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He came home to find strangers in his house.
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I was just getting back from a business trip, two days early. I'd been up for around thirty six hours and I was beat and intending to hit my bed as soon as I got home.

My first surprise was to find that several lights were on in the house. I'd have sworn that I'd turned them off before I left, not that I was going to worry about it right at that moment. My second surprise was sprung on me as I walked down the hallway towards the master bedroom.

A very attractive redhead stepped out of the bathroom and into the hallway, just in front of me. A natural redhead as I could tell by the little landing strip she displayed, what with no clothes interfering with the view.

I was dead tired, not dead, so I immediately came to a halt and looked and admired. I didn't have any time to do anything else as things escalated, going out of control instantly.

The redhead screamed. Two other girls miraculously appeared in the hallway (dressed) and also screamed. Then the three of them attacked, still screaming.

Dead beat I may have been but I was still just over six foot tall, weighed in the vicinity of two hundred pounds, and strong enough to lift a car. (Providing it was a small car. A very small car.) Dead tired I may have been but I way outmatched three girls of around nineteen, twenty. I simply spread my arms wide and gathered the girls together, pushing them to the floor in a wriggling, screaming, swearing heap, quite easily holding them pinned. By a stroke of fortune the naked redhead was on top of the pile which made it fun to hold them down.

"Trespassing and assault," I said. "Shame on you."

"Us?" screamed one of the girls. "You're the one trespassing and assaulting us."

"Me?" I asked in some surprise. "I was simply walking down my hallway in my house, going to my bedroom, when the three of you appeared out of nowhere and attacked me. Where does my trespass and assault come in?"

"This is our place for the next couple of days. We hired it and paid in advance. You'll have to leave."

"You may have hired it but I didn't rent it out. Why would I when I expect to have to live here and sleep here?"

"We hired the house through Air-BnB. We have receipts."

"I don't give a damn. You've been duped. Swindled, cheated, conned, and other similar words. In other words you've been had."

I glared at the girls who were all protesting that they were in the right and I was lying.

"Just be quiet and listen," I snapped, surprised when they actually shut up. "Not being a monster I'm not going to toss you out into the cold night air right at this moment. I'm absolutely buggered and am going to bed. I'll be in the main bedroom. You lot can use the use the spare bedrooms for the night and we can discuss things tomorrow. Don't wake me in the morning as it will not go well with whoever is so foolish."

The girls were disagreeing with this solution and looking somewhat nervous. I decided to reassure them.

"Don't worry. I'm too tired to do anything but sleep. Even this can't tempt me to carnal behaviour." I patted the redhead's bottom, getting a strange curse for my audacity. "Actually, it can tempt me but I'm just too tired to follow through with some rape or seduction. We can discuss that tomorrow, as well."

I got to my feet and continued on to my room. Seeing female type apparel in the room I called back to the girls.

"Someone might like to remove their things while I'm in the bathroom," I called and entered the en suite.

My main reason for hitting the en suite was because I had a first aid kit there. It seemed I'd collected a number of scratches, all minor, and one nasty bite. I silently congratulated the girls on being willing to fight dirty in an emergency, treated my wounds, returned to the bedroom and hit the bed. I was asleep within a minute or two.

I woke up twelve hours later. After I showered and dressed I headed to the kitchen. I was starving. The girls were in the kitchen, waiting. I held up a hand.

"First things first," I told them, "and as far as I'm concerned breakfast and coffee are first, so if you'll excuse me while I attend to that you can spend your time gathering the facts as you know them and put them down on paper. You'll find a pad and pen in that drawer."

I made and enjoyed my breakfast and then turned to the girls.

"So what have you come up with?"

They produced their sheet of paper and went over it with me. Basically it boiled down to them seeing an ad on AirBnB letting my house for the long weekend. They'd pounced and scored the prize. A bit of prodding for details showed that the ad had been put up almost as soon as I was walking out the door. Someone had taken a chance and scored.

I explained that they'd been duped and the house had never been legitimately put up as an AirBnB rental.

"However, since you only intended staying for the next couple of days I'll let you stay. Let me have any details you can remember about the person you dealt with and I'll arrange to have it followed up."

