You've Got to Be Kidding Me


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"So," said Joyce smiling, "I hear that really you got Jake Carlson's attention, Amber."

"I don't know what you mean," I said, trying my best to feign ignorance.

Both Nicki and Joyce smiled knowingly at me while Joyce said, "Darlin, there's something you need to know about that man."

"What's that?" I nervously asked.

"Tell her, Mom," Nicki excitedly said.

Joyce looked at me like my Mom does from time to time, and drawing a deep breath, began, "Marcus Carlson, Jake's father, was a very good man. About ten years ago, a geologist discovered oil on the Carlson place. Ed Hammett, whom I've heard you've already met, well, his oil company made a bid for the drilling rights and was turned down. Well, that really pissed him off so bad that he vowed to Marcus that he would find a way to get even."

"What did he do?" I asked.

Joyce's eyes narrowed when she replied, "That little son-of-a-bitch, Marvin Brenner's land back's up to the Carlson property, and when Ed found out, he brought Brenner, who always was an asshole, in on his plan. It never was proven in court, but there was an accidental explosion on the drilling rig, that killed Marcus. Ever since then, Ed has had geologists searching all over Marvin Brenner's land for an oil pocket that connects to the one on the Carlson place, and he still hasn't found it yet. Anyway Jake joined the Navy right out of high school. I was told that he was some kind of hero, or something like that, and when his father was killed, Jake came back home to look after his mother, Ann, who died two years after Marcus, poor thing, and was a good friend of mine, as well as his little sister, Hannah."

"That's awful," I regrettably replied, "And even though I treated him terribly, he was still just as nice to me as he could be."

"From the looks of your pretty body, I can sure see why, Honey," said Joyce, causing Nicki to giggle and me to blush.


I was in my office early the next morning catching up on paperwork when Nicki came walking in wearing a knowing smile. "What're you smiling about?" I laughed.

Oh, nothing," she guiltily replied, wearing a grin to rival that of the Cheshire cat, "I've just got a feeling about today, that's all."

"Oh, you do, do you?" I smiled, "And just what is so special about today?"

"Nothing, really," she wistfully sighed, smiling brightly, "I just think that something good is going to happen for you today."

Thinking nothing about what she said, I passed it off as wishful thinking on Nicki's part, God love her, and replied, "I had a good time yesterday. Thanks again, Nicki."

"Yeah, that was fun" she laughed, "Mom thinks you're just the prettiest girl she's ever seen, besides me, that is."

"Your mother is a sweetie," I giggled, "What happened to you?"

"Gee, thanks," laughed Nicki, "I love you, too, bitch."


Later that morning, I was out inspecting the job site when I saw a familiar figure walking toward me. Even from that distance I could still tell it was Jake. His tall, lean stature rose head and shoulders above the rest of the men on the job site, and as he drew closer; his brilliant smile made the wall I'd built around my heart, lose a couple of bricks.

"Good morning, Amber," he smiled, making my knees go weak, "How're you this morning?"

"I'm doing well, Jake," I grinned, trying to put up a good front, but failing miserably, "How are you?"

"Fine, thanks," he grinned, his boyish charm making my heart flutter, "Listen, I was wondering if you would like to come to little party I'm having."

"I don't know Jake, I...."

"It's just a casual get-together at my house," he smiled, "You can even bring Nicki with you if you'd like. She's a nice girl that comes from a good family. Besides, she knows how to get to my house so, you two can even ride together." When I didn't answer him right away, he grinned devilishly and asked, "What's the matter? Are ya scared?"

"I'll have you know, Jake Carlson, that I'm not afraid of anything," I haughtily replied, "Least of all, you."

"Good," he chuckled, "I'll see you two at seven o'clock tomorrow night then," and before I could reply, he turned and walked away.

"Damn him," I smiled to myself.

Chapter Three

"I haven't been out here in a long while," Nicki excitedly said, as we drove west on Highway 31 toward Jake's.

"Can I ask you something, Nicki?"

"Sure," she smiled, while driving, "What do want to know?"

"Well," I began, a little uncomfortably, "What did your mom mean when she said that Jake joined the Navy and became some kind of hero or something?"

"I'm not real sure," she replied, "But I do know that he came home wounded pretty bad a couple of years before his father died."

"How could he have gotten wounded?" I asked, "I thought that the Navy guys were always out at sea on ships."

