Why Men Crave Denial

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I discovered the benefits of Dominating your man
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Steve and I have been together a bit over six years, and we've been very happy together. We have many similar interests and sex has always been great, though not very adventurous, and at times we've had to shake ourselves out of the sameness that creeps in with most couples.

We both have professional jobs, and Steve usually leaves our house earlier than me. About five months ago after going through our usual morning routine of Showering, a quick chat over breakfast and a departing kiss Steve rushed off, leaving me to tidy up and get off to work as well.

I was about to leave when I remembered I needed the address of a customer I intended to visit in the course of my work so I went to our computer to turn it on, but I found that Steve had left it on and still logged on. We had an unspoken understanding that we respected each-others privacy and had our own logins.

In a rush this time, and only wanting to quickly use google, I started entering my inquiry. To my surprise, predictive words started popping up that made my mouth drop open in amazement. Words such as chastity, submissive, slave and mistress flashed up. GOBSMACKED, I sat with my mind racing trying to make sense of all this. It seems Steve has been looking at such things. Feeling slightly guilty, but too curious to resist I took a peek at Steve's browsing history and bookmarks. I became so intrigued at what I saw I phoned and cancelled my first appointment to give me more time to explore.

I found there were links to stories about orgasm control, domination, Male slaves and punishments. I softly said to myself

"Steve, what goes on in your mind?"

At first I felt betrayed and upset, and then I started to worry that it might mean that he's got a really weird side I know nothing about. I read more about it and researched some of the informed websites rather than the extreme fantasy trash and I learned that these sorts of desires are common in men and even some women.

I looked at Steve's bookmarks and history searches to see what his secret desires are. I was relieved to see they weren't too heavy. I suspected most of the extreme stuff that was scaring me on some websites was just fictional fantasy's and not real anyway.

Many women that decide to do this sort of thing discover they enjoy taking the dominant role and having their man under their control.

My mind was abuzz all day while I contemplated how to bring this up with Steve or whether I even should. We both arrived home about 7pm and Steve helped me with preparing our meal as he often did. After a while I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice steady as I said,

"I used the computer this morning and I accidently saw some stuff that you've been looking at."

He looked very startled and almost in a panic. I told him I was not so upset about what he'd looked at, but was I really hurt that he didn't think he could confide in me about all this stuff.

He stammered and stuttered that he thought I might be disgusted and didn't want to risk that so kept it to himself. I let him stew on that for a while then asked him just how interested in all this was he, and was it something he actually wanted to experience for real. He gave me a strange look; his face went red, and perspiration formed on his forehead. I said abruptly,

"Come on, tell me, it's not a trick question."

He told me that he just enjoyed reading ¬and fantasying about it and tried to escape the tense situation by laughingly saying that there's no way that's ever going to happen anyway.

I looked at him intently and quizzed,

"What if there were an opportunity?"

He looked totally confused and stammered,

"What do you mean?"

"Would you like to play at being my slave?"

He swallowed hard and tried to avoid the question by laughing and saying I couldn't be harsh enough to make it real. I gave him a look that totally took him by surprise and said,

"Don't be so sure about that."

He looked very taken aback. Looking at him intently, I slowly and deliberately said,

"I'll think more about this and we'll talk again about it later."

The next morning we got ready to leave for work as normal, but just before Steve was about to leave, I said,

"Here's something for you to think about. I might consider being a mistress for you. But before I decide, I want you to write me today a full list of all the things you fantasise about while being a slave."

I warned that if I did choose to do this, I would only ever consider doing what he puts on the list today, and would never ever do anything he left off. That really threw him, and he looked sort of trapped and uncertain as he scurried off.

I got a call from Steve about midday and in a hesitant voice he said he had been thinking, and didn't think I had the temperament to be a Mistress and that I wouldn't be able to make him seriously feel like a slave.

