Wendy's Story


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I said that Jim had to run an errand. Dave took my hand and without saying a word led me back to his bedroom. I supposed I could have pulled away from him at anytime and returned to the reception but I didn't.

When we got to his room, Dave put on some music and we began to dance. As we danced Dave whispered in my ear, "Ever since I saw you last night all I have been able to think of is getting my cock inside you. I have had an erection all day waiting for this moment. Right now I just want to put my cock in your mouth."

I don't know what it is but when he talks dirty to me I just lose control. I dropped to my knees in front of him and opened his pants. I helped him step out of his pants and shorts then I wrapped my hand around his cock and brought it to my lips and kissed the head. I took him into my mouth and took him as deep into my throat as I could. Then I sucked, licked, kissed and stroked Dave's cock until he stopped me saying he didn't want to cum in my mouth, he wanted to cum inside my pussy.

Dave pulled me to my feet and kissed me then said, "Give me your panties."

While I removed my pantyhose and panties Dave climbed onto the bed lay there on his back with his cock sticking straight up in the air. When I had my panties off I threw them to Dave. He smelled them and told me to hurray because he needed to be inside me. I climbed onto the bed and straddled Dave and guided his cock into me. I was so aroused I couldn't help myself. I told Dave it felt great to have him inside me again. I bounced up and down on his cock until we both had orgasms. Afterward I went into the bathroom to clean myself up.

When we returned to the reception I looked for Jim but didn't see him. I figured he hadn't returned from getting his camera yet. A half hour later I was beginning to worry and was about to call him when I was told that the wedding party had to be seated so they could start serving the food. I was sure Jim would return during the meal so I stopped worrying. When Jim still hadn't arrived after the meal I told Dave I was worried. He suggested I give it another hour and if we didn't hear from Jim then I should call him. I wanted to call Jim right then but Dave led me back to his room again.

When we got to his room Dave began kissing my neck and talking at the same time. He said, "Remember that idea we discussed? Where I fill your pussy with my cum and you get your husband to eat it out of you?"

I said that I remembered and Dave said, "I think today would be the perfect time to do that. I want to put another load of my cum inside you now and then when you go back to your hotel with your husband you get him to go down on your pussy."

I liked the idea from the fantasy aspect. It was fun to think about but it wasn't something I ever planned to do. I would never do anything that sleazy to Jim. But I let Dave have his fantasy and made love to him again. After he had filled my pussy for the second time that day and we had returned to the reception people were already starting to leave. There was still no sign of Jim. Suddenly I felt very sick. I was extremely worried about Jim. Why hadn't he returned to the reception and why hadn't I called him two hours ago.

I was afraid to call. I was afraid that something had happened to him. For all I knew Jim could have been in an accident and he could have been in a hospital maybe even dying and what was I doing? Fucking Dave. I hated my self at that moment.

Another hour went by and most of the guests had left the reception before I finally got up the nerve to call Jim. When he answered the phone right away I felt great relief. I said, "Where are you and what's taking you so long? You should have been back here hours ago. The reception is over and people are leaving."

Jim said, "I got sick so I went back to the hotel."

"Why didn't you call me? I've been worried about you."

"Not so much that it ruined your fun I hope."

I heard the sarcasm in his voice. I knew he was wondering why, if I was so worried about him, I didn't call him a lot sooner. I didn't want to try and explain myself so I just said, "If you're not feeling well you better stay at the hotel and I'll get a ride back later. Dave just said he would bring me back to hotel."

"Well, isn't that nice of Dave?"

More sarcasm, but this time I sensed that Jim might know something. "What does that mean?"

"Nothing. I guess I am still not feeling well."

I don't know what came over me then. I was relieved that Jim was all right, but instead of wanting to run to be with him I suddenly wanted to stay in Chicago for a couple of days. I said, "Listen, I know you have to go home tomorrow, but would you mind if I stayed here for a couple more days so I can visit with some friends."

Jim said, "Sure, stay as long as you want. As a matter of fact you don't ever need to come home."

Before I could even attempt to respond Jim disconnected. My mind was spinning. What did he mean? Did he know about Dave and me? How could he? Nobody knew about us. I called Jim back but he didn't answer so I left him a message to call me.