"I don't know," Nicki smiled devilishly, as she turned off the road onto a long dirt driveway, "Why don't you ask him? We'll be there in about three minutes.


As Nicki pulled her car up to the house, I was lost in the grandeur and splendor of it all. It would best be described as a southwestern style mansion that sat in the middle of a flat, grassy plain. From looking at it, one could tell that it was built from hand hewn oak trees and intricately placed stones, giving it a true rustic western look.

Nicki had just turned her engine off when the front door of the house opened and there stood Jake, with his hand on his hips, grinning. "Welcome, ladies," he smiled, looking at me, "I'm glad you two decided to come."

"Hi, Jake," Nicki knowingly smiled, as we climbed the front steps, "Thanks for the invitation."

"Hello, Amber," he softly said, making me flutter between the legs, "I'm glad you could make it."

"Thanks, Jake," I smiled, "I told you I wasn't scared."

"I knew you weren't," he laughed, "I just wanted to yank your chain a little bit, that's all."

"You're a rascal, Jake Carlson," Nicki giggled, "My mama warned me about men like you."

"You ought to listen to her, "laughed Jake, "She knows what she's talking about." Then, while winking at me, he smiled and said, "Please, come on in and make yourselves at home."


Jake opened the huge oak front door and showed us inside, and as soon as I walked into the front foyer of the house; I saw two doors, one on the right and the other on the left. To the left was a dining room, with a large oak table that was elegantly set, and to the right was a hallway that I assumed led to the bedrooms.

As we followed him on down the short hall, Jake led us into what appeared to be a den, with a huge stone fireplace to the right and a large kitchen to the far left. I could tell that everything in the house was as old as it was expensive, and for a moment I felt as if I had drifted back in time to the late 19th century.

"It's about time you brought some females here to save from drowning in this sea of testosterone, Jake" said a very pretty girl that appeared from behind us. She stood somewhere in the neighborhood of 5'6", or maybe 5'7' and had long dark brown hair, the same length as mine and Nicki's, and eyes just like Jake's, as well as a beautiful figure with an olive complexion.

"Hi, Hannah," smiled Nicki, "How are you, girl?"

"Oh, hey, Hi Nicki," replied Hannah smiling, "It's so good to see you again. Who've you brought with you?"

"This is Amber Hayes," replied Nicki, smiling knowingly, "She may be my boss, but she's also my friend."

"So, you're Amber, huh?" Hannah smiled knowingly, "I've heard your name mentioned a quite bit around here in the past few days."

"Oh really," I pointedly replied, Nicki giggling behind me. I looked at Jake just in time to see him blushing brightly, and said, "I wonder where she heard that from?"

"I uh...I...I think I'd better go out and check the grill," he replied uncomfortably, while at the same time making a hasty retreat through the back door of the kitchen.

I suddenly heard Hannah and Nicki erupt into a fit of female laughter, making me smile, and ask, "What are you two laughing at?"

With a huge grin on her face, Hannah took me by the hand and led me into the den/living room; and as we sat down, she smiled and said, "Please don't misconstrue what I'm about to say, Amber. But never in my life have I seen my brother act this way before."

"And what way is that?" I asked, still blind to what was gong on around me.

This time it was Nicki who, while giggling like a schoolgirl, said, "What Hannah is trying to tell you, is that she and I both can tell that Jake has a major thing for you."

"He really does, Amber," Hannah gently smiled, "I know my brother well."

"Uh-huh," laughed Nicki, "I think that you just might have a little thing for him, too."

"Girl, you are out of your mind," I laughed, "Besides, that's the last thing I need at this point in my life."

"My brother is a great guy," Hannah sadly replied, "Our father was killed when I was ten, and then Mom died two years after that. I think she died of a broken heart. I was a surprise to my parents when I was born, because Mom was forty- three, Dad was forty-five, and Jake was twenty-two, but I think, no, I know that they loved even more because of it. But when they died, Jake was right there to care for me. He took over the responsibility of raising me and made sure that I had everything I needed, and he loves me like I'm his own."

"Aw," I smiled, the wall around my heart now standing on extremely shaky ground, "That's sweet."

"Isn't it just?" cooed Nicki.

"That was nothing," Hannah sweetly replied, "Jake spoiled me worse than my parents ever did."

"What do you mean?" I curiously asked.

"Tell her, Hannah" said Nicki, excitedly looking at me, "You're gonna love this."

