
Just a writer. I began reading on this site years ago, and found it to be a delightful treasure trove.

I've been writing other things for years, and it was only a matter of time before I began posting stuff here. I love feed back, comments, and getting a grade through your voting. I tend to start a lot of different stories, but encouragement can definitely help me focus.

Update: 4/05/24
Good morning,
Hope you folks are doing well out there. We have yet more rain down here. I love it when reality ruins the fictions that people repeat about living in San Diego. No, I'm not some kind of contrarian edge-lord, but when you hear people say "another day in paradise" every day it starts to get to you.

I am working on stuff. Don't worry. I didn't disappear like some people on-line. That's how it is with some of my favorite YouTubers sadly. I'm hoping to have the next part of Princess of the Elves soon, I know that many of you have been waiting, I'm sorry for that. We'll get there. We'll see how much longer it goes. Remember: the intention was for it to be shorter than Captured. I also have some other stories coming down the pipe. Some more X-change stuff and some things that I intended to release near Halloween but that didn't work out.
Thank you guys for your continued interest and support. It means a lot to me. There are several writers out there who don't have the joy and honor of having other people read and care about their work. Especially in an age where most people are only interested in short-form video content. You folks are amazing for continuing to follow me. I wonder how I got so lucky sometimes. I hope that you're all staying safe out there. The world is on fire like normal. Be alert and take care of yourselves and those that you love. Talk to you folks soon.

Hope you all are doing well. I finally regained access to the email that's hooked to my profile on here. I am so sorry that I missed seeing some of your feedback or questions. When I've tried to respond before it didn't work. It's a little late but here goes a response to some of those messages. I really appreciate the love that you guys have shown to Captured by the Elves. It's been a long time in progress, and that's good and bad. It's given us time to appreciate it, but I truly wish that I had planned every thing better. Planning and outlines are awesome when it comes to writing. Some people will try to see you on the other way, but beware. It made for a charming scene in Finding Forrester, but "writing with your heart" has let a lot of people down.
I am glad that many people appreciated X-Change: Homecoming. It remains one of my favorite stories that I've done, and I really liked how the use of the X-Change pill worked in that one. If you haven't read it, give it a chance.
Brewing. I am someone who does like to home brew. I wish I worked for a brewery, although I've heard some horror stories about it. It's been a long time since I've made beer. I do also make mead. So I do take time to mention them brewing mead in Captured by the Elves. It makes sense considering their technology and there is a fermentation jar full of mead sitting on the counter in my kitchen right now.
The Lost Prince. Chapter 1 was taken down because someone took issue with it, and it needs to be "altered" in order to be put back up and meet terms of service. I recently recovered the file and it's on the back burner for now. I am sorry for that.
This didn't cover all the messages. Sorry again. I'm bad at stuff like this. But I shall work to improve myself.
Currently: I'm working on Captured by the Elves Ch. 11 and something else that I've been chipping away at for a while. Hopefully, I'll be getting them out soon.
Thanks again for your interest.

I do check on the people who comment or follow me. I'd love to see some of those frequent readers become the next writers on here. That's how I started out years ago. Give it a try. You don't know how your writing will be until you've been doing for a while, and you never stop trying to improve it. Sometimes people even think you're okay at it. Cheers.


West Coast



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