
Many moons ago a story took shape and begged to be born. However, the characters took control and the story made a completely unexpected and surprising crossdressing turn...and I went with it. Readers enjoyed it so I did some lather, rinse repeat on the theme and they seemed to like those too, for which I am grateful.

My other stories are experiments in a variety of categories and styles, some of which had their origins in Authors' Hangout contests and thread challenges. Chase Cooder turned out to be an outline for a novel I should get around to completing one of these days. White Trash was a hoot to write and still makes me laugh. The poem Seringapatam was inspired by Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe's Tiger.

Hope you enjoy the stories.

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17 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
96My Comments
9Series Published

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