I took the opportunity to give him something to think about. I very abrasively said,

"Let me see your list and we'll see. Don't underestimate what I'm capable of. Most women have a suppressed dominant side and it could be you're not the only one with secret desires."

I broke off the call abruptly to make a point. In truth, I'd never thought about doing anything like this before, but even the brief bit of research I had done had stirred something in me and set me thinking. The idea was growing on me, and my darling Steve says he wants this. Yes, I'll wait for his list before I decide. I'm beginning to think I might enjoy the pleasure of occasionally exerting my dominant side, be in complete control and disciplining him.

That evening I got home at the usual time and was amazed to see Steve had already prepared our meal and had gone to a lot of trouble including candles and wine glasses. I thought to myself,

"This Mistress thing definitely has potential."

During our meal I was my usual self, but kept myself just a little aloof. When we finished the meal and our coffee, I look directly into his eyes and demanded,

"Well, let me have your list".

His face reddened and he fumbled around while I held my hand out for the list. Eventually he reached for his bag, took out a sheet of paper and started to say something as he handed it to me. I abruptly cut him off and told him I didn't want to hear any more from him right now, and he wasn't to leave the table until I had read the list. He looked startled because I had never spoken so strictly to him before. I noted with gratifying satisfaction the powerful effect this had on him. He sat anxiously like a naughty child in trouble and nervously waited while I very slowly and deliberately read through his list.

He had written,

These are fantasies I've dreamed about, but have never realistically expect to experience,

-To be completely dominated and held helplessly captive by a woman and forced to do whatever she commands, and for her to do whatever she wishes to me and with me.

-To be kept in bondage and completely under her control for as long as my Mistress wishes.

-Teased and denied orgasm for an uncertain period and for as long as my Mistress pleases.

-To be made to earn any orgasm my Mistress might allow me to have.

-Being forced to please my Mistress sexually in any way she pleases.

-To suffer any humiliation my Mistress pleases

-To be treated as a Slave, forced to obey and to be chastised with a whip or anything else my Mistress chooses for punishment or just for her amusement.

As I read this, I smiled and was relieved that there was nothing that I thought too extreme. In fact, I could see myself enjoying and really getting into this. The idea of sometimes being a bitch to him, having him squirming under my whip, and forcing him to do anything I demand is becoming very appealing, and was actually turning me on. I didn't let on my thoughts or what I was feeling to Steve, I decided to let him stew a bit longer.

Well, if he wants me to act like a Mistress I might as well get some practice, so I looked at him seriously and told him I would consider all this and might make him an offer.

That night in bed, I turned down his advances, saying that I wanted to sort my mind out first. Steve instantly started apologising, but I cut him off,

"Don't get so up-tight, you might have some big decisions to make soon, so think about that."

I found myself already enjoying my new found power, and wondered just what fun and pleasure it could lead to. For me that is!

The next day I did a more serious research on the better websites and eventually I wrote this email to Steve

Dearest Steve, It hurt to find out you've harboured these fantasies all these years and didn't feel you could confide in me. I guess that explains some of the times you came to bed after being online and fucked vigorously and selfishly with no regard for what I was feeling. There may come a time when you might regret that.

Your list is actually interesting me quite a lot, and you're about to find out whether I'm strong enough to dominate you. You know I like a challenge, and you're going to find I'm not as soft as you might think.

But first there are some things I must make clear to you though.

I am not interested in being a life style Mistress but I'd agree to periodic indulgences that could be anything from an evening, a day, a weekend or even a week and that would be entirely up to me.

If you want to do this you must agree never to refuse surrendering to me when I demand it. The first time you did would be the last time I'd ever be your Mistress.

During the fantasy times you would be completely at my mercy and don't expect any. During those times I'll be your Mistress NOT your loving Penny.

Your list is a very broad outline and I alone will interpret what I can do within it.

Neither of us will allow our fantasy times to influence our normal life style except I may punish you when you're at my mercy for anything you do to displease me at any time. No more leaving my car nearly out of petrol, or else.

