What the Hell - VideoTube!

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Husband discovers his wife with another man on VideoTube.
10.2k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 03/13/2020
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Author's Note: This is about a cheating wife... you have been warned. It also had a reconciliation in it, yet it isn't an RAAC story. There are several forms of revenge yet the couple stays together.

Copyright © 2023 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

What the Hell - VideoTube!

I don't even remember what I was doing on VideoTube when I saw her. I must have been looking for something when I ran across those videos where they ask questions about mostly common-knowledge things just to prove how stupid people are today. That's when I saw my wife with some guy with a microphone in front of them with a young woman asking questions. Now my wife isn't stupid, she is after all a teacher. Which in today's world doesn't mean much, but Steph was smart, smarter than I in some ways. The guy with her was a stranger to me. Yet they looked to be very close friends by the way he had his arm around her waist. Something was fishy here. Really, really fishy. I went to the VideoTube channel for information on how to find out about people in the videos.

I found they shot the video less than a year ago and they just edited it for publication the past week. I found out the names of the people in the video and was surprised to see my wife's name with our last name, not her maiden name. I couldn't tell who the guy was as the names were in alphabetical order. There was an email address where I could ask them a question. I almost sent one, but thought better. I wanted to know a lot more about my wife and what she has been doing when I'm not with her. Now while I'm not filthy rich, I can afford most things others can't.

I hired a reputable P.I. to find out what was going on. I told them about the VideoTube video. They found out who the guy with my wife in the video was. Suddenly, I was more angry than I ever remember being in my life.

~ ~ ~ ~

Stephanie and I have been married for six years, going together for seven. She had a relationship before we met but had broken up with him a year before. We met in our senior year of college. From what she told me her ex didn't go to our school. Within three months, we were a thing. Pledging our lives and fidelity to each other. It also turned out we were from the same city so finding a place to live was no problem. We didn't marry until we each found a job after graduating.

I got a job in an ad agency, while Steph found a job in the local library. While she continued to look for a teaching job. We were married a month after that. Our life settled down after we were married. She finally found a job as an elementary school fifth-grade teacher. I actually, made a killing at the ad agency and started my own company. That was successful and allowed us to afford things we wouldn't have when we first started.

We were happy from what I could tell. We went out regularly and had fun every time. Rarely argued. Had sex quite frequently. About four times a week and twice on Saturday. I was happy with her and I thought she was happy with me. But from what I found out from the PI, she must not have been. It was a week after I hired the P.I. that I found out that Stephanie was seeing her old boyfriend, Jack Karlin. From what the P.I. said, they got together twice a week after school let out. Went to a motel close to the school and stayed in the room for about two hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

To say I was angry and disappointed was an understatement. I sat in my office silently imagining choking her to death. But that wasn't the answer to my problem. So, I sat there thinking of ways to get even. Yet that still wasn't the answer. I had enough dirt on her to get a divorce, yet the laws of the state would give her half even though it was she who destroyed the marriage. I needed to come up with a plan for not only destroying her life and career but Jack Karlin's also. I had my P.I. find out where he worked. Then I planned.

Two weeks later, on a Friday, I was leaning against her car parked in front of room 112 of the Starlight Motel. I had been across the street when she pulled into the space where her car was now parked. Jack came in right behind her, parking in the next space over. After they went into the room, I pulled my car up right behind theirs. For two hours, I stood there just listening to her scream and him grunt. When the noise stopped, I just shook my head. Ten minutes later the door opened and Stephanie stepped out the door.

She froze when she saw me. Jack bumped into her as she blocked the doorway. The look on Stephanie's face was priceless. I could hear the click of the camera as the P.I. took picture after picture. Stephanie fainted. Jack didn't even have the decency to catch her. I stepped forward and caught her head before it hit the concrete. Then Jack's wife was there kicking him in the balls. Hard. Over and over. Looking down at him, she spit in his face.

"Don't even bother coming home. And by the way, Jeff called, he said don't bother coming back to work, you're fired."

