All Comments on 'A Rush of Blood to the Head Ch. 02'

by GirlintheMoon

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Keep Writing

You are one of a handful of grownups writing on this site. Please keep at it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Re: stupid assed moron that said Keep Writing

grown up my ass, with the talent she has as a writer, it would be nice if she didn't make everyone of us (females) look like fucking whores.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Dear GirlintheMuck

Give it up....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
re: Re: stupid assed moron that said Keep Writing

This is LW, the only readers in this cat are closet cuckolds like betrayed, ID, huecuck, et al and those of us who mock those insecure virgins. This author is simply writing to an audience. Period, end of story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Some wives cheat. Some have reasons to while others don't. Some husbands cheat too! This is an adeptly written tale by a talented female author. Remember, it's a story catered for an audience; if you don't like it, don't read it.

Stupid comments will only reveal the ineptitude and inadequacies of those of who voice them. Well done, GITM! If you draw hate from the losers, at least you're getting the exposure. ;)

5 stars!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
Anna Karenina redux ?

My innate, cheating floozy shaming urge is tempered a bit by fact that narrator's husband is a hoity toity lawyer . She's just doing to him what he and his firm do to justice system. GIM does own Tolstoy ability to dissect and display minute details. In terms of my personal taste the story is a bit overly slut-centric.

Leo T. might well have mixed things up by mixing in anti-monopoly rants between shameless trysts and credit card therapy speeds. Substitute bailout sleaze for circa 1900's railroad price fixing and Tolstoy would be proud. In terms of charting carnal and internal emotional tempests with heavy angst glaze, GirlintheMoon has few peers, and for this story, even less pauses.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
a correction ( for what it's worth )

I meant sprees* not speeds . A pox upon my over weening auto correct.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsabout 10 years ago

I love how it's clear this is going to turn into a story where this is some kind of confrontation about her behavior, and that /still/ isn't enough for the angry, misogynist assholes on this site. How dare an author show that sex with someone other than her husband might be enjoyable to a woman! On a porn site of all places! Let's burn her at the stake!

ForbiddenTemptationForbiddenTemptationabout 10 years ago

And like any well written affair story it does not have the rating it deserves because of a small group of mentally troubled people who can't separate fantasy from real life.

I'm a man who loves reading about complex women. Not bland 2D Hollywood type good girls. Women that are controversial and complicated and misbehaving. Women who do bad things, sometimes for the right reason, sometimes the wrong reason and sometimes for no reason at all. Women who fight a mental battle with themselves while making their way through the world.

Please keep this story going, I'm eager to read more of Lucy's adventure.

ForbiddenTemptationForbiddenTemptationabout 10 years ago
And one more thing

This story looks like the author knows where it's going but I hope it doesn't have a cliched ending. Most stories would either have the husband become a submissive cuckold or the wives would be thrown into the pits of hell via a humiliating divorce. I hope the ending goes down some less traveled path. Ideally, forgiveness and growth.

calclovercalcloverabout 10 years ago
Great Read

I assume a confrontation is coming .Look forward to it.Now if you could offer get Karen Woods to stop crabbing about the comments it would be perfect .For the umpteenth time she comments on the.comments and not the story.Hey Karen the other commenter's are losers? All evidence to the.contrary

CharlieB4CharlieB4about 10 years ago
Uncontrollable obsession.

Loved it! Wonderful exploration of a woman out of control. Smoking hot too! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Just more anti-male propaganda

If there is any confrontation at all over her behavior, then I'm sure the husband will be made out to be the villain. The wife's behavior is abominable and entirely selfish, clearly indicates she does not love her husband, and the story does not, in fact, belong on a "loving wives" site. This is the kind of story that could only appeal to angry, misandristic bitches such as Karen Woods.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
my comment would have been long winded

But let's just say you touched a nerve which shows your talent as a story teller you. I fear though that I wont enjoy the final chapters of the story however it seems like it will lead to reconciliation(which when cheating or abuse were involved in the initial conflict I hate) or total nuke( which I know BTB fans love but I'm more interested in dumping the cheater and just living a good life so i'm a Leave The Bitch person I guess). Again it only demonstrates your ability to pull your reader into your story so kudos.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Reads like a retread of your last entry Man Next Door. GIM you write well, I find your romances to be top shelf, and the character flaws feel real.

Sad to say, your characters in the Loving Wives category don't measure up. The exploration you offer here is like your previous deleted offers, nothing new as promised. Women who bash men. There is no balance, whereas with the romances there are.

