Wedding Vows Plus Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/11/2020
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"Singing, making up lyrics to songs like a drunk party girl and then ten minutes later she is like a drill sergeant giving orders." Dave offered as he stepped into the shower.

"You better be happy she let you save face out there. How would you have felt if she laughed at you or called you a dumbass in front of everyone? Even if she did not mention spanking your butt for it, you would have been embarrassed. Her point was for you and me. Just be careful with what you say or do as you go along. And Dave, don't refer to her as a drill sergeant. She our alpha. She is doing what she feels is right. That is her job, ours is to obey." Julie replied. "Now hurry up in there. I need to rinse off."

Abby walked into their bedroom before they finished getting ready. They were close. Dave was pulling his socks on while Julie was tying her shoes. "Ready to go, Mom?" Abby asked "Or are you going to wait for Dave?" Julie said she would go now and Dave could catch up. Bill, Sue and Natalie were already seated at a large round table. Natalie waved at Abby and indicated the seat next to her. "Where's John?" Abby asked. "He isn't still at the beach is he?" Natalie pointed over to where John was sitting with three guys on the opposite side of the dining room. Abby recognized them from paddle boarding this morning. One was the person who told her about going into town to buy her camera and saving money. Dave walked in and sat down.

"I think I need to have another talk with him." Bill said quietly. "He knows better and he is more or less an adult, but I don't him caught up in something. Another warning won't hurt." Sue said she would handle it. "Don't you think it is something a father should do?" Bill asked.

"No, I don't." Sue said tersely. "I said I would handle it and I will. And if I suspect anything out of line, i'll nip his extra activities in the bud." With that, she got up and walked across the room. Leaning down she whispered something to John and returned to the table. "I told him to wait for me in the room after lunch if he gets finished before we do. On a separate subject, i've decided for us to have a sign out sheet like Abby's. And I think I want ours to include times we come and go as well. I was asleep last night before Natalie and John came back to the room." Bill nodded without a comment.

"What did the maid say, Dave?" Abby asked while she contemplated the exchange between Bill and Sue.

"She told me it was not a problem and happens all the time. She always checks on her guests to make sure they understand the system, especially the first couple days." Dave added.

"I take it you had the flag the wrong way around." Bill offered, grinning. Dave nodded and blushed. As they ate one of the couples who had been in the adjoining hot tub stopped by to ask the same question. The woman snickered gleefully when she found out Dave had lost his bet.

"Are you going to try windsurfing, Nat?" Abby asked. "You handled the paddle board easily."

"I want to try it, for sure, but from what I hear it is far more difficult." Natalie replied. "One article John and I read said it can take weeks of practice to be able to do it. But I am not backing down from a challenge. We both have gotta at least try it. If we don't like it, we can go back to the paddle board...or maybe just play in the surf." she whispered this part so her mother did not hear.

The other members of their families had already left the dining room, when Natalie and Abby got out of their chairs and stepped outside. 'Okay, what was all that about with your dad and mother talking about John?" Abby asked. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me. It really is none of my business."

"Well, the first part is pretty obvious. I know you picked up on the hints and can tell John is gay or at least bi." Natalie said. Abby nodded and shrugged, big deal. "It was pretty obvious as he avoided girls. He came out a year or so ago. So did I. No big thing. Dad is not homophobic being around a lesbian sister all his life. Neither is Mom. The guys John hangs with at home have all been tested and are very careful. I'm not even sure if they are actually having sex, but i've seen John kiss one guy. Well, the parents are concerned about who he might meet here to hang with. I overheard Dad tell him to be careful of guy's just looking for young male ass. Dad's words. John tells me he is too smart to take risks. But Dad is very concerned with John catching something if, with a little alcohol in his system. He gets into a situation. They even bought him a big pack of condoms for this trip just in case." Natalie started laughing. "They didn't even give me a single condom in case I found a guy. Guess they aren't worried on that score. And well, I am kinda bi, guess you would call it. I like guys and am interested but I tend more toward girls. You know that."

"I sorta read between the lines." Abby said, with a smile. "I saw he was hanging with those guys more than with you and me today. But why did your mom decide to talk with John instead of letting your dad? She almost snapped at him when your Dad said he should be the one to talk."

