It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 03


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{{ Hey, if you can negotiate with enemy leaders in the middle of a firefight, you should be able to talk and cum at the same time, }} was Eliza’s response.

{{ Well, we’d better get dressed, }} Veronica replied, standing up before she could get sucked into another sexual encounter.

“No fun,” Eliza grumbled, looking for her pants.

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At Fort Crass . . .

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Eliza’s team pulled into the hangar where all the Living Jewels were being kept. The United States government and the World Council had four of the eight that the scribes and scientists had been able to identify from information in the Arcanum. They had The Dead Man’s World, The Ocean’s Heart, The Alchemist’s Dream, and The Spear of God. After some hit and run struggles, the Purity had gotten their hands on The Child of the Sun, which apparently involved some kind of containment magic. The Heaven’s Eye had been lost when the dimensional rift had been closed, and could possible be on the Terran side. That left two gems; The Serpent’s Kiss and The Dragon’s Breath unaccounted for, and that made Eliza nervous. Did the Purity have them or were they still out there somewhere? If their enemies indeed had The Dragon’s Breath, then all hope of reuniting Earth and Terra were lost. But Eliza didn’t think that was the case. There were still too many rumors of Purity movements. If they had The Dragon’s Breath, the Purity might well go underground and disappear.

Captain Corbin was obviously eagerly awaiting their presence. No sooner than the team had gotten out of the car than he was gesturing for them to join him. He was standing near a table with a map of the world laid out. “So glad you’re here,” he said. He looked Eliza dead in the eyes. “I think we’ve got a lead on The Dragon’s Breath.”

The team went silent but jittery. This was the news they had all been waiting for. “How? Where?”

“Here,” he said, pointing at a remote section of mountains on the Argentine-Chilean border. “One of our scouts came across a small village that had a legend of a ‘magical fire stone’ that sounds an awful lot like what we’re looking for. It’s supposedly located somewhere around this volcano!”

“That figgin’ thing is active, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but our scientists have sworn that there isn’t any real activity at the moment. We want you guys to get down there right now. We’ve got a full tactical team ready to go, and we can get another ten teams down there by the time you’ve made camp.”

“Camp?” complained Wyrm. “It’s friggin’ cold in those mountains!”

“Don’t worry,” Eliza said, “you don’t need to go on this one. You’re not a combatant and you have all the outdoor skills of a toy poodle.”

“Hey! I resemble that remark!”

“Besides, I want you to work with Kelik and Valar on going through the other scouting reports and trying to pinpoint the locations of both remaining gems if this turns out to be a wild goose chase. Try every algorithm you can think of, then think of some new ones.”

“You got it boss.”

Eliza looked excitedly at her team. “Suit up! We’re going hunting!”

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In the mountains of South America . . .

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“This is the most boring ‘hunt’ I could ever imagine,” Allyson Murgo said as she crunched through the snow. “Can I PLEASE shoot something? My feet hurt! I’m hungry!”

Eliza stopped in her tracks and grabbed her friend by the shoulders. “One more complaint and I’m throwing you off the mountain. When did you become such a whiner?”

“I’m used to jungle ops. I HATE the snow! Why do you think Dennis and I moved to California?”

“Because you like earthquakes?”

“I’d say bite me, but I don’t know if you’d actually take me up on it!” Allyson was trying to get a rise out of her friend.

“Don’t worry,” Eliza said with a grin. “I’ve only got fangs for one neck.”

{{ How sweet! }} came a thought from the other side of the mountain. {{ You are SUCH a romantic, }} finished Veronica. Their link had become strong enough that they seemed able to communicate telepathically at any distance, a feat that had previously been reserved for when they were dreaming. It also allowed the two of them to lead different teams and stay in constant contact without cluttering up the airwaves with something the Purity might be able to pick up on. So Veronica and Dennis were working one side of the mountain with a couple of tactical teams while Eliza and Allyson led the rest of the force. Veronica wasn’t done mentally grumbling. {{ By the way, I have a complaint of my own. Why can’t ancient legends be written down somewhere in PLAIN ENGLISH! }}

{{ Those pesky native tribes and their non-English-speaking ways, }} Eliza teased.

