All Comments on 'Gabriella Ch. 06'

by soular

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
double wooooooowwwwww !!!! :O so much in one chapter= amazing

please oh please hurry up with the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for all you ella haters she will end up with simon because they are made for each other eventhough the situation is bitch simple. True love has never been easy never will be. of course cheating is wrong, no buts but when two people arent right for each other then what. i mean i dont hate patrica but she's such a weakling i mean she seriusly does put men before her daughter no wounder ella doesn't feel bad towards her she'a a stanger to her. Yes simon is arsehole ,,,, but oh god did i feel srry for ella walking in and seeing the man you love with your mum daily in and out gosh that must hurt oouchh. well done soular you amazing at putting across emotion so strong like no other thats why your my favourite ;) please hurry though and dnt make us waiting until next timee!!!!11

but all this has be woundering weather ella is pregnant and what simon will say to patrica hmmmmm

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I love this story! Yet, I'm so lost. I love all the characters. I just really want to know what going to hapeen with Gabriella! Can't wait for chapter 7!

raunchyrareraunchyrareabout 14 years ago
Will the truth come out in the next chapter?

This was great, and the escalation is near breaking point. Glad to see Patricia stronger, but both simon and Ella are unraveling in their own way, and both acting out-him with the deperate hang to his marriage while it's clear, he just doesn't have it in him to really close the door to Ella, and her with her pseudo play for Nolan.I really thought Ella would tell Patricia the truth just to spite her out of anger, but she's having Simon do the dirty work-that should be interesting...Please do not make us wait too long !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

What a Kerfuffle..I can't wait for the bomb to drop and explode. Simon seems to think he could just put this all behind him , with Ela still living at home..hell no!.

Patricia on da other hand want's this marriage to work. Soular, how is this gonna pan out? I am so confused whose side i am on. First Ella + Simon. Then Ella +Nolan. Paticia should leave Simon (tha't a must). What a messy affair. Ella needs some help..maybe to get away from this toxic environment she's still young and so confused

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
from omgsums :)

wow just read it this morning when i got your email, lol damn made me late for work oh well blame it on the time change and it was worth it :) even through i want simon and gaberilla to work it out i don't think thats the way your taking this story and now my own emotions are caught up in this story lol damn well waiting for the next chapterr paitently ... stalk stalk stalk .... lol no pressure lol jk :)

grunabonagrunabonaabout 14 years ago

Oh, what a tangled web....

cpm09cpm09about 14 years ago

Seriously, you are killing me. I have to take a deep breath everytime I read a chapter. Soular, I can't cope with this suspense..I need next chapter now!! I hope that Patricia never finds out. It would be too much to bear. I need some sort of happy ending there..Please!

ghscrubbiesghscrubbiesabout 14 years ago
Truth Time

Both Simon and Ella needs to tell the truth and come clean to Patricia. Patricia for all her faults as a parent does not excuse Ella's indescretion or Simons's cheating. We are able to know Simon's thoughts in all especially this last chapter. He is not over Ella. He wants to be over her but can't. Time to let the chips fall. Tell the truth and see if you still have a relationship worth fighting.

PrincessErinPrincessErinabout 14 years ago

What an amazing chapter. I hate the cliffhanger but I can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Im tired of Gabriella

Someone needs to kill this little selfish whore off! Her mother did the best she could with the resources she had and what does she do fucks her husband and wants to be furious when he lets her know exactly what she is. Uggghhhh I hate her

luv_romanceluv_romanceabout 14 years ago
oh oh oh!!!

when will this mess end??? i can't wait to read the conclusion of this story. seriously soular, you are the best. don't keep us waiting too long will you? keep on writing. i feel for ella, i feel for simon, i feel for nolan... and..yeah sorta with patricia. i am still hoping for a happy ending here. i don't know how you will do it... and i am all for the ride. :)

hotcocoa6904hotcocoa6904about 14 years ago

I honestly think that once the truth is out, everyone needs to be by themselves. There is no salvaging a relationship once you find out that your husband was sleeping with you daughter. And Ella and Simon can't have a relationship because it is unhealthy and one-sided.

I really hated Ella in the beginning of this but now I just feel sorry for her. I still think that she is trifilin as hell for what she did and she needs help. But I don't think that she did it to be facetious, she did it because she was trying to find her own version of happiness. I kept asking myself how she could do that to her mother, but she doesn't really see Patricia that way. She is just some woman because she hasn't gotten over her hurt from childhood.

