X-change: Silhouette

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An absent friend, a small pink pill, reunions can be sweet.
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Author's note: Hey guys, pleasure to be here as always. Thank you for your interest. I've wanted to do an X-change story for a while. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the gif captions on the internet. If not, then look them up. They're worth your time if your interest is in this subject matter. There are already some great X-change stories on this site. Look them up and give those writers some love. I didn't create the idea of the X-change pill, I am just a fan who wanted to offer their take on it. Everyone in the story is 18 or older. You know what category you're in, so the ideas shouldn't offend. Look at the story tags. X-change hinges on the idea of a seemingly magical transformation contained in a pill. Any errors or discrepancies are my own. I know that "sheesha" can be another word for hookah, but down here I've always heard people call the tobacco mixture "sheesha" or "shisha" so we're going with it. Please vote and comment. I like the feedback.


I didn't see it coming. There are some details later that will make you question that, and I completely understand. I'd heard of Xchange pills, but honestly, I thought they were fake. Just another tease from the internet.

I received a text message from my best friend Matt. It was the summer after high school graduation, and we'd barely seen each other for months. Matt's father was the senior pastor at the megachurch that we went to, and that meant that he had to do whatever activities the church was doing. I was quite used to all of this having been his best friend for years, but we had graduated—we were supposed to be enjoying ourselves. All those great plans that we had just faded away, and I was starting to focus on getting a job and maybe going to college.

The text just told me to meet up with him. So, I drove down Maple street to Matt's house. No one could ever miss it. The Stevenson's had the biggest house in the area. We had a very nice neighborhood. Anyone who saw us on television would believe that we lived in a small town, but we were just in the outlying areas of San Diego. Those areas exist near cities too. When I got closer to Matt's house I studied the driveway. The garage was open and empty. Pastor Stevenson's Mercedes was gone, but his wife's minivan was parked in the drive way. No doubt just having made a morning grocery run.

Matt had been saving for a car, but his parents had been hesitant to let him have one at their house. They already used to give me uncertain looks when I rolled up in my twelve-year-old Honda with the mismatched doors. Like a car and the ability to drive made someone less trustworthy.

I got out of my car and went to the house. Knocking on the door vigorously. It wasn't like I was a stranger.

Mrs. Stevenson answered shortly after. She'd always been attractive to the guys in our circle—much to Matt's lament. She had a full figure, with long, dark brown hair, and green eyes. We were more interested in her large breasts and sculpted ass. How was a she a pastor's wife? I wasn't the only one who filled his lonely fantasies with visions of that beautiful woman.

"Hello, Jaimie," she said. "It's been a while. "

"I know. I heard that Matt's back in town."

She nodded. "He sure is, but he has a lot going on. Let me see if he's home."

I was invited to stand in what was one of their "living rooms". Matt once explained to me that it was one of the rooms that wasn't meant to be lived in or used in anyway. It was there for show. That was a thing in their house going back to when we were boys. The Stevensons were a different sort of family. Rich, I suppose. I never thought to ask. I won't lie and say that my own family didn't put on strange airs when they thought people were coming over. That was normal throughout the community. However, we never had the space to have special rooms. Every portion of our house was living space.

Mrs. Stevenson came back down the stairs moments later.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie. It looks like Matt's not here."

It was a polite but loaded statement: I needed to leave. My relationship with the family had always been good, but I tended to pick up on those things. I decided to make to make myself scarce, and that seemed to be appreciated. I walked out, and the universe breathed a sigh of relief.

Not five minutes after I left the house there was a text from Matt: "Sorry. Had to get out of house. Mom is crazy."

I understood that.

"Going to be at Silhouette," the next text said. "Couple hours."

Silhouette sounded like the name of a strip club, but it was the hookah lounge that most of us seniors had adopted as a hang out. It really sucked to be "legal" to do so many things, but still being unable to walk into a bar without a fake ID. That period of life isn't as cool as people claim it is.

Since I had time, I hit the gas station—fueled up. Grabbed a red bull and refilled my vape-pen. I was still in that phase of exploring what it was legal for me to do. Years later, I'd wonder what the point of most of it had been.

