the ass, and then concealing it from their loving wife for once.

Are you joining in encouraging sexism towards women? I wonder now about your great stories that I loved in the last few days. I have to guess that for you to pass your stories about love you have to throw the sexists a bone with criminal acts against the weaker sex too. I think I took you too seriously when reading the good stories about loving men, and loving women.

But this is all unbelievable fiction isn't it? All the stories are I guess. Isn't divorce enough when someone betrays their spouse? No wonder I like Papatoad's writing. I think most of us like a little realism as regards divorce and cheating wives. It sounds to me that a lot of these readers should read stories written by Islamic fundamentalist writers. They would love the stoning, public whippings, and the of throwing of acid in the women's face. No wimps over there. Someone said something about anger when a wife betrays them. well, I say that extreme anger gets you locked up, and it should if you destroy someone elses life and their pursuit of happiness.

And if you women haters don't like my comments...too bad!

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
I gave it a 5 star rating

Ron and dworcuck would give it a one because the slut didn't come out on top. You should know by now how many cuck's are on this website. And those are two of the biggest ones here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Ever heard of divorce?

I realize this is fantasy, but really, sold into sexual slavery for cheating. Not equal retribution in my eyes, but still a well told story. I’ll read the alternate ending and see if I like it better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
D wornock don't speak with out knowing

Actually women and children do get sold as prostitutes and way easier then willing cuz they can turn whoever they want down usually drug cartel or gangs run the trade thus having security that women won't run and by having them against their will they don't have to pay them if they don't want look into it Peru Mexico Columbia even china have had places like this busted.... But story was to vengeful for my taste

juanviejojuanviejoover 12 years ago
I liked it very much.

A whorehouse in Mexico was a fitting "home" for these two putas.

IN11ZIN11Zover 12 years ago

For hanging the horns on him and her sister being an accomplice.........the punishment was fitting.

And there were consequences for the studs. The eternal question - is it the wife's fault for opening her legs or the stud's fault for seizing an ongoing opportunity?

Thanks for the story. 5*****

saratusaratuover 12 years ago

A very well written story right to the end.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

in their vocabularies. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
ALL, women should

Read this and think, do all men even the the most kind, timid, whatever shit have this dark side.....RUN BITCH RUN.....LoL, think, The Dark Side of Man....Your Man Will, do this to you if he thinks you are a Whore....

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago
Heavy Duty

Severe punishment. What do you do to you cheating whore slut wife and sister who aided and abetted the affairs?

Sell them to a brothel in Central America.

A bit over the top? Of course, but we can dream, can't we?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

savagely reamed cornhole, he smoked a fat cock, betrayed!

rlg99prlg99palmost 12 years ago
Rambo Idiot

There was no one in this story to like, The wife and sister were whores and the husband? Lets just say he needs to be locked up for selling into slavery,He was the most unlikeable one in the whole story, I liked him untill you pulled that shit with the way he sold them to a brothel, After that he was just another piece of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Now thats what you do to a cheating slut

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 11 years ago
rlg99p, the p must stand for pussy

you and wdslobbernock, need to trade in or change your screen names to i'm a pussy kid and your trusty side kick, slobbernocker. You boys are cucks and proud of it. I hope they enjoy working in the whorehouse it's good for the hole.

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago
good revenge.

A bit over the top but good revenge. Nice read. 4 stars.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago

A bit over the top. Needed a bit more development for it to be believable.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago

I could have done that to my ex wife.

nakdsubnakdsubabout 11 years ago
What about the brother in law?

Hi knew about the affair as well...he also deserves retribution...

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

one must always determine all the ramifications, TK U MLJ LV NV

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
Instructions for retribution

Get can of Whoop Ass. Open can. BOOM! All done. A little over the top but fun none the less.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
the cheating fuck slut whores got what they deserved

by the time they have been fucked a few hundred times they will either be pregnant or worn out - either way they will never be seen again and either buried or dropped in the ocean with a large wight around their necks - the same should happen to all cheating fuck slut whores....put them in the gutter where they belong or sell them to a brothel and make money out of their slutty cunts.....

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 10 years ago
Loved it!

Loved it! Just punishment for fucking over her husband.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago

nice male fantasy. 5 stars! I read a very similar story not too long ago. In that story, Hubby simply returned them to the sister's house with instructions to Wifey that she never come home. I think I'll search the "abortion" tag to see if I can find it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The protagonist is a murdering Asshole!

This is enough for me to 1* all your stories. Ditto for all stories under The other Scorpio!

impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
Agree with the writter...

Agree with the writter...All evil deserves retribution 10 times worst...Someone said the man was a murderer, but he didn't kill anyone: The wives were doing what they loved - whoring - the cheating husbands got divorced...No one was killed. very good story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
what about mike?

damn.. that nigga mike got off scot free tho....

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Oh yes,

I do love a happy ending.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

about the real birds and bees...Vultures & Killer Bs. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Too gross!

Over the edge. Like "payback" tales with retribution, but this is just too much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
this author.

Has some serious mental health problems.

He needs help and medicating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a difference

Over the top revenge, but not great. I think the greatest revenge is when the family forbids to know the grandchildren for the cheating ex wife!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The asshole annony thinks this writer has

some serious mental health problems. and needs help. Yet it the asshole annony who keeps reading these stories and crying and bitch and being a asshole as usual. The story is good and the effort great . So fuck you dear annony it's you that has some serious mental health problems. and should seek help and medicating..

He needs help and medicating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a joke.

I know this is fiction. But you ever been to a Planned Parenthood building? They have cameras everywhere. They would have picked him up taking the women. He would have needed to stop for gas (Oxnard is a LONG ways down Hiway 101 from Salinas). He stopped at the drive thru. People saw them. He left a trial. He was going to prison for the rest of his life. End of stupid story.

Pappy7Pappy7over 8 years ago
Second read.

And I liked it this time too. I do envy the wives though. An ocean voyage to tropical climes and a chance to meet many new and exciting people. How much more could these two beauties be loved? And all it cost them was everything.

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