"Well," Hannah began, "Jake threw me a huge party when I was sixteen. I invited all my friends, oh it was so nice. Once Jake was sure that everyone I had invited was there, he blindfolded me and then led me out onto the front porch. Then right before he took off the blindfold, he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! I love you". And when he took the blindfold off, there in the driveway was a brand new Mustang, convertible, with a big red bow sitting on top of it."

"That was very sweet of him to do that," I smiled, my heart beginning to very subtly melt.

"It was so precious," said Nicki," I was there to see it, too."

"So I take it that the two of you grew up together then," I grinned.

"I'm twenty-four, and Hannah will be in another month," giggled Nicki, "We were cheerleaders together in high school."

"I always stayed with Nicki when Jake had to go out of town," smiled Hannah, "We've been best friends for a long time

Suddenly remembering something Joyce Marks had told me, I smiled and said, "Can I ask you a rather personal question about Jake, Hannah?"

Looking at me warmly, Hannah sweetly replied, "I'll tell you whatever you want to know about him."

"What's all this I've heard about him being in the Navy and getting wounded really badly?" I asked.

Hannah looked me in the eyes and replied, "I'm going to tell you this because I can tell that my brother cares for you and that you care for him. He doesn't know that I know so, you have to promise me that you will never let on that I told you, okay?"

"I swear I'll never tell a soul," I anxiously replied.

"Alright then," smiled Hannah, as she began, "Jake joined the Navy right out of high school because he'd always wanted to be a Navy Frogman, or SEAL, as they call them now. Now all of this happened before I was born so, I'm going on what my Mom told me. Anyway, when I was almost seven years old, he came back from the Navy and was in Parkland Hospital in Dallas for about a week before he came home. He seemed like he was sad about something, but when I asked him if he was okay; he told me that he was just tired and that he needed some rest. But he still always smiled around me, never once forgetting to let me know how much he loved me. After Dad was killed, Mom told me what had happened to Jake. She told me exactly what kind of work Navy SEALs did, and how dangerous it was. Then she told me that Jake had been wounded when he and his best friend had been pinned down by enemy gunfire when they were trying to rescue some hostages somewhere. She said that Jake's best friend had been mortally wounded and died in his arms, and that Jake had been badly wounded himself, but he still saved the hostages. They gave Jake the Congressional Medal of Honor for that."

By this time Hannah was openly crying as she continued, "When Mom died, Jake was right there. He never left my side and he was always there to hold me at night when I used to have bad dreams, sometimes sitting up all night with me if he had to. He took me to school every morning and was there to pick me up every afternoon. He helped me through what would've been a terrible and lonely childhood if not for him. When I approached my teens, and had my first period, I was scared shitless; but Jake sweetly helped me understand that it was part of growing up and that I would become a woman soon. A couple of friends of his, one whom I believe, is your boss, Amber, Mike and Terrie Winters, were there to help as Jake explained the facts of life to me. So, you see, Jake is not only my big brother, but he's been the only parent I've known for many years, and I love him very much. But I'm grown now, and I don't want to see him end up all alone. He's been through enough in his life, and I wish that he would take the time to find someone who will love and care for him. He's the gentlest soul I've ever known, and I've been praying for a long time now, that he'll find the right woman, one who's as sweet and wonderful a person as he is."

By the time she finished, I could see tears pouring down not only Hannah's and Nicki's cheeks, but I felt them raining down my own as well. We were suddenly brought out of our reverie when we heard an all too familiar masculine voice laugh and say, "Jeez, who died?"

Hannah smiled, and then hopping up from her seat, she wiped her face and casually strolled over to Jake. Putting her arms around his neck, she stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek and replied, "Nobody, ya big goof. We were just having some girl talk."

"Silly girl," laughed Jake, hugging her around the waist. Then he looked at all of us and said, "I was wondering if anyone cared for anything to drink?"

Sure," giggled Nicki, "Would you make us a batch of your world famous margaritas, Jake, you know, the ones like you made for our graduation party?"

"Do you mean the night that you and Hannah threw up all over each other because you drank too much?" laughed Jake.

"We really did, too," Hannah giggled, as Nicki nodded her head in agreement, giggling as well, "Please Jakey."

"Oh, alright," Jake laughed, "Just knock it off with the Jakey shit."

"Thanks Jakey," giggled Nicki, "Err...I mean Jake."

