It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 03


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{{ Okay, }} Eliza panted mentally. {{ I think the worst is over, }} she thought, a little more pleasantly. The pressure that had once been uncomfortable had slowly become somewhat exciting. So the two women mauled and sucked on each other’s tits as Veronica started pumping her slim toy in and out of Eliza’s butt.

{{ Does it feel good? }} Veronica thought naughtily. {{ Is my naughty vampire goddess enjoying having her ass fucked? }}

Eliza had been sucking on one of Veronica’s nipples when that last thought came through. {{ Feel for yourself, }} she replied, and she projected her pleasure back at Veronica. The human woman began to feel every stroke in Eliza’s ass as if it were happening to Veronica herself.

{{ Oh that’s sweet, }} Veronica thought as she felt her own sphincter opening and closing. She projected the feeling of Eliza’s lips on the human’s breasts back at the vampire, and Eliza began to mentally moan. Eliza finally sat up straight, began rubbing her upper mound as well as her clit, projecting THOSE feelings on to Veronica. The human lover felt her private area being stimulated, and it was fantastic.

The two women were caught in a loop of sexual ecstasy and satisfaction. Whatever one felt, the other felt as well. The pleasure began building in intensity almost exponentially. Veronica slammed the dildo all the way into Eliza’s ass, and they both achieved climax together. And it was an pair of orgasms of epic proportions, with bodies shivering, breasts jiggling and pussies experiencing spasm after spasm in total unison. Eliza felt like she dumped a gallon of sweet, sticky girl-cum onto Veronica’s lap, but her lover didn’t seem to care. Veronica had a sort of glassy stare, indicating she wasn’t quite over their shared orgasm quite yet.

Eliza lay down on top of her companion. The dildo that had recently been filling her ass slipped out with a “plop,” then disappeared back into the nothingness from which it had come. It was just the two of them again.

Then, they both felt something tugging on them, pulling them into the void.

{{ No! }} Eliza gave a mental shout. {{ Not yet! }}

Veronica seemed oddly at peace with the separation, and she blew Eliza a kiss. {{ If this was our last moment, then I could die happy. But I don’t think it is . . . }}

{{ But I was too late! }} returned Eliza.

{{ Says who? }}

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Back in the real world . . .

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Eliza sat up with a start. She didn’t recognize her surroundings at all, though it didn’t take long before realizing she was in a hospital. How the hell did she get there? She heard a groan next to her and she looked over. On the next gurney, no more than five feet away, lay Veronica. Eliza’s heart skipped a beat. Her lover looked bruised and battered, but nearly as badly as the vampire remembered. Both of Veronica’s ankles, one of her hands and a couple of fingers on the other hand were all in casts. But the bruising and burns on her face and arms was greatly diminished. Eliza normally might have wondered how long she had been out, but there wasn’t time for that. Joy overtook her as she tried to get off the hospital bed and go to her lover. She had to remove some pesky IV’s and assorted tape, but she was able to move over and stare down at Veronica’s face. The human woman’s eyes, which had been swollen shut the last time Eliza had seen them, opened.

“Huh. . . hey beautiful,” Veronica finally got out. “Did . . . did wuh. . . did we get married?”

Eliza almost started to cry as she kissed Veronica on an unblemished part of her cheek and just about anywhere else that she could. “I’m not sure,” she gasped.

The door behind her opened and several nurses, a doctor, and Eliza’s entire security team (along with Captain Corbin and Kelik) burst into the room.

“And they woke up at the same time!” one doctor said with amazement. “Incredible! Now, back in bed.” It was a silly command that Eliza would have ignored completely were it not for the incredible head-rush she received from her sudden return to the world of the vertical. So she sat down in the visitor’s chair next to Veronica’s bed and lay her head on the human woman’s hand.

“Not so amazing considering what happened to them,” Kelik said with a bemused grin. He looked incredibly tired, and Eliza wondered how long he had been awake.

“Considering what happened?” Eliza asked irritably. Then she noticed the sunlight streaming into the room. It wasn’t bothering her eyes the way sunlight usually did.

Kelik looked a little sheepish. “Since . . . well, it might be easier if you saw for yourself.” He looked around and grabbed a mirror from the bathroom, holding it up to her face.

