You Couldn't Handle Me Ch. 07


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These thoughts kept my mind busy all day. Dad said he'd be working late that night, so Mom was whipping up dinner for us before Dad got home. Mom was grilling up some steaks on the patio out back. I think even Mom knew something was up with me, as I had barely left my room all day. So, when I appeared on the patio and joined her outside, it wasn't the seductress Mom that I saw, it was just... Mom.

"Hey!" Mom said, looking back at me from in front of the grill. "You doin okay?"

I nodded and sat down at the patio table. She closed the grill, letting the steaks cook, and turned to face me. Even though I had seen her dark side, I couldn't run from the fact that she was absolutely gorgeous. When she wasn't on the attack, when she wasn't barraging me, I could appreciate her looks. Even now, cooking dinner, looking casual in a clingy purple top and khaki capri pants, she still looked stunning.

She approached the table and sat down, and I spoke up.

"How does this end, Mom?" I said, looking at her.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"How does this end? This game?" I asked.

"Oh." Mom said, straightening up. "Well, Tom, I think you know how it ends." I nodded, sadly. I knew what the end would entail.

"Does it have to get that far?" I asked. "Is there any other way?"

"Fraid not, bucko." Mom said. "We've been on this road for two years now, maybe even longer. Once we both started thinking about it, we couldn't stop thinking about it. The idea of it is... sizzling. Isn't it? It's beyond sexy. The thought of it is almost addictive. We can't just ignore it. We can't just get over it."

"I know, but... Mom, I'm trying to move on. I was over it. I'm trying to be a good guy. Why can't you just let me?" I pleaded.

"Because you started something. You unleashed something. Once you unlocked that door, it can't be shut again. I am not stopping. You could just go off and marry your little girlfriend, but I will keep coming. I will not let off the attack. I will not stop. This isn't just about you, Tom. It's about me too." Mom replied. "I spent twenty years trying to bury something, and you unleashed that again in me. And I can't bury it again. It's too strong. The damage is done. As much as you supposedly changed yourself, you changed me."

"I didn't like what you brought out in me, Mom. With all your teasing... you were creating a monster. I had to walk away." I explained.

"I know, Tom. Trust me, I know." Mom began. "I've been there. When I was in school, I was out of control. I was all about getting pleasure, every minute of every day. I had to straighten up and fly right. But I couldn't just forget my past. Forget the things I had gotten up to when it was all up to me. And trust me Tom, I was on a good path for twenty years, but that person you used to be doesn't just go away. Deep down, you still want what you always wanted. I spent twenty years being a good wife and a good Mom. But when I started teasing you, the old me came out to play. The good parts of me vanished, and I went back to being the slut I was always meant to be. And Tom, you can act like your over it, you can act like you want to move on, and I'm sure you do, but deep down, you still want to fuck me. You still want to fuck your own mother, don't you?"

I paused. Mom was right. There was no point running from the truth. Finding my voice, and working up the will, I admitted the truth.

"Yes." I admitted, causing her to smile. "Yes, Mom, I still want to fuck you. I always have."

"You see, that wasn't so bad." Mom said proudly. "It's not your fault, son. I know I'm hot. You shouldn't have to deal with having a mother as hot as me. I'm sorry my tits are so, so big. A guy like you can't take his eyes off a rack like mine, right?"

"They're just... enormous." I croaked out.

"I know, Tom, I know. I'm sorry about that. And I'm sorry my ass is so round and juicy. I'm sorry I'm such a filthy slut. You get that from me, Tom. I think you're as dirty as I am. You have my genes, my taste for the rough, the filthy, and the nasty. And you can go off, and marry Carmen, but that won't change who you are. And it won't change what you want. Even if you're married, you'll think about me. You may love her, but you still want me. You still need me. Right?"

"Yes." I whispered, rubbing my head. "Yeah, alright! I still want you. My dick has been throbbing since I got back here." I replied, my tone a little more angry.

"I know it has." Mom said wickedly.

"But you might not be so unconquerable." I began. "One year ago, we stood out here, on a night like tonight, and you said you would never have sex with me. Now, tonight, you're trying your damndest to convince me to fuck you. So... maybe you're not so unbeatable after all?" Mom smiled.

"Oh, I wanted this from the beginning." Mom replied. "If you had played your cards right, you could have had me dozens of times."