"Uhhh... That is the part we kinda keep on the down-low in the family." Natalie said, quietly. "You can't even HINT you know this. I will catch hell and I swear I will kick your ass if you tell anybody." She smiled slightly to take the sting out of her threat. Abby could tell she was serious though. This was not to be considered casual information.

"I won't tell a soul." Abby promised.

"Well, in our family we have a division of power. Dad runs the construction business with his sister and brings home most of the family money. Mom works too, mainly to get out of the house and stay busy. But at home, Mom is really the one in charge. Family business is under her. She writes the checks, spends the money and all that. I mean even making the rules." Natalie offered hesitantly. Abby got the gist of what Natalie was saying long before Natalie realized. "Well, I guess that happens in a lot of families, but in ours, Mom is REALLY in charge. Even Dad toes the line."

Abby smiled thinking Natalie would be shocked to know her family dynamics and how far her own authority extended. Natalie thought Abby had the wrong impression. "Oh I don't mean Dad is just pussy whipped. I mean Mom is the person in charge completely. If she tells Dad to do something he does it. And she has always been the disciplinarian. Growing up, she spanked us both but would blister John's ass if he stepped a little bit out of line. I mean I got spanked too when I messed up but that kinda changed when I hit puberty. I'd get grounded after that. But John kept getting spanked. You'd think he would learn and be more careful. I sure was. But every now and then he'd pull some bone-head stunt."

"Now you could tell John and I get along pretty good, but I am sorta in charge of him when we are out together. There were many occasions when we'd go someplace and Mom would tell me to watch my brother and keep him out of trouble. He'd be told to behave and listen to me and do what I said. We are twins but Mom put me in charge. That chafed his ass but I was always careful to not push him too hard."

"I think I understand the dynamics." Abby offered. "You are in charge because you are a female. To me that is pretty simple. A female led relationship or rather family." Natalie was surprised Abby knew the term.

"Let me ask you a few questions. Does your mom spank your dad or otherwise punish him? Or do you?" Abby asked.

Natalie giggled. "I know you are thinking that because of what I said about Aunt Bev kicking his butt growing up. He does look up to his big sister. That might be a little of why he lets Mom give him orders. I don't know if she spanks him or not. But I suspect she does other things to him. It might all be just kinky play or might be they have sex the way Mom wants." Abby wanted to know what she meant. Natalie continued and said. "A couple years ago I snooped their bedroom. I know I shoulda respected their privacy. It was wrong and I felt guilty and only did it the once. I found some bondage toys like cuffs and tie down things in a box in their closet. Plus I found a strapon harness and dildo plus some lube, so I know they are not vanilla in their sex life."

Abby was flushed and giggled. Natalie asked if she was shocked. Abby shook her head. "Nope. On the contrary. I think that is very natural. A woman should be in charge and take control of her family and that includes how she has sex with her partner." She did not elaborate. Now Natalie was the one a little flushed.

"Speaking of kinky stuff, is your Mom really going to wax Dave's hair off?" Natalie inquired. "Do you think he will let her? I could tell he was pretty embarrassed but went along with the teasing. You really pressured him to accept that bet. I'm wet just thinking about it." Natalie admitted with a coy smile.

"Oh, I'm sure of it." Abby said with a snicker. "I mean the thing about Dave's hair. The other you need to prove to me." Natalie gave her a smile and a quick kiss in answer. The two split up to go change clothes again and get ready for some beach time.

Abby wondered what she would find when she opened the door. Would her Mom be waxing Dave in the main room? Or in the privacy of their bedroom with the door closed? She wished her Mom would be a little more dominant or at least decisive with her actions. It would make her own job of leading the family easier. The door to the other bedroom was closed. Abby called out to tell them it was her and she was going to change clothes to go to the beach. 'I'll come see ya when I get dressed." she called. She hoped Dave would take the hint and have the door open when she got back. If not she was going to sit and watch a little just to push the lesson home he had no privacy unless she allowed it.

The shorts and sports bra she had worn this morning was still too damp to put back on. She was glad she had packed a few sets. She quickly dressed and went to check on her mom and Dave. Their door was now open so she walked inside. She stifled a laugh when at the scene she encountered. Dave sat on a chair wearing only a pair of boxer briefs. He was wincing and yelping softly as Julie pulled another strip of hard wax off his right arm. His left arm was visibly hairless. He did not appear to sport that much hair, but the contrast between the hairy and bare skin was apparent even at a distance. "Want me to help, Mom?" Abby asked with a giggle. "This might be more fun than windsurfing." Julie paused a bit to give Abby a look.