Would be curious to see you stretch your wings and try a female bashing if you dare.

But honestly, you are so much better than this. I know.

5 for writing, 2 for plot, 2 for characters, 3 stars

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 10 years ago
Readers have to admit,

GIM certainly has the writing skills. Few writers on Lit can match her technical abilities. It's also interesting to read these stories when written by a woman. It is quite different than when men try to express how a woman thinks and feels. Well written, but us men are going to struggle with the wife's actions, as well as her attitude. That may be our problem and not the writer's. Thanks for the hard work.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyabout 10 years ago
It would be redundant

to say that Girlinthemoon is not only one of the best writers on this site, but also one of the finest and one of the psychologically most acute writers here. I wait for the next installment almost as expectantly as Lucy waits for Luke. Lucy is so real, a living, suffering soul. I fear for her, her ruination. She is as real and as near devastation as Anna Karenina or Emma Bovary. I fear most that Luke is David's lover too, two people destroyed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Another typical Moon Girl Chapter

First: Well written from a technical standpoint as usual. It manages to get inside the head and emotions of a cheating wife, who is certainly neurotic but may be diagnosibly psychotic.

Second: The above describes, in my opinion, most of Moon Girl's female characters. The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing wrong with that. Moon Girl does not owe me any thing and it is her story to write and she does it well.

I do wish MG could get her chapters out a little faster so I didn't have to skim her prior chapter to refresh my aging memory. JPB posted all his most recent story one chapter each day. His last chapter appeared yesterday on SOL but either has not been submitted to Lit or Lit is holidng it back to build suspense.

Good job.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
same old

Great command of the English language and grammar but that doesn't save it from the fact that it is the same story she writes again and again and again. A slutty wife, a decent(good) husband who in the entire story is shit on then in the end we should feel sorry for the whore who couldn't keep her legs shut. I understand if he was abusive inattentive or cruel but to consider this erotic is a joke it's cheap porn with a middleage cum receptacle. We all know how these stories really end go look at the divorce rate and if you were true to stories a husband that rich and powerful is more likely the one getting his knob taken care of, especially if his wife(slut) has already been found cheating. Hnestly I don't mind loving wives tales just the ones where the blame is squarely on the shoulders of the noncheater. WHile the whore is written with every possible excuse in the book, boredom, not in "love", inattention. If this gets you how then so must getting divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Simply repetitive garbage.

Not that all the I's haven't been dotted and the T's haven't been crossed, but this reads like your other stories. Nothing new or clever has been explored. It wasn't particularly interesting and it sure as hell wasn't entertaining. In the end, who cares if she was a slut? And her husband simply came across as a fool. A waste of time.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
The Author makes the case WHY women should NOT be allowed to vote or own property

Ginthemoon... as I said before.. this is great writing and many has said as much. You have an amazing ability to use language and imagery and show the psychological turmoil of a particular person.... and especially from a woman's point of view.

BUT it is repetitive. Once again you have developed a woman character who is completely driven by her pussy and sexual needs. That's all she is. After the 7th r 15th story from you featuring the same sort of woman character it gets a little repetitive. If you want to make an argument that women should not be allowed to vote or own property.... all one has to do is read some of your stories.

There are few stupid cunts out there like Kare woods who think that people complaining about this sort of story are actually anti woman. In fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The same complaints about the same repay the stories are made with regard to other well-known and distinguished writers hear such as SS06 and Matt Moreau just to name a few.

And at this point we know absolutely nothing about the husband whatsoever. In the and if there is to be a confrontations scene it is NOT going to work because we have no idea what the husband character is like... and therefore we have NO idea what will be acceptable or consistent with th the husband's character .

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
karen woods ... you are a serious idiot

It is hard to believe you are this intrinsically fucking stupid. I mean everybody has a bad day but without a doubt consistently day after day time after time you make the most pathetic one track sophomoric idiot posts I have ever seen.

Many readers have complained about similar and repair the stories from other offers--- such as stories from JPB SS06 and Matti Moreau -- just to name a few. In this case complaining about the similar type of stories from this very talented and skillful offer does not mean you hate all women or you have a problem with women.

In fact it's just the opposite and if you had a brain you stupid cow you would see that. Readers are not complaining about the woman's character's sexuality. There are complaining that that's all she has.... Readers are amazed by this woman's ability to write and are clear talent-- they want more from her not less.