"You've said that before, and... I still call bullshit." I replied, not believing her.

"I'm pushing you, Tom. I'm seeing what you're made of. I don't want a guy who gives up at the first obstacle. I want to see if you keep coming." Mom replied.

"Yeah, right." I replied.

"And yes, the tables have turned a little bit, but unlike you, I will not stop coming. You can walk away, walk down the aisle with your shitty girlfriend, and get married, let her pump out a few kids. But that won't stop me. I won't care. Imagine, yourself, in a nice, big house, Carmen at your side, kids squealing in joy. You could be the proud, loving father, an attentive lover to your wife, you could have it all! But the minute I show up, those old feelings would come back. You'll still check out my body, cause if time hasn't gotten me by now, then it ain't getting me. You'll still check out your mom's juicy tits, her massive cleavage, her round ass. And you'll drool over me, like you're drooling now. You won't be able to stop thinking about me. You'll realize how boring and tame married sex is, and you'll wonder what would have happened if you hooked up with your mom. If she was really as good as you thought she was. You'll be weaker... softer then you are now. You'll be worn down. You'll be conquered. I'll take you in your own bed, next to your tubby wife. The neighborhood will hear your mother cumming on her son's dick. Your world will be over, just cause you didn't have the balls to take care of business when you should have. You know I'm right, Tom. Eventually, you will give in. You will lose. No point delaying the inevitable. Let's just do it now, when you're at your best."

I took in her words. I hated to think about it, but she might be right. I was barely resisting now, but I could imagine being worn down. I could see her massive, mature tits eventually breaking me, beckoning to me when the dullness of domestic life wears me down. If we waited, so much more damage would be done. Mom kept talking.

"So, you see, Tom. We have this connection. This tension, this... lust." Mom began, grabbing my attention. "And we can't get over it. And deep down, we don't want to get over it. We want to indulge it. That's why we've been playing this game, Tom. Cause even when we say we don't want it, we still totally do. Our competitive edges are too sharp to just let this go. Neither of us will ever admit defeat. You know how this ends. How this has to end. We can't keep going on not knowing. Not knowing who's better. This has been a battle, Tom, a battle of wills. And someone has to win. Someone has to come out on top. We need that peace of mind. Tom, we need to have sex. That's the only way this ends."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If we have sex and you can handle me, if you could just fuck me into the bed, make me a slave to the pleasure only you could give me, if you could just fuck me and just walk away, then you win. The game is over, and you've won. I will admit you're my better, and that will be that. But if I fuck you brain-dead, so brain-dead that you will live to give me pleasure, then, well, I win. There has to be a winner, Tom. For our own piece of mind. We need to do this. It doesn't matter that we're mother and son. For a guy like you, I'm too hot to resist. And to a woman like me, you're exactly the type we crave. Young and hot. This has to happen, doesn't it, Tom?" Mom asked.

I paused for a few moments. She was right. This tension between us was boiling over. Something had to give. This had to end. I promised Carmen it would. I couldn't just keep playing this game with Mom. She made it clear she wasn't gonna stop. I needed to end this now. I didn't want to cheat on Carmen, but Mom was right. We kept circling around this, wanting it, but knowing better. We kept playing with each other, toying with each other, pressing our advantages whenever we had them. It was the game itself that made us keep playing.

There were three ways this ended. I fucked Mom, I OUT-fucked her, and then I walked away. This option would let me get this lust out of my system, and I go back to Carmen with that chapter in my life closed. Mom would be humbled and defeated, and since she got what she wanted, she would be done. She would be Mom again, hopefully.

Option two. I fucked Mom, and she out-fucked me. She'd fuck me into submission, making me crave her, turning me into a mindless, walking dick for her. In this case, I would be stolen from Carmen, reduced to my Mom's plaything. Obviously, this was the worst option. I would lose my soul-mate, be conquered by Mom, have my future taken from me by a twisted, ruthless seductress.

