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"One more," I whispered.

"No... I can't... stop... oh my God! Coming!" She went off again, becoming frantic to escape, tugging painfully at my hair.

Giving that little pussy one last kiss, I let her pull me up until she was gasping, her breath hot on my face, her lips seeking mine. We kissed until she needed to pant, then her little fists were beating on my back.

"You are so mean!" she accused. "God, I nearly died, Rogers!"

I chuckled and kissed away her words. "But what a way to go," I said.

She giggled. "I don't wanna 'go!' I'm just getting started."

She gasped as she felt me move, the head of my cock pressing into her heat and wetness. "Oh, God, I'm not sure..."

I silenced her with a kiss, and slipped between her slippery, sticky, gooey lips. She gasped. "Rogers, oh my God!" Her voice rose as I pressed into her. "Something... something... I'm stuck."

I kissed her and pinched her nipples, causing her to gasp at the sensation, and in one quick motion, my head slipped inside.

She froze, eyes wide, looking up at me accusingly. "Owwee!" she exclaimed. "What's wrong with you? That hurt!"

I held her tightly, not moving, just loving her, kissing her. "I'm sorry, Maia. It was going to hurt. I won't do that again, but it had to happen, baby. You know..."

"Yes." She took my face between her hands. "I know, but damn." I saw the realization dawn in her obsidian eyes. "I'm a woman."

"Yes, baby, you are. My woman."

I moved a little, and she winced. "Slow," she cautioned.

"Glacial," I promised.

It was slow, a gradual joining, a loving taking of territory, a loving giving, everything an immersion into something unimaginable to both of us, impossible without the other. We made slow sweet love, her passion building in an ascending staircase of small orgasms, growing in intensity until we were in full sync, her moving under me, against me, point and counterpoint in the dance of a lifetime.

This girl, this woman, this place, forever etched into my memory, holding a place in my heart no one else would ever touch. She was the ultimate experience, and I never wanted to be anywhere else, inside her, our very souls joined, and when we came, it was together, all the love I had for her, all the tenderness, the desire to have her, protect her, keep her for the rest of time, poured out.

We rested, my weight over her and in her, and she cried. They were tears of happiness. "This is how much I love you," I whispered.

"I love you," she said. "I have nothing left to give you."

"I don't want anything else," I said.

"Umm... Rogers, you're crushing me," she complained, then giggled. "I needa breathe."

I laughed and grabbed her, rolling to the side, taking her with me until she was half over me, her cheek pillowed on my chest, her hair tickling my chin. We stayed like that for a long while, just whispering and laughing about nothing and everything.

"I think I'm leaking," she whispered. "I needa pee, too."

I laughed. "Well, the wet spot is your side."

She pushed herself away, stood, took one step and looked back at me, accusingly. "You broke me," she said.

I jumped up, picked my brown angel up and carried her into the bathroom. She did her thing and I went to the fridge for bottles of water. She came padding back to bed, a vision of naked beauty crossing our bedroom floor. She had a warm washcloth, and she cleaned me.

"I kinda bled a little," she said. "Was that supposed to happen?"

I chuckled. "It's normal for your first time."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," she said. "How about the second time?"

"No, not then."

"We'll find out," she promised.

She crawled in and I snuggled my little spoon. She pulled my arm under her head, bending my arm until one hand was cupping one of those lush titties, pulling my other arm down until that hand was between her thighs, cupping her hot little pussy. "Like that," she sighed. "Imma spend the rest of my life right here."

That seemed like a good plan, to me.

Waking up was a bit of a shock. I had grown somewhat used to being by myself in bed, and waking up holding Maia in my arms disoriented me for a second. Her warm little body against mine, her hair tickling my face, the feel of that hot little ass pressing against me, my dead arm she was using for a pillow, every sensation was fresh and new.

I needed to pee, so I slipped a pillow gently under her head and extricated my arm as gently as I could. She murmured a little protest in her sleep as I eased out of bed. I did my morning business, took a quick shower, and when I came out of the bathroom, she opened her eyes a little.

"Come back," she said. "I needa be snuggled."

I chuckled. "You always need to be snuggled."