Turning to me, she stepped up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you. And if you want, give me a call, maybe we can get together," she said turning and walking away. Jack crawled back into the room trying to close the door, yet Stephanie was still out cold in the way. I kicked the door knocking Jack backwards. He just glared at me. I laughed at him. Stephanie was coming around. I just stood there looking down at her.

"Can you help me up, please?" she asked.

I did. I'm not a bastard although I wanted to punch her in the face.

"Don't bother coming home tonight. All the locks on the doors were changed and I have the garage door opener from your car. Tomorrow, we'll get together and talk, yet I doubt there is anything you can say to change my mind about what you did."

I turned and walked away, back to my car. Turning back to her, I looked at her.

"And the school has let you go," I said.

She dropped her head as I climbed into my car. I started it and drove home. Why did I want to talk to her? Well, I was very curious why she started fucking her ex if she had ever stopped. It was just another chapter to close.


It wasn't until noon that Stephanie showed up. I opened the door as she slowly walked up the walkway. She didn't smile or frown, she just looked as if she was in pain. She walked by me into the living room. I closed the door, turning to watch her.

"Have a seat," I said.

She sat down wincing in pain. I rushed to her side. I unzipped the top of her dress down so I could see her back. She had bruises on her back and ribs. I pulled up the zipper.

"Did that asshole hurt you?" I asked softly.

She wouldn't answer me or even look at me.

"Is he still at the motel?"

"Yes," she croaked wincing as I gently touched her side.

"Okay, get up," I said offering her my hand.

She stood wincing in pain. I shook my head as I led her to the front door.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked halting at the door.

"To the hospital," I said.


"What? You think I don't care about you? That I wouldn't try to help you?"


I shook my head opening the door. She shook her head. I just pulled her gently along behind me. She had to move or be in pain. In the back of my mind, I had two thoughts. I was glad she was hurting. And that asshole who did this to her would be in worse shape when I got done with him. It took a while to get her in the car. I drove to the hospital. She argued with me the entire way. I finally turned to her as I shut the car off in the ER parking lot.

"Look, my dear, I've loved you for over six years. I thought you loved me too, yet... I will always care for you even though at the time I will hate you as we go our separate ways. You... never mind we'll talk about this later. Right now I want to know what that asshole did to you."

I helped her out of the car and up to the ER. A nurse saw us walking across the parking lot. She was waiting for us with a wheelchair. Stephanie shook her head.

"It's difficult for her to sit," I said.

"Okay, right this way, then," the nurse said walking to the counter.

We stood there filling out paperwork. As Stephanie moved from foot to foot, she would wince.

"What did you do to her?" the nurse asked me, giving me the evil eye.

I shook my head.

"Me nothing, except filing for divorce. It's her lover that did this," I replied.

The nurse stood there with her mouth open. She then helped me with Stephanie to an ER room. Once inside she turned closing the door and pulling a curtain across the windows and door. She turned back to Steph.

"You want him here for your examination?" the nurse asked Steph.

"Yes," she gasped.

"I'm going to undress you now." Stephanie nodded and winced in pain.

The nurse, June, started with her coat. She just lifted it and let it slide down Stephanie's arms. June handed me the coat. Stephanie had on a dress. It was the same one she wore yesterday. June unzipped it and pulled it gently down her arms. The dress fell to Stephanie's feet. The nurse bent to pick up the dress handing it to me. I just looked at my wife. Stephanie's body was covered in bruises. All of them looked like fist marks. That bastard had beaten the shit out of her. I put her coat and dress on the bed and turned and was out the door.

"Don't Jimmy," she shouted after me.

I ignored her as I headed to my car. I was at the motel in quick time, about ten minutes. The asshole's car was still there. I jumped out and softly knocked on the door.

"So you came back to me!" he shouted from inside.

As he opened the door, I kicked it hard. It hit him in the face and he fell back on the floor. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. He looked mad as he lay there. Then he saw who it was and he looked frightened. The door hitting him only caused a small cut on his forehead. I took another step toward him. He got up and ran to the phone by the bed. I just stood there watching him. Before he could even dial, there was a hard pounding knock on the door. Turning I opened it, wide. There stood two police officers. I stepped back, letting them in.