Your humiliation might include making you dress in women's clothing, being made to do some unpleasant embarrassing things. I might even make you do embarrassing things with a third person present entirely of my choosing. And if I decided to, it could someone we know, female or male.

You will be my slave and submissive in every sense of the words and I will treat you in any way I please.

You never expected this did you? If your knees are not shaking too much and you still want to do this then there are two things you must do today.

-First, think carefully about what I've written and be sure you really want this. This is awakening something I never knew was in me, and I have no idea how far l might go to with this.

-Second, if you decide you still want this you will go to the adult shop today and buy some handcuffs and a strong flexible cane about a metre long.

By 6pm tonight and not a minute later, you will be naked in our garage with your hands cuffed above your head to one of the centre beams. You'll place the handcuff keys in our letter-box before you cuff yourself. If I get home at 6pm and you haven't done this it's all off forever. Tonight will be your one and only chance and it will be a trial to see if we continue this.

There's your challenge. Now we will see how serious really you are. DON'T contact me again today. I'll see you at 6pm, naked and helpless or not, up to you.

Your love and impending mistress.


I smiled as I clicked the send button. I was really getting into this and feeling very excited in more ways than one. I had deliberately written things that would make him very anxious and raise the stakes to test him and make his decision more difficult.

My concentration was off for the rest of the day and the four hours before I saw how Steve handled this dragged by. I imagined that Steve would be either wildly excited, or had I gone too far and he's cringing wanting to call it off. I found myself realising I would be disappointed if he did.

The afternoon finally passed, but I deliberately delayed arriving home until after 6:30pm. If Steve had taken the challenge, he would be naked and handcuffed in our garage anxiously wondering what is in store for him.

I parked in our drive with my curiosity running wild. Was Steve handcuffed naked on the other side of the garage door? I overcame my mischievous temptation to use the garage door remote. My heart was beating fast as I quickly walked to our letter-box and yes, the Handcuff keys were there.

So obviously Steve had made himself a prisoner in the Garage and wouldn't be going anywhere until I let him. Realising I was now in full control was a real rush for me, and I relished the feeling. I didn't need to hurry and wanted to savour the moment, so I went upstairs smiling to get into more comfortable clothes making enough noise to keep Steve guessing.

By now I knew his anxiety level would be soaring, and to be honest so was mine. I had never done anything like this before, but I was feeling very excited.

I willed myself to wait about twenty minutes before nonchalantly walking into our Garage and yes there he was, looking quite embarrassed and more naked than naked with his hands cuffed above his head. He had also rigged some ropes from each side of the garage to hold his legs apart as well. He had a great body and usually liked to show it off to me but I could see he was feeling very self-conscious right now. My excitement and sensation of power was growing rapidly, highlighted by my being fully dressed and in control while Steve was naked and helpless. My first ever power reversal.

He was very flushed, excited and uncertain, and judging by the size of his ridged bobbing cock, very aroused and horny. I don't think I had ever seen it so hard and big before.

"Quite a fix you've put yourself in," I said smiling at him.

He squirmed as I slowly looked him over and checked there was no way he could escape.

"Why do you think I insisted on this before making up my mind?"

He looked embarrassed and reluctant to say anything. I spotted the cane I had ordered him to get placed on the bench. I picked it up and swished through the air a couple of times as I walked behind him.

I said to myself, "Well, this is it, I never ever thought I would be doing this but here goes."

With some trepidation, I brought the cane down tentatively, but with some vigour on his naked bum. He yelped and his body jerked as the cane made a pleasing sound. I was startled at my reaction to this. I thought I might have been worried about hurting Steve, but instead my sensation of power sky rocketed and my sense of control over my naked man washed over me. I was really getting into this. He couldn't get away or stop me, and this is what he wanted. This was becoming fun and very arousing. I raised the cane again and this time struck with much more confidence and his yelp this time was much louder as he tried in vain to twist away.

