Wyatt and Ellie

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A brief introduction:

This is sort of a BTB story of. Read it and you'll find out what that means.

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Additionally there is no sexual activity by anyone under eighteen. There are children, but they have no direct role in the story.

All right; it's Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. and I'm parked right across the street from the Piccolo Motel. I've been waiting for my wife of three and a half years to show up. According to what I've found out she's supposed to meet Glenn Eversham in room 145 at noon today. Glenn was one of her old high school boyfriends, and a guy I know quite well. In fact Glenn, until lately, has been one of my friends. But then isn't that how these things so often go?

Glenn was Ellie's first 'true love'. Ellie's supposed to be my wife. I don't know for sure anymore. Glenn and she had dated all through high school. He's the one who'd taken her cherry back right after we all graduated. Yeah I was part of the crowd the night he told that story. I remember him bragging about how he 'got her'. He had a big 4X4 Chrysler truck, long bed, and extended cab. He'd had a cap installed over the bed. He kept blankets and other assorted odds and ends either in the back of his cab or in the bed itself. Old Glenn was a ready guy.

Yeah, the bastard told us all about how he did it. He told us one night after we all got off work. It was the summer right after graduation. We were out back behind this tavern; it was called the 'Whiplash' back then. Since then it's changed hands three or four times; each time getting a new name. It's a furniture outlet now. I can hear him like it was yesterday.

He'd said;

"Man I got her after the prom. She'd changed out of her prom gown at her cousin's house. She was wearing a black Harley Davidson Tee-shirt and a pair of incredibly short cutoff jeans. Man she was pretty; long brown hair all in curls down her back, big green eyes, lashes that went on for miles, nice little tits with nipples that stuck right up, tight ass.

I'd told her we were going to Jedd Nelson's 'after prom party', but I wanted to stop off for a few minutes first. I told her there was something I wanted to say to her. I kind of hinted that I was going to ask her to marry me.

She was already three sheets to the wind so it was easy slipping a few granules of an Ecstasy pill in her beer. In a few minutes she was ready to rock and roll. I got her jeans down; man she had one beautiful pussy. Of course you guys know she was a virgin. Man she was so small; almost no hair, just a tiny bit of fuzz. She was eighteen, but I'd expected something a little bigger; I mean what with tampons and all. Anyway I had to work my ass off to get up inside her. I started with one finger, then two, then finally I couldn't hold out; I just jammed it in there.

She tried to stop me at first, but I kept working on her, in and out, you know. After a few stabs she gave up. She started to like it. I could tell she liked it because of the way she was crying and moaning."

I remember how Glenn patted his crotch before he went on, "You guys know I'm pretty well endowed. Well she just went ape shit. I tell you after a few more dips she was all over me. Man I got off. Afterward she sat there on the blanket and cried. She didn't say anything; she just cried. I knew I'd hit a homerun.

Finally she looked at me and asked what it was I was going to say. I'd forgotten so I told her that I'd enlisted in the navy and would be leaving the end of the next week. I asked her to wait for me. She stopped crying, and told me she'd think it over. After that I took her home, kissed her goodnight, and left. Then I took the bus out of town. We never did get to Jedd's party."

Oh I remembered him telling us his stupid story. I was there hanging on the fringe like I always did. It broke my heart to hear it.

Glenn and Ellie and I we all grew up together. We all went to the same grammar, middle and high schools. Glenn was everybody's all American. He had the charm, the money, the athletic ability and of course the attention of all the girls. It was funny he never did much with what he had. He'd gone out for the football team but was cut. He'd gone out for basketball; got cut there too. He tried baseball, but couldn't hit. He always had a reason; in football the coach was a prick, in basketball the smaller guys constantly elbowed him in the dick, and in baseball he said the umps always called strikes that should have been balls.

Still he always got the girls. He was voted prom king our senior year, and in the yearbook he was voted guy most likely to be remembered.

I went out for some sports too. Oh, my names Wyatt Templeton. Yeah I went out for soccer; made the team too. I skipped basketball but made the volleyball team, and in the spring I made varsity lacrosse all four years.

I suppose it was a matter of build. Glenn was a big strong guy. He lifted weights and stuff. Me I'm skinny; always been skinny. I couldn't compete with the bigger guys in football, but man I could run. In the winter coach found out I could leap too; that got me on the volleyball squad, and of course, lacrosse was my shtick, I played midfield.