The ultimate irony is that this particular author -by writing the same sort of character time after time-- about a very sexual but deranged and irrational out of control woman-- is actually making the case AGAINST women.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 10 years ago
I agree with HDK

I will admit that this seems to be going the way of her last story, but it's a little early to tell so I wouldn't be condemning her just yet. GIM is one of the best writers on this site and I can't believe the low score this chapter is receiving. Everyone is bitching about all the "crap" that this genre has attracted lately, yet when someone takes the time and effort to pen a well written story, it is treated with the same contempt and disdain as all the BS. GIM not only can look into the psyche of a cheating woman but she also has the ability to express it with eroticism and style. 5* from me!

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 10 years ago
Five stars

This is what exceptional writing looks like. I am more than impressed; I'm completely humbled.

Needless to say, some of the comments here are absurd. The amount of venom that some people spew toward fictional characters is both hilarious and depressing. I can only imagine what it must be like to watch a movie with these people.


I can imagine them reading a bedtime story to their children and pausing to call Professor Snape a dirty fucking prick. Any story that includes a single character with questionable moral values automatically propels them into a fit of rage and white-hot fury until they are choking on bile. What a way to live.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

As in your previous LW story. The one with the bad boy neighbor Jackson.

The emotional impact gets stronger, the protagonist as she fails morally draws us

deeper and we become more sympathetic to her plight .

No one condones an oathbreaker. But all of us have experienced temptation!

Very good GirlintheMoon. I am very


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
This is chapter 2.

You know what you're getting here. If you have some sort of psychotic hatred for stories with FICTIONAL characters that have an affair why read this? There are thousands and thousands and thousands of stories on Literotica that do not involve affairs.

And onto the story itself, I love the fact that the husband is not awful and that the wife doesn't hate the husband. Those sort of stories are boring and way too common. People in decent marriages married to decent people who are tempted into affairs are more fascinating than the boring and predictable and common "awful husband/wife -> affair" stories.

MitchFraellMitchFraellabout 10 years ago
A great insight

An insight into one woman's view of her marriage and infidelity. I would emphasise that this is one, only one woman in 300 million US women, and a fictional one at that whose activities are described. It is a tribute to the author's skill that so many comments appear to believe that Lucy is a real person and all women are like her. Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
This women wants to self dis truck . So she will.

A life thrown away

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
The problem is

Your heroine's are just weak sluts who bring pain and misery to the people they say they love and I am just glad they are fiction and not someone I know, and I don't want to know them.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 10 years ago
A Small Thing.

You capitalized the word more at the end of the story. The writer's unconscious recognition that protagonist's story is weak and begs skepticism from the reader? Nah. just a typo, right?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

"More" is the wife's subliminal desire in this story, just as "In another life" was for the wife in 'The Man Next Door". "More", I think, means the selfish and wanton urge to continue on this path of self-destruction because she is hooked to it. She loathes herself for being on it, but at the same time, cannot douse the flame of passion which burns for her lover. Subconsciously, she tries to rationalize this addiction by finding faults in her Husband.

DunaDunaabout 10 years ago
Tragedy author..........

GITM wrote she writes her stories into such direction that her main characters do not get any happiness at the end of her stories.

svg1svg1about 10 years ago
Interesting Story

Don't let the comments get to you, the comment section is often like throwing baking soda into bleach. Your stories have a lot of dimension, and you have laid a groundwork in this story for some interesting developments. I have a hunch where this one might go, but I'll wait and see. I hope the next chapter is soon. Thanks for your work. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Lowlives attacking the author

Anyone who personally attacks any author should get a permanent IP ban. Some of the comments here have been awful.

DunaDunaabout 10 years ago
Thank you

@ Anon Karenwoods and Frontlinecaster are non Anon offenders who wish my death in feedbacks!

7daysuntil7daysuntilabout 10 years ago
Good Read!

People are just to sensitive when it comes to cheating wives. This is a good read and people are getting to personal. Just read the story and enjoy. If you don't like what you have read, then write your own story. I give this a 5.

starmanfivestarmanfiveabout 10 years ago
Great story!

Keep up the good work.

adgeonadgeonabout 10 years ago

That was the best version of 'Stairway to Heaven' I've ever heard. Rock on- I mean More!

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsabout 10 years ago

Actually no, she is making the case that this one woman, in this one situation, is making a decision you personally don't agree with. And /THAT/ is why you, like so many others, do deserve the label of misogynist.

You don't go into all the other sections of stories written about and by men who are making obviously bad decisions for the promise of hot sex and complain about how stupid and psychotic men are, our how terrible the authors are for portraying all men that way. Because a story about a man enjoying sex, even extra-marital sex, is considered normal. It's porn. But suddenly, a story about a woman enjoying sex has everyone up in a tizzy, 'She's psychotic', 'makes a case against women owning property or voting', people complain again and again that they can't stomach a woman like this. Who the fuck cares what you can or can't stomach?