When Jim didn't return my call I called the hotel directly and had them ring our room. There was no answer. I told the operator at the hotel that my husband was ill and that I was worried about him and I asked if she could send someone up to the room and see if he was all right. The hotel manager called me back a few minutes later and told me that Jim wasn't in the room.

I called Jim on his cell phone again but he didn't answer. I left a message. . "Jim, where are you. I called the hotel and they said you weren't there. Please call me I am getting worried."

He didn't return my call. Dave was trying to convince me to not worry about it. He suggested that I spend the night with him. I told him he wasn't helping. I began to wonder if Jim had heard or seen something at the reception that might have made him suspicious. I asked some of my friends that were still hanging around if they had seen Jim at the reception they all said no except for Julie. She said that she had seen Jim and tried to speak to him. She told me that she asked Jim if he was my husband and he said, "Not any more."

I was stunned. I had to get back to the hotel but Dave was reluctant to take me back so I called a cab. When I got to our room I found my return plane ticket on the dresser and noticed that all of Jim's things were gone. I thought he must know. But how much does he know for sure? Will I be able to convince him that he is misinformed?

I figured there was no point putting it off so I called the house. There was no answer so when the answering machine picked up I started to leave a message. Suddenly Jim picked up the phone.

I said, "Jim, what's going on? You're scaring the hell out of me. Why did you fly home without me? My friend Julie said that she asked you if you were my husband and you said 'Not any more.' What did you mean by that? If something is wrong we need to talk about it."

Jim was silent. So I continued, "Whatever you think I did wrong can be undone."

Finally Jim spoke. "Tell me this Wendy, can you unfuck Dave. And if you could, how many times would you have to unfuck him to make everything all right?"

I felt like he punched me in the stomach. Did he really know? How could he know? I tried to think of an intelligent response but all I could come up with was, "What are you talking about?" Jim hung up on me.

I tried to call a few more times but Jim wouldn't pick up the phone. Later as I sat there trying to figure out what to do the phone rang. I picked it up hopefully and said, "Jim?"

"No, it's Dave. Are you all right?"

"No. Jim is gone. He knows about us and he went home."

"Well, if he knows about us you might as well stay here for a while."

"I have to go home. If there is any chance to save my marriage I have to try."

"Why don't you forget about Jim? If he knows about us, it's over. So what's the point of running after him? It's too late."

Dave was beginning to make me angry. I said, "I have to go. Bye."

I packed my things and caught the ten o'clock flight to Atlanta in the morning. When I got to the house Jim wasn't there. His clothes were gone and a lot of his personal stuff was gone too. What puzzled me was that his car was still in the garage. I began calling friends to ask if they had seen Jim, then I called his parents. I guess I got them upset because they didn't know where he was and wondered why I didn't.

I figured that Jim must have found a place to stay locally so I decided to give him a few days to calm down then I would try to get in touch with him again. On Monday I called Jim's office and left a message that I was home and would wait to hear from him.

On Tuesday I got a note from Dave. He said, "Was everything all right with Jim when you got home? Were you able to convince him that I haven't been fucking that fine pussy of yours?"

I sent a note back saying, "Please don't write to me that way anymore. It's over. I can't do this anymore. Jim isn't home and I have no idea where he is. I have to fix things. I can't lose him. What the hell was I thinking? I don't know what I am going to do if I don't find him soon."

After that Dave and I stopped corresponding.

When I hadn't heard from Jim by Friday I started thinking about why, if he left me would he have left his car in the garage? Then it occurred to me that Jim might have gone out of town and if he did his boss would know where he was. I called Jason and without giving away the fact that Jim had gone away without telling me where he was going I asked, "Jason, do you have the number to Jim's hotel. I'm not at home right now and I don't have the number with me."

Jason gave me the number without any questions. I guessed that Jim hadn't told him anything.

I called the number and was answered with, "Thank you for calling the Phoenix Hilton, how may I help you?

I asked for Jim's room and they connected me. There was no answer after four rings so I hung up. I waited till Saturday evening before I tried again.

When Jim answered I asked him why he left without telling me where he was going or why. Jim said, "I want to ask you one question and I just want you to tell me the truth. Why did you cheat on me?"