She murmured her assent, and I was happy to snuggle her. She drifted off again, and I just held her for about 20 minutes. She stirred, stretched like a sleepy kitten, and eased away, getting out of bed.

She took a step and winced. "Owwee. Damn, Rogers, I'm sore. You wore me out."

I laughed. "Hey, this was your idea. Not that it wasn't a great idea."

She flashed me a smile. "Yeah, this was one of my good ones. Get up, lazy, and feed me. I want eggs, bacon and hash browns."

"Yes, your majesty," I answered. "Right away."

"Imma shower, so you got plenty of time."

I watched her as she walked, still amazed at the sight of that naked goddess. The thought that she was mine, that she had given herself to me, filled my heart, and I watched until she closed the door.

I got up, dressed, and made her breakfast.

We spent a leisurely day, just hanging around the house. I couldn't seem to keep my hands off her. The idea that I could touch her, anywhere, hold her in my arms as my lover, that she wanted me to, was a dream come true. Over the course of a couple of hours, I gradually undressed her. She refused to let me remove her panties, but she ran around the house all day just in those, and the sight of her was enough to wake the dead.

That night, she came in and climbed in bed with me as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "This is my bed, too, from now one," she answered my questioning look. "Imma move my stuff in here."

There was plenty of room in my closet, I had drawers that were empty and she gradually filled them.

I was nervous about Talley being there that weekend, and considered asking Maia to sleep in her room, but I never quite worked up the nerve. It really didn't matter, in any case, because Talley was asleep before we went to bed. She did get up early on Sunday morning and came into my bedroom.

"Everything okay, sweetheart?" I asked.

"Very okay," she said. "Can I get in with you guys?"

I patted the bed, and she ran and threw herself on Maia, before rolling toward me and snuggling between us.

"This makes me so happy," she said.

"I'm glad," I told her. "I don't want anything to upset you, Talley."

"Noo, I'm not upset," she insisted. "I love you, and Maia. This way, I'll get to be with you both all the time. Well, you know, and Maia is never gonna like get a boyfriend or anything and leave us."

Maia rolled toward us and we made a Talley sandwich. "I was never, ever gonna not have you in my life, no matter what," she said.

My life changed dramatically on that weekend. I had always felt close to Maia, she fascinated me and I hated the part of my day when we weren't together. I felt similarly about Talley, but with Maia, that all ratcheted up about five notches.

I could hardly wait for her to get out of her class so I could see her. She came to my office and kissed me if I was there, or made it a point to come and find me wherever I was.

She'd give me that flashing brilliant Maia smile and a hug if we were where someone might be watching. If I was in the office, she'd close the door and light me up. I'd feel her up, she'd giggle madly, then she was off on her routes. I resented her driving away, because I just want to look at her, share some secret joke, watch her walk and marvel that she was mine.

We both rushed home after work to be together and we didn't spend a minute apart that wasn't necessary. She still went places with Elica, with Talley or Sarah, and she and Mom were pals. She met Dad a couple of times a week for coffee, a piece of pie, or something. I was happy to see her happy.

I still played the occasional round of golf, fished, went for a beer with friends, but I always discovered that I was waiting for when I could go home and be with Maia.

I was desperately in love with her, couldn't get enough of her, and she made it plain every day that she felt the same way. She was my lover, my best friend, my confidante, and that just grew.

It was never going to change. She had invaded every aspect of my life, and I loved everything about her. She was silly, completely unselfconsciously goofy, said the most outrageous things, did anything that she felt like doing, whenever the mood struck her. She was completely spontaneous, led me a merry dance, and I reveled in it.

She was also a totally sensuous creature. I had sex more in the first six months we were together than I think I had all the time I was married to Anna, and I thought we had been tearing up the sheets.

She was on fire, and the only thing that satisfied her was me. She was playing a video game one evening when I came in from watering the lawn.

"You winning?" I asked.

She shot me a smile and a look. "Umm... this not a game you really 'win' at," she said. "It's one of those long-ass adventure games."

"Ah, well, I'm going to shower," I told her. She waved her controller at me and I went off to clean up.

When I came out into the bedroom, wrapped in my towel, she jumped on me from the side, scaring me shitless. She wrapped me up like a python, and she was naked. "Damn, Maia..." I managed to