Option three. I ran. I said, fuck this, ran away from home with my fiancée and never came back. Mom would have license to keep pursuing me and I knew deep down she would not stop. She would forever be on the hunt for me, and I could only hope to stay away from her. This option had its plusses. Firstly, no incest, which is a good thing. No incest, no cheating on my fiancée, no compromising my morals in any way. This sounded perfect, right. But this option had its faults. The first thing was... Mom had made it clear she wouldn't stop. She wanted what she couldn't have. She lived for the hunt, for the chase, and I, as the prey, would be running. And that would only make her want me more. And plus, this option would basically sever my relationship with my parents. I didn't want to run from Dad, to abandon that relationship, to break his heart for reasons he didn't understand. He didn't deserve to lose his son over this. And even Mom, deep down, I missed the real her. I missed the Mom that existed before I viewed her as a sex object. I missed my real Mom, hidden beneath this seductress she had become. If I could, I would go back and erase that confession I had made to her from existence. That was the turning point. The fulcrum. But I couldn't just travel through time and change the past. And plus, what kind of life would I have, looking over my shoulder, waiting for Mom to make her move, to emerge from the shadows?

And there was one last part of me that this option didn't satisfy, and that was my competitive side. It wasn't about winning or losing. Losing almost sounded worse than having no answer at all. I would rather have one of us win, than neither of us. If this game never ended, I would always be wondering 'what if?' What if we had done it? Who was better? Who would come out on top? She would wonder the same thing. Sure, it was incest, but that wasn't enough to discourage either of us at this point. We had both thought about this for too long, and in reality, we had long moved past that being a stumbling block. It only added to its twisted appeal, adding another layer of nastiness to this game. We would go insane wondering the truth, and if it didn't happen now, it would happen later. I would get worn down eventually, like she said. Either way, I would be cheating on Carmen, but at least if it happened now, it wouldn't be while I was married.

There was only one way out. Option number one. I had to conquer Mom, out-fuck her, stand up to her. That way, I could have Carmen, have Mom back to normal, and have life back to normal. And sure, I would be committing incest, but I would make that sacrifice for some peace of mind. For this whole thing to be over.

My mind was made up. The truth was coming out. The collision was inevitable. There was no point avoiding it. I looked up at Mom, and she looked at me.

She wants to play? Let's play.

"Yes." I whispered. "Yes it does." Mom smiled.

"Say it, Tom. We need to have sex. You NEED to have sex with your mother." Mom said.

"I need to have sex with my own mother." I admitted. "Just like you need to have sex with your son."

"Just like I need to have sex with my own son." Mom repeated. "It's irresistible. We're built for each other. Our bodies are meant to come together in sweaty, screaming pleasure. We can't avoid it any longer."

"So, what now?" I asked, having come to a tacit agreement for incestuous sex with my own Mom. What the fuck was I doing? Mom checked her watch.

"Well, you're father will be home soon, so no point starting now. I think we're gonna need a lot of time to work out our... issues." Mom teased. "So... tomorrow then. Your father's at work all day, leaving us to ourselves, all day long. I think that gives us enough time, hopefully." Mom said.

"Tomorrow it is." I agreed. She sat up and checked the steaks. I sat back and looked at the sky, at the setting sun, causing the sky to blaze in a sherbet orange hue. The weight of what we had agreed to just hit me. "What the fuck are we doing, Mom? How did it come to this?" I asked. Facing away from me, facing the grill, Mom laughed.

"I know." Mom giggled. "I don't know how the hell we got here. Two years ago, we were just a normal mom and son. Now, we just came to an agreement to spend a day having rough, incestuous sex. It's gotten a little crazy."

I shook my head and sipped my water.

"Is this right, Mom?" I asked, a bit nervous and worried. "Should we be doing this?"

"Oh, it ain't right, and we shouldn't be doing it." Mom said with a laugh. "And that's exactly why we want to." Mom looked back at me and sensed my worry. "Okay, stand up, honey."

"What?" I asked.

"Stand up." she urged. Confused, I backed up my chair and stood up. Mom came up to me and pulled me in tight for a loving hug.

"Don't be nervous, Tom." Mom said, stepping back. "No matter what happens, I'm your mom and I still love you." I nodded my head as she rubbed my shoulders. "Don't feel bad. This has to happen. We can't control it."

"I know." I replied.

"But, let's set the record straight." Mom began. "Right now, I'm your mom, and I'm being nice. But tomorrow, I won't be nice. You'll see your mother in a way you never have before. You'll see why I broke so many guys before. You'll see the nasty, twisted slut I truly am. In 24 hours, this game will be over. One of us will win, and the other will lose. I only hope you can handle the truth."

