
August 11, 2017 - After reading BurntRedstone's biography, I realized that i needed to update my own with a very similar statement.

I've now been employed at my new job for almost a year, and while it's very rewarding work, it leaves absolutely no free time for writing or even thinking about stories, which I admit is how it should be.

I have also moved to be closer to my work, and after six years of commuting an hour or more each way, I finally live close enough to bicycle.

While this means almost two extra hours with my family each weekday, it means two fewer hours of daydreaming about my stories, and planning what to write.

I have a general idea where I want each story to go, but I usually let my mind choose the road to get there. Sometimes I will sit down, open something I'm working on, and type out pages and pages, and sometimes I will struggle to push the story forward by more than a sentence or two.

I promise I am still working on my stories. I more or less have a chapter of Monsters in the Mountains and one of Suck in the moment ready, but in the past I have painted myself into a corner and wished that I could go back and edit a line here or a little foreshadow there, but it's published and out there. I'd like to write a little more past the last chapter so that I can edit if needed.

I thank you all for your patience, and promise that when I am ready, I am going to dump story after story, but I just need the free-time to work on all of them. I'm sorry it's taken me this long.

If you've commented on a story or sent me an email and I haven't gotten back to you, I apologize. I read all the comments and feedback, but don't always get the chance to reply.

I hope you all are well, and I hope to have something good for you soon.




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