Now Simon on the other hand, I hate him. And I know that he is just as messed up as the rest of them but I just find it in myself to feel sorry for him. And Patricia.....oh would be easy to think she is pathetic but I think she is just trying to find happiness in horrible situations. It's a little more complicated than her just being pathetic. She needs to learn how to be by herself and love herself. I don't think that her and her daughter are ever really going to have a relationship after all the shit hits the fan. But I guess they never really had one anyway. They are all victims of this ongoing mind-fuck and I hope that everyone can heal after it is all said and done. Just wow........Soular you did it once again. Beautifully done as always!!!

sjsjssjsjsabout 14 years ago

This was an astounding chapter. I am completely blown away at how you manage to portray each and every one of these characters - the 3 main ones and all of the secondary ones. Even someone who appears for a few moments - e.g., the tall, blonde volleybally player - seems to a complete character and you can instantly imagine what/who they are. I have so much sympathy for Ella, Patricia and Simon... at first I thought Patricia was just a dull, pathetic character, but now I can see the results of what she has suffered. All three have had real lives, real experiences and each are almost fulfilling their individual destinies in relation to their pasts - perhaps it will take the next chapter to show that they are able to pull away from this and make something positive out of their lives, despite the horror of it all.

I cannot wait for the next chapter. I am truly in awe at your ability to write such full characters within such a difficult and challenging story...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Whatever happens, don't let ella and simon be together

I couldn't stand for them to end up together at the expense of patricia. I hoping for a mother daughter reconciliation and mother daughter ass kicking of simon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
i almost feel sorry for her

but not really.. apart of me thinks she wants a bond with her mother and the closet thing is simon. a part of me think she really likes nolan. no part of me wants simon and grabriella or simon and patricia to be together. Simon needs to get kicked the the curb and patricia and gabriella need to make up and find someone who will be in love with one not both

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

once again a fabulously written piece :) i can't wait for chapter 7 and to see where this all goes. i just know it's gonna be good :)

enrapturedinlustenrapturedinlustabout 14 years ago

i dont know were to start , ur writing is captivating as always but i actually cant put myself through this anymore ...i refuse to check this page until all the stories are out because this suspence is going to kill me .

it may be due to my crazy romantic notion but God i really want a happy ending , but i dont now how u can get it there, and for it to not be trite .

il trust in your genious

honeybreehoneybreeabout 14 years ago
Blood is thicker than water, don't forget that!!! Amazing chapter!!! : )

Your awesome Soular, I swear I should be PAYING YOU FOR YOUR STORIES!!!!

I hope Patrica and Ella form a bond and realize at the end of the day blood is thicker than water. Granted that neither of them are perfect, have flaws, and are carrying around hurt from the past and from a situation that could have been avoided if Simon kept his dick in his pants but I HOPE Ella and Pat get together and become a true mother and daughter. Because the important relationship in this story is Ella and Patricia NOT Simon and Ella or Simon and Patricia but MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. Men can come and go but your family, especially your mother, should always be there. Simon needs to go, he is the confusion in this equations he doesn't know what he wants! He wants his cake and eat it too. He wants the beautiful sexy wife at home and his freak jump off on the side to make him feel "alive"... NEGRO PLEASE! He is never truly happy, if he is with Patricia he thinks of Ella and if he is with Ella he thinks of Patrica. ALL OF THEM NEEDS A CLEAN BREAK AND HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER PEOPLE because if Simon picks either Ella or Patricia how is that healthy for any of them, because at the back of their minds they have to live with the mess of destroying someone and breaking them phsyically and mentally so they can be "happy' when at the end of the day it won't truly be happiness but another lie they delute themselves in.

I wanted to feel sorry for Ella, but to me she just comes off as extremely childish and a brat. She hurts, lies and use people...i.e. Nolan and does things and say things to get a reaction out of people just for the hell of it...i.e. Patricia and Simon. She needs to grow up because she doesn't have an independent thought in her head besides Simon. She is like a love struck puppy, I never read about her interests, dreams or goals but constantly Simon 24/7, that is not healthy! And though Patricia wasn't the "perfect" mother and spent every waking second with her, Pat did the best should could in an undesirable situation. I mean think about it Patricia had it all, she was going to graduate, get a job in the field she loved, had a successful boyfriend, buried her own hurtful childhood to soar and grow then all of a sudden her world is turned upside down because she is now pregnant, her boyfriend cheated on her and she left them, she got a job she hates and puts on a facade that she is "Fine" because she doesn't want to be seen as selfish, weak, or ungrateful. I get Patricia a bit more, just because your a mother doesn't mean your dead as a woman she has wants, needs and dreams too just like Ella so to say that she should just put that away and deal with a life she never wanted is stupid. How many of you could walk away from your dreams and deal with the status quo of life that your really not enjoying and deal with an bratty, ungrateful daughter that doesn't know half of the things she been through and a snake for a husband.