Silhouette was on the edge between the suburbs and the city. One of several businesses operated by immigrants from Iraq and Lebanon. The east county of San Diego was filled with them. Several of the hookah lounges kept hours like night clubs: opening at 8:00pm, but Silhouette was technically a café, so they opened earlier.

A cute middle eastern girl greeted me as a I walked in. The décor was on the darker side, and the lights changed colors giving it an otherworldly look at times. It was something to take in late at night after you and your friends had been sharing a bottle of liquor stolen from a parent's cabinet. I got some more caffeine and went to one of the very long padded benches with the high backs to them—probably taken from a closed-down restaurant. There were also several old church pews probably sold by our church or its subsidiaries after a remodel, and then some interior designer had used them here to make the cafe edgy.

Twenty minutes after he said he'd be there, Matt was no where to be seen. I ordered a hookah filled with a sweet mix of mint and bubblegum flavored sheesha. I knew the burn was going to be bad later, especially by myself. Hookah is much more of a social activity.

The server set down the tall hookah, which always reminded me of a lamp. Moments later he returned with a small pail and used tongs to set two hot coals atop the foil-covered sheesha bowl.

My first few pulls off the hose had to be deep to start the burn. It took a while for the smoke to be thick enough to be satisfying. The water contained in the hookah bottle bubbled with every inhalation, and the glow of the coals grew brighter. I didn't smoke cigarettes, but a vape pen and the occasional hookah were nice.

"That smells sweet," said a young woman sitting down on the old pew across from me. "Is that mint and bubblegum?"

"Yeah," I said, a torrent of smoke leaving my mouth. "Not everyone likes it."

"Can I try it?"

I would've been hesitant normally. It wouldn't be the first time I had shared the pipe with strangers, but some people are just dirty—even when we had the disposable mouthpieces that the servers gave out. However, the girl was gorgeous. Her hair was just off her shoulders and wonderfully dark brown. Her full lips and green eyes made it impossible not to smile at her.


She took the pipe before I could even take out my mouth piece and let her put hers in. The young woman took a long drag off the pipe. The water within the bottle bubbled as she did. Finally, she smiled, and released the smoke with a little twirl that let it hover in front of her for a time. She was a beautiful apparition.

"Good stuff."

"My name is Jaimie," I offered.

"Maddie. Come here often?"

"It's been a while. I used to come here with my friend. In fact, he was supposed to be here."

"Well, I'm here. Unless you don't want me to be."

Girls loved to toy with me.

"No, please don't go. I'm..."

"All by yourself," she said. "But not anymore."

She smiled, and waited for everything to sink in.

Maddie brushed at lint that wasn't on her tight blue dress. She was tall for a girl, and while she had an athletic frame it wasn't at the cost of the right curves.

I checked my phone. There was nothing from Matt. I knew he wasn't going to show. Probably stuck doing some lame stuff for the church like usual. If I explained to him what happened to me later there was no way that he could be upset. If he'd been in the same position I would've encouraged him to go for it.

"Guess my friend's not going to show," I said. "But, I think I'd much rather talk to you anyway."

"Wasn't that easy?"

She passed me back the pipe. We took turns and spoke at length. I did my best to get as much information out of her as I could, but she proved to be evasive. Similar things had happened to me in bars. There were a few times I could've had real one-night-stands, but some part of me longed to make a real relationship and that that usually ended the opportunity. Maddie was more interested in talking about me, and what I'd been up to during the summer. Of course, I assured her that I had graduated figuring that would make me look better than a high school junior staring at another year.

"Didn't everybody?" she asked with a laugh.

We spent a long time together. There was nothing awkward at all. It was like the girl knew me perfectly. The more time we spent together the closer Maddie got to me. First, she just scooted closer, then against me so I could feel her warmth and smell the wonderful perfume she wore. Then one of her finely toned legs was over mine. She waited for my reaction, and I didn't object so it stayed. It wasn't long before the sheesha in the bowl had been spent and produced nothing more than acrid leftovers. We didn't care though. The people around us pointed and laughed about us getting a room. I didn't care. Maddie was everything in the world at that point. Her softness and her heat. Her dress was just the thinnest of barriers to the beautiful body beneath.