I thought for a moment. How could I answer that question? I decided that as long as I didn't know what Jim knew for sure I would deny everything and hope I could convince Jim that he was wrong. Jim didn't say another word. He just hung up.

I tried to call him right back but he didn't answer. I knew that if I could just talk to him I could make everything all right. But I had to get Jim to listen to me.

I tried contacting Jim by e-mail but he never responded so I don't know if he got any of my notes or not. I felt that if I could talk to him face to face he would listen to me so I decided to go to Phoenix. I waited a couple of weeks then flew out to Phoenix.

When I got to his hotel I called Jim's room to make sure he was there and when he answered the phone I hung up and went immediately to his room. When I knocked I heard him come to the door but he didn't open it right away. I knew that he must have looked out the peephole and wasn't sure if he wanted to open the door or not. Finally he opened the door and let me in.

I told Jim we had to talk and he told me to go first. I said, "When you left you said that you thought that I might have cheated on you."

Jim said, "No. I accused you of fucking Dave."

I asked him where he got that idea and he said, "Well, didn't you fuck him?"

I told Jim I did not have sex with Dave and I asked him not to use foul language when he talked to me.

Jim said, "When I left the reception to get my camera I drove a few blocks and suddenly remembered that the camera was in the trunk. So I got the camera and returned to the Dickson's house. When I couldn't find you I asked another guest if she had seen you. She said that that she saw you go off with Dave. When I said 'Oh you mean the bride's brother,' she said 'Yes he's the brother but he's also Wendy's boyfriend.' The woman didn't know who I was and she was a little drunk and obviously didn't think about what she was saying. I looked all over the house and grounds and I saw every other member of the bridal party outside having their pictures taken but I didn't see you or Dave. Where were you?"

I felt a great relief. Jim didn't know for sure. He had no real evidence that I had done anything wrong. I was sure I was going to be able to talk my way out of the mess I was in. I told Jim that it was true that Dave was my boyfriend in high school but until the wedding I hadn't seen him since high school.

Jim said, "You didn't see him last year at you reunion?"

I told Jim he wasn't at the reunion because he graduated a year ahead of me.

Jim asked where I went with Dave during the reception and I said that we just went for a walk. Then I acted mad that Jim didn't trust me. I could see that Jim was softening. Then he said, "Will you swear to me that you didn't fuck him?"

I said, "No. Absolutely not."

Then Jim sort of apologized. He said, "If I was wrong I am very sorry. It's just that... Well, I just don't know what to think."

. "I love you and I would never betray you. I'm sorry that I disappeared at the reception and made you worry but I didn't know you would be back so soon."

I went over to Jim and kissed him. I could feel him responding to me almost immediately. Not only did he kiss me back but I could also feel his erection growing. As we continued kissing Jim pulled me down onto the bed. I was surprised at how quickly he had my pants off and had his tongue inside me. Jim clamped his lips on my clitoris and flicked his tongue across it repeatedly until I climaxed.

Jim lay on his back and asked me to sit on his cock. I was so happy to have Jim back right then I would have done anything he said so I climbed on top of him and helped him put his cock into my pussy. Then I moved up and down on his shaft until Jim climaxed. Afterward Jim held me in his arms but we didn't talk. We made love again that night then went to bed.

I stayed with Jim the rest of the weekend and went back to Atlanta on Monday. Jim came home the following weekend for three days and everything seemed to be back to normal. When Jim went back to Phoenix after the weekend I was extremely happy. I was sure I had convinced Jim that he had been wrong about Dave and me and I knew everything was going to be all right. I also had another feeling that excited me. I was excited by the idea that I had been able to fool Jim. I had cheated on him and gotten away with it and that excited me. I didn't like that part of me.

Jim finished the Phoenix job and came home. It was so good having him home with me. He didn't bring up Dave or the wedding again so I was pretty confident that I no longer had to worry about my affair with Dave.

I tried to act the same as I did before all of this started. I was extra attentive and affectionate to Jim, ready to make love to him whenever he wanted me. I wanted to leave no doubt in Jim's mind that I loved him and only him. I thought it was working because of the frequency of our very passionate love making sessions.