SIMON needs to get hit by a bus. He is way to controlling and wants to come off smelling like roses and doesn't want to be HATED in the end because like it or not, the faults lays mostly on him and he stands to loose the MOST. Which is why he is angry because Ella have Nola in her corner, that Patricia took charge this time of her daughter instead of him jumping in and "handling it", that Patricia will leave him and divorce him quickly, and why he got offended at the father comment! He is the poision in this equation but the sad thing is he doesn't want to see it and want to blame others when it is him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Well said Honeybree

You took the words out of my mouth. Other people leave silly little comments like I hope Gabriella and Simon end up together. How can that be when Simon and Gabriella's MOM are married? How can the two of them even be a reality? It's sick what's happening between stepfather and stepdaughter but its still a good story.

Cassey_girlCassey_girlabout 14 years ago
I want to slap Patricia in her head!!!!

I hate your Patricia character but your doing a great job chica! Keep rockin it out and please don't start charging I like that its free you gotsta take care of us poor college folk. <3 it!

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 14 years ago
Oh man.

This story is just so tragic.I feel so sorry for Ella. Yes, she's made bad choices but who hasn't? She's wounded and lonely and neglected and desperately seeking someone that will make her feel like she matters. I hope she finds that in someone.

I am one of the readers that wouldn't mind seeing Simon and Gabriella together. While they don't always get along, they get each other. If they weren't sneaking around, I think they wouldn't fight nearly as much. Ella is everything Simon hoped Patricia would be. Ella sees Simon for the flawed person he is and loves him anyway. Patricia sees him as this perfect human being and ignores his dark side. If Ella and Simon were together, neither one of them would have to pretend anymore. They could be completely themselves. That is why I could see them together. They're better suited than Simon and Patricia.

I have to say that while I feel sorry for the position Patricia is in, I don't really feel sorry for her. She can't neglect her child for 19 years and expect a few months to make a difference. She can't place rules and boundaries on a person that she didn't care to speak to for several year. And while no one deserves to be cheated on, she just doesn't seem to be a nice character and I don't like her enough to feel bad for her.

I feel like there are so many directions the story could go in, all leading to the big reveal. Myra suspects the other woman is Ella. So does Steven. Patricia knows that Ella's jacket was in Simon's office even though she had come home wearing it. Nolan knows that Ella was sleeping with the other man the previous night. If any two of those people get together, they are going to be able to put the pieces together.

The big question is what happens next? I don't envy you, Soular, because no matter how it ends, it won't be right for every character or every reader. At least, I don't see a way for that to happen.

Again, I thank you for being brave enough to post a story like this and for sticking with it despite the criticism. I LOVE the characters that you have created and how flawed and human and fallible you have made them. I like that it's not your cookie cutter, happy relationship story and I'm looking forward to the drama of the next chapter. Thanks again. I'm loving it.

TangledinYouTangledinYouabout 14 years ago
These days...

I'm always late to the party, but it's always nice to know that I'm one of many that has fallen in love with your words. You did an amazing job with this chapter, and I know you struggled with it. But every evolution I read got better and better until the finished product finally blew me away. That cliffhanger, man, and what's in store for all three... I know you'll kill it when the time comes to wrap up this crazy, heartwrenching tale. Love ya, bookend and thanks for reminding me that all the hard work is well worth the wonderful end product. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Though I sympathize with Ella, her actions are in no way justified. However she is a 19 year old girl. What is Patricia's excuse. Here she is a grown behind woman and she still doesn't seem to care about the affect her bahavior has had on her daughter. Maybe if she put as much effort into being with her daughter as she did into saving her marriage with Simon half of these problems wouldn't exist. I really can't stand her character!

Soular I absolutely love this story. Keep it coming!

peethreepeethreeabout 14 years ago

When I see you are about to update, I get so excited and check daily. I have so much emotions when I read this story. I think it is so well written. I feel so much for Ella even though she did sleep with her mother's husband. She is obviously a little girl that has been hurt and is looking for love. I wish Patricia had the courage to love her like she seems to be able to love and forgive Simon. Simon is so confused. I know he realizes the mistakes he made and the trust he destroyed, but I want him to let Ella go or let Patricia go or both of them. It seems he still wants to have his cake and eat it to. Keep up the great writing.