The author writes stories, very well I might add, about characters that interest her. Her stories are not all repetitive, she has quite a few stories in other categories, ones that I notice are almost universally higher rated and receive far fewer anonymous trolls and personal insults, and even these stories are not all the same. This is not the same story as her last one, which was not the same story as others I remember writing before. They had similar themes, but the way the characters, both men and women, behaved in each one were different and interesting.

This is why this site, this portal in particular, is so worthless.It's a bunch of bitter old men crowding around on a porn site, wanting stories that aren't porn. They want to hear again and again how all women who cheat are evil, psychotic, manipulative bitches who deserve punishment. That a woman might cheat for reasons that have nothing to do with her husband, not out of some kind of disrespect for him or hate for him, but for all the reasons any one of either gender cheat, that's apparently just the worst thing. There are broken, sick people, people who need something that their spouse isn't providing, people who are simply horny and unable to keep it in their pants. That has nothing to do with gender, but somehow a woman writing a story about a woman behaving this way deserves scorn and insults. So yes, I call a lot of you misogynists, and maybe I'm casting too wide of a net there as there are some perfectly sane, nice people here. But all I ever see when I click that 'recent comments' button is a bunch of hateful, ignorant, mostly anonymous guys spewing shit over anyone, male or female, who doesn't tow the party line that women are bitches, husbands are always blameless in failed marriages, and a man who doesn't commit violent, illegal acts against someone who commits the crime of having sex with his wife is a spineless, and god forbid worst of all, probably gay wimp.

And before it's pointed out, yes, I still read comments here in spite of that. Honestly I tend to read them without reading the stories. Probably because I have a bit of a masochist side in me and getting pissed off at idiots on the internet makes me feel a bit better, which I'm sure makes me a huge hypocrite in all of this. But fuck it, someone has to say this so at the least new readers coming here aren't immediately turned off by the fact that this community is so fucking toxic and unhealthy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

At the idiot below me posting over and over again in broken English, shut up and stop flaming. You're worse than the anons.

To the author, great fucking story, ignore the haters.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 10 years ago
KarenWoods has a point

A great many men are terrified at female sexuality. Look at the efforts many societies go to to isolate women from men. I think that is what we are seeing with the bizarre (to many of us) reaction of the trolls. GITM is an excellent writer, who like many excellent writers challenges the orthodoxy, but challenges are exactly what many readers don't like. So we have to accept that some readers want to hear the same old story told in exactly the same old way, and a more or less separate audience appreciates different points of view, and something different.

For my part, I thought Cpete's Family Guy hit about every stereotype in the LW category, and scored 4.54. Family Guy Redux turned the stereotypes on their head scored 2.80. One could argue Cpete's a better author than me, but I think most of the score reflected the deviation from orthodoxy.

Write what pleases you, GITM and be confident that it will fine an appreciative audience.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
"terrified at female sexuality"

Closet cuckolds are afraid of what they don't know. Fear of the unknown and fear of change combine to elicit incoherent misogynist rants in a place (this forum) where their mouths won't get their ass in a world of hurt (the real world).

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 10 years ago
Sad but HOT story !

I don't really understand the low scores in my book it's a 5 and posted as much. Such a sad but realistic journey as the grass is always greener!

I hope that the negative comments do not impede your work and you intend on finishing this story all the way. This sounds like my life only from a male and a middle class perspective.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
re: "terrified at female sexuality"

One can only guess at the multiude amount of things that terrify the cretins who are so insecure they can't stand it when others dare to have a different opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
She acts as expected

Lucy is like my former wife...she is dead inside and won't admit why she is that way. The clinical term is CSS--childhood sex survivor. Her ability to feel love ceased when the abuse began. The "more" she craves is really just the desire to feel...whole.

ErotFanErotFanover 9 years ago
Not getting better

I'll give it one more chapter.

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago
Bring on the surprises!

Luke is David's new lover. Doesn't bother me because I am identifying with Mark. But there must be more surprises. I'm off to find out.

loveoverlustloveoverlustover 8 years ago
Abhorring the acts of depravity needs to be gender neutral .....

...... & should remain so.

Life & it's choices are much more than a few moral codes. It's grey that makes us human.

It's sad, she doesn't have a close friend /family.An ear to listen to her woes, a head full of wisdom , to guide without judging.

