What the Hell - Dig Your Grave Deeper

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The bastard is burned as is his little hussy.
16.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 03/13/2020
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Copyright © 2019 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Author's Note: Warning, warning, warning... cheating husband ahead. You may not like how it ends. You have been warned. Also, you can dial the cell phone number all you want, it's a fake phone number that will never be in service ever. No 555 number ever is.

What The Hell\Dig Your Grave Deeper

Robert and I, I'm Carol, Carol Koslowski, have been married for ten years, come this June. We have had a happy life. We met in our third year of college. We didn't start to date until a month after we met. Then it was only an occasional date. By the summer break of our third year, we were having sex together regularly. We hadn't pledged our undying love to each other yet but, we were both looking forward to seeing each other after the summer break.

That summer at home, although nice to be home, was a lonely time for me. In my heart, I had pledged to be true to Bob. Whether he was or not didn't bother me, as we hadn't promised each other to be exclusive. I did go out on a couple of dates during the summer but, never went all the way with them. I did suck them off and even that made me feel guilty. I was so ashamed that I didn't go out with anyone more than twice. Bob and I did talk on the phone a lot. He actually didn't live all that far from me. I lived in Chicago and him in Indianapolis. It was only a six-hour drive but, neither of us had our own cars or the money to get a hotel room to enjoy each other.

Going back to school made me so happy. Bob and I would once again be together. That first day back, we met up in the quad. We mashed our lips together, hard. We stood there kissing for the longest time. For the rest of the year, we were exclusive. We talked about being only with each other. I was so happy. Shortly, after graduation, Bob asked me to marry him. He had moved to Chicago to get a job. His major was in marketing, mine was in English. I got a job at a local high school teaching English. We were now living together in his small apartment near where I worked.

We were married that summer. My dad paid for everything. Yes, my parents were well off. They even paid for our honeymoon. When we got back, they had moved us out of that small apartment into a house my father owned closer to the school at which I was teaching. He had also bought us a new car. Bob took the train into downtown each morning so I got the car. My dad told me, he would sign the house over to us when we reached our fifteenth wedding anniversary.

~~~~ WTH ~~~~

I had just gotten home from doing the grocery shopping. It was Saturday mid-morning and I found it strange that Bob wasn't home. I shrugged my shoulders thinking, maybe he had to go out to get something for the project he was working on in the basement. I put the groceries away, then went into the family room to relax before I started preparing lunch. Just as I sat down the phone rang. Shaking my head, I picked up the handset next to me on the end table.

"Hello," I said

"Mrs. Koslowski?"

"Speaking. Who is this, please?"

"My name is Alex Jefferies. I'm a friend of your fathers..."

"Oh my god, did something happen to my father and mother?" I almost screamed.

"No, Mrs. Koslowski, I assure you nothing has happened to your mom and dad. But, I'm afraid I do have some bad news for you.'

"Yes," I said my heart still beating thunderously in my ears.

"Your father asked me to keep an eye on your husband..."

"My husband?"

"Yes. Evidently, the last time you spoke with your father you mentioned that he seemed to have changed. He wasn't... well never mind, you know what you told your father. Anyway, I have been watching him. And I'm afraid that right this minute, he is in room 113 of the Sleep Time Motel on Route 4 and Vulcan Road."

"And what?"

"He is in there with a Mrs. Victoria Harold. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this."

I gasped as I almost dropped the phone. Vicky was my best friend in the world. Or I should say, she used to be my best friend if what Alex said was true.

"How long have they been there?" I asked.

"About ten minutes. If you hurry, we can confront them before they are finished, if that's what you would like to do?"

"You bet. I'll be there in five minutes," I said hanging up.

I grabbed my car keys off the table and got in my car and drove in a daze to the Sleepy Time Motel. A man was standing in front of room 113. I parked a couple of room down, got out and calmly walked toward whom I suspected was Mr. Jefferies. He put his finger to his lips to shush me. I nodded as he turned and knocked on the door.

"Housekeeping," he said loudly in a feminine voice.

I could hear swearing from inside the room. When Alex heard the click of the door catch, he shouldered the door into whoever was on the other side.

"What the fuck?" someone said from the floor as the door swung wide.