"Mister James Collins?" the sergeant asked me.

"I am, and that is the man who beat the shit out of my wife."

"We know, that's why we're here. Why are you here?"

"To make sure this piece of scum doesn't get away," I said calmly.

"I see. How did he get that cut on his head?"

"Well he unlocked the door and said come in and when I opened the door he was still standing there and the door hit him in the face," I said with a straight face.

"He kicked the door in," shouted Jack.

"That was yesterday, numbnuts," I shouted back.

The two cops walked past me over to Jack numbnuts.

"You're under arrest Jack Karlin."

"For what?"

"For felony assault on one Stephanie Collins who is now at the hospital signing a statement. And I will bet the bruise marks on her will match up to your fists, won't they Jack?"

Jack just looked sheepishly at the officer cuffing him.

"That's why she left you in the first place?" I asked.

"Yeah! But I got her back, didn't I," he said sneering at me.

"And now you're off to jail, Jack," I said smiling at the scumbag.

"Did you witness the beating?" the sergeant asked me as they led Jack out of the room.

"No," I said simply as I followed them out closing the door behind me.

I waved at Jack as the cops pulled away. With his head down, I don't think he saw me. I got in my car and drove back to the hospital. They admitted Stephanie for observation. They had her on some pretty strong painkillers. She smiled at me as I came into the room. I just looked at her, pain in my eyes. Then she remembered and she started crying. I went and sat beside the bed. She looked at me, still crying.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"Well, I still love you," I said. "And I promised to take care of you for better or for worse."

What I said made her cry even harder. The nurse was in the room in a second looking at me. Stephanie shook her head no. The nurse looked at me a pained look on her face. She then turned and left the room. Stephanie kept crying for a while. When she stopped, she blew her nose several times. Then she lay there quietly for some time. I just looked at her beautiful face.

"Are we through?" she whispered.

I just looked into her eyes.

"Why did you go back to him, after he beat you the first time?" I asked.

"I don't know. It was like he held some power over me..."

"When did you first see him again?"

"Just two..."

"I have seen the VideoTube video," I said.

"Just a little over a year ago," she said.

"And what? He promised he was a changed man and would never hit you again?" I asked.

"Yes," she said softly.

"So, your wedding vows meant nothing to you?" I almost shouted at her.

"Oh, god," she said starting to weep again.

Her sobs were the only noise in the room for a long time.

"I love you," she whispered.

"Not enough though," I replied softly.

Her sobs continued for another hour. When the nurse came in with her lunch, she shook her head. The nurse left it on the lap table and left.

"You should eat," I said.

"Why do you care?" she asked.

"Because I love you. A little less than a month ago, but I still love you."

Stephanie sighed as she closed her eyes. After a bit, she was softly snoring. She was asleep. I got up and left. I had things to do.


The next morning I was at my lawyers to get him to write up divorce papers. I told him to hold off on filing them. I just needed a copy to hold just in case Stephanie raised a ruckus about what I was going to propose to her. I then went to the bank, after checking all the accounts with Stephanie's name on them. I moved most of the money out of those into accounts in my name only. I did leave about a thousand dollars in the joint accounts. I then went to the hospital to get Stephanie. They were just getting her ready to go when I stepped into her room. She looked at me with amazement on her face. I just smiled at her. She looked afraid of me.

"Jack is in jail. You have an appointment with the DA's office on Tuesday of next week. I don't think there will be anyone to post his bail," I said.

She nodded as she stood up. She winced in pain. I quickly moved to help her. She smiled at me as the nurse held the wheelchair and Steph sat. She didn't say a word. She didn't smile. She didn't frown. She just looked ahead as we left the hospital.

I drove us home. Stephanie was surprised to see her car in the garage but she smiled when she saw it. I helped her walk into the house from the garage. I helped her sit on the couch. I handed her the remote. I got her a pitcher of water and a glass with ice in it. She looked up at me.