"I think I can do this by myself,' Julie replied. "The part that concerns me is when I get to his scrotum. Loose skin is supposed to be hard to wax. I don't want to hurt him."

"That ship already sailed." Dave muttered. "This stings like hell!"

"I meant tear you skin, you fool." Julie said. "I intend to make use of that thing between your legs. I don't want to damage my toys." she added with a grin.

"Well, you might consider calling the spa to see if they can get him in today. You can do the rest." Abby suggested. She giggled when Dave said he would rather limit the number of people messing with his junk. "Your call. And Dave, I am proud of you to do what I ordered and accept your punishment without begging me. If you had, you would be in the spa getting it done and I would be recording it. I actually already checked on the brazilian. It is fifty bucks." Dave kept his expression neutral. "i'll see you guys later, have fun." Abby signed out on the log and left the suite.

"Good! I'm glad you took my advice to not try to get her to change her mind." Julie said. Then she yanked another wax strip.

John was sitting in a patio chair outside his family's suite when Abby walked up. "Is Nat still inside, John?" He nodded. "I thought you would be at the beach by now. What's up? You look like somebody just pissed in your mai tai."

"Yeah, Nat's inside, changing her clothes. I have to wait for her. Mom is on a rant. She is acting like I don't have a damn brain." John groused. Abby did not say a word. She suspected Sue had lowered the boom on her son. They sat in silence for a few minutes before the door opened. And Natalie came out. "Can we go now?" John asked, almost in a whine.

"You're lucky you can go at all, John!" Natalie said to to her brother. "You should know better by now than to get mad and talk back to Mom! You need to learn to be diplomatic."

"Diplomatic?!! She treats me like a little kid!" John exclaimed, but low enough, nobody nearby could hear what he said. "She's afraid I'm going to do something with one or more of those guys I was hanging with. Like I don't know to be careful. Like what does she think I am doing when we are at home? She doesn't press you like that! So what if the one guy put his hand on my thigh just about the time she walked up." He was angry.

"Well it didn't help when you told her to mind her own business," Natalie began. "And then made that comment about Abby." Abby wanted to know what comment. "I was just walking into my room to change so I could not see Mom's expression, but 'numb nuts' here said something like 'what business is it of anybody else who I mess around with. Would you be on my case if I was getting it on with Abby?" John looked shocked and totally embarrassed his sister had related this. "Mom laughed and told him to go for it but for now he had to stay around me so I could keep my eye on him and keep him out of trouble."

"Oh... So, John, do you want to get it on with me?" Abby asked with a smile. She glanced around and saw they were in a relatively secluded place surrounded by shrubs before she stepped so close to him she was not only in his personal space, he could feel her breath as she talked.. "Do you think I am sexy? You really want to get with me?" She whispered loud enough Nat could plainly hear. She licked him across the lips. "i've never done twins before." she breathed seductively and reached down and grabbed his crotch. He was too shocked to move.

"No, your cock won't get near my pussy, but your mouth will. I'll have you lick me until I cum all over your face." Abby breathed as she stroked his penis still encased in his swim trunks. "Then i'll blow you. Oh yes, i'll suck you dry. And then i'll ride your face again. And you know what? Nat is gonna be right there watching it all. And then i'll do the same thing to her while you watch." John stood, still frozen as Abby kissed him softly on the lips and licked him, just darting her tongue over his lips.. "So what do you say, big boy? You are hard as a rock. You wanna come back to my room for a little fun or do you want to go to the beach first and we play later?" Her hand movements sped up and within a minute had the desired results. He shuddered as he came in his pants. "Either way, you are gonna do what I say, aren't ya? I will own you." She stepped back and he stood there weakly, breathing hard, eyes wide. "Let's go to the beach. No more griping about you having to stay with Nat and me. Okay?" He nodded, unable to speak.

Abby physically turned John around and patted him on the butt. "Let's go and do a little playing in the surf. I want you to teach me what you know about windsurfing."