Stepping aside, Alex let me go first, what I saw turned my stomach inside out. My husband was sprawled naked on the floor. Vicky was lying naked in bed, her eyes wide with terror. Bob was trying as best he as could to slide backward across the carpet, his eyes were wide with fear. A flash from a camera distracted me. Looking around, I saw Alex with his phone out, taking picture after picture of both Bob and Vicky.

"What the hell!" I yelled turning back to Bob and Vicky. "Video, Alex!"

"Gotcha," Alex replied.

"You fucking dumb ass, get your ass up and sit on the bed with your whore," I screamed at my soon to be ex-husband.

Bob almost levitated from the floor and was now sitting on the bed. I stood there looking at the poor excuse of a man I had married. I walked over to the bed, looked down at Bob and slapped him as hard as I could. I stood there thinking I had broken my hand when Vicky was up and in my face. I punched her in the nose. I guess I hadn't broken my hand on that asshole of a husband of mine. Blood was gushing from her nose.

"Let me explain," Bob groaned trying to help Vicky stop the flow of blood.

"So, you can explain this? You can explain you're cheating on me with the slut on the bed who used to be my best friend? Okay, go ahead. Dig your grave deeper," I shouted looking down at him.

"Carol it was..."

"Just shut up, Bob, you'll only make things worse," Vicky said head-slapping Bob as she held a pillowcase to her bleeding nose.

"As of now, you don't live with me anymore. Call me tomorrow to come get your clothes. You might as well just keep this sleazy room. As for you, bitch, don't ever talk to me again. Alex, let's go."

"Wait a minute who's Alex?" Bob asked scowling at me.

"None of your fucking business, anymore," I shouted over my shoulder.

Alex backed out after me, still videoing the two lovers. He closed the door after he was out. He turned to me shutting off the video.

"What now, ma'am?" he asked.

"You keep that video safe. I need to go to the bank before the asshole does."

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked.

"No stay here, follow him when he leaves. Call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx, that's my cell. You can also send me that video so we have two copies."

"Will do. xxx-xxx-xxxx?"


I turned and went to my car. The drive to the bank only took a few minutes. I sat in front of the desk of Alan Billings he was a good friend. He was transferring money when my phone rang. It was Alex calling.

"Hello, Alex."

"He's on his way to the bank."

"That's fine, I'm done here. I do think you should come inside to escort me out though if you don't mind?"

"Happy to, I owe your father," Alex said.

We would have to talk on a later date about what and why he owes my father. Alan handed me my new debit card, a new credit card, and a new checkbook. We were shaking hands just as Bob came in and made a beeline to me. His cheek was still red with my handprint where I had struck him.

"Alan, whatever she did, undo it," demanded Bob.

"That's not possible Bob. Have a good day Carol."

"Thank you, Alan," I replied turning to leave.

Bob grabbed my shoulder turning me to face him.

"Don't you touch me," I screamed slapping him on his other cheek.

Alex was there, standing between Bob and I. Alex walked me out of the bank. Looking over my shoulder at Bob, I saw a security guard was restraining him. I shook my head and Alex followed me home. When we got there, he stayed in his car at the curb. I went down to where he parked.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'll wait here to see if Bob shows up."

"Nonsense, if you're going to stay, come up to the house. I'll make some coffee."

"Why thank you, Mrs. Koslowski," Alex said getting out of his car.

"Carol, Alex," I said going back up to the house.

Alex followed me into the kitchen where I made some coffee. As I was pouring two cups of coffee, there was a pounding at the front door. Alex, got up, motioning me to stay seated, went to the door, and looked through the peephole. He shook his head as he pulled the door open. Bob fell into the house, sprawled on the floor. Looking up he saw Alex standing over him. The anger on Bob's face darkened more.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?" Bob asked.

"Get up Bob and get out," I said from the kitchen.

"This is my home..."

"You didn't hear the lady? If I were you, I would get your ass up and leave, quickly," Alex said.

"Alex, on second thought, let him come in here so we can talk about what he has done, to me."

Alex backed away from Bob. I looked at the way he was doing that and thought to myself, 'cop.' I don't know why I thought that but, he was cautious as he backed away from Bob. Bob slowly got up, keeping his eyes on Alex. Bob was tense, while Alex was relaxed but watchful. Both of them were about the same size, weight, and height but, I did not doubt, for an instant, that Alex could beat the shit out of Bob.

