An Education in Sex

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She's worried about what the wedding night will bring.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 06/10/2016
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A few weeks back this idiot in a prime-mover with a container in tow was speeding down the main road that runs past the back of my place. My place is roughly in the middle of a nice straight stretch of road. Cars and trucks do tend to speed along this section but my place has double glazing and insulation in the walls, effectively making it soundproof, meaning the traffic doesn't bother me one little bit.

That is, it didn't bother me until this idiot came along. He managed to lose control on a straight stretch of road. He says a spider dropped off the roof and onto the steering wheel and then ran up his hand. Instead of just ignoring the thing or flicking it off he went sort of spastic, resulting in his truck leaving the road, driving through my back fence, in through my back door and out via the front door. As you can guess he didn't leave much in the way of a usable house.

Fortunately I had house insurance. I slapped a claim on my insurance company, letting them consult with the truckie and his insurance company. They're the ones getting paid to argue with lawyers and such and I was quite willing to let them.

It was obvious that it was going to take some time to get everything settled and the house rebuilt. This meant that I needed some temporary accommodation. Not wanting to go to the trouble of renting a house for an unknown length of time I stuffed the remains of my furniture and things into a storage unit and took up residence in a local boarding house. The insurance company were all in favour of this as it was cheaper than having to pay my rent for six to twelve months.

There were only four other people currently at the boarding house apart from the owner. Three of these were students from the nearby university and the fourth was a dental assistant. By an odd chance they were all young women around the age of twenty, with the dental assistant being the oldest.

I had seen the women around at various times, normally at the mall, but I had never really been closely acquainted with them. Fortunate in a way as it meant that none of them were ex-girlfriends. That could have been awkward. I did think of chatting them up but decided against it. Getting into an affair and then breaking up could be a bit sticky if you lived in the same house.

Basically, apart from exchanging friendly words now and then, I ignored the girls and they ignored me. Still, they talked amongst themselves, almost non-stop, and I got to know what was going on in their lives. Melanie, the dental assistant, was engaged and her wedding was drawing nigh.

This was a constant source of conversation amongst the girls while I tried my hardest to ignore it all. There was one thing I found out. Melanie was a virgin and was anticipating her wedding night with some trepidation. The other girls assured her she was worrying about nothing which led me to assume that they were not as virginal as sweet Melanie.

Personally, I thought that Melanie might have something to worry about. I'd met her boyfriend when he'd picked her up one evening and my first impression was that he was an asshole. Future meetings with him led me to believe that I had flattered him with that first assumption. Not the sort of man a nervous young virgin needs to initiate her. Still, she was in love, and I suppose that counted for something.

On a Saturday afternoon I was sitting in the common room reading the paper (some of us still buy newspapers). I was under the impression that I was the only one home when Melanie wandered in. She wanted to talk and the other girls were out so she fastened onto me. I was polite and listened but what does a man in his thirties know about a young woman's potential sex life and her fears about it.

"Melanie," I said speaking gently, as to a small child, "instead of waiting until your wedding night why don't you just drag the guy into bed and get it over with?"

She sounded quite scandalized when she replied. First, she pointed out, they weren't married yet, and second, what if he found out she was no good at sex and decided not to marry her. Or even not marry her because she'd been too forward and had sex with him before they were married.

Quite a bundle of insecurities that girl. I debated with my evil side for a while and my evil side won. With a sigh I rose to my feet.

"Come with me," I told her. "I may be able to help you."

Curious (a besetting sin of women) she trotted alongside me as I headed down to my room. I ushered her inside and closed the door firmly behind us.

"OK, Melanie. Your problem is that you're a virgin and are scared of what might happen. What I'm going to do is toss you on the bed and rape you. That way you'll know what to do once you're married, you won't have to worry about him hurting you (I hope) because you'll no longer be a virgin, and you'll have enough knowledge and experience to be able to determine if you really want to marry that man you're engaged to and have sex with him." (You'll notice I was polite and said man, not asshole. I can be diplomatic when required.)

"What?" She sounded slightly flustered. "I don't want to have sex with you. What on earth makes you think I would?"

"I said rape, Melanie. You know, rape, non-consent? You not wanting to have sex with me is what makes it rape. Now can you please take off your clothes?"

"You expect me to get undressed in front of you?" She was definitely horrified now.

"Well, yes. I need you naked before I rape you. Well, I don't need you completely naked but it's more fun that way. Now either you undress yourself or I'll have to take your clothes off for you. I don't mind doing that but your things look quite nice and I might tear them when I'm taking them off. Surely you can see that it will be a lot more sensible if you take them off. Besides, you'll find that you get a little excited taking them off, knowing I'm watching and what I'm going to do."