I could count on one hand the number of people who knew I was making that business trip, expecting me to be gone for the whole weekend. If I had to make a wild guess I knew who I'd blame. Fortunately I wouldn't need to make a wild guess. All I'd have to do is have some people in IT follow it up. I was willing to bet they'd trace the ad to a computer within my offices. Then I'd take steps to recover the girl's money and fire the son-of-a-bitch.

The girls made themselves scarce, down at the beach was my guess, and I had a pleasant day. That evening I offered to buy pizza for dinner and they accepted. I was still getting a few nervous looks but I was on my best behaviour, playing the part of the amiable and charming gentleman that I am.

Another peaceful night and I arose at a more normal hour, my sleep finally caught up on. Jenny, the redhead, was the only one in the kitchen. She chatted away as I had breakfast.

"The others are already down at the beach," she informed me. "I slept in and I'll be joining them in a while. Um, what's wrong with your arm?"

She'd spotted the dressing that covered the bite mark.

"A war wound," I told her.

"A war wound? When were you in a war? Where was it?"

"Right here two days ago. Don't you remember the big fight? I tangled with two cats and a vampire. A terrible battle."

Her face was bright red and she glared at me.

"We apologised for that." They had? I didn't remember any apologies rolling in my direction.

"Anyway, what do you mean by a vampire? The cats I can understand, what with the scratching we did, but vampire?"

"The scratches were very mild," I admitted. "I noticed that you all have rather short nails, thank god. The vampire was because someone sank their fangs in, trying to drink my blood." I lightly tapped the dressing at that point. "They were fortunate that I was so totally spent at the time or that young lady would have found herself across my knee getting spanked. Biting is a no-no."

"You don't intend to ask who it was and punish them now?"

"No. It's something I'd do straight away or not at all. Like I said, someone was fortunate."

"Oh." She looked slightly shifty for a moment and I made a guess as to who the biter had been. Well, not a guess but confirmation. I'd noticed that the biter was naked. I could understand her doing that. I mean, naked and fighting an unknown man and probably terrified. And angry - she was a redhead.

"Well," she said after a short pause, "I'll let the others know. They'll be relieved."

"Really? Why would they be relieved? It's not as though they're the apprentice vampire."

A bright red face and a guilty look. Also an angry look.

"You knew?" she accused.

"It was fairly obvious. They had clothes on. The biter just had a lot of skin on display. Very attractive skin, I'll admit."

She threw her hands in the air and didn't say anything, just stood there giving me a cold look.

"Stop laughing at me," she demanded.

"Well, if you'd just start laughing as well I'd be laughing with you, not at you."

"It's not funny."

"It is from where I stand."

"You're not standing. You're sitting."

I didn't say anything, just sat there smiling. She calmed down after a few moments, still giving me some odd looks. It turned out that she couldn't leave the subject alone.

"Would you really have spanked me if you hadn't been so tired?"

"Certainly. You'd have been safe enough. The other girls being there would have ensured that things didn't get out of hand."

"Oh. Ah, don't you think that they would have tried to stop you?"

"Not really. Once I made it clear that I was only spanking you they'd have opted out in case I changed my mind and wanted to spank them too. They'd have stood back and sympathized and secretly enjoyed the spectacle."

"They would not!" A pause and then a very uncertain, "Um, I guess they might have at that."

"Why would you spank a girl anyway? Why would a girl permit herself to be spanked?"

"The answer to your first question is simple. Discipline. You bit me. The second question? A variety of reasons. If it's consensual then they're accepting it as discipline, curiosity maybe, interesting foreplay, they're into S&M. It all depends on the girl. Ask your friends and see what they say. They may have had spankings from boyfriends."

"Curiosity? You mean that a girl might ask to be spanked just to see what it was like? You have to be kidding."

"Or the boyfriend might suggest it and the girl goes along. As long as you're clear as to the limits it might be enjoyable. A feeling of helplessness before your master can be quite erotic."

"Oh. What do you mean by limits?"

"How far the spanking can go, of course. You don't want to be beaten so brutally that you're bruised and have to stay in bed to recover. Are you going to be spanked while dressed or undressed? How far undressed? Just your panties down or fully stripped? Little details like that. If you become interested in being spanked you can experiment to see what you like best."

