
Military brat (The Marine Corps) Criminology major with a history minor in college, now a licensed Private Investigator-corporate/ still an amateur writer of interracial and lesbian erotica, but with a lot less free time to indulge my literary passions.
2 Literotica awards so far; Interracial Story of The Month for December and Interracial Story of the Year for 2003. I attribute this good fortune not to my limited writing abilities, but entirely to all of my readers who took the time to vote for it. Without you, I’m merely another hack writer in search of approval. Thank you. Stroking this writer's fragile ego with feedback is heartily encouraged, though.
Family is important to me; it ranks right up there with God and country. Immediate family consists of my husband, Dad and Mom, a sister and brother-in-law, a white alley cat that adopted me named Desdemona and a recent addition; a 3 year old boxer named Khan. (See updates)
My God is my God; he/she/it is no better, no worse than your chosen god. My patriotism? don't even think of questioning it. The manner in which I choose to live my life is my business; portions of it are shared at my discretion, and only to those with whom I chose to share, and that is a very small number. Sorry.
Now for some miscellaneous minutia: I'm a junk food and NFL junkie on Sundays; for better or worse, the Niners are my team. I'm a diehard fan. I took up golf a few summers ago; a pleasant pastoral stroll ruined by moments of frustration and bouts of aggravation. I got hooked. My initial goal to golf my body temp was reached summer of ‘04, my new goal is to lower my handicap to a respectable level.
I enjoy horses (Western, not on one of those prissy English saddles). I grew up with firearms (rifle, shotgun, hand guns, and bow). I hunt and enjoy camping. There is nothing more exhilarating than waking in the high country and inhaling that first deep breath of fresh CLEAN mountain air.
I am a sucker for firelight and romance. My favorite movie is "Murphy's Romance". I'm a voracious reader of most genres. The Godfather (discounting the Mafia connection, the violence and the illegal activities) is a story of family loyalty, carried to the extreme. I prefer classical music and (incongruous as it probably is for someone my age – the big 30 on 4/1/06) 1920s, 30s, 40s, and early 50s Big Band music; 50s and early 60s Rock and Roll… real Rock and Roll; Show tunes and some early Country; Patsy Cline is my favorite. Sorry, but I am not a big fan of Hip-Hop, and especially Gangsta Rap. I have entirely too much respect for those of my gender, and for Law Enforcement.
My booze of choice is Bailey's Irish Cream. "In an Old Fashion glass over two chunks (not wimpy cubes) of ice, thank you."
Yes, I smoke. In this day and age, a societal faux pas of the first magnitude, I know, but it's my life, my choice, and if I'm in the room first and you don't care to breath in my second-hand smoke, you can march your sanctimonious ass right back out the door you came in.
As you should be able to gather by now, I'm educated and, being a former military brat, I'm fairly well traveled. I generally tend to be an opinionated bitch. We are all opinionated; it's what makes us individuals. Some choose to keep their opinions to themselves, holding their likes and dislikes, their turn ons and turn offs inside, simply in order to fit in; I don't, and I won't. I don't need the ulcer, thank you.
I am liked for who I am, what I think, what I believe is right versus dead wrong; or I'm not. I happen to like me, who I am, what I am, the way I am, and if you don't, that's your problem; not mine. In the final analysis, it's not going to matter one damn bit to the worms what others thought of us before we were planted six feet under. I'm opting for cremation, myself. The worms can keep digging around and find someone else to snack on.
All right, I've been asked repeatedly why my first name is spelled wrong. Well, in the accepted, common spelling, I guess it is. But, it isn't my fault; it was my late grandfather's spelling and who am I to argue proper spelling one of the heroes in my life? It is properly pronounced in two syllables: Jor (like shore, only with a J instead of sh) and Don (like the Godfather, Don Corleone). And, I'm finally going to admit that it isn't my first name.

Jordon is no longer my last name. As of 7/13/05 I'm a married woman… and very happily, guys.
Even with this change in my dating status (as well as the name change) I'll continue using JordonLynn for posting here, mainly because it's recognizable.
I now have a niece, meaning I’m an aunt. Whoopie!
Those of you who checked out this bio in the past may recall another person being on my immediate family list. Gram past away early this February. I miss her terribly.
And here, I think, is a good place to stop. Revealing too much about myself would remove the mystique, and that is the part of another person that makes them interesting; never knowing who they truly are, or what they're really all about.

As always; Love, Luck, and Lust



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22 Years AgoMember Since
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Dog(s), Cat(s)


It's A Private Matter.

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