Witch-Hunter General


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"He seems to have tripped on a tree root and fallen breaking his neck," one of the men reported.

"We need to bury him," the other added as they told of their brother's demise.

"Yes, fine," Matthew huffed, "Be quick about it we need to make the village while there is still light enough to begin the trials." He turned away to hide the barely concealed rage at the waste of time he had to endure for this burial.

Half of the twelve man squad disappeared into the trees to bury their brother while the others lounged against trees and rested their horses. A woman's laughter rang out and looking up at the path ahead they saw the dirty white shawl as a woman once again disappeared into the trees. Matthew cursed and send a further two men after her.

After a time, only one came back scratching at his well-groomed beard having found no sign of her and having lost sight of his brother in the dense forest landscape. The men came back from their makeshift burial and with ten men remaining Matthew began to ride towards the village once again.

When next they encountered the woman she did not flee into the forest, but rather stood her ground blocking their way and making Matthew's horse shy as he tried to trample over her.

"You have no business here, Matthew killer of women," she said in a dry, rasping voice.

"It is my duty and my purpose to rid this world of foul devil witches like you," Matthew spat back signalling his men forward.

"There is nothing for you and your men here but suffering and misery. Continue at your own peril," she warned and walked into the tree line. Incensed Matthew sent two men after her. She would be the first witch put to trial in his cleansing of this village.

It was some time later when one of the men reappeared in the path, his face ashen, gasping for breath and collapsed before the hoses. Alighting quickly Matthew's lieutenant ran to him and held him up by the shirt front.

"What has happened? What did you see?" he demanded.

"Manningtree," the soldier wheezed, "The witches of Manningtree..." His eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out cold.

"Absurd," Matthew scoffed, "Tie him to his horse we will bury him near town," he mistook the feint fro death. "There will be no more delays." In his mind the images of the twenty-three women he had sent to their deaths played as they had in his dreams since last visiting this village.

The progress was slow the men constantly dogged by the vision of a woman blocking their path or fluttering through the tree line beside them. The warnings became direr as they got closer to the village alarming the men and turning the horses into skittish timid creatures who started and shied at the slightest provocation.

Fearful and frustrated several soldiers charged into the tree line despite Matthews instructions to ignore the evil old crones and each failed to emerge again. Just before reaching the village, several horses shied and bolted with yet another of Matthew's men being trampled into an unconscious state.

"It's time to heed the warnings," his lieutenant advised. "We cannot carry out your plans in this village with so few men remaining."

"I am Matthew Hopkins, Witch Hunter General, and I will not be cowed by these old crones and their superficial spells. God will keep safe those that deserve it, and protect us to do his work for him," Matthew said loudly to his remaining men. "Your fallen brethren found the alehouses and whores of the town too tempting perhaps and sold their souls cheaply."

"Lucas was the best of us, yet he lies in a shallow grave this day," Joseph one of the younger men argued.

"Do any of us really know what plagues the heart or mind of another man," Matthew said surprisingly gently, seeing the boy about to turn tail and run from the mission they were on. "If what you say is true though we must rejoice that our brother is now in the loving bosom of our God and saviour."

"Killing innocent women is not any Gods work, let alone a loving God," a feminine cackle came out from the trees surrounding them.

"Those women in Manningtree were not innocent, you saw the trials. Now let us continue," Matthew turned his horse and rode on knowing that his men would follow their lieutenant if not him at that moment.


Matthew rode into the village with his remaining men at his back and the costumed courtesan at his side. Uncaring of the dust and debris his horses hooves kicked up he went immediately to the hovel of the monk he had met during his first visit to the village.

Dismounting, he hurried the woman dressed as a nun inside surprised to find the monk, not there. He did not have to wait long as news of his arrival had reached Caspian who hurried back to see what the witch-hunter general would do with the peaceful people of this village. In truth, Caspian had expected to see a small army herding the villagers to a makeshift trial, what he found instead was five frightened looking soldiers standing beside their lieutenant at the entrance to his home.

Caspian had been dreading this confrontation. He knew the villagers would never give up their wise woman and he wasn't sure what Matthew would do in retaliation. He walked into his home expecting to see a priest there to remove him from the Village or order him to build a suitable church. Instead he found Matthew and a woman of the cloth sitting and patiently waiting for him.

The woman looked flushed as she hastily straightened her garments, but Matthew only glared at the dishevelled monk. "This is not the welcome I was expecting," he said coldly. "I told you when I would return, I trust you at least have a list of suspect names for me."

"I do not," Caspian said calmly. "I do not know the wise woman, nor would the village tell me of her or her followers. They do not respect our church here, you and I hold no authority over these people, in their eyes."