LilMami07LilMami07about 14 years ago

Im so ready for Patricia to put the pieces of this crazy puzzle together. I honestly feel for all of these characters. I feel sorry for Gabriella because she's so young and confused. deep down she just wants to feel loved. I feel for Patricia but its a little too late to try to be a mother now. She wasnt really there for Gabriella emotionally growing up. That doesnt make what Gabriella is doing right though. And Simon. Poor Simon. I think its disgusting what he did and his conscious is eating him alive. I still feel for him though. I can relate with him about no matter how bad or immoral being with someone is, you can't leave that person alone. Soular, I think you're doing a beautiful job at telling such a raw story. --forever a fan, lilmami07

kiwiplumkiwiplumabout 14 years ago
It's so complicated

You've got me liking, or at least feeling sorry for every one of your characters. It's almost an uncomfortable feeling looking in on their lives. I'm rooting for the marriage to stay whole and for Nolan to help Gabriella, lord only knows she needs help. Pretty hard to see a marriage surviving such a betrayal though. You've left me on the edge of the cliff all right! A gripping read.


August_BouvierAugust_Bouvierabout 14 years ago
Into the storm we go

The comments have covered it all when it comes to this story. Each character has been hurt or has caused someone else's hurt and so there's no clear cut winner here. You've given us an entertaining and provocative read.

tenstensabout 14 years ago

This chapter was so great! We're finally getting to the meat (or what I perceive to be the meat) of the story! It was great that you used old antagonists like Bryan to move along the subplot of Ella and Nolan. There's so much more life and flow in the story this time around and I really think it's the best chapter yet.

It would be great if someone suggested that Ella get some counseling from a professional. She needs to deal with being sexually abused long ago by her creepy neighbor, neglected as a child by Patricia, and beginning to sleep with her stepfather for an entire year shortly after turning eighteen. Patricia, Simon, and Nolan can't help her deal with these traumatic events. It would destroy Pat and Nolan and even Simon has said he'd be a terrible choice. She needs a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychotherapist. However, noting the importance of the story's drama and the fact that Ella isn't a real person, I realize she might not take this route.

I seriously thought she was going to spill all the beans when Patricia discovered she'd put whiskey in her soda. I yelped in front of my computer! You're such a great writer. Go out and make some money, girl!

cocoadivacocoadivaabout 14 years ago
It's beginning to unravel

This is why you are at the top of my favorite list. You have the ability to create multidimensional characters. There is no clear cut good guy/bad guy. You have everyday normal people who do not always exercise good judgment. Sometimes good people do bad things. There is only a matter of time before the characters completely unravel and the truth comes out.

lheureauxlheureauxabout 14 years ago
Absolutely Fabulous!

The steady building of tension, fabulously interspersed with humor, hope, pathos, and hot loving sex enthralled me and kept me that way even after I'd finished reading the chapter. It was chocked full of a little bit of everything! You certainly turned it up a notch! Then BAM! Right at the end.

Chapter 7 can't come soon enough for me.

NS11NS11about 14 years ago

My heart was beating fast after reading the last part of that chapter. I'm having trouble dealing with this roller coaster...I want Ella to grow up and try to mend the damage that her and Simon have caused to the family. I cant wait for the next installment...but Ella is really starting to piss me off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
It's time

It's time for the truth to come out. This is a very compelling story with flawed characters, but make no if ands or buts about it, no matter how sorry Simon is, he's a sexual predator and both Ella and Patricia need to be done with him him. Patricia needs some self esteem because I don't know why she's trying so hard to hang on to a man who she knows is cheating on her and Ellla: it's time for her to grow the hell up and stop playing the victim. She needed that slap. Good for Patricia. And Nolan needs to be far away from Ella before she drags him down too. This is a great outside the box type of story because its really hard to root for any of them beside Nolan yet I still want to know what happens next. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Good read

Soular this is a great read filled with just about everything. I agree with most of the comments so far, but disagree with the poster who labeled Simon a sexual predetor. I do not see him as such, weak yes, predetor no. Yes Ellas was young when their affair started, but as a girl who had an affair with one of her professors myself, she is much to blame as Simon. I was nineteen and he was thirty three on the verge of divorce (never did get one) and it lasted for about a year. Though I didn't have the baggage Ellas does, I knew what I was doing and didn't care. I was simply selfish, much like Ella. She is simply looking for someone to love her without restaints, like her mother seems so unable to do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Once again you capture the characters and their flaws so well. My heart aches for Gabriella. She has never had anyone love and accept her unconditionally and SHOW it to her. And now she's spiraling. Nolan seems sweet, but is just another extra in this tale. I am really beginning to despise Patricia for being so weak and negligent. But you are the product of your environment, so maybe she didn't know better. Still don't like her though. Simon is just as confused as ever wt his fucking saviour complex and torn btwn wanting to rescue and/or fuck Gabriella. Argh. Soular, your prowess as an author is truly amazing. When I saw that there was an update I was simultaneously excited and discomfited. Excited because I was looking forward to the continuation and discomfited knowing that the truth had to come out soon and wondering what would happen. Would not at all be surprised if Patricia blames Gabriella for 'stealing' her husband. Can't wait for your next update!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I want Gabrielle and Simon to be together but i do not see how that is possible. Patricia has to find out about their "affair" to me that would totally ruin the relatioship between Patricia and Simon. Patricia and Gabrielles relationship... I just do not know, I mean she'll always be her daughter right? So it seems time COULD possibly heal those wounds. I can't wait for the next chapter!!! Please hurry!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
What a ride!

