
Stories by FemmeFixation

8.6k 21 3 44

Tony's roommates test a boast of his with a dare.

H 4.54 8.4k 21 3 44

Tony's roommates continue testing him for his dare.

NEW 4.5 286

Alex discovers Kat's secret and decides what to do about it.

H 4.76 6k 7 4 18
Kat makes an aphrodisiac cake for her sister's boyfriend and reaps the rewards.
29.8k 51 8 100

Kat made a special cake for her sister's boyfriend to enjoy.

4.45 15.7k 29 3 55

Knowing the aphrodisiac really works, Kat doubles down.

H 4.63 8k 15 1 27

Alex discovers Kat's secret and decides what to do about it.

H 4.76 6k 7 4 18

Knowing the aphrodisiac really works, Kat doubles down.

H 4.63 8k 15 1 27

Kat made a special cake for her sister's boyfriend to enjoy.

4.45 15.7k 29 3 55