"We shall see about that," Matthew rose from his chair and indicated the woman kneeling at his feet. "You will see to it that this woman has all she desires." A slight smirk came to his face and he strode out of the hovel.

"We have very little time," The woman said softly as soon as Matthew had exited making Caspian turn and study her closely. "Tonight you must choose your fate, it will be difficult and cause you great angst but you must trust your heart," She seemed anxious that he understood so he nodded.

"Please be at peace here little sister, no harm will come to you here," he gave a small smile misunderstanding her words as fear of the threats Matthew had made against the village and their retaliation.

"Of that I am sure," she touched his face and smiled beatifically at him and he felt an odd warmth pervade his body.

"Annied!" Selene exclaimed quietly while entering the home of Caspian. She ran to the woman and embraced her as a confused Caspian watched on.

"Selene, the best of daughters," Selene returned the embrace. "You have touched this one's mind and his heart me thinks."

"His mind is slow, but his heart is good, despite his indoctrination," Selene said without rancour or accusation.

"I will come to bless you both when the time is right," Anneid smiled. "The sun is setting we must do what is needed. Remember my words, Caspian monk."

Caspian watched as the two women walked slowly from his home, fearing for their safety with Matthew's arrival he went to the door after them, only to find the men there in a strange stupor as if asleep with their eyes wide open. As the two women moved toward the centre of town the men followed at a distance as if in a trance and Caspian drawn to the scene followed along behind.

A bonfire had been built in the centre of the circle of wooden effigies and as Annied approached the villagers smiled and called out her name jubilantly. With the setting sun blazing in the sky Annied raised her arms and the flames began to lick up the huge structure of the bonfire and rise into the sky. The effigies shimmered and became almost real in their strange stance around the fire.

"What is the meaning of this!" Matthew seemed to have woken from his stupor and had leapt to his feet as his men had also regained their wits and risen with him.

"It is but time for your trial," Annied said gently, "Bring forth the first of Mathews witches."

"What are you doing whore. It is for me to judge witches, not you!" He had moved close to her and whispered his threat menacingly through closed teeth.

"Tonight when the curtain is at its lowest between spirit and man you will find the witches that haunt you," Annied said calmly and stepped aside showing a woman of uncertain years. Caspian was rooted to the spot he had stood in to watch what was occurring.

"I loved you so much Matthew," the woman said softly. "Your father left me with broken promises and a full belly. There was no other way to survive than to do what I did. Why must you hate me so? It isn't right to have your soul turned black by deeds such as yours. I could never have imagined the evil you would wreak because of me." It was a sad voice but unrelenting despite his cries of witchcraft and lies.

"Was it not enough that you killed your mother for her sins, why must you have killed so many others?" The woman finally asked.

"You were never my mother, you left me alone or with men who did evil things to a young boy while you lay passed out on the floor," Matthew sneered. "You beguiled and bedded them all, used them for their fortune and fame to make a name for yourself. Courtesan, whore and witch, you were evil and I stopped you in the name of God, I stopped you!" He rose again and lunged at the woman who seemed to shimmer and evaporate before him only to be replaced by yet another woman.

This woman as did the next three all professed to have loved him, been willing to do anything for him, and ultimately asked why he had sent them to their deaths. Other women from his infamous witch trials across the country began to take shape and accuse not only Matthew but his men of their misdeeds. The litany of victims seemed to have no end and four of Matthews men were openly weeping and apologising despite the protests of Matthew and his lieutenant who now seemed intent on ignoring the women who accused him.

Eventually, a loud guttural roar issued from the throat of the lieutenant and as if breaking free from invisible chains he stood and ran at Annied. She lifted her hand gently as he neared and pointed a finger. Caspian gasped as he dropped to the ground his body spasmed and then was still. Not even a breath of movement coming from him.

In a voice full of rage and malice Annied turn to the remaining men and hissed, "Had I not known first hand that his was a hatred for all women and that your thoughts were not clouded by the thoughts of others I may not have brought you this pain. If there had been a gentler way I might have sought it. Yours Matthew, is the blackest of hearts and should one more woman or child come to harm under your own hand you will not live to see the following day, this is my promise and my curse for you and each of your men."

Villagers brought forth the horses for the remaining men including Matthew and watched silently as they mounted and left the village each then turning their face back to Anneid as if in rapture.

"My wonderful children, know that I shall always watch over you. Feast and be happy knowing that I and those that have come before you will always provide," she smiled benevolently and walked back to where Caspian stood. "Walk with me," Anneid commanded. "There is in you a quest for learning and understanding that is stifled by clinging to the indoctrination of your youth. It is wrong to shut out the belief in all things for the belief in one thing only," She said gently sensing his inner turmoil.

"I cannot begin to explain what I witnessed here tonight," Caspian was at a loss to make sense of anything that had happened since Annied arrival in the village. "He will return with an army I am afraid," he finally uttered his thoughts out loud.