Bob slowly came into the kitchen. Alex waited until Bob was sitting at the table across from me before he moved. Bob was looking over his shoulder as Alex came into the kitchen and took a seat to my left.

"Would you like some coffee?" I asked.

"Yes, please," replied Bob rubbing his face with his hands.

I got up and poured him a cup setting it in front of him from across the table. I sat back down and took a sip of my coffee looking at Bob. I was still angry and felt betrayed by him.

"Why?" I asked. "And don't give me any bullshit answers like it was just sex."

"I didn't plan on what happened..."

"I don't care about that. I want to know why?"

Bob looked down at the table. I sipped my coffee and waited patiently.

"It just happened. We were at the same conference and things got a little out of hand. When we got back, we just kept seeing each other. I don't know why. It had nothing to do with you or us. We... we have been married a long time and things were..."

He just stopped talking.

"Were what, getting stale? Not exciting enough for you?" I almost shouted.

"No, no. We are fine. I love you. I have loved you since we met. You are the kindest and most beautiful woman I know. You would do anything I asked of you without hesitation."

"Then why Vicky? And what conference were you both at?"

"Remember a month ago, I had to go to Atlanta for four days?" Bob asked.

"You have been fucking Vicky for a month? How many times you bastard?"

"I don't know, about 10 or 12 times."

"Was she better than me? Did she do things I wouldn't?"

"No, no, nothing like that. It was just different and..."

"And what?"

"It was exciting. The possibility of getting caught..."

I just rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"Well, you've been caught. How exciting is it now?

"Not very," he replied.

"You do know you have ruined your, our, marriage, don't you?" I asked.

"I was hoping that we could talk about that..."

"Not on your life!" I shouted.

"I still love you. What will it take to have you take me back?"

I sat there looking at the scum of a husband to who I was married. Did I want him back? I didn't know. Maybe, after I got over the anger and betrayal. Was I jealous of Vicky? Absolutely, not. I have always known I was a better fuck than she was. That's why I couldn't see why Bob was seeing her. She didn't look any better than I did. Her tits might be a little bigger than mine but, then she had that nose that was too big for her face. So why did he find her attractive?

"Go get some clothes. I want you out of the house for a while. There will be at least one condition on your coming back here though."

"What's that?"

"You better not fuck that slut, Vicky, ever again."

"Sure, no problem. She would like to talk to you though," he said

"Not for a very, very long time, maybe never," I replied.

Bob nodded as he stood to go to the bedroom. Alex stood also.

"Alex, sit back down please?" I asked. He sat watching Bob.

"You never answered my question," Bob said.

"Sure I did. Who Alex is, is none of your business right now. Maybe if we get back together, I might tell you who he is but, right now, I'm not."

Bob nodded looking sad and headed for the bedroom to pack some of his clothes. I sat there tears starting to leak from my eyes. Alex cleared his throat. I just shook my head. There now was pain replacing my anger. A pain so profound that I thought all my bones were broken. I hurt all over from the pain I was experiencing. It was even painful to cry. Then Bob was back with two bags.

"I'm really, sorry..."

"Don't. I don't care how sorry you are. Now get out and don't come back here until I call you. If you have forgotten anything, buy what you need. You got that?" I scolded.

"Yes, I got it," Bob said shoulders slumping as he turned and walked out.

When the door shut, my eyes started to leak again.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Alex asked.

I really didn't know what he meant and I didn't really care. I took a deep breath wincing at the pain and turned to face him.

"No, Alex, there isn't anything you can do to help. I do appreciate you doing what my father asked you to do. Even though I'm now heartbroken, it is better that I know what was going on. Thank you."

"No need Carol."

"Now, there is one thing that I would like to know," I asked.

"What is that, Ma'am?"

"Why and what do you owe my father?"

"Oh, that." He sat there thinking and clearing his throat.

"If you don't want to tell me, that's okay."

"I'm sorry, Carol, but I really can't. Your father and I made a promise to each other, a long time ago. And I..."

"Never mind then Alex. There is one other thing I would like you to do if you have the time?" I asked.

"Anything, Carol."

"Keep an eye on Bob. If he even goes near Vicky, you call me, okay? As long as it doesn't interfere with your job."

"Well, I work for your father..."