“Actually,” started Allyson, interrupting the mental sparring, “I’m REALLY worried that we haven’t heard or seen anything from the Purity. You’d think they would have had SOMEONE watching the base and trying to track our movements. But we’ve been her for more than a day and nothing!”

Eliza was sobered by that. She had been hoping that maybe the lack of Purity involvement might mean a decrease in resources, but she also realized that it was wishful thinking. In the last few months, the World Council had figured out that the Purity was probably being sponsored and supported by a number of theocratic governments in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where people were so desperate for something to believe in that a few venom-spewing racist leaders with charisma had started wooing them almost a century earlier. And the seeds of dissent had quietly grown until they had become a far more dangerous opponent than anyone in the World Council had initially imagined. And they had backing from some secrete and powerful elements within the United States and Europe who supported their pro-human stance. “We’ll see them,” Eliza said. “They wouldn’t dare let The Dragon’s Breath slip through their fingers. And . . .” Eliza looked around. “Has anyone seen Thug?” Her team all looked around before shaking their heads. “How can we keep losing a half-ton troll?!?”

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A mile away . . .

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Thug had been quietly sitting in the snow, staring at a particular rock formation. ‘Humans are too impatient,’ he thought. ‘They keep looking for things as if they hadn’t changed. Everything changes.’ Thug was looking at the rocks, imagining them before wind, rain, snow and time had done their will upon the stone. After someone had finally gotten it through to him what a “llama” was and what a “llama god” might look like, he had begun wandering the mountainside looked for the rocks that resembled one, following in the footsteps of the village legend. An hour or so ago, Eliza and her troop had wandered near this spot but had paid no attention to it. So he had simply stopped, fading into the background. After a while, a couple of small furry animals came and sat on his shoulders, unaware that their perch was a potentially dangerous predator. Luckily, he had already eaten that morning.

After a while, he decided that this fit the description he had been given. He walked up under what had once probably been the head of the beast. He looked to either side and saw boulders, admitting that they could well be the soft hooves he had been told that these llamas possessed. So he cleared the snow and began to dig with his massive hands.

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An hour later . . .

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It had taken a while for Eliza to backtrack to where her troll friend had vanished, using her keen sense of smell as well as her own fading footprints to arrive at where he had been sitting. She looked up the mountain and saw a HUGE mound of displaced earth between a couple of boulders. She signaled for her team to hold their position, and started walking toward the pile of dirt.

“Thug?!? Is that you?”


Eliza shook her head. Thug was a good friend, but he could be awfully flighty from time to time. “Yes, gophers live underground. What the hell . . .”

A greenish-gray hand appeared over the mound of dirt. In those powerful fingers was a clod of dirt, but one with shiny red facets peaking through in a number of places. || IS THIS WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR, OR SHOULD I PUT IT BACK? ||

Eliza’s eyes almost popped out like they would in a cartoon. She broadcast the image to Veronica as she flew into the hole and hugged the incredibly filthy troll with tremendous strength. “You brilliant, wonderful, smelly animal! That’s it! You found our way home!”

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Back at base camp . . .

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“All right ma’am, we’ve almost got everything set and ready to go,” the tactical commander whispered. “We sent six teams back up the mountain, and a couple of our best infiltration specialists went to get the birds set for launch. We should be able to move the prize in about an hour.”

Eliza nodded happily. She had been half tempted to try and open the gateway right then and there all by herself, but she realized that doing so without Valar and Kelik could prove disastrous. Even though she knew she would never be accepted back in her own world anymore, it was a small victory against a truly despised opponent. Besides, she kind of wanted to meet Veronica’s sister.

Allyson and Dennis had gone with Thug to a nearby stream so he could get cleaned up after his excavating adventure. He didn’t really need help; the two humans were just there to make sure he didn’t get distracted and try and follow the stream back to its source or something else odd.

Eliza felt a familiar presence approaching and could smell the familiar scent of organic body-wash as it drew close. Then Veronica’s hands slid around Eliza’s waist and pulled their bodies tightly together.

“It’s all coming together, isn’t it?”

“It would seem so,” Eliza replied, placing her own hands over Veronica’s. “But it almost seems too easy. Why didn’t the Purity make a play, or at least send out feelers?”