"Well..." I began. "I hope you realize what you've done to me. The monster you created. There was a reason I stepped back. I didn't like what I was becoming. And you're about to see that side of me tomorrow. I only hope you can handle what you've turned me into."

"Mmm, I can't wait." Mom purred, smiling wickedly. I just wanted this to be done with, but I had to admit there was a certain appeal in knocking Mom from her pedestal, taking her down a few notches, and really turning her into a filthy, rutting slut. The idea of breaking her down and making her submit to my whims did sound very appealing. From in the house, we heard a voice.

"You guys here?" Dad called out.

"Out here." Mom replied, smiling coyly at me, getting back to work on dinner. As I sat down and dad joined us, I marveled at how quickly Mom could go back to being the doting wife in front of Dad, knowing just minutes prior, she had made an agreement to fuck her own son.

A rush went through me. This was gonna happen. Me and Mom were going to do it. We were gonna fuck! This was madness, but it was gonna happen. Even though I had spent the last year running from this inevitability, right now, on the eve of our encounter, I had to admit there was nothing I wanted more. The weight had been lifted. I wanted Mom. I wanted her body. I wanted to live out the bad things I had been dreaming of doing to her in my mind. I wanted to get piece of mind, to hopefully put this all to rest. The game was almost over and I was ready to play for real.

I felt a buzz as my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket and glanced at it. It was a text from Carmen.

"Hey, I'm back in town tonight. Wanna meet up?" she asked.

A few days ago, I would have killed for this text. But now... it didn't matter. Sure, my swollen balls were clouding my judgment, no doubt about that. But Carmen wanted me to work out my issues with Mom. And what I had planned for Mom was definitely going to work out our issues.

"No, not tonight. Working out stuff with Mom as we speak." I texted back. A few seconds later, I got a reply.

"Great! So excited! Fill me in when it gets all worked out."

I couldn't help but smile at her naivety. If she knew what was about to happen, she wouldn't be excited. She would be disgusted. But not me. I had spent the last two years waiting for this day. It had to happen. For the sake of my relationship with Carmen, it had to happen. I had to fuck Mom, get it all out of my system, fuck the shit out of Mom and walk away. I had to prove myself better than her, I had to conquer Mom, defeat her on the field of battle, which in this case was the bedroom. And when I did, I would walk away, walk back to Carmen, having ended the game, moving onto a new phase of life with my true love. Sure, I would be cheating on Carmen and I knew the cheating sex I was about to have would be crazy good, but I was doing this for Carmen. To save our relationship from Mom's twisted machinations.

I was about to fuck my own mom. The game was almost over now, and I couldn't wait to end it.


(Author's Note: Next time, on "You Couldn't Handle Me", the grand finale. A mother and son have sex, and try to out-fuck each other in the process.)

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Bigshow2024Bigshow2024about 1 month ago

That Mom bunny in a stew pot crazy

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

"Noble, incestuous quest." I don't know why I find that so funny, but there it is.

"Firstly, no incest, which is a good thing." Speak for yourself. Damn I love incest. There's just something about. Good ol'-fashioned fun for the whole family. Oddly enough I've never had an incestuous relationship myself nor do I really have any particular desire to be in one with anyone in my family currently - well, OK, there are some hotties that I would tap if given the chance, but cousins barely count, right? I'm sure most of us have those in our families anyway so big deal. The whole concept of incest to me doesn't even phase me in the slightest. To me, it's just some artificial barrier that seems to be in place in society that limits who you can love. A strange concept to me but it's there nonetheless.

Anyway, finally the last chapter that promises some action. Spent all day reading the first 7. Better be worth it. Feel bad for Carmen though, and the dad a bit. But then again I hate cheating so yeah.

eroenthusiasteroenthusiastover 1 year ago

This story has been one wild Ride and I'm interested to see the climax. Well done. 😁

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Good ramp up to the final, as I,v said before you started a bit wordy for me but as it’s gone on I have gotten to like this a lot.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 2 years ago

This is the most compelling, intriguing mother/son incestuous love story I have ever read. The emotional and psychological changes which have occurred between mother and son have been logically developed and let loose. I have developed empathy for the mother and the son, both have created their own hell. The results of their psychological cruelty towards each other is something to be feared and yet hoped for. I am sorry to state that I believe the husband/father deserves nothing.

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