His face had an incredulous look on it as I stood in front of him tapping my leg with the cane and I said,

"Let's try that question again. Why do you think I insisted on this before making up my mind?"

I got satisfaction and pleasure at seeing a flicker of fear as he realised I meant business. I savoured the way he replied quickly this time,

"So I can see if I really want this," which was exactly what I thought he'd say.

"So you think this is all about you and no consideration for me, typical," I said

I quickly move behind him and gave him another three or four more stinging blows.

"Well?" I asked stroking his shoulder with the cane.

He quickly blurted, "And to see if you want to do it."

"No, just to see if I want to do it. You've already said you want this".

"Did the cane hurt" I smiled.

"Yes Mistress, " he stammered. I flicked the cane at him saying

"No, I'm not your Mistress yet. Believe me, I'm only warming up compared to what I'll do as your Mistress."

I changed my stance and grasped his cock with my hand and leaned forward to kiss him. His eyes lit up as he leaned forward eagerly to kiss me, but I moved my head back just out of reach looking into his eyes while stroking his cock. It only took a minute or two for his hips to start thrusting his cock into my hand. I know Steve's signs very well, he was quickly becoming desperate to cum as he vigorously fucked my hand. He yelled in utter frustration when I opened my hand at the crucial moment denying him the friction he desperately needed to get there.

I just loved his frantic reaction and his one hundred percent focus on me. I had never seen this before and I was enjoying myself so much I continued teasing and frustrating him for another half hour. By this time he was desperately begging to cum and had got himself a few more canings on the way for being disrespectful. I was very pleased with the redness I had inflicted on his bum.

I was fascinated that though he was very horny by now and desperate to cum, when I asked him if he wanted to cum now, he hesitated a fraction before pleading that he did. I thought something is going on here I don't understand, and I must try to find out at some stage.

All this stimulation was making me very aroused as well and I thought to myself what fun I'll have when I can make him satisfy me however and whenever I want while denying him.

Actual tears of frustration began to appear in his eyes, which only spurred me on, and suddenly had a devilish idea. I grasped hold of his cock and let him fuck my hand again and as he got close again, I said

"Okay, it's time." With that he redouble his efforts to fuck my hand thinking I was at last going to let him ejaculate. Then when he was mere stroke or two away from blowing his load, I finished what I was saying.

"Okay, it's time I did something about dinner."

Then I stepped back to watch the effect yet another denial had on him. It was spectacular and after enjoying his desperate reaction I told him not to go anywhere, and went back into the house with his howls of frustration music to my ears.

After a few minutes Steve started calling out to me. I rather hoped that he would. I stormed back into the garage and gave him five or six vigorous canings. I was really warming to this and I could see he really felt them by his yelping and futile attempts to twist away. He did a great job adding the ankle restraints, they restricted his movement nicely. I demanded he opened his mouth and I put the cane in it and demanded that he hold it there. I threatened that if he dropped it before I took it back, I will do my best to break the cane over his bum even if it took a hundred swings.

I could see his look of fear that said is this really my Penny? I stood up close in his face and said,

"Well do you still doubt that I can be strong enough?" He emphatically shook his head and I had no doubt he meant it. I told him he had woken something in me and I was l really looking forward to exploring all this and making him my Slave.

I turned to leave again, but couldn't resist making him fuck my hand again. I was fascinated that he couldn't hold back from trying to fuck my hand, even though he knew I would probably deny him again. As he got closer and closer I kept varying the friction around his cock to hold him on the very verge for a prolonged time and increased his frustration to an unbearable level. Just when he thought he was there I reminded him not to drop the cane out of his mouth and just stepped back. It was a treat watching him trying to deal with his agonising cries of frustration and denial while not dropping the cane. He only just managed.

I went back to getting dinner organised smiling to myself. He wasn't able to call out with the cane in his mouth.

After another half hour I decided that this had gone far for now enough to prove the point I wanted to make.