Yep, Glenn got the girls and somehow he got the glory; all I got was a lot of letters. Glenn majored in partying all through high school, and he was a master at it. I wasn't so gifted. First my mom and dad had five kids so personal cars and trucks just weren't on the menu. Though I didn't get many dates I always got to borrow my mom's rusted out Cavalier if I needed a car.

Oh did Glenn join the navy; of course not, nobody believed that. Once we got out of high school Glenn was off to Penn State. His parents had the money. I stuck with the academics in high school, and got a partial scholarship to the local state university. It didn't take me very far. I had to promise to teach 'in state' for three years so I ended up being a public school teacher. Being a school teacher means taking a vow of poverty. Don't know why, but I've stayed with it; I guess it's because I like kids. Glenn graduated Penn, went to law school and ended up with a big law firm in the city. He says he makes gobs of money now; five maybe ten times as much as me.

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I check my watch; 11:40; won't be long now. I'll find out, one way or the other, do I have a wife and a family or not. This sucks. This really sucks.

So Glenn went away to Penn State and I stayed home. I'd always had a thing for Ellie, that's Ellie Colleen Templeton nee Cochrane. Ellie graduated and went to community college where she picked up some classes in computer programming and in doing things with software. I never understood any of that. Computers to me are like my car. I know where the gas goes, how to start it up, and I have enough savvy to know if it isn't the brakes I'm supposed to just turn the radio up when I hear something I don't like.

Oh for sure, I've read all the books and pamphlets on automotive maintenance. I know how the damn things work, but cars to me are like plumbing, trying to fix it only makes it worse.

I remember when we first moved in our house. Ellie needed a dishwasher and a new sink and counter top. I read up, bought the hardware, and decided to install all the stuff myself. It shouldn't have been that hard; just turn off the water, take a thingy and cut the pipes back, solder in new pipes and we'd be all set. I tried it. I really did. I just couldn't get the damn copper tubing to stop leaking. Ellie called 'daddy', that's her dad; he came down and took care of it.

I remember 'daddy' hit me on the shoulder and praised me for trying. Ellie made a pot of coffee; we all had a cup while she told me how proud of me she was for caring enough to bother. I felt stupid. I just couldn't do anything right. But in a way I felt good too. I liked the praise.

Glenn had gone off to Penn State. He made a name for himself; he became president of his fraternity and a cheerleader for the Nittany Lions. I made a name for myself too. After my freshman year I was on the Dean's List every semester. I did that and worked part time jobs all year too.

Glenn came home every summer. He took his summers and went to the beach where he surfed and scored with every chick he saw.

Me? I scored too. I'd been trying to get a date with Ellie. It was the summer between our freshman and sophomore years. She and I had always been friends; kind of talking and hanging buddies since childhood. To be honest I'd always loved her. I kissed her once when we were in high school. I remember she blushed. I nearly shit my pants; imagine me having the nerve to kiss Ellie Cochrane, it was like me scaling Mount Everest. She blushed, then she kissed me right back, but then she made me promise not to tell Glenn, and that made me feel sad. I'd almost gone and done something stupid. Just before she made me promise I'd almost told her I loved her. What a fool I was.

How about my big date with Ellie? She finally agreed to go out with me. Well scratch that; I finally got up the nerve to ask her out. She said yes. There was this really fancy seafood restaurant way out in the country. It was called 'The Seaman's Harvest'. I thought I'd take her out to eat someplace special, and then we'd go back to the city to see a play. Cats had come to the city, and I really thought that could be cool.

Remember I said I didn't know much about cars. I'd bought a used Hyundai. It was high mileage, but the salesman said it ran like a charm. He said there was probably another hundred thousand in her. I'd bought it, and for two weeks it ran great. I picked Ellie up; God she looked marvelous. She had on a pale blue mini-dress, skin toned nylons, and high heels. Ellie's 5"6". I'm 5'11". Glenn's 6'4". Her heels made her slightly taller than me. I felt a little self-conscious, but then I always felt self-conscious around Ellie. Look I could talk the flowers off a ceramic plate most of the time, but around Ellie I could never complete a sentence. I'd end up looking in those big green eyes and just freeze. She'd smile at me and I'd wilt.