“Don’t go looking for trouble,” Veronica said, ever so gently kissing Eliza on the neck and making the former vampire see stars. “Trouble is good enough at finding us. Hey, come with me. I want you to have a look at something.”


“Something I found,” Veronica answered.

They wandered off into the foliage a good distance from the encampment.

“Here we are,” Veronica said.

“Where’s ‘here’?” Eliza wondered.

“Here,” Veronica began as she unzipped her jumpsuit and let it fall to the cold, snow-covered ground, “is where I found a naked woman in need of some attention!” She spun around, smiling sexily.

Eliza grinned. As she approached, she unzipped her own suit down past her navel and pressed her body against that of her lover, kissing her lengthily. Veronica pushed the jumpsuit off Eliza’s shoulders, her lips making a beeline for the side of her lover’s neck.

“Oh . . .oh no fair,” Eliza moaned. She let the jumpsuit fall, grabbing Veronica’s hips and pulling them towards her until her lover wrapped her lips around Eliza’s waist. She ripped the panties right off of Veronica’s body and slid a finger into the woman’s box, testing the waters to see if they were warm enough. The suction on her neck was an indication that she was most definitely ready. And she wasn’t even using her fangs yet!

“God, I wish we’d brought some toys,” Veronica said, releasing her lip-lock on that patch of sensitive skin.

Eliza thrust two more fingers into her girlfriend’s pussy and pushed her thumb into Veronica’s ass. “It would have been hard to rationalize bringing a dildo when we had weight limits,” she brought up.

“This is no time for logic,” Veronica said, bucking against Eliza’s fingers as if she was riding a horse. Eliza leaned in and took one of those well-rounded, golden globes on Veronica’s chest and sucked lovingly on every square inch of it. Then she moved onto the other one. “Let’s do it in the snow,” she whispered.

Eliza knelt and lay Veronica down back first in the white powder and they lay on top of her, fingers still buried in Veronica’s sex. It was her turn to lightly kiss her lover’s neck, working her way up from the shoulder.

For Veronica, things couldn’t be more perfect. The coldness against her back was insignificant compared to the heat that Eliza was giving off and the fire that was burning down below. Eliza’s fingers could read Veronica’s pussy like a book, and she was in the process of speed-reading. She badly wanted to feel her lover’s teeth sink into her neck, but she knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. They both got a little “punch drunk” when they started drinking each other’s blood. Then she felt a pleasant pressure building inside and knew she was going to cum. She locked her lips on Eliza’s neck again and held on as her warmth trickled out onto the snow. She was going to leave a hickey the size of a Buick, but she didn’t care anymore. It’s not like people didn’t know what they did together.

Eliza rubbed Veronica’s mound a few more times for good measure, then patted it a few times as well. She backed up, turned her body sideways and the sidled forward again until the two women’s legs were crossed and their mounds touched. “If we don’t have toys, we’ll just have to make do,” she added with a smirk as she rubbed her desperately swollen mound against her lover’s sex.

“I love a woman who can improvise,” Veronica said, returning the smile. She rubbed back, and also started kissed the inside of Eliza’s knee. ‘Is there any part of this body that isn’t perfect?’ she thought. Then she noticed Eliza blushing. Veronica had forgotten to mask her thoughts, so Eliza had picked up her mental comment. {{ Don’t let it go to your head, }} she thought more directly. She started giggling when her lover kissed the back of Veronica’s knee. Eliza knew she was ticklish there.

{{ A girl does what she can. }} Eliza started rubbing harder, grasping the leg in front of her for support. As Veronica threw her head back, her flowing blond hair caught the last light of the setting sun just perfectly. {{ You are so beautiful, }} came Eliza’s version of a mental whisper.

{{ Stop thinking and just fuck me, }} Veronica replied, not-so-secretly beaming at the compliment. She sank a finger into her own pink asshole, encouraging her hips to rub a little harder.

