What We Must Ch. 03


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He extended a hand to her. "Come with me." She continued to stand there, looking at him. "Please."

She turned from the door. "OK." Pulled on shirt and shorts.

Mystified, she walked with him. He took her hand, and she allowed it. He led her down into the tunnels. She held her breath. Did he want to know what she had been doing down here? He led her to the pool, which was already warming. "Come. Sit. Talk to me."

She looked around the chamber. There were candles burning on the other side of the pool. She crossed her arms and turned to him. "Isn't it a little late for an attempt at seduction?"

He closed his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts. He looked at her again; did she hate him? Did she hate him that much? "Anne, you've been here for 6 weeks now and we still don't know much of anything about you. I just want to talk to you."

She continued to stand and stare at him, finally saying, "It doesn't really matter what I was before if I'm never going to leave here."

Damn. How stubborn could she be? He wanted her to open up, to thaw, to feel like she was part of his pack, to actually join in. Amanda was fairly well integrated already.

He dropped his pants, walked over, and picked her up. She struggled. He got into the pool with her, got into the center, and dropped her in.

She came up, sputtering. "What the hell was that for?!" She stood and faced him. His hand went to her shirt, and he unbuttoned the first button before she slapped his hand away.

He sat, in a position that would make it difficult for her to get out without touching him. "Sit. Relax. Let's have a civil conversation, can we?" She opened her mouth to reply, and he interjected, "Just. Talk."

She sat, away from him, and looked to him to start the conversation. She left her wet clothes on. "So, how did you decide to become a scientist?"

"How did you come to be in charge here?"

"Alright. Let's try it this way. I'll answer a question for each question you answer." He looked at her brown eyes and could see her contemplating it. "Agreed?"


"So, where are you in the birth order?"

"I'm the eldest. How did you come to lead?"

"My father was Alpha, it tends to run down family lines, unless there were no male heirs. Have you always lived in the area?"

"No. Is Lily your father's mother?"

"That wasn't much of an answer. Where else have you lived?"

"Then you shouldn't ask questions which can be answered with a simple yes or no. Is Lily your paternal grandmother?"

"Yes. Where else have you lived?"

While not an optimum, relaxed conversation, he was at least getting her to talk to him and learning about her at the same time. He learned that: she grew up in a small town, never felt comfortable in a big city, had lived in several states, liked fantasy books, needlework, baking, puzzles, drawing, hiking, had had several boyfriends but had never married, that she liked the freedom of being a wolf...

She found out that: he liked the feel and the smell of wood, had built many of the furnishings, liked ale better than wine, was intrigued by human society, that his mate had died long ago, an early victim of the virus, that Beth and her sister had come from another pack, and Beth's sister had mated Marcus...

Questions continued as the shirt began to chill her, the part out of the water. She finally decided to give it up. After all, he had seen her naked often enough. She pulled it off and laid it on a rock nearby.

He looked at her breasts, the tops of her areoles just peeking out of the water. Small movements created ripples which exposed the erect tips at their peaks. He now thought of cupping them in his hands, of teasing them while she whimpered, of suckling on them until she came. Of claiming her mouth, since she never allowed him to kiss her. His fingers in her hair. Then down to her sweet hole, his hands holding and opening her to him. He'd tasted her juices, but only off his fingers. She continued to deny him the opportunity to taste her directly. He wanted her to flood him with her juices, would they taste different when she climaxed?


"I'm sorry. What?"

"It's your turn."

He looked at her. He agreed with his wolf. He wanted her, and badly. What question to ask now? He came up with a brazen thought. "Do you enjoy having your pussy licked?"

She was startled by the bluntness of the question. Her pussy throbbed at the thought.

He watched her mouth open, then close. The look on her face he interpreted as wistful, before turning hard. He had his answer, of course she did.


Of course she did, but she wasn't going to tell him that. She stood, the interview over. Let him come to her as he wished, or not. She wasn't going to abet him in his attempts to tame her. She pulled her shirt back on and moved to leave the pool. He took her by the arm and forced her to look at him. "There's no place you can run from this."

She tried to break his grip but was unable. "Perhaps, perhaps not. But I don't have to go easily."

He let her go and watched her walk away from him. She continued to resist him, refusing to warm. What would she be like when the ice finally broke?


Her pussy throbbed. In fact, the question had her thinking more and more about a man's tongue on her folds, his mouth sucking on her clit. She got wetter with practically every step back to her room. Every corner she turned, she looked to see if he was following; he wasn't.

She got back to her room and could feel the wetness oozing from her. She circled her room twice before rubbing the crotch of her shorts against her clit. She went to the bed and her hand rose, unbuttoning the shorts, her fingers working down to her mound. Her other hand was under her shirt, rubbing at a stiffened nipple. She closed her eyes and moaned, before pulling off her wet clothes and dropping them on the floor.

She worked her fingers through the wetness at her entrance and moved it upward to the nodule of her pleasure. She stroked past it, then circled a couple of times. Biting her lower lip, she pushed a finger into her pussy, and felt the warmth and wetness there. An ache was beginning to build in her belly, an ache that could only be cured by one thing.