I went to her door, talked to her mom and dad while Ellie picked up her wrap. I walked her to the car, helped her in, and we took off. I guess we got about two-thirds the way to the restaurant when my 'new used' Hyundai expired. It just stopped. I popped the hood, got out, looked underneath and stood there. I didn't have a clue what was wrong. Ellie got out and looked underneath too.

Ellie smiled at me "Broken huh."

I had reservations for this restaurant. I had two sixty dollar tickets to Cats, and my car died. I looked back at her, "Yeah, think so."

She reached in her pocketbook, pulled out her cell and called 'daddy'. 'Daddy' got there about a half hour later. He roped an old tire to the front of his car, and pushed us back to their house. I sat in my car all alone and steered while he pushed. Ellie rode in her 'daddy's' car while he pushed. I felt like a piece of shit trapped between two slices of bread. We got back to Ellie's, had barbecue with her mom, dad, and little brother. Then we watched an old movie on TV. She told me later while we were watching Robert Redford kiss Jane Fonda she'd already seen Cats; Glenn had taken her to New York where they saw it on Broadway. That was my 'big date' with Ellie.

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I checked my wristwatch again; 11:45. I wondered what I was doing. I guess I'd always known that sooner or later Glenn would come and collect his prize. I just thought maybe Ellie had put Glenn in her rear-view mirror. I guess I just thought wrong. I suppose I should have known better.

I remember when Ellie and I got married. I remember how I got her to agree to be my wife. After that first date that didn't work out she agreed to try again. It was a little later in the summer, and all the town carnivals had started up.

Gee I remember the year before when Ellie had won our town's beauty contest. That was in our senior year. She'd been crowned town queen on the second night of the carnival. I remember it had rained. Glenn was supposed to be there, but he'd stayed at the beach. I was her escort. Oh I know I only got the job by default; she really wanted Glenn. She never said so, but I knew. A guy knows those things.

Like I said it rained; it didn't just rain, it was a major downpour, and everything got soaked. Ellie had brought some regular clothes, but for the parade and coronation she'd bought a special outfit, a real pretty white mini-dress. Well the sky opened up. In a matter of minutes Ellie got drenched. Her pretty mini-dress was made of this thin linen or cotton or something. She got wet, everybody could see right through it, and she was up on this platform. I played stupid. I ran off the platform, grabbed an older man's raincoat, older people it seems are always prepared, I ran back up and covered her up as fast as I could. To my chagrin the wooden platform was painted with some kind of high gloss enamel, and what with the rain it was slippery as hell. I got the raincoat over Ellie and then fell backwards ass over tin cup. I fell right off the platform into the wet grass below. Man I don't know what hurt worse, my body or my pride. I just sat there in the wet grass and watched. I was too embarrassed to go back up.

Ellie sat on her 'throne' and accepted the crown and scepter. She never looked at me, but she had this big grin on her face. All I can say is how she gracious and beautiful she looked, but I thought she was kind of laughing at me too.

Later when the rain stopped we walked around the grounds. Her dress had dried out, and no one could see through it anymore. Of course my tan Levis were all grass stained and my Tee-short was covered in mud. She looked like who she was; the town princess. I looked like who I was; the town's fool. We walked up and down where the games were. We went over to where they were selling the pit-beef and French fries. I bought her a pit-beef. I bought her a funnel cake and some ice cream too.

Later I took her home. She thanked me, and kissed me on the cheek. That was kind of a date I guess. We dated some more after my car fiasco; nothing special just the movies, a picnic, a trip to the state park for a swim and some hot dogs. I thought that summer was special. Near the end of that summer Glenn showed up for about a week. He took Ellie out every night. As far as she was concerned I'd ceased to exist. Glenn Eversham; I hate that son-of-a-bitch.

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My watch said 11:50. It won't be long now. How did I get Ellie to agree to marry me? That's a wonder. I know everyone's heard of 'one man dogs; the kind of dog that will attach itself to one person and stay faithful to that one person all their lives. I suppose I'm something of a one woman man. Sure I've dated other girls, but I always ended up comparing them to Ellie and Ellie always won.