"No, tomorrow he will strike a woman and his heart will stop," Annied said sadly. "His men will witness it and learn from it we hope." She said sadly. "If not they too shall rejoin the earth and feed the new generation." Caspian's brow creased as he worried over her words.

"You are a gentle soul Caspian and honouring a God of love suits your disposition. To give love though you must have love. Throw off that habit and cowl and rejoice in the love that surrounds you," she smiled. "Give that love to the people of this village and your future children. It does no good to deny yourself life's pleasures in honour of a God who does not speak to you to answer your questions and prayers." They had reached his home and he looked at the small badly constructed hovel.

"I do not want to leave my home or my life, it is who I am. What I have seen tonight I cannot explain but I will find a way to make my peace with it," he smiled. "I am grateful though that the village is safe and that you helped these good and kind people."

"You are a good man, Caspian. You have a good heart, one that could open up to all the possibilities in nature if only your head would let it," Annied turned her head. "Come forward Selene, you need never hide from me."

"I couldn't even if I tried," Selene giggled.

"Be patient, my beloved daughter. This one has many barriers to overcome before he will be ready. I will however leave you with a gift to hasten the journey," Once again Annied raised her arms and the ground beneath their feet seemed to rumble. Wind blew in a eddy around the hovel of Caspian and finally died down as vines from the forest crept over the now mud caked walls. Flowers bloomed on the vines despite the lateness of the season and the tilted roof became covered in knotted sticks and bark.

"For every evil there is good to keep the balance," Selene whispered softly to Caspian who was once again speechless. His brain was trying to comprehend what his eyes saw and work out if he should reject the changes in his home as witchcraft or rejoice in having a home thatwould keep out the drafts and the coming snow of winter.

"Allow him time to accept all he has witnessed this night and go celebrate with the spirits of those who came before," Annied said softly and Selene walked away slowly.

"I will return when the time is right and give my blessings," Annied smiled at Caspian, "Rest now for I know your understandings have been shaken with the ground below us." She stepped away from him and shimmered before his eyes. Closing his eyes to adjust what he thought he saw, when he reopened them the nun's habit lay on the ground beside him and a dark bird flew over the tree tops.

Alone with his thoughts he walked into the house and noted it looked much the same. He could not face the alter tonight and instead went to his bed. He closed his eyes and dreamed of his parents for the first time in many years. He could see them so clearly, feel their arms as they embraced him and hear their voices of pride and love for him no matter where his life took him.

When he woke in the morning it was still so vivid and real that he wondered if it had been a dream at all. Getting up with renewed energy, he went out into the town greeting people in his usual way. He sat near the still smoking remains of the bonfire and tried to make sense of all that had happened in the last day. Not only what he had witnessed but the dreams he had in which his parents spoke with him answering all his questions and fears. He worried that he had perhaps gone mad when the familiar voice sounded from behind him.

"Do not worry so, Caspian. Today we will feast and be thankful for our Gods and those that have come before us," Selene laughed, "Even your God if you like."

"I think I would like that," Caspian said suddenly seeing Selene for the first time as more than just a girl."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What was it with those witch hunters? In the name of Christ, who was nothing but the embodiment of love itself, who spread love wherever he went, who exhorted his followers to "love thyneighbour as thou wouldst thyself,--in his name those hunters committed the vilest of sins, and yet believed that they would be welcomed in Heaven. What irony!! Maybe they were ignorant of the true teachings of Christ, who on the cross, inspite of his pain and suffering, pleaded with God,"Father forgive them for they know not what they do." But what about the Bishops, and the Pope himself? They encouraged these hunters. After going through the Bible hundreds of time, what did they finally learn? Ego, revenge, anger, power-drunk, pride, none of these were in Christ's teachings.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy5 months ago

Blinded ….. what is a heart or soul good for if the stupidity filled head with all the theories or thesis is breaking your feelings your senses into nothing but ashes ….. and we do live forward but knowledge come looking backwards, mostly late …. And if its a god of love, how can this god tolerate WAR? or whitch hunting …… Sick old men and power inspired perverts

This was fabulous woven and the sickness was offered and dealt with giving a chance not the death


nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 8 years ago
Just Wondering ...

... if Selene is two score, and Caspian is nearing thirty years old, why he considers himself older since two score equals forty. Just wondering ...

SwillySwillyover 9 years ago

Very well done, Ellie. Great creativity, great writing. When I read your stuff, I always feel like I'm watching a movie. Five thumbs up!

BuckyDuckmanBuckyDuckmanover 9 years ago

Solid theme through-out. Same, exceptional writing skills I've come to expect from this author. I felt as if she took a well worn trope and spun an interesting tale around it.

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