I go through the entire range of emotions reading this series. I still thinks Simon loves Ella and kinda want to see them together,just don't see how it's possible. Patricia for some reason only inspires contempt from me. Not usually a fan of complicated love triangles etc but this is really compelling stuff. Excited and nervous to see how it ends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
such a great story!

once again, soular, you have created a truly great story for us! can not wait until the next installment. on a random aside - been meaning to pose this question for a while - do any of you recall the title or author of another interracial romance story - blk woman, wht man - that had to do with them being best friends for quite some time, i think they were planning to go on a vacation they had planned (just as friends - neither had ever admitted feelings for the other), and then one of his old "friends w/benefits" came into town not long before they were s'posed to go on trip? they all went to a club, the best friend (blk woman) no longeer wanted to be seen as little miss goody, goody so somehow convinced best friend to take a pill (ecstasy, i think) and they ended up having a threesome/foursome? lots of regrets, but ultimately drew the two best friends closer and made them want to address feelings for one another (sounds a little sketchy but i thought it was a well written, pretty interesting storyline,.i think the author was new to Lit)... but then the installments stopped..or I forgot what the story was called and missed the updates. Anyone able to help me out since I know folks sometimes follow similar types of stories? I think originally posted in summer of '09 (all the keyword searching in the world hasnt helped me find it...and it's not to be confused with the really good story by the author i forget (mixedmusic, or something like that maybe) with gabriel and nikki- i think those were their names- he's a member of a band and the former rommate of his love interests sister.i think that story was recently completed)Thanks! and great job again, soular! (sorry for adding this to your wall but hoping u or one of your avid readers knows the story i'm talking about)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
More than Intriguing!

This series is so good that I don't even know where you are going with it. So many questions unanswered. Who's gonna end up with whom? Is there even going to be a marriage at the end of all this? Can Simon in all good conscience still be around at the end of this series? I guess I'll have to wait and find out in the remaining exciting chapters of GABRIELLA!!!

marexotic18marexotic18about 14 years ago

your ability to capture the depth of these characters is truly amazing. My heart breaks for Gabriella. I hope she finds some sort of peace within herself. Can't wait for more!

soularsoularabout 14 years agoAuthor
To anon regarding missing story...

Hey all, thank you so much for your wonderful comments! I just wanted to answer anon below regarding the story you were looking for. I just got help on TST from someone who reminded me that it was blowers_daughter who wrote the story you're looking for. She has since then removed the story, but her profile is still up. And the other story w/ Gabriel and Nicole, that's from Gabriel and Loose Ends by Tangledinyou. Hope you can find blowers_daughter story elsewhere, b/c it really was good!

Again, thanks everyone for the comments...they keep me going. Trying to knock chapter 7 out now.


ladylanaladylanaabout 14 years ago
Always worth the waiting..

I really will never change my mind about wanting Simon and Gabriella together.Every chapter I read just makes me want it more.I really hope it happens..(maybe Patricia can get with Nolan ;D)As usual a fantastic and long chapter. I love how you end your chapters.Always a brilliant cliffhanger,but in a totally non cliche way... Cant wait for more, as usual. x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
that was it!

blowers_daughter - thanks, soular!

i'll keep you all posted if I find it elsewhere, as well.

looking forward to Gabriella ch. 07

JessieJames31JessieJames31about 14 years ago
I still

want Simon and Ella together.I do however think Simon is an ass.I guess love is never black and white.There is always that gray area.I feel some pity for Patricia But does seem like there is some abandonment issues between Patricia and Ella.I guess in the end someone is going to end up with a broken heart and someone is going to get left.Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Keep forgetting it's fiction...

This is gonna really hurt...mother or daughter...doesn't much matter. Takes your breath away just how hurtful this is gonna be. Thank God it's not real...phew...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Loved chapter 5

Soular I really love your story Gabriella. I cannot wait until the next chapter. Could you please write some more on the story the Damn Dress? That was my favorite story of them all. I really love the character Brandon.