Jim had been home about a month when Dave started sending me e-mails again. Although he didn't say it I could tell that he wanted to get together with me again. I got the impression that he would have liked me to leave Jim and live with him. I did nothing to encourage him. I knew I should have stopped corresponding with Dave but I kind of liked that he still wanted me. So I kept answering his e-mails.

Then one evening late in October Jim came home from work and said that he had to go to Chicago the following week and asked if I wanted to go with him. I said yes even before I thought about why I would want to go. After all Jim would be at work all day so what would I do? I guess I knew the answer to that without even thinking about it.

The next morning I sent Dave an e-mail telling him I would be coming to Chicago the following week. I told Dave that Jim would be at work all day and asked if he had any suggestions about what I could do while Jim was at work.

Dave responded to my note that afternoon and said he had lots of ideas for keeping me from getting bored. In spite of my better judgment I started getting excited about the prospect of seeing Dave again. The use of good judgment had gone out the window the minute I sent the e-mail to Dave telling him I was coming to Chicago. We exchanged a couple more notes and Dave said that he would pick me up at the hotel Monday morning at eleven o'clock and he would take me to lunch.

All I could think about on the trip to Chicago was what I would be doing the next day with Dave. By the time we got to our hotel I was so horny I wanted to jump Jim the moment we walked in the door. But Jim was in a bad mood. It had been an unpleasant flight and it seemed to have upset Jim.

I told Jim to get undressed and lay down on the bed and I would give him a massage. I gave him a complete massage from head to foot and I could feel the tension going out of his body as I worked on him. I topped off the massage by taking Jim's cock into my mouth and sucking him off. Afterward we went out to dinner.

When we returned to the hotel after dinner we made love and then went to sleep. I woke up about an hour later and Jim was sitting at the desk in our room working on his computer. I figured he must have been getting ready for his meeting on Monday morning so I didn't bother him. I just rolled over and went back to sleep.

Jim left the hotel around 6:30 in the morning saying her was going to breakfast with his customer. After he left I shower and dressed and went to the hotel restaurant and had breakfast. After breakfast I sat for quite a while with coffee and the newspaper. At nine o'clock I went back to my room to get ready for Dave.

I shaved my legs and trimmed my pubic hair, then took my second shower of the day. After my shower I sat in the nude while I put my makeup on. When I was satisfied with the way my faced looked I put on a pair of sheer black panties and a matching bra. Then I put on a pair of black thigh high stockings and then covered my body with a red knee length dress that buttoned down the front and showed a nice bit of cleavage.

When I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and was at once both proud and ashamed. I was about to do what I had promised myself I wasn't ever going to do again, cheat on Jim. What was wrong with me? What was it that attracted me to Dave? I knew I didn't love him. His lovemaking wasn't any better than Jim's. As a matter of fact Jim was much better in a lot of ways, but there I was ready to risk my marriage to have Dave inside me again. I didn't know why I was doing the things I was doing but I knew I had to stop, so I decided that over lunch I was going to tell Dave it was over and I was never going to see him again.

It was 11:15 when I heard a knock on my door. When I opened the door Dave came in and kissed me before I could even say hello. When he kissed me a second time I felt that familiar tingle between my legs and decided that we better get out of the room or I would end up in bed with Dave before I would have a chance to tell him what I needed to tell him. It took all of my will power to say, "I'm starved. Can we go to lunch right away?"

Dave said, If that's what you want." And we headed out the door. Dave had parked his car in valet parking at the hotel so we decided to walk to a local restaurant. Once we were seated and sipping a glass of wine I started looking for the right break in the conversation to make my speech to Dave about not seeing him anymore. It just seemed like the right time never came up.

I was still looking for the right moment when we arrived back at my hotel room. I opened the door and Dave followed me into the room. I set the room key on the dresser and turned to face Dave ready to tell him that he would have to leave and we wouldn't be able to see each other any more. When I was facing Dave he immediately took me in his arms and kissed me, and kept on kissing me as my will power began to slip away. Dave was unbuttoning the front of my dress when I finally pulled my head back and looked into his face and said, Dave, we have to stop this. I can't do it anymo...."