"I don't think that's for me. Anyway, if my boyfriend spanked me he'd want to have sex afterwards."

"You can include no sex in the conditions. He'd be horny as hell afterwards and have to back off or resort to pleading desperately for some relief."

"Yeah, I can just see that. If I was naked I suspect that he'd ignore the no sex rule and nail me immediately."

"That's on you to choose your partner responsibly. Do you want to try being spanked to see what it's like?"

"What, now? By you?" She sounded slightly scandalised.

I looked around carefully and shrugged.

"No-one else around so it would have to be me," I said agreeably. "We'll keep it simple. Hard enough to smart but not to bruise. Only a short spanking. Seeing I've already seen you without your clothes I'd say go naked. You're only wearing your bikini and a beach-robe, aren't you?"

I paused there and smiled at her while she stood there looking a little bemused.

"Oh, this will be a no sex afterwards spanking, naturally," I assured her, "although you're entitled to change your mind about that. I wouldn't complain."

She was shaking her head but that was more a reaction to the suggestion than an actual refusal. Before she could firm up her answer I added a sweetener.

"Ah, something I didn't mention was that you can call the whole thing off at any stage. If you get scared or don't like what's happening you say the safe word and that's the end of it. I'd suggest that where you're concerned vampire would be a good safe word."

"Scared? I wouldn't get scared!" She sounded indignant.

"Everyone gets scared at some stage. I'll tell you this, I damn near wet myself when the three of you screamed and jumped me. I didn't know what was going on."

Jenny started giggling.

"Well you certainly didn't act scared," she said.

"Of course not. Brave as a lion, that's me."

If someone is dithering about something it can be very useful to act as though it's a done deal. After I'd finished eating I'd adjusted my chair so that I was facing Jenny, and she was within arm's reach. I reached.

I simply gently pulled her a little closer. Reaching up I brushed her beach-robe off her shoulders and it dropped down. She almost unconsciously let it fall right down, sliding off her arms and pooling around her feet. I nodded approvingly at her bikini.

"Very nice," I assured her. "The black contrasts nicely with your skin."

Continuing on the assumption that she'd already agreed I took hold of her bikini bottom and just eased it down, with her stepping out of it meekly, blushing fiercely. Then it was a simple matter to unclip the top and draw it off her arms.

I looked her over, blatant in my regarding of her, with her blush set to automatic renewal.

"Every bit as marvellous as I remember from the other night," I assured her. "Was I stupid enough to agree to no sex afterwards?" At her hurried nod I sighed. "Just goes to show how dense I can be. Now move over here."

I pulled her over my knees, her hands promptly trying to cover her bottom.

"I'm not sure about this," she protested. "Not sure at all."

"That's ok. Don't worry. You can always cry off if you feel you have to."

I brushed her hands away from her bottom, letting one of my hands rest there instead. My other hand was on her back, holding her in place. I didn't start spanking straight away but let my hand drift over her bottom, just lightly stroking her. At the same time the hand on her back was also moving around, giving a light massage.

I could feel her relaxing a little so I finally lifted my hand and gave her a quick spank. More noise than anything but the shock of actually getting a spank made her give a short squeal. Taking my time I mixed a light massage of her bottom with a number of sudden spanks, the spanks not exactly painful in themselves, but the accumulative effect was starting to make her bottom smart a little. She also had a nice glow showing.

A side effect of the spanking now started to take effect. Her legs started to drift apart, exposing herself more fully, a subconscious attempt to distract me from the spanking. It worked to a certain extent. The light massaging I was doing between spanks now extended to rubbing between her legs, actually rubbing a little more firmly when I pressed against her mound.

"Ah, can you be a bit more careful about where you're touching me," she spluttered, sounding a bit embarrassed but not, I noticed, telling me not to touch her there.

"Sorry," I said with great insincerity, and the next spank landed flush on her mound, being greeted with a squeal.

"What do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

"I thought you knew," I said, trying to sound completely innocent of any evil intentions. "I'm spanking you."

"That wasn't my bottom you spanked."

"Who said all the spanking would be on your bottom?" I asked, another spank covering her vulva quite neatly.