Eliza was dumfounded by what she saw. First of all, she looked . . . healthy. There was little trace of the fight she had been in. Secondly, her eyes had changed. They had been completely yellow, but now they were yellow with blue streaks running through them. She looked over at Veronica again. Even through the bruising, Eliza saw that her lover’s eyes now looked identical to Eliza’s own.

“What the fuck . . .”

“I did the only thing I could think of,” Kelik said. “Neither one of you were strong enough to survive what was happening to you. So I used the Alchemist’s Dream to combine you.”

Eliza moved to grab Kelik’s shoulders and shake him. But when she moved towards him, everything seemed to speed up for her. It was like she was seeing things through Veronica’s eyes again, like the first time she had bitten the human. Her friends only saw a blur as Eliza moved.

“Holy shit!” she said, her intention of shaking an answer out of Kelik now forgotten.

“She’s FASTER?” Allyson said with wide eyes. “That’s not fair!”

Eliza’s head was swimming. “What the hell happened to me?”

“I’m kind of curious about that myself,” Veronica muttered tiredly. “And what is that smell?” She started looking around. “It’s like . . . coppery. I didn’t even know what that smelled like before, but that’s definitely what I’m smelling now.”

“That’s what blood smells like,” Eliza whispered.

“Why am I smelling blood?” Veronica asked. Then she gave a slight yawn, and Eliza saw the hint of fangs. Which Veronica promptly bit her lip with. “What the . . .” She ran her tongue across her teeth. “Uhm . . . what are these?”

“You . . . you’re a vampire!” Eliza exclaimed, almost fainting.

“No she isn’t,” Kelik assured a panicking Veronica. He then turned to Eliza. “And neither are you.”

Eliza sat down. “What are you . . . that’s not . . . I can’t handle this.”

“When you were combined,” Kelik started by way of an explanation, “you became something new. More than either human or vampire.”

The doctor piped in excitedly. “You have developed the most efficient physiology anyone has ever seen! All of your primary organs and functions have back-up systems! You’ve both been healing at an incredibly accelerated rate, and apparently you’re both faster as well. I suspect you’re probably stronger and . . . What I mean to say . . . and what Ambassador Kelik here is indicating is that you two are now the only two members of an entirely new life form!”

Eliza’s brain was almost overloading. So was Veronica’s, but she was too exhausted to do anything about it. “See,” the “human” woman said by way of a joke, “you said we never do anything together.” Then she passed out again.

Eliza sat on her bed and curled up in as tight of a ball as she could. It was too much to handle. She wasn’t even a vampire anymore. She was a lesbian . . . hybrid.

“I think we may have been a little hasty in our dispensing of information,” Kelik said.

“Maybe, but . . .” Allyson started. Then she noticed how exhausted the Ambassador was. He had slept very little in the last several days, and being awake during the daytime was obviously taxing to him. “Get some sleep. I’ll stay with her.”

Kelik glanced once more at Eliza’s prone form, then wandered off. His excitement had gotten the better of him.

Allyson sat down at Eliza’s side.

“How long?” Eliza asked. “How long have I been like this?”

“Six days,” Allyson responded quietly. “The doctor was right about your healing time.”

“What the hell am I? What the hell are we?” she added, looking again at the slumbering Veronica.

“You are Eliza, my friend and employer. That hasn’t changed. And I’m willing to bet Veronica is the same person in a new-and-improved body. It was strange. You’ve been healing well, but once when they tried to move you to separate rooms, both of your heart monitors went haywire. The doctors have been afraid to separate you two ever since.”

The vampire . . . or the not-quite-a-vampire . . . wasn’t able to take her eyes off the not-quite-a-human lying next to her. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

Allyson smiled, and the rest of the team, all of whom had remained quiet the whole time, filed out of the room. “Yes she is,” Allyson whispered.

“She’s going to be okay?”

“Yes. You’ll BOTH be okay,” the human said, stroking her friend’s face and hair.

Eliza drifted off. The pain medication she was on, combined with psychological exhaustion and whatever biological changes she was undergoing, had her sleeping again, albeit fitfully at first. Then she calmed down a bit. Then she started to moan, and her heart monitor stepped up a beat. So did Veronica’s. The U.S. envoy was smiling with her eyes closed.