Avidreader99Avidreader99about 14 years ago
The over analzying and detailed thought process

the constantly reading there thoughts it was like I was in there head wow

RedShoeGirlRedShoeGirlabout 14 years ago
how did I miss this chapter?

it's over a week and I just found it!

great job soular, only you could handle this story this beautifully, I feel for the characters and the piles of misery they're creating for themselves.

keep writing, I'll keep reading!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This has been a roller coaster ride so far. But all-in-all, the weird thing is: I don't like Simon, Gabriella or Patricia. It's hard to digest this story when I can't identify the protagonists from the antagonists.

Simon is a bastard. Good or bad, right or wrong, he's selfish and only thinking with his d*ck. For all his education he never stopped to think about the damage he was causing with his actions. Gabriella is pretty. Okay. She's wild and free and uninhibited. Okay. But HE is the adult. Not to mention how--for lack of a better terminology--gross it is to be sexually attracted to an 18-year-old girl (which is the age she was when he started sleeping with her) and his wife's flesh and blood. I almost think this story should be classified under Incest/Taboo because I realized as I read the story that the interracial aspect didn't even enter my mind.

In addition, Simon isn't coming across to me as a "torn" man; he comes across to me as a middle-aged man who enjoys having sex with his 19-year-old stepdaughter. And the part that really makes me angry at him is his false moralistic behavior toward Gabriella in front of Patricia. He wants Patricia to be harsher toward Gabriella so Gabriella will "grow"? Well, hey buddy, how about you stop sticking your d*ck in her? I'm sure that will harbor an insane amount of growth.

Simon's a dirtbag. I found myself really, really trying to find some compassion for him but I can't.

Gabriella is a hot mess, lol. Unless it comes off later that her mother was incredibly promiscuous and one of her suitors sexually assaulted Gabriella, I have no empathy or sympathy for her at all. I can definitely see where the author tries to build sympathy for Gabriella, but she's still coming off as a spoiled hoebag to me. I can see how she wouldn't mind hurting her mother this way because she's so selfish, but I'd really like Gabriella to start showing more adult behavior. The only time I found myself beginning to feel anything at all towards her was when she and Simon were in the kitchen and he came up behind her; I thought, "Yes, finally; finally she's doing the right thing" but in the next moment it was gone. She wasn't pushing him away because she'd finally built up enough self-esteem or courage to put Simon in his place. No, it was completely selfish. Again. I'm not going to let you touch me because I don't want you to; nay, I'm not going to let you touch me because it isn't on MY terms and the way I want it to be. I would love to see her get some counseling or other psychiatric help. Just the fact that she thinks she and Simon will "run off into the sunset" shows how undeveloped her mind is.

Patricia? Well, Patricia is just coming off...simple, lol. Anyone who has ever had sex can discern sexual innuendo between two people, and she has seen it multiple times between Simon and Gabriella and simply doesn't want to accept it. I'd love to see Patricia grab more cajones. It took her FOREVER to confront Simon about the condoms. Simon and Gabriella go from screaming their lungs out at each other to ignoring each other? Oh well. Come on, girl; wake up and start kicking some ass!

Unfortunately, the only people I like in this story are Nolan and Steven, lol. Nolan is a great guy. How many college-aged men would wait and wait for Gabriella to have sex with them again. And Steven? Well, he's a douche but at least he is what he is. I can think of 100 men off the top of my head who would have had sex with Gabriella without batting an eye if she was in their apartment that way, and he didn't. That has to count for something.

I do hope there is more "backstory" coming about Patricia. This sounds horrible but please, please let it turn out that she was a neglectful hoe while Gabriella was growing up, lmao.

I really do hope this story ends in such a way that doesn't make my skin crawl. It's getting harder and harder to read but I am REALLY looking forward to the conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Definitely agree with the last comment by anonymous. My favourite of the story is definitely Nolan. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.

Once again, thank you for your spectacular writing! You are so talented!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I'm loving this story but are you going to update it soon? It's really hard to stay into the story when there is like a month in between each update. Anyway, I know writing this stuff is really hard and you should take as long as you need to update us. But your fans are wanting more!

BoxtearsBoxtearsabout 14 years ago

These characters are fleshed out so thoroughly that I sometimes wonder if they're based on real people. I don't think any of your previous stories had this much character depth and development. The nuances, all the subtle details of action and dialogue flow so naturally that only someone who has observed human behavior for years could have effectively pulled off this technique.

Sex did take a backseat after the first chapter but the fact that you've kept the things engaging without it is a testament to your skills as a storyteller. The only thing that even remotely bugged me were the occasional typos. And even then they have been incredibly few and far between, almost nonexistent which helped to keep the story immersive. In fact the only time I was distracted was when you twice used "despite" in the context of "to spite."

"You did this despite your mom?" That was a bit weird.