My hand remained where it had landed, after a fashion. It started squeezing and releasing her vulva.

Jenny was breathing a little harder now. She wasn't trying to stop me from touching her, still lying across my knees, completely relaxed. Okay, I might be stretching the truth with that relaxed bit. She was as tense as a tightly strung violin.

My hand slipped slightly as I squeezed her vulva, resulting in a couple of fingers accidentally sliding between her lips and into a certain damp passage that was waiting there. I won't say she squealed or screamed but she did make a funny sound.

"I'm sorry. Did you say something?" I asked.

She mumbled something. Several somethings for that matter. She seemed to be having difficulty saying what she wanted. I wonder if this was caused by the way my fingers were now massaging deep inside her. Probably not.

"Vampire," she suddenly shrieked. "That's it. Vampire. You have to stop now."

"Quite right," I agreed. That's why we have a safe word in this sort of situation."

I swung her to her feet and she stood there staring at me, face flushed, breasts heaving, breathing heavily. I lifted slightly off my chair and pushed my tracksuit pants and jocks down out of the way, replacing them with an erection that was standing stiff and stern.

"We did agree to no sex," I reminded her as I pulled her closer until she was standing straddling my legs, "so be careful about how you sit down."

My arms were around her, my hands holding her bottom. I pulled her closer, coaxing her to sit, not encountering any resistance. She settled down onto my lap, making a small whining sound as I adjusted the position of my erection so she was sinking down onto it. I helped ease her into position, my cock sinking deep into her.

Once she was fully seated on me I pulled her closer, her breasts pressing against my chest. It was the work of a moment to strip off my top so I could feel those breasts rubbing against my actual flesh. I had no doubt that my breathing was a little hoarse by this stage. Hers certainly was.

"You rotten swine," she gasped out. "You knew that this would happen, didn't you?"

"Are you saying that knowing you were naked and that a man was paddling your bottom and feeling you up in a very indiscreet way and you never expected this to be the result?"

"Shut-up. I'm not talking to you."

I shut-up. I didn't need to be told twice. To make sure I wasn't going to be told twice I pulled her head closer and kissed her. That kiss went on for a long time with Jenny gently rocking on me the whole time.

I saw no reason to hurry things along and just let her do her thing. That rocking went on for a very long time, Jenny apparently not in a hurry to stop either. We were finally interrupted by music. Jenny gasped, stretched over to the table and snatched up her phone.


"Um, I'll be there soon. I'm just finishing something."

"Yes. Bye."

"They want to know where I am," she muttered. "I have to go."

"Right now?" I was horrified at the thought.

"Well, not at this instant," she said with a knowing smirk, "but soon. Very soon."

With that she settled down for more industrious work. The gentle rocking was replaced by some urgent bouncing as Jenny set to work to reach her climax. (I very much doubted that she was particularly worried about mine, but that didn't matter. I was ready to blow and just had to hold off until she was ready.)

In very short order she reached her climax, reacting quite noisily. I promptly relaxed, cutting loose and spraying deep inside her, hosing her down inside.

After that she bounced up off my knee, grabbed her bikini and robe, and rushed to the bathroom. Ten minutes later she went sailing past, showered, dried, and dressed, ready for the beach.

I watched her go. Would she, I wondered, bring up the subject of spanking with the other girls? Would she confess to what had happened? Would she be willing for a second round, with or without the spanking? Would one of the other girls want to experiment? What were my chance of luring another of the girls into my bed for the night? What were the chances of luring all three of them? (Slim to none, probably.)

Lots of possibilities but not much time. They'd be gone tomorrow.

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Hypnolover1Hypnolover14 months ago

5* Loved it! And completely plausible lol

Just that, wars excluded, i haven't met the woman that can be ready in 10 minutes yet lol. Love the wit

"Ten minutes later she went sailing past, showered, dried, and dressed, ready for the beach."

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 1 year ago
Clever and Fun

Thanks, Ashson, for a wonderful, well written shortie. In my experience, a fresh plot and an easy read.

Keep 'em comin'!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Unique way to present a spanking story. I liked the approached as othing was forced just a nice flow to the story.

liz33ndliz33ndabout 1 year ago

i love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nicely done and clever! Thanks.


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