My cock was leaking in my boxers. I was glad I'd worn an untucked shirt, or else if I got up I'd be at full mast for everyone to see. Not that such a thing was uncommon in the café. This was the best that people our age could do for a bar unless they wanted to risk a fake ID. I didn't need a bar that night. I needed the girl that was in front of me.

"We might need to pay for a refill," I said.

"We don't. I think we need to leave. Do you have somewhere to go?"


My parents were out for the night, which was very fortunate, however, I didn't think my room would be cool looking for a hot girl. Some of the things that most teenage guys are into are embarrassing and usually the hallmarks of dweebs. There was an option. I was the youngest of the siblings. My older brother Kyle still had his room, but usually stayed at his dorm. It was basic and mature enough to work.

"Sure," I said. "I guess I'll meet up with Matt later."

"I'm sure he'll understand."

I made the drive back down to my house like I was being chased. Maddie didn't seem nervous in the slightest about going home with me. She only smiled as we made our way.

There was no one home which I was grateful for. On one hand my parents would be happy to know that I was bringing girls around, but then they also wanted me to follow the idealized vision that they had, which had nothing to do with how they met when they were my age, but you can't point stuff like that out.

"Nice place," said Maddie. She began exploring the house, while I made a quick inspection just to make sure that no one else was there. I found her in the hallway snooping about with a delighted grin on her face.

"So which room do you want to use? Your parents room?" She teased.

"No, uh...let's go to my room." I took her hand and led her down the hall to Kyle's room. It was mostly empty with him having taken so much to furnish his dorm room. The bed was what I wanted. Maddie sensed that I wanted to get right to it, and she didn't object. She threw her purse onto Kyle's bedside table, and we were on each other moments after—barely making it to be bed. I was getting too rough with her dress, and she slapped my hands away, so she could pull it up and off herself. There were limits after all. I struggled with my shirt, but her small expert hands were there to help me. We made out this way for a while, but my goal was to see the wonderful treasures hidden behind her bra. That's just how guys are.

Maddie's skin was incredible to touch. Just the right amount of sun to look good with her dark hair. I didn't notice any tan lines around her bra, which gave me the pleasant thought of her sunbathing nude somewhere. Very exotic for our neighborhood. I pawed at her still covered breasts. They were ripe and large enough to fill my hands, which went behind her back to unhook her bra. I'd done it a few times before. When the top came off I got to enjoy the full sight of her full breasts. Her nipples were bright pink, and just begging to have my mouth on them, which I did in short order.

Maddie's fingers dug in my hair as my mouth suckled at her breast almost as if she was feeding me. I would've happily accepted any milk she had to give me, but that would be getting ahead of ourselves.

"I think you really like them," she said. "I'm glad, but I really want you to take your pants off. Don't worry, my tits aren't going anywhere."

As I worked on my jeans, Maddie pulled my t-shirt over my heard. It caught on my face for a moment, and she laughed. It was off by the time my jeans were down to my ankles, and I was desperately trying to shake them off. My shoes were unceremoniously pulled off and tossed aside.

Maddie's hands felt at my chest and sides. Squeezing the firm heat of my body.

"Very nice," she said. "You still running every day?"

"How do you know?"

"It shows."

We plopped onto the bed: both of us in our underwear. Our mouths found each other, and in a fit necking and breathing we just went at it. I couldn't keep my hands away from Maddie's large breasts. I had to squeeze them between my fingers. I eased up when she yelped. I was too excited. She smacked my hand—correcting me.

I was on top of her by then. My cock straining the fabric of my boxers. I felt so much heat between the two of us. My hand petted the outside of her black cotton panties. The moist heat beneath begging to be released. It was like playing with something dangerous.

"Tell me you want me," she said. "Make me believe it."

"I want you so bad. So much it hurts."

"Sure, I bet all the tramps hear that one."

"There really isn't anyone else. I just want you."

Her eyes narrowed, and she was studying me.

"Should I believe you?"

My mouth went back to one of her nipples for a moment. I teased it with my tongue and pulled hard on it. Then I moved down her chest to her navel. My tongue trailing down her body. I came to rest my mouth right above her underwear with so much heat hiding behind them.