Anyway, I don't think I've been this hooked on a story since Isaac Asimov's Foundation series so that definitely speaks to your natural literally talents. Seriously, you could be making SO much money if you put this in novel form.

mariasmdmariasmdabout 14 years ago
more please!!!!

please right so more soon. im dying to find out if this is the end and if Gabriella will get simon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I'm on Team Therapy

So I spent all morning reading this story and it's quite good. I really like how you've created so many complex characters, I agree with everyone that says none of the main characters are particularly 100% likeable. I can't see any happy ending beyond Simon exiting stage left and Patricia and Gabriella working towards healing their mother-daughter relationship. I don't hate any of them (a testament to your great writing) but Patricia is the only one I could like, but her insistance on remaining clueless about everything has been annoying up til this point. I'm glad she finally smacked the hell out of Gabriella and is starting to see the forest for the trees. Personally, I can say I probably wouldn't have a 19 year old living in my house talking to me the way Gabriella talks to her mother, so she's a better woman than I am because homegirl would've been out on her ass so damn fast it would her head spin. Was she mother of year? No, this much is fairly obvious but unless there's some backstory to be added it really just seems like Gabriella is a selfish little girl with major daddy issues, in many ways she's a typical teenager minus the full on parent guidance that would give them a conscience. That said, I don't completely hate her nor do I completely blame her for the actions of a full grown man. In fact it makes it even worse because it's clear that what Gabriella needed was a father figure or mentor who was there for her instead she got this bastard.

I really can't understand how anyone can really root for Gabriella and Simon as a couple- Gabriella needs therapy and her own apartment not some sleazy stepfather with a madonna/whore complex. The only thing I can imagine is that most of the people rooting for this couple are under the age of 20 themselves or just can't help rooting for the "underdog" so to speak or maybe are just into lopsided twisted relationships. Even though this is a story, come on people, if this was real life would we really be romanticizing Simon's actions like this and over looking the mental abuse that he's heaped on Gabriella and his disgusting actions towards his wife? I don't think he's pure evil (again thanks to the writing) he has some redeeming qualities and moments of clarity, but he's not a romantic hero, he's a couple of steps above a child molester and the fact that he's an educator in charge of molding young minds makes him even more repulsive. I don't know if he needs therapy or a good kick in the ass but either way he needs to be gone by the end the story. I'm so glad Patricia's friend has his number and I hope that eventually she clues the poor woman in. Please please Patricia wake up, rip this loser a new asshole and start taking control of your life and your relationship with your kid! Anyways thanks for an engrossing story, can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I thought you said chapter 7 would be out shortly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Life is Complicated!

I guess we all know what's about to happen but I can't help hoping that Patricia doesn't find out somehow. It just feels right when Simon and Patricia are together without Gabriella. Well I hope 7 turns out to be something unexpected..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Team therapy...and the under 20s

Those who want Gabriella and Simon together are not under 20 ...immature...lacking understanding of human relationships. (Of course those under 20 would say only those over 35 would want Patricia to kick Simon to the curb and seek out therapy with her kid).

It is possible for a man and a woman to act on their sexual attraction, however deviant, their actions might be seen by the rest of the society. Two people click sometimes because they fulfill a need in each other. Gabriella may have "Daddy"/Abandonment issues but part of her attraction and love for Simon is that he understands those issues and (however meagrely portrayed by the author) he answers to that keening she has to be guided by a man, taken care of by a man. What is so hard to understand about a woman who had no self-respect at all falling for the first man to come along who demanded that she have some; the first man to tell her how she is to act and show her--- by his actions towards her mother, at least in the early days of that relationship--- how a woman is to be treated? Simon wants Gabriella because he can be his true self, can let his guard down, not pretend. Simon fell for a dream, an ideal, a fantasy (he wove in his head) when he met Patricia again years after college...and he married the dream. Meeting her daughter let him realize that Patricia is not the reality that can sustain him. In everyday life humans meet up with alll types of "taboo" circumstances and they rebel againts what society says is right and they find a way of being happy.

Patricia has the same abandonment issues as Gabriella and will always put a man before her child. Whether it's Simon or some other man that comes along her child will always play second fiddle to her need to have her "Daddy" issues "fixed" by her lover. It's terrible that she and the daughter found what they want in the same man. But when the man wakes up to reality and realizes he wants something else (even if it is a 19 year old, confused, promiscous, disrepectful, lazy girl with low self-esteem) you cannot discredit their feelings by saying they are perverted, deviant, and based solely in lust. The heart wants what it wants...however distateful to the rest of us. If life were like a story messy/complicated/cringe-worthy relationships would all fail. But they don' they? It is not the case in life that only the sane, mature and psychologically evolved find love and happiness.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Hmmm I agree with. . .

the team therapy comment. I'm sure Woody Allen and his adopted daughter/wife are deeply in love and Morgan Freeman has a passionate connection with his step granddaughter/lover but I still don't find it okay. That may make me judgemental and close minded but it would be hypocritical of me to give a pass to Simon just because he's hot and rides a motorcycle. And I fail to see how calling her a slut and a whore all the time and telling her that he would never marry her and hates being with her is helping her with her self esteem issues. Patricia's not much better though, I don't think she really tried to be the best mom to Gabriella, because I think deep down she resents her for taking away her youth.