"I see."

"I will be happy to keep an eye on him. Are you thinking about taking him back?"

"I don't know. I might if he stays away from that slut. However, I might not, no matter what. So as of now, it's a tossup."

"I see."

My phone rang then. Looking at my cell, it was Vicky. I shook my head and let it go to voice mail. Alex got up and waited. I stood and walked him to the door. As he went to leave, I pulled him back and hugged him. He didn't hug me back.

"Thank you," I said.

"You are very welcome, Carol," he replied.

I stood in the doorway as he walked to his car, got in and drove away. I could hear my cell phone ringing again. Closing the front door and locking it, I ran to get my phone. It stopped ringing just as I picked it up. Looking at the caller ID I saw that it was my father. I called him right back.

"Dad? Sorry I missed you."

"Are you all right honey?" he asked.

"Not really. I am physically well but, emotionally, I'm a wreck."

"Well, you know I'm here for you darling. Is Alex there?"

"No, he just left. I want to thank you for letting him help me."

"You know I love you dear and I want you to happy. From what you told me about Bob, I just knew he was cheating on you. I'm sorry you had to find that out but, it will work out for the best I'm sure. Any idea what you are going to do about him?"

"Not yet. We have been married for a long time..."

"I know, sweetheart. It might be hard to forgive him."

"Yes, it will."

"I do wish your mother were here, she could talk you through this."

I just looked at my phone. What my father had said was completely incomprehensible.

"What?" I croaked.

"She will be back Friday, you two should sit down and talk."

"Dad? Did you cheat on mom?" I almost screamed.

"I am ashamed to admit it but, yes I did. It was a long time ago, long before you were even born. I haven't since then. Your mother forgave me. I was so glad because I loved her so much, still do. More than when we got married."

"Where is she?" I asked. I didn't even know she wasn't at home.

"She's in Hawaii."

"Should I ask?" I asked.

"If you want."

"Why is she in Hawaii?"

"She there with her boyfriend, Fredrick. She is breaking up with him, to spend the rest of her days with me without interruption."

"Oh my god?"

"That was the one condition to her taking me back."

"What?" I cried.

"For her to be able to have one boyfriend at any time during our marriage for as long as I had a girlfriend."

"Oh my god! Daddy!" I was now crying, tears running down my face.

"Don't cry, dear. I love your mother very much. Why she waited so long, I don't know. Maybe she can tell you when she gets back."

"Does she have her cell with her?" I asked. I was now angry with my mother.


"What hotel are they staying at?"

"I don't know."

"What the hell!" I shouted.

Now I was really crying. Tears streamed down my face.

"I'll be right there, dear. I should have told you this in person."

"Dad, Daddy," I cried.

"I'll be right over, honey."

He disconnected. I dropped my phone on the table and collapsed into a chair at the table. I put my head in my arms and just balled my eyes out. How could my dad have cheated on my mom? How could my mom have cheated on my dad? I certainly didn't want to cheat on Bob. I loved Bob. I did want to pay his ass back but, I didn't want to do it in the arms of another man.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

There was a knock at the front door. I wiped my tears on my sleeve and went to see who was there. I looked out the peephole. It was that twat, Vicky. I opened the door, standing in her way. She looked at me. I looked at her. She had two black eyes. I started laughing. She was angry. I didn't care. I slammed the door in her face still laughing. She looked just like a raccoon. She started pounding on the door hard. I pulled it open once again. She almost fell into me. My dad caught her as he walked up behind her.

"Vicky, I think you should leave," he said.

"Mr. Lombardy, let me explain..."

"No. Now leave," he said again still holding onto Vicky's arm.

She shrugged out of his grip, turned, and walked away.

"May I come in?" he asked.

"Of course, dad," I said stepping back.

When he was inside, I closed and locked the door. Then I was in his arms. He hugged me tightly whispering he loved me, in my ear. I just broke down crying. He slowly walked me to the couch in the living room. Still standing, he held me gently as I cried myself out. When I was just whimpering, he sat me down. Looking up at him, I tried to smile, but I just couldn't. He sat next to me, put his arms around me and kissed my hair.

"Everything will be all right dear, no matter what you decide to do."

"I know but, right now I hurt, not only for myself but, for you and mom."