Now intent on getting herself off, she added a second finger, then a third, and began sawing them in and out of herself. Her knees had drawn up and her head twisted on the bedcovers. She whimpered.

A quick knock, and the door opened. She froze. Caught!

He sucked in a big breath, taking in the scent of her arousal as he took note of what she was doing. He moved to the end of the bed, grabbed her knees, and slid his hands down to her hips. Her hands went to his as his face closed on that wet and swollen flesh between her legs. He had a chance to drag his tongue across her folds twice and suck her clit into his mouth as she began to squirm and started yelling at him.

"No! No! Stop it!" He felt her lower lips pulse as she grabbed his hair and tried to yank him away. "Stop."

Hearing the emotion in her voice, he picked his head up and looked at her. "Why?"

She was taking in big breaths and looking very upset. "Because... Because... This has nothing to do with your little breeding program. It's not for you."

"Why not? Why shouldn't I do something I enjoy that gives you pleasure, too?"

"I. Didn't. Ask you here. You're not my lover. You're my jailer. Why should you get any more than your council requires? Were you confusing your duty with something else?"

"Why can't it be more?"

She got up on her elbows and looked at him. "What do you want from me?"

He took a deep breath and took her by the shoulders, raising her to sit next to him on the bed. "I want you to welcome me into your bed. I want you to get wet when I look at you. I want to hear you call my name when I'm inside you. I want more, for both of us." She looked at him, stoically. "I want you to be happy. What can I do?"

She looked into his blue eyes, searching. "Can you let me go?"

"You know I can't do that."

"Can you turn back time?" He shook his head, sadly. "Then there's nothing you can do for me."


Duncan. Hmmm. Maybe she should work on him, see if she could talk him in to letting her out. She so wanted to see the sun again. Just to breathe free air.

She couldn't imagine that they liked being stuck down here either; they'd want the freedom of being outside. She'd work that angle.

She had little to offer. The younger members enjoyed her iPod, her cell phone was useless, there wasn't anything else she'd brought with her that she thought would be enough. There was really only one thing left.

Could she tempt him? Or was he too devoted? Surely he was like most men with a willing female.

Now with a new project, she knew she must work slowly. Being too aggressive would raise too many suspicions. But, gods, she wanted to be out of here.

She started by talking to him more, showing interest. Then, she brushed up against him later as they passed in the hall. Living in close quarters, they all picked up each other's scents to a greater or lesser extent but Devon noticed Duncan seemed to be getting more of hers.

She watched for signs of increased interest as she continued her low key seduction. He started glancing at her more frequently, his eyes following her around. She stepped up the moves. She asked him to help rearrange her room. When they were done she thanked him with a little peck on the cheek.

Devon came to her that night and commented on the changes. She looked at him but did not reply. He had tried to engage her in any kind of conversation but she wouldn't talk to him when he came to her at night. She barely spoke to him outside of the room.

He was greeted with the usual scene when he entered her room for their next 'session.' She was lying naked in the bed, with her eyes closed. But the bed had been moved and Duncan's scent hung in the air. Devon dropped his pants and crawled into the bed beside her. Although it wasn't much, he was startled to find Duncan's scent on her. What was going on?

He did what was required of him, taking care with her so as not to hurt her, or do those things she wouldn't allow. But he wished she would look at him, touch him, make a sound, have some reaction other than the involuntary ones. Anything to keep him from thinking that he was, in truth, raping her each time he came to her room.

Duncan's scent distracted him this night. Had he touched her? Kissed her? Did she start something? Was she attracted to him? Should he just let his brother have her?

Oh, god, she felt so good. Even unwilling, he felt so much more with her than Amanda. Her body called to him. It was almost as if he belonged there, inside her. Those warm, slick walls that seemed to fit around him so well. The feeling of stroking within them was wonderful. Her breasts were bigger than Amanda's and her body fuller, more womanly. Something in him screamed fertility, and maternity.

Duncan. He had to speak to Duncan. He fell asleep, holding her, now covered in his scent, and his alone.


The next day, he caught Duncan around mid-morning.

"So, Dunc, you helped her rearrange her room..."

"Yeah. She asked me to give her a hand. She was been talking to me more lately so I figured it was a good idea. Is there a problem?"

"No. No. Not that I can think of. Just... just let me know if she starts asking for anything strange."

"Sure. OK, Dev." He gave his brother a closer looked, trying to figure out why he looked a little lost.

The next day, when she came into the entertainment room, Duncan invited her to a game of chess. She agreed this time and they played a couple of games. He beat her handily twice, then took the next game as an opportunity to teach her some strategy. She laughed a little at her mistakes as Duncan showed her the potential consequences of her moves. She lamented being unable to breathe fresh air.

Devon passed by, on the way to the workshop, and paused, startled by her laughter, something he had not heard from her before. He looked in, and saw her at the chessboard with Duncan. He frowned, as he continued on, not sure whether to be glad or not. She was apparently loosening up a little with Duncan but it upset him somewhat that it was Duncan, and not him, that she was warming to.

She excused herself to go work for a while in the science lab, 'accidentally' brushing Duncan's hand as she rose.