Nat was totally in awe. "Holy shit, girl!" she said, breathlessly. "I simply can't believe what I just saw. I came watching you work him. Damn! Where did you learn that?" Natalie asked. "I kinda had the impression you were pretty inexperienced...but...DAMN!"

Abby giggled. She was coming down from a sexual high herself. Hers was the power she felt manipulating John. "I never did that before." she confessed. "Oh, i've made out with a few guys and even touched a cock a few times. But I am a virgin. I was serious when I said his cock would not get near my pussy. I just went with whatever came to mind. To tell you the truth, I would seriously like to do the rest of the stuff I said."

Natalie looked at her. "Really? All of it?" Abby nodded. She hooked her arm around Natalie's as they walked toward the beach

"Oh yeah. He is cute. You both are. I'd have him lick me while you watch and then have you do me while he watched." Abby said, quietly. "I''d get off on it." She pulled Natalie into the surf and concealed by the waves, reached into the other girl's shorts. "I'm betting you have more experience than I do. I'd only made out with guys before we kissed last night. Well, the most I did was one handjob while the guy sucked my nipples. But nothing with a girl. Like I said before, I'm a virgin."

"So am I." Natalie said as they made out. "Technical virgin anyway. Only a toy, never a real cock." Both girls fingered the other, rubbing her clit in a silent challenge to see who could get the other girl to orgasm first. As soon as Nat began to shudder, Abby orgasmed. "Fuck! That was the best." Nat said. "What do you want to do now?"

Abby giggled. "I think we ought to do what we told your mom. We play out here and try to windsurf. And we make sure John is a good boy." Both girls giggled.

Two hours later the trio were exhausted. John had explained what he knew about windsurfing. He had drawn in the sand how to position the sail considering the direction of the wind. By the time they were ready to quit, John was able to make runs with the wind, turn and tack back. The girls were happy to be able to get their sailboards upright and sail with the wind a ways down the beach.

They turned in their boards. Abby hooked her arms into the crook of the other's elbows and lead them along the beach. She glanced around. While not completely empty, this section of beach was relatively unoccupied. She abruptly turned toward the water. "I want to do it again before we head back." she whispered to Nat. Nat looked shocked, "With John, here?" "ABSOLUTELY!" Abby declared. She tightened her grip on their arms and directed them into the surf.

She stopped when they reached chest deep water. The waves were just hitting their necks. Abby kissed Nat and then John and pulled them into the place she wanted with a group hug, shoulder to shoulder. "But, Nat is my sister!" John protested but stood close just like Abby directed. His eyes were wide and despite the sunlight, his pupils were dilated.

"So what? We aren't gonna fuck." Abby said, taking complete charge and holding them both in place by pulling them in tight to each other. "Now do what you are told. Shut up and kiss me!" she breathed, her lips touching his as she spoke. He did. Abby broke off the kiss after a moment and turned her head to kiss Natalie. Natalie immediately responded and kissed her back. Abby alternated kissing them a few times before she pushed their heads together. "Kiss each other." she ordered. When the siblings hesitated she said. "Do it! Don't think. Do what you are told." They went along.

Abby resolved to push the envelope since she got this far. She reached down and began to play with John's penis through his shorts. Natalie could tell what was happening and her grin showed her approval. John yelped in surprise when Abby reached inside his shorts to extract his penis and balls. She pushed the elastic of his shorts below his scrotum. Now that it was free, she took a firm grip on it and began to stroke its length. John quickly began to breathe hard. Abby kissed him and then Natalie going back and forth never stopping. With her free hand she reached into Natalie's shorts and pushed her hand down deep. Natalie helped her access by lowering her shorts a bit. John groaned loudly as he came. Hearing him, Natalie shuddered and came herself..

"Give me your hand, John." Abby ordered as she pushed her own shorts down a bit. "My turn." She took his hand and extended his index and middle finger. Holding them she turned his hand over and slid it between her legs. "Right there, feel that nubbin? Rub it. Up and down, Side to side" she ordered. He grinned and did as he was told. "Tease it a bit by lightly stroking and then do it hard. Make me cum." John was way past any hesitation and took to his task with enthusiasm. Abby pulled Natalie close and sucked her tongue. Natalie played with Abby's nipples. Within seconds Abby screamed into Natalie's mouth as an orgasm coursed through her.