“Are they dreaming?” Allyson wondered. Both patients flushed a little, and Veronica started to pant as her hands unconsciously drifted to her crotch. Allyson blushed. ‘They’re dreaming all right,’ she thought. ‘And I’m willing to bet I know what they’re dreaming about.’

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Many months later . . .

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Veronica and Eliza were standing on top of a mountain only a few miles from Eliza’s compound. A lot can happen in a short amount of time. The doctors and Kelik had been right about improved healing times. Wounds and broken bones that should have as long as six months to a year to heal had healed in just under three months. Just a few days earlier, Veronica had gotten the last of her casts removed.

Eliza and Veronica had spent a lot of time together. Doctors and scientists around the country had wanted to come poke and prod the couple, but they had retreated to Eliza’s team-compound, and nobody got in to see them without going through Eliza’s personal assistant . . . Thug. As a result, the two spent a lot of time alone. They were having difficulty enough dealing with the fact that they were unlike any other living things without having to deal with being gawked at like animals at the zoo. Both of them, Veronica especially, were trying to build their strength back up. It almost seemed as if Veronica had something to prove, but Eliza wasn’t sure who she was trying to prove it to. She had been temporarily relieved of duty as official U.S. envoy while the government tried to wrap their pencil-necked heads around the concept of her being unable to keep information secret from a civilian, as well as her no longer being human.

Physically, they were both in phenomenal shape, especially considering what they had gone through. Eliza had clocked a top land-speed of forty miles-per-hour and was able to lift twice as much as she had been able to before. Her more efficient biology gave her more endurance and required less rest to replenish her energy stores. And as Veronica’s health returned, she seemed to be becoming Eliza’s equal in every way. They had just jogged up the side of a mountain just to get away.

“Can you believe this?” Veronica asked, staring off into space. They were looking out over the mountainside, and they could see the ocean off in the distance.

“Nice view,” Eliza said. Of course, she was staring at Veronica’s backside when she said that. The two of them hadn’t been intimate except in their dreams since before Veronica had been abducted. While Veronica hadn’t been raped, she had been tortured in just about every other way imaginable, and she was still a little gun-shy regarding physical contact. And Eliza was still blaming herself. They tried to respect each other’s thoughts, but sometimes their respective insecurities leaked out and made the other uncomfortable.

Veronica dipped her head. “It’s okay you know. You can still be attracted to me.”

Eliza blushed. Their psychic link had grown even stronger since their transformation, and as already mentioned, some things just couldn’t be hidden.


“Don’t be. Just . . .” Veronica was nervous. The two women had been tiptoeing around each other for a while, and she wanted it to end. “I’m sorry I’ve been a bit distant . . . physically.”

“You don’t need to apologize for that. I can’t imagine what it was like . . .”

“But you can!” Veronica almost shouted, exasperated with the guilt and self-doubt that she was sensing from her partner. “You were there in my head the whole time. Allyson told me what happened to you every time they did something to me. Knowing you were there . . . that you were out there trying to find me is the only reason I was able to hold on as long as I did.” Veronica wiped some moisture from her eyes. “If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead. And I want to touch you . . . to feel you the way I used to. I feel the same way ABOUT you that I did, but . . . I’m not even comfortable in this skin anymore.”

“I know what you mean. I’m staring at daylight, which used to hurt. I move through the world, but can’t tell if I’ve sped up or it’s slowed down. And . . . and I don’t know if I even want to go home anymore. I don’t know if I can.”

Veronica turned around, confused. As she did so, she finally saw something that she had completely missed. Even if the dimensional portal reopened, Eliza was going to finally have to tell her parents about her sexuality, which was no small matter in vampire society. Now, she wasn’t even a vampire anymore. How could a reserved culture and tradition-oriented family accept someone whose sexual appetites were socially offensive to them and who wasn’t even from the same species anymore.

“I’m sorry. I hadn’t even thought about that.”

“I think you being tortured takes emotional precedence over my homesickness.”

“Don’t do that,” Veronica said heatedly, facing Eliza. “Don’t act like you did something wrong. Without you, Captain Corbin never would have found me.”

“Without me, the Purity never would have taken you.”

“Bullshit! They would have come after me for something else. I was stupid for letting my guard down and I paid for it. We’ve suffered. We’re scared. We’re the only two of our kind in the world. Guess what?!? We’ll always have suffered. We’ll always have been scared, and we may very well be the only two things like us that will ever exist. So how long do we keep this up?” Veronica sat down on a rock. “How long do we keep running up the mountain to get away from the rest of the world?”