She had recharged her iPod and retreated to the science lab. She had pulled out a breadboard, various pieces of wire, resistors, capacitors, a couple of batteries, and some old circuitry. She was standing at a bench, her back to the door, looking over her work, when a favorite song came on.

She began dancing to the music. Standing with her hands on the bench, eyes closed, she started shifting her hips. Her head began moving in time to the music, she twisted, and the dancing became more sensual. Her arms moved, her hands running down her body without touching it, flipping her hair. Moves that would bring many males on the dance floor towards her, if she were in a bar. As the song ended, she planted her hands back on the bench, gyrated one more time, then arched her back, before relaxing as the next song came on.

Spencer had been watching her as she began to move. Catching sight of Devon and Duncan, he started, and moved away.

Interested to see what he had been looking at, they stopped in the doorway, and watched as Anne continued her dance. Enthralled, they stood there until the final bars played, and her posture loosened. A little embarrassed, Devon moved away. Duncan was a little slower. Anne turned to pick something up, and caught sight of him as he left.

At first she was a bit embarrassed about having been seen at her dance, but then a little smile came to her face. Inadvertently, she may have spiked Duncan's interest in her.


Later, some of them were watching a nature show. Partway in, she gusted a heavy sigh and rose. "I wish we could go outside." She went to the books, grabbed one, and curled up in a chair.

She was as unresponsive to Devon as ever the next evening, well, not exactly unresponsive. Her body responded to his touch, but the rest of her wasn't there. While he did enjoy touching her, the fact that she wouldn't touch him, wouldn't allow him any other contact than straight intercourse weighed on him, tormented him.

And what was going on between her and Duncan? She was talking to him, playing chess with him, laughing. He couldn't even get her to smile. Had he driven her to this? What was wrong with him? Was he jealous of his brother? His. She was supposed to be his.

His thrusting slowed and she opened her eyes to look at him. He focused on her again, realizing that he had pretty much stopped what he was doing and that she had to be wondering what his problem was. He knew she just wanted him to finish and get off of her and that any attempt to prolong the act would not be looked upon favorably. Now, what would she think of him, losing focus in the middle of making love... sorry, screwing her, fucking her?

He stopped, and looked into her eyes until she exhaled and closed them again. He closed his eyes as well and took in her scent, felt her warmth and the pleasurable feel of her skin against him. He touched her again, to arouse her further, before starting to move once more. He thought of what it would be like for her to touch him, wishing she would feel something for him. He dropped his mouth to her breast as he thrust a little deeper and harder. Having been with her enough he now knew the signs as she approached orgasm. Her breathing and heart rate told him she was close and he continued to hold off until he could get her to climax. He felt relief at the first tightening of her muscles around him. The contractions were a bit more powerful this time, as he made a final thrust and his knot bulged inside her, and the arching of her back took him off the bed again. As she panted and he collapsed on her, he registered the smell of blood.

Startled, he opened his eyes and pushed up. A sniff and he took her face, zeroing in on the source of the smell. She had bitten her lower lip hard enough to bleed.

He sank down on her again, waiting until he could pull out, and contemplating the change he had noticed. The pleasure she was been getting from him was evident, also was the fact that she didn't want him to take any delight in the pleasure he was able to bring her. Did this have anything to do with her apparent attraction to Duncan?

The sight of her dancing, the movements mesmerizing, as if she were calling to him. There was something primal in her and it called to him in ways he couldn't even begin to express. He didn't think he could stand to see her with Duncan. She belonged to him and he wanted her. It was one of the things he had feared when the decree was instituted, but he never thought that it could happen in his pack, to him. How was he going to resolve this? What if Amanda got pregnant and Anne went to Duncan?

She fell asleep well before him this time, her breathing regular, her body warm against him. Come morning, she'd squirm out of his grasp and they'd start another day. Another day of resentment from her and consternation from the others.

He had to keep his pack together.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Those of you complaining and don't like the story "don't" read it. Walk away and write your own story then you can write it the way "you" want. Whining is "not" attractive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Love Anne

I love her strength, her will to survive and the fact that she keeps reminding them of their actions. What a bunch of morons, expecting women to participate and enjoy their rapes. I hope they both fall in love with her and she laughs in their faces.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Yay! I've been waiting for this chapter.

not to be a nag, but don't take so long to put up the next one! I luuuvvvv this story - thank you!

ariesgirlariesgirlover 9 years ago

They don't understand what they are doing is totally wrong because this is and has been the way of life for them. Some of the packs seem to understand a bit that the females are going to be scared because they were kidnapped but not enough to stop what they are doing.

I don't like how the grandmother can think that Anne is causing problems when she didn't ask to be there. They are out of their minds to think that the females she be OK with being kidnapped, turned and forced into sex. I'm quite sure if the roles were reversed they wouldn't be all happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
willfull blindness

While I'm still reading this story, it has more to do with the fact the I've enjoyed this author in the past than any trust in the ongoing story. I'm having real problems understanding why the wolves wouldn't understand just how deeply they would be hated for this. Make their victims " happy"? Please...

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