"Watch it, girlie," laughed Jake, while leading us to the bar, "Or I'll tell Amber about you and Mark Richardson kissing in the fourth grade." Then, while deviously winking at me and grinning, Jake said, "She was too fast for her own good even back then."

"And you've always liked aggravating the shit out of Hannah and me, both, ever since we were little, Jake Carlson," giggled Nicki, as she playfully slapped Jake's arm.

"You're right about that one, kiddo," chuckled Jake, while smiling at me, and making my knees go weak.

All of a sudden the telephone rang, making Jake excuse himself to go and answer it, and as I watched him leave the room, I heard Hannah and Nicki begin to cackle with laughter.

"Now what are you two laughing about?" I grinned.

"Yep, she's got it," Hannah smirked at Nicki, "What do you think, Nick-Nick?"

"Yeah, you're right, Han," giggled Nicki, looking at me, "And she's got it real bad, too."

Will someone tell me what in the hell you're talking about?" I asked, only making the two of them giggle and laugh that much harder.

Hannah was about to speak when Jake burst into the room grinning at his sister and said, "It's time."

"You and Amber take the truck, and Nicki and I will meet you there in the jeep," Hannah excitedly replied, "Come on Nick-Nick," and then the two of them peeled through the kitchen and out the back door.

"What's going on, Jake?" I asked.

Jake took my hand, and then gently pulling me toward him, replied, "One of Hannah's mares is about to foal. This is something you don't want to miss, Amber, I promise you."

"Let's go," I smiled, as we made our way to the front door, Jake still holding my hand.


Jake and I followed Hannah and Nicki up the driveway and then back onto highway, heading about four more miles west until we came to a driveway on the left. This driveway however, had a cattle guard for a gate, and as soon as we drove across it, Hannah and Nicki were halfway to the top of the small rise that was in front of us, preventing us from seeing over its horizon.

"Damn," laughed Jake, "I love my sister, but she drives like a maniac."

"Yeah," I laughed, as Jake drove like a madman to catch up to her, "And she sure comes by it honestly, too."

"I guess," Jake laughed, "But she's a whole lot worse than I ever was."

"Can I ask you something, Jake?" I asked as we drove along, now much slower than before.

"You can ask me anything you want," he teased, "As long as you don't ask me to get off the job site again."

"Are you always such a smart ass," I giggled, "Or do you practice at it?"

"It just comes natural," he laughed, then he reached over and touched my arm, making me slightly shiver, and warm and tender smile, said, "Seriously though, what would you like to know?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were a Congressional Medal of Honor winner?"

His face went suddenly pale, but before he could answer me, we came to the top of the rise, and with a smile replacing the troubled look on his face; Jake pointed ahead of us and said, "Look!"

I saw what appeared to be a facility of some sort with four different buildings, all of them constructed to look like stables. They were a burnt orange color, trimmed in white. "This is very nice," I said, "What is it?"

"This is where Hannah keeps her horses," Jake proudly replied, "Three Quarter Horses, a stallion and two mares, you're about to witness the birth of the first Quarter Horse born on Carlson land."

"Oh, wow," I smiled, "This will be something new for me."

As we got out of his truck, Jake took my hand and then smiled and replied, "Well, come on then. Like I told you before, you really don't want to miss this."


Jake led me into what was called the 'Birthing Stable', meeting Hannah and Nicki, who were already there and in the process of helping to get everything ready. Another man was there also. He looked to be about Jake's age as he smiled, and introducing himself to me, said, "Hello! My name is Doctor Peter Barber, and you must be Amber, the lady I've heard so much about lately."

"Shit, Pete," said Jake, blushing brightly, "You're as bad as Hannah."

"What do you mean," Peter teased, "It's not like everybody can't tell by looking at the two of you that you're sweet on each other ya know."

"Aw, man," said Jake, shaking his head while making the rest of us laugh. Up until now I hadn't really said anything to Jake one way or the other about how I was beginning to feel about him. However, according to the things I'd heard since I'd been around him that evening, I guess my actions had begun to speak for me, giving Jake, and now everyone else it seemed, some indication of the feelings that I was beginning to have for him.

After what Hannah had told me, I began to think of Jake in ways that were very unfamiliar to me, and I began to see a sort of gentle strength within him. It was the same quality I'd been looking for in a man ever since I knew what it was that I desired the most in a man, period.