Joe Brolly


After a few bumps, Ch. 25 is posted. Enjoy!
Unfortunately, in the process, I screwed up the posted Chapter 24! It's been re-submitted, and will hopefully reappear soon.


Chapter 25 is FINALLY uploaded. Horah!



Hello all.

Firstly, I humbly and deeply apologize for completely disappearing for the last month or, eighteen, and with no explanation. Yes, I had good reasons. One of them was/is a lack of time. As for the other reasons, no, even now I?m not going to elaborate.

Nextly, I thank everyone for your feedback. It has been almost completely of the ?love the story, write more, dammit!? variety, and I am flattered beyond words. Thank you.

Lastly, yes, there is a chapter 25. And a chapter 26. And a Genie Chronicles 2? and GC spinoffs? and souvenir t-shirts. But they are all unwritten (unscreenprinted?) for the moment. All the great feedback is certainly a wonderful incentive, but for the most part the reasons I allude to above are still around. I absolutely hope to continue this story for as long as it?s enjoyed, but I can?t say right now when that will resume.

I continue to welcome your correspondence, although it has only been very recently that I could even take a peek at that, so responses could be spotty and long in coming.

Thanks again.


Author Stats

19 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
1Series Published

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