My eyes looked up the rest of her body to meet hers. She had that look that people get when they're giving in to lust. It's somewhere between drunk and exhausted.

She lifted her wonderfully round butt, so I could pull her panties down. The smell of her sex filled my nostrils as the fabric was yanked away. There was just the faintest racing stripe of pubic hair above the slit of her pussy. I kissed it immediately and deeply. My tongue burrowing into her velvety folds. I could've spent forever exploring her like that. Every second of tasting her was worth savoring.

Maddie made little mewling sounds as I ate her out. It had been a while since I'd done it to a woman. Some of them just didn't think a guy was going to like it for some reason. I always loved proving them wrong.

My rigid cock was going crazy in the confines of my boxers. I had to shift because too much pressure built up against the slit. Maddie noticed my adjustment.

"I take it that you're ready to go down there?"

I nodded like an idiot. I mean: what do girls really expect us to say during these times? Any blood powering our brain is clearly going somewhere else at the time.

"Well, don't keep me in suspense," she said. "Take it out."

I obeyed. I pulled away from her soaking sex, so I could strip myself of the last bit of clothing. My cock sprang up as it was freed. There are times when you haven't used your dick for a while that you are so pleasantly surprised by how excited it can get. I was desperate to get inside Maddie. My entire body was like a torpedo ready to seek.

I held it at her wet entrance. Not wanting to enter uninvited. My eyes held on both of our parts before they connected. They touched ever so lightly. I had to know though. My eyes looked up to her hers.

She knew that I was asking if I could.

Maddie nodded.

I pushed forward into the molten core of her. We both sighed with content as it finally happened. I hadn't felt the inside of a girl for so long that I had to catch myself from letting go instantly. Once I had my bearings again I focused on pushing it in and easing it out. Every withdrawal felt like I was leaving myself behind inside of her, so I had to be back in as soon as possible. I focused on my breathing. Not letting myself go too wild. I didn't want this to end so quickly, and I was ready to go back to eating her if my cock needed a break.

I seriously doubt that Maddie would've let me stop though. She'd wrapped her muscular legs around me, and they pulled me into her with each thrust that I made. I'd never been with a girl that was so strong. She probably could've hurt me if she wanted to. That was the farthest thing from my mind though. I felt every centimeter of her molten silk interior with my cock, and it was becoming very difficult not to blow my load. I dedicated my very being to making it last as long as possible.

The look on Maddie's face was wonderful: hot, lustful, but also just full of joy. I'd always been paranoid and doubtful about how effective of a lover I was. Some women just don't give feedback, but I was confident that I was doing well.

"This means a lot of me, Jaimie. I want you do know that."

"Yeah, I really like it too."

"I really like you," she said.

I leaned down and kissed her. Sometimes words just get in the way.

"Keep going," she said. "I'm almost there."

It wasn't a moment later that she gripped me with her entire body—nearly choking me. She shook, shuddered, and called out my name.

I couldn't take anymore. My own climax took over. My cock erupted within her—filling her depths with my hot cum. It didn't occur to me at that moment that we hadn't bothered with a condom. Some things like that just don't even pop up on your radar.

We held each other in that post-orgasmic embrace atop my older brother's bed. There were no words. No thought about the future of the relationship or how we had just met that day. Certainly, no concerns about any sex stains that we left on my brother's bed. I hated having to wash bedspreads. I was still locked in her legs. Like I was meant to be there.

Eventually though, we had to separate. Lust may create notions of wanting to be joined for all time, but in real life people get cramps if they're in certain positions for too long. I rolled off Maddie, and we lied side by side listening to each other breathe for a time.

"That was fantastic," I said. "I haven't had something so nice in...God...forever."

She clutched me and kissed me again. "I was hoping for that. You deserved it."

It was getting to me at that point. Her familiarity and interest with me. I was likely being stupid, but I had to ask.

"Do we...know each other? Like from school? I'm sorry if I forgot. There was a lot going on the past couple of years."

"We've known each other most of our lives, Jaime. I'm the reason that Matt couldn't meet you at Silhouette."