Both women’s hips were growing cold in the snow, but neither really gave a damn. Labia were rubbing against labia fast enough that they actually could have set a less-wet forest ablaze. Eliza grabbed a handful of snow and sprinkled it onto the point at which they were joined, rubbing it into their skin. The contrast of sensations was decadent, and Veronica wasn’t sure if she was shivering from the temperature or the pleasure. {{ You little . . . }} She tried tossing a snowball at Eliza, but the other woman already knew the missile was on its way and dodge, then humped her hips to ward off thoughts of future assaults. A groan informed her she had succeeded. Within minutes, both women were experiencing orgasms, their fluids lubricating their connection point beyond all reason.

{{ You know, I think I owe you one, }} Veronica thought, disentangling herself from Eliza’s legs. She tossed her already frozen jumpsuit on the ground and lay on it, pushing her lover’s legs apart and took a long slow draw of her tongue straight up that pink slit. Then she breathed lightly on it, watching her own breath creep around that private area like mist. She saw it traveling up her lover’s perfect body as if to merge with Eliza’s breath, but becoming distracting by those rippling abdominal muscles. Veronica had been distracted by those many times, and she started tracing them with her fingers as her tongue slipped deep into Eliza’s happy place. {{ So warm and velvety, }} she thought.

Eliza’s brain had switched off for the time being. She had her legs spread in as wide a v-shape as she could go, toying with her own nipples while her lover took care of most of the rest of her sensitive parts. Before Veronica, she hadn’t been in a real relationship. She had been the other woman in an affair, and had a smattering of secret rendezvous with women who couldn’t be seen with her, or she couldn’t be seen with them. Having a woman get to know her like Veronica had . . . someone who actually loved her . . . it made her long for things she had never thought herself capable of. At the moment though, all she longed for was for Veronica to keep doing exactly what she was doing.

Veronica pulled back her hands, pushed them under Eliza’s buttocks and lifted the woman’s hips off the ground, then began a revitalized oral assault on Eliza’s sexual defenses. She wanted to leave her tongue buried in that warm, moist slot for all eternity. She was lapping frantically, then slowed to a crawl, pushing the sides of her tongue out and making some long slow passes up the middle. Eliza was what Veronica had always wanted; a hard body with a soft candy center.

After pressing her gums together on those juicy inner labia and sucking on her clit, Eliza’s sexual defenses crumbled and a torrent of pleasure cascaded out from the woman’s crotch. Veronica nuzzled her girlfriend’s mound until Eliza’s body came to rest on the frozen ground. But it didn’t stay there for long. Veronica thrust three fingers into Eliza’s pussy and quickly began pumping them. {{ And this is for making me cum while I was on the phone! }} Her hand was moving almost faster than the human eye could see. Her tongue went back to work, teasing its way under Eliza’s clitoral hood and softly caressing that hypersensitive little nub.

{{ I’m . . . good gracious . . . I’ll never do it again, }} Eliza mentally groaned.

{{ I’m SO sure, }} was the reply. Veronica took her time, watching Eliza’s body toss and turn on the ground, making what was quite possibly the most obscene snow angel that anyone had ever seen. She stretched her fingers out, taking Eliza’s vaginal opening with them. She thought back to the time of the rooftop when this very woman had inserted her entire fist into Veronica’s body.

{{ Don’t EVEN think about it, }} Eliza warned. {{ We can figure out a payback for that another time!}} Eliza actually looked both shocked and scared at the idea of being fisted.

{{ Okay, we can wait on that, }} Veronica thought back.

{{ That’s the only thing you’ll have to wait on, }} Eliza returned, pressing her shoulders to the ground and stretching her torso as she began to climax again. Veronica’s fingers were quickly replaced with her tongue as she savored the flavor of her lover’s cum.

The two lay together, their sweat freezing on their skin and their breath finally mingling in a kiss.

{{ Veronica . . . }}

{{ Yes? }} the former human responded, kissing Eliza again. Being able to lock lips and still communicate was something of a blessing in her eyes.

{{ Could you let me up? I think my ass is freezing to this rock. }}

Veronica just stared at her lover, then started to laugh. {{ You hopeless romantic! }} she finally got out. She helped peel Eliza, butt and all, off the ground. Then they slipped back into their cold and damp jumpsuits and headed back to camp. Their heads seemed clear and their hearts were light. They had, in their minds, won a victory and enjoyed the spoils. They were soon to discover that things weren’t always as simple as they seemed.

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