“So you want to go back down the mountain?”

“It was a METAPHOR!” Veronica screamed, scaring several nearby birds. Then she saw Eliza snickering behind her hand. “Okay,” she muttered, smiling a little at the former vampire, “point to you.”

Eliza sat down next to her friend. “What a pair we are.” She felt Veronica’s hand creep into her own and grip it tightly. She sniffed the air. “Great. We have an intruder,” she said. “No one I recognize.”

Veronica tested the air also. “It’s going to take a while to get used to this whole ‘recognizing by smell’ thing. Paparazzi maybe? We had a bunch of them hanging out in front of the compound earlier. One of them could have seen us come up here.”

“Vultures with cameras,” Eliza muttered. “Whoever it was would have had to be up on the slope already. There’s no way someone could have kept up with us. Probably hoping to get a shot of the bedroom,” she said, then blanched a bit. There hadn’t been anything going on in that room recently worth taking a picture of.

“I’ll be ready soon,” Veronica said. “I promise.” That coaxed a smile from Eliza. “Now, wanna go scare the hell out of this guy?”

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A while later . . .

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Allyson walked into the living room to find that Eliza and Veronica had returned and were rolling around on the floor laughing. The rest of the crew, including Kelik, were just staring at them.

“What the . . .”

“You should have seen it!” Veronica said between gasps. “We smelled this sleazy photographer guy following us around the mountain . . .”

It was Eliza’s turn. “And so we started following him instead! We kept breaking twigs and making noise on purpose just to fuck with him!”

“Then we’d disappear. Finally we pounced on him and teased him endlessly. We had him thinking he was going to get lucky, then . . .”

“ . . . we had him thinking he was going to get eaten. It was funny. He went from having a hard on . . .”

“ . . . to wetting himself within a couple of minutes! It was precious!”

“We stole his camera and left him outside the main gate. The other paparazzi were actually laughing at him when they saw him!” Eliza finally got herself under control. “God I needed that!” Veronica was still laughing, but lay her head in her lover’s lap, and Eliza started braiding that blonde hair.

“I hate to interrupt,” Allyson said with a smile, “but we got a call from Captain Corbin. He politely requests both of your company tomorrow at Fort Crass. He sounded happy about something.”

“You up for doing some business?” Eliza asked of her girlfriend.

“I guess so,” Veronica said with a sigh. “I just . . . I was just beginning to feel better. It’d be nice to have some real time off before everything started up again.”

“Then let’s go out tonight,” Eliza replied, her eyes lighting up. “God, we all could use a night on the town!” she added, looking around at her crew. They all looked like they had been ridden hard and put away wet. In the last few months, they had endured more than any of them should have had to, and it was showing. “What do you guys think?”

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Many hours later . . .

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“See you gals later,” Allyson slurred. She had consumed quite a bit of alcohol at the restaurant, then again at the bar and later at the club, and Dennis was getting ready to take her home. Kelik, Thug and Wyrm had bowed out after dinner, and the remaining four had been painting the town red. But Eliza and Veronica weren’t even vaguely tired. There was a full moon, and the two of them still felt like howling. Both had drunk quite a bit, but their paranormal metabolisms had already begun sobering them up. After splitting with their friends, the two found themselves wandering the dark streets and alleys of Springfield.

Eliza was teaching her lover what being a creature of the night really meant. They practiced stalking and sneaking. They found themselves leaping from rooftop to rooftop as quietly as alley cats. Veronica was growing accustomed to being able to see in the dark. She could smell every scent wafting up from all-night cafes and she could smell the cheap perfume from the hookers on the street corners. Just as Eliza had become accustomed to being awake during the day, Veronica found herself feeling alive in the shadows.

They found themselves overlooking a series of apartments near the college. There was a block party going on, and there were people everywhere. The sound of music, the sight of pulsating lights and the smell of alcohol and sex were everywhere. The jumped down from the building they were on and made there way through the crowds. Everyone stared at them, but Eliza doubted any of the onlookers knew who the two were. They weren’t getting stared at because they were some hybrid life forms. They were being stared at because they were too stunningly beautiful “women” in skin-tight black bodysuits that had a look of hunger in their eyes.