"I'll be back in a while. I have something to do for work," I said.

She nodded. As I headed for the door, she said in a loud clear voice.

"I love you, Jimmy!"

I waved back at her without turning around. I was gone for two hours. For the first hour, I sat in my truck crying like a baby. For the next hour, I was looking for whom Jack really cared about other than Stephanie. Did I mention I owned my own skip-tracing business? I had six people working for me. Not only did I find out who, other than his wife, who was divorcing him, he really cared about. He had a slightly younger sister that he seemed to worship. He worshiped her so much that I would bet there was something else there. I wondered if he got in her pants too. I found where she lived. Then I went home. It was time to talk to Stephanie.

When I got home, Steph was still in the living room. She looked at me in distress.

"I have to pee and the painkillers have worn off," she whimpered.

I gently picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. She winced in pain as I picked her up and set her down. I waited outside as she did what she had to do. I then carried her back to the couch. She groaned as I set her down. The prescription was in my shirt pocket but I had forgotten to get it filled.

"I'm sorry, dear. I forgot to get the prescription filled. I'll go do that now. Would you like something to eat?"

"Burger and fries will be good," she said softly.

"Be right back, dear."

I was out the door and on my way. It took about half an hour to do everything. When I got home, Steph was still on the couch. I immediately gave her two pills. She could have up to three at a time if needed. I then placed her burger and fries on the couch cushion next to her. Some of my friends would ask me why I was still with her being so kind to her. Well, from what I could gather so far, Jack probably smooth-talked her into doing this, and then when she told him she was going to leave him he beat her up. For that, I needed revenge, which he would give me by being in jail. As for Steph, I did need a better explanation from her about why she did what she did. Was she that submissive? Did she have a streak of masochism in her that I didn't know about? Could I use that to my advantage? So many questions.

By the time she finished eating the pain pills had taken effect and she was able to get up off the couch. She tossed the burger and fries wrappings in the trash.

"I'm going to take a shower, could you help me? I don't want to fall," she asked.

I smiled at her as I got up. We both got naked and stepped into the shower stall. It was a big stall. You could fit four people in there if they were close friends. I was able to assess the damage to my wife. She had bruises all up and down her back and her arms. There were even some on her legs and her stomach with one on her left breast.

"Don't turn on the water yet, I want to get pictures of this," I said.

"Okay," she sighed.

I got my camera and took two pictures of all of her and then of each section of her body where there were bruises.

"Can I see?" she asked.

I turned the camera so she could see the display on the back and slowly went through all the pictures. She was crying by the time I showed her the last one. I put the camera away and we showered. I washed her gently where she couldn't reach without causing her pain. When we were finished, I gently dried her off.

"Just put the robe back on me," she said as I started to look for clothes that wouldn't rub her the wrong way.

I helped her into her robe and walked with her back to the living room. She waved me off as she slowly sat back on the couch. I picked up her glass and got her some more ice and refilled her pitcher.


It took two weeks for the bruises to fade away to blotches on her skin. In all that time we talked, we talked to each other a lot. She would start each day telling me she loved me and that she was so sorry about her lapse in judgment. I told her I still loved her but I still didn't trust her, yet I actually did, at least until she started leaving the house again. Jack's arraignment took place on the third day after he beat up Stephanie and his court date was set for the thirtieth of next month. He was still in jail as nobody was willing to bail him out of jail. Funny how things work when you know all the bail bondsmen in the county.

It was a Monday morning. I felt it was time for me to talk to Stephanie about revenge. It would take both of us to accomplish the task. Steph and I still hadn't been intimate. I always hugged her and kissed her goodnight and good morning and went I went out to work. We had talked about sex maybe twice since she came home from the hospital. I hadn't sexually touched her since she was feeling better and she hadn't tried to force herself on me. Was I still angry? You bet. Did I hate her? Yes, but deep down I was still in love with her. Not so much that I would let her do it again though.