Your insight into the workings of the human mind, especially under turmoil, is commendable.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Good writing about a disgusting lowlife

This is a good author who is writing about dogshit masquerading as a wife.

A pig has more honor and dignity than this silly excuse for a woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Really Interesting!

This is probably the first Romance Novel I've read since I divorced the bitch 20 years ago. It's really fucking interesting! Lucy's really in a jam and she doesn't know it.

How is she going to figure it out?

Girlinthemoon is obviously a well paid professional writer; if I'm wrong? No, she's a professional writer.

javmor79javmor79over 7 years ago

I am intrigued by this author's writing. The wife in this story leaves me with a strange combination of feelings.

On the one hand, the inner turmoil that she is going through is fascinating. She struggles between doing what is right and what she really wants. "What is right" is a relative term in this case. It really means "what is expected of her". The truth is, she is bored with life. What is expected of her is to be content in that boredom because her husband has money. I can sympathize with her in that respect, but her actions leave me equally unsympathetic.

That leads me to my second feeling, which is disgust. Not only is she having an affair on a husband who doesn't deserve to be hurt like that, but she is actively pursuing the guy. This affair could very well die off if she simply stopped chasing. The problem is, she knows that, which is why she is the aggressor. She is doing this knowing how much it would hurt her husband; even suspecting that he knows something that hurts him already. She selfishly made the decision to do this, no matter what the costs. If this were a story with a male protagonist doing this, it would not be romantic. In fact, the tone of the story would change drastically. This guy would be a creep and a cautionary tale, not a person with these flowery feelings of being "swept up".

The third feeling is one I can't really name. I guess fascination would also apply here, but it is at the duality of this woman. She is both strong and weak, humble yet arrogant, caring and selfish. It is almost like she pretends to be one thing, but is secretly the other. One of the faces is one that she wears, but the other is what she really is.

Fascinating story that leaves me not knowing how I feel. Underscored, in my opinion.

DoctimeDoctimealmost 7 years ago

This is truly not a loving wife. Just a low class piece of shit masquarding as a wife

OnethirdOnethirdover 6 years ago

This is not a sympathetic woman, but it is a nice inner dialogue of a spoiled privileged wife. Definitely NOT loving, though. Once again, excellent writing.

26thNC26thNCover 6 years ago
No loving wife

No loving wife here, just a low gutter whore.

criscrossincriscrossinabout 6 years ago
Nice build up

Like the dissection of mind

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So near to (gramatical) perfection ...

... but: "I wanted to lay spent on the dirty sheets ..." "Lie" of course.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

I'm so glad I found your works - great writing. No kids involved so I'm hoping she (and Luke) get there asses burned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

just a nasty whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You are one of the most incredible authors on this site. I am in awe of your ability to capture the emotional roller-coaster of your characters experiences. That said, I think I have noticed a trend in your female protagonists. For good or ill, they all seem to be trying to find something "real" as if the life they have already lived is an unfulfilling shadow. I am making a guess that this is something you feel or have felt in your own experience. I hope you find the peace and inward rest you are seeking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Superb character development and the evolution of the little torment of this woman is fascinating.

She's truly a person with no real character of her own. I say this because she is totally unable to take responsibility for what she's doing and uses all those around her to get what she wants.

Given what's going on for her she ought to have the integrity to divorce your husband.

She obviously doesn't really love him she's just an ad on Ordinary for him that she has readily accepted to be would have a life of privilege and pleasure and wealth.

This is a fascinating character study but at the end of the day she really is a pathetic person. However she's not learning that as is everybody in the law group that she's married into.

I don't think any of them are nice people and there are certainly not people I would ever want associate with.

HighBrowHighBrow5 months ago

I don’t want Mark hurt or his wife to crash and burn or Luke to move on..,

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Hello? Reality check?

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah22 days ago

I found it hard to believe Lucy’s blind lust as the singular motivator that so thoroughly divested her from empathy. Consciously or not, I think she sensed Luke as an avenue of escape from a lifestyle she disdained. Lucy’s throbbing clitoris was driven by her desire to leave that life behind. The delicious itch was a serendipitous bonus. Luke was a morally insolvent tool; a means to an end. He did it for the nookie.

Whatever the cause, she was certainly off-balance. Her self-destructive course was fueled by self loathing. She didn’t conform to that caste or have aspirations. She is very likely to leave devastation in her wake.

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I write filthy stories and drink too much coffee. *** Come find me on twitter: girlinthemoon7 ***