This is not a love story at all for me. But does it have to be? Literotica has enough cheesy romance stories on here, I'll take dark, tragic and disturbing over cliche happily-ever-after any day of the week. No matter what the outcome, this story is awesome and I can't wait for the update, thanks Soular!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

i think gabriella and simon should get together. he's acts like himself with her he's not pretending to be someone else, like with his wife.with his wife he's hiding a part of himself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Team Therapy - I agree

I agree, wholeheartedly, with the Team Therapy comments ... All three involved need an intervention (Ella being most in need) and need one NOW! I know many believe Simon and Ella should be together ... but, as another poster commented, were this real life, I seriously doubt many would believe Simon to be a prize and Simon and Ella's psycho-sexual relationship acceptable. Simon makes me queasy and Patricia and Ella make me sad ... Many kudos to the writer for fleshing out three, terribly flawed individuals. Can't wait to seethis train finally go off the rails...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Hey...Chapter 7 ????????

Could the author or someone at Literotica get to posting Chapter 7 please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Was Grayson Hall a nod to the actress Grayson Hall?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Chapter 7

If you sent the chapter on the 19th, I doubt it would take this long to post.

Just saying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I don't think Ella and Simon belong together. When Ella is not around he seems happiest with Patricia. With Patricia he has love, sweet loving sex and companionship. With Ella Simon feels shame, regret, and self-loathing. It's like when someone chooses self-desructive habits because they don't feel they are worthy of anything better. It certainly isn't healthy.

And seriously Patricia should have slapped that brat a long time ago. She thinks she loves Simon but she is doing the same thing he is doing. Acting like trash and chasing a married man, she needs serious help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

am i the only who dnt hate gabriella? and am i the only one who thinks there is more to this? I actually kinda like the main characters although i feel sorry for nolan. this is amazing !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I know she was goning to say something

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Simon needs to get over his whore/wife delimma. Your wife can and will do all of those dirty things if you let her know thats what you want.

Ella needs to grow up and stop being a brat. You rolled the dice and lost. Get over it. As another poster said, she needs to out on her big girl panties and move on. Let your mom be happy and cherish the relationship with the first guy that has not judged you for your past. He even accepted that you were with another man the night before you were with him. You can't always have what you want...not matter how good it feels. Also, everyone is acting as if he molested her. She was a grown ass woman who shook her ass at him and got exactly what she asked for.

I'm not sure what to say about Patricia. I wonder if she's hiding something of her own.

I think its naive to expect if it all comes out that there will be a magical reconciliation between mother and daughter. If I found out that my adult daughter was sleeping with my husband, there would be no coming back from that. I would love her, but she couldn't be in my life after that betrayal, just as if would have been a sister, best friend, or close acquaintance. He would be gone too!

black_maestrablack_maestraover 11 years ago
agreeing with Cantfightfate 3/14/10!

Thank you Cantfihgtfate for your insight, I completely agree with you on everything. I do feel Ella and Simon are more fitting. but people have to remember her mother NEVER spent her free time with Ella. The girl is starving for attention. She has had no girlfriends or a mother figure to guide her thoughts, emotions, or actions. I do also agree that the girl is trifling, but technically she is still a teen, legal age, but an immature teen of 19. Patricia is a sad depressive woman that should had sought counseling years ago. The fact that Simon keeps blaming Ella disgusts me, he is the one that took vows to be loyal to us wife. He is very aware that his wife and Ella have no real mother/daughter relationship. I feel he used that maybe unintentionally, but still to hs advantage to fuck and mind-fuck his step-daughter. Wow, what a mess! Sorry, rooting for Ella, she's the kid in this mess that the adults made for her and now everyone expects her to behave when no else has... please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

So glad I didn't read this whole story. It breaks my heart that this story revolves around a man who loves his a wife but is fucking his stepdaughter who is in love with him. The whole story is a complete heartbreaking mess. I'm curious how it ends, but at the same time, I wish I had never seen this.

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3/2/24: Oh, goodness people. I'm sorry I have taken this long to get back to Gabriella. I know many of you have sent me feedback and I have not responded, and I do apologize for that. I just wanted to post a reminder that any works you see of mine posted anywhere else but Lit...


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