Men jerk off. I don't know who other men think of when they jerk off. I heard some men think of movie stars or porn stars. All my life, whenever I took myself in hand I've only thought of Ellie. All people day dream, men day dream. Most people have two kinds of day dreams; they're either the 'conquering hero' or the 'suffering hero'. It didn't matter with me, conquering or suffering, the heroine was always the same, she was Ellie, and she was always perfect.

How did I get her to agree to marry me? From the time our first summer interval ended until my senior year Ellie and I sort of dated off and on. I never had much money so virtually all our dates covered things that were affordable. We did things like demolition derbies, tractor pulls, carnivals, the apple festivals, minor league baseball games, the state fair, horse shows. Ellie has always been big regarding horseback riding. I like to ride too, but it's more like a religion for her than just a casual pass time. Ellie always had a horse of her own. I could never afford one. Glenn always had one though.

Oh yeah, I took her to church every chance I got. Sure it's a cheap date, but I got to show her I had character. We're both Methodists. They say, and I believe them, that all Methodists ever like to do is sing and eat. I know one thing; Ellie has a beautiful voice. Now that we're married she's in the church choir. She looks angelic when she wears her choir robe. God this can't be happening to me!

I asked Ellie to marry me. It was in the fall of my senior year. Ellie had already finished school and had a position with a local software company. She traveled the county repairing messed up computers. She'd started writing her own programming, and she'd even begun inventing her own games. Don't ask me to explain any of that. I already explained my position on technology.

Glenn was in his senior year at Penn State. He'd been a consistent thorn in my side all through college. He'd be away almost all the time, then he'd come home, asked Ellie out, and she'd go out with him. I felt like the perennial 'back up'.

Glenn came home for Thanksgiving of our senior year, and he'd brought home a playmate. Her name was Marsha Ashcroft, and was she ever a dish! Long blond hair, delicious looking boobs, terrific ass, hazel eyes; she was gorgeous. Glenn brought Marsha home to meet his parents and all his friends. He told everybody this was the girl he was going to marry. They'd already picked a date; right after his graduation.

Everybody, we all congratulated the happy couple. Ellie gave Glenn and Marsha both congratulatory kisses, and so did I. Well I shook Glenn's hand. As soon as Glenn and Marsha absconded I went to work. I believed, at last, no more Glenn Eversham, now it was my time. In truth, there were other guys, but I was pretty sure, after Glenn I was Ellie's number one.

I went to the mall, bought a ring, and planned my pitch. I thought I'd do it at her house. I went over. Her parents had a big modern house with a beautiful club cellar. I thought I'd get her downstairs where I'd pop the question. Her brother was in high school so I figured he'd be out of the house. It was a Friday night.

I got Ellie and talked her into going downstairs where we could play video games. That was always an easy sell since she usually won. We went down. He parents and brother were upstairs. We walked back to the game room and sat on the couch. The big TV was right across from us.

I got down on one knee and pulled out the box with the ring in it. I opened the tiny box and took out the ring. I said, "Ellie."

She interrupted me, "Oh no...you're not..."

I was kind of stunned. I thought, 'oh no' she was going to blow me off. I said, "Well I..."

Ellie pulled me on the sofa and said, "Kiss me block-head."

So I kissed her. While I kissed her she started to unbutton my shirt. By the time we had that first kiss done she had my regular shirt and Tee-shirt off. I had my hands on her hips. She still had all her clothes on, and she started kissing my nipples. She started to rub her hands all over my chest. I was getting hard as a rock.

After several more kisses she leaned back on the sofa and looked at me. She kind of stared kind of glared at me said, "Well?"

I moved over closer and slowly started to unbutton her blouse. It was light green and matched the color of her eyes. I got it all the way down to her waist, and then I went back and undid her bra. I was pleased, it was a front hook. I'd seen plenty of breasts before. I watched my share of porn, but these were the first breasts I'd ever seen live, up close, in the actual flesh. They were the most beautiful breasts I'd ever seen in my life. They weren't real big, but they were perfectly shaped, I mean pear shaped with light brown areole and dark brown nipples that were sitting up straight. I took the palms of my hands and caressed them. I used my thumbs to lightly rub over each nipple. When I did that they really stood right up. I leaned forward and kissed each one. I was in heaven.