She already knew that there was no-one else home. She looked around the room but I was between her and the door. Swallowing nervously she pointed out that she did not want to have sex before she was married. I just smiled and ignore her comment.

She looked as though she was about to start arguing about the whole deal so I decided to get in first.

"Come on, Melanie. Either you strip or I strip you. So much easier for you if you do, so be a good girl and get started. Start with your blouse."

The blouse was the easiest thing to start with as she'd still be fully covered once it came off. As far as I was concerned it was the thin edge of the wedge. Once she'd taken off one item the decision to take off the rest had already been made. She dithered a bit then started undoing the button, face burning and not looking at me.

She placed her blouse on the dressing table, flicking a glance at me and seeing me looking at her.

"Do you have to watch?" she demanded.

"Oh, yes," I said with great sincerity. "Now the skirt."

The skirt went the way of the blouse with one little difference. She kept flicking little glances at me, watching me watching her. The fact that I was so plainly interested in her actually seemed to buck her up a little.

With the skirt out of the way she didn't really have much choice. Her bra and panties followed along, leaving her naked, bar socks. For some reason she'd been wandering around the house without her shoes.

I moved closer, taking her arm and easing her towards the bed. Very uneasily she sat down on it.

"No," I told her, shaking my head. "Don't sit. Lie down."

She did but she didn't relax. She was as stiff as a clothing dummy, lying there with her arms by her side and her legs firmly together.

Now I stripped and she watched. She didn't want to, turning her head away, but curiosity kept swivelling her eyes back to me. When I finally dropped my shorts her eyes went really wide and she hastily looked elsewhere. I sat on the bed next to her.

From the look on her face she obviously expected me to jump on her and have at it. Farthest thing from my mind. Slow and easy was the order of the day. Anything other than that and I'd have a panic stricken girl trying to climb up the wall to escape.

I put a hand on her tummy and started drawing lazy circles. Even that was enough to make her jump. I just kept stroking her, making those little circles, finding her slowly relaxing when nothing bad happened. I started expanding the circles in an upwards direction, deciding it wasn't time to approach her mons. It wasn't long before my hand was brushing the underside of her breasts. Just grazing against the curve. When she was relaxed enough to let this happen without a sharp intake of breath I let my hand drift slightly higher.

After a while I was stroking her breasts, hand running back and forth between them, cupping and stroking one then drifting across to the other to repeat the exercise. I ignored her nipples, letting them become erect in their own time. Once they were erect it was just natural for me to lightly press against them.

Melanie was now a lot more relaxed, breathing hard and watching my hand play on her breasts. She was also starting to become curious. Why hadn't I already jumped her?

"So when are you going to start?" she demanded.

"Ah, I thought I'd already started," I told her, rolling a nipple under my thumb.

"Not that. The other," she snapped.

"Oh, you mean here?" I slid a hand over her mons, squeezing it slightly, delicately probing where her legs came together.

"Yes," she gasped, flinching a little, her legs staying firmly clamped together.

"Not for ages yet. You're too tense. I'll have to wait until you relax a little."

"Relax? How do you expect me to relax?"

"Well, I don't know. I'm not the one being raped. You'll have to work it out for yourself."

Leaning over her my mouth descended onto her breast, kissing and suckling. Her nipples were now little soldiers, standing tall, and her breasts seemed to swell slightly with all the attention. I rested my hand on her mons, one finger pressing lightly along the start of her slit, her closed legs preventing it from going any further.

I continued kissing her breasts, her shoulders, and the sides of her neck. Not forcing the issue, but just having my mouth drift over her skin, and all the time my finger was down there, lightly pressing.

She couldn't continue holding her legs tightly together. Too much pressure on her muscles. After a while I could feel her relaxing, her legs moving apart a fraction, just enough for my finger to slide through the slight gap at the top of her legs, gently probing along her pudenda, lightly rubbing against her lips.

She naturally tightened her leg muscles again, finding that this pushed my finger hard up against her labia, pressing along her slit, forcing her lips to part slightly. She relaxed her legs again, probably expecting my hand to withdraw. Silly of her if she did. Now my whole hand was there, rubbing against her.

I released her pussy for a moment, finding her hand and holding it against my erection. Her hand closed over me and then hastily jerked away. I caught her hand and returned it to where it should be.

"This is not a suggestion," I said. "I expect you to hold me and feel me. You need to know what's coming and you'll find it easier if you handle it for a while."

She grumbled a bit, casting aspersion upon me in a muttered voice, but she also held onto my cock, hand wandering up and down its length, getting a feel for it. My hand was back on her pussy, slowly building up her responses.

I could feel the heat inside her, feel the beads of moisture seeping out onto her lips, coating them and making them slightly slippery. My fingers were now delving about inside her, exploring and teasing. From the way she was pushing her mound against my hand her body was ready, even eager for the next part, whether she knew it or not.

I slipped a foot between her ankles, gently applying pressure. Her legs drifted apart quite readily, her whole body seeming to quiver slightly, knowing something was about to happen. I eased her hand away from my cock, moving so I was kneeling between her thighs.

She was looking down at me, her head shaking slowly in a no motion, but not trying to prevent me from doing what I wanted. A hand back between her legs, easing her lips apart, leaning forward so my cock approached, butting softly against her spread lips. A little gentle pressure and I released her lips, feeling them close around me. Now I started pushing.

She was hot and tight, and slippery for all the tightness. I moved deeper, seeing her wince slightly as I took her virginity but other than that accepting what I was doing. She was breathing deeply and I was easing my way along her passage. Her eyes were open wide, looking at where our bodies were joined, an enthralled look on her face. Now she was moaning softly, pushing up against me, wanting me to go deeper, and I was happy to oblige.

Our groins came together and I relaxed against her, cock firmly inside her. She looked slightly stunned, not really believing it had happened. But she would. Just as soon as I started moving she would know exactly what was happening.

I pulled slowly back and then drove back in firmly, watching the changing expressions on her face as I did so. A whole gamut of emotions seemed to be there, with surprise and interest being the two main ones, easily over-riding the trepidation I glimpsed. Another firm thrust and trepidation and surprise were gone, interest surging to the front, followed close by excitement. (I feel as though I'm describing a horse race.)

A few more firm thrusts, carefully spaced out, and Melanie was starting to move with me, albeit unconsciously. I timed myself to meet the tentative motions of her hips, finding them speeding up as she caught on to what was going on. It wasn't long and I was able to pick up the pace.

Now she was not only moving with the action but making little approving noises. I settled down to a nice regular beat, trying to extend the action for as long as possible. My hands were playing with her breasts as I moved and she seemed to have no objection to that, arching her back slightly to press her breasts more firmly against my hands.

Her arousal was complete and her excitement building steadily. I kept on at her, driving in hard, our groins making a slapping sound as we came together, even the noise helping to excite her. She was well and truly ready when it came for the finish. I drove in harder and faster, ready to spill my seed, and she only need a few extra thrusts to climax, clamping down on me and encouraging me to climax myself.

We lay there for a few moments, getting our breath back.

"Well," I finally said, "you now know what sex is about and you needn't worry come your wedding night."

"But I've lost my virtue," she wailed. "I've had sex with another man."

"Nonsense," I told her. "You've done no such thing."

"What? But you just, just. . ."

"Raped you," I pointed out. "You had no choice in the matter. Don't fall for the blame the victim crap. You weren't responsible for what happened so your conscious is clear. That means you can face your bridegroom with a happy heart, knowing that your virtue is still intact and, as a by-product, you also know how to respond when he takes you to bed. It's a win-win situation for you."

"But what's he going to say when I tell him?"

"If you think it would upset him then don't tell him. You would be doing him a kindness and it's not really any if his business."

With that I directed her to go and have a shower and think about things. She would see that what I said made sense and she needn't worry any more about having sex.

A job well done in my opinion.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
this author, like many on this site...

think that conscious and conscience are the same word...yikes!

zex95966zex95966over 4 years ago

Wish he ended it by saying "By the way I'll rape you a few more times before you marry so that you are better prepared and won't feel guilty" lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Does every non-consent story need to have the characters explicitly stating that it isn't consensual?

And what the definition of consensual is... And the female being shocked but never doing anything... Over and over again... You find interesting scenarios (some of the time) but the structure of your stories is so damn formulaic.

hornyman169hornyman169almost 8 years ago

As always an interesting story. I am never sure where you are going, but the trip is always worth taking. Good, bad or indifferent your stories are always enjoyable.

evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistimealmost 8 years ago

Read it again to make sure. Still liked it. Wait, wait...yep, still liked it. And still freaked out. Have to say, reading it the first time round, it immediately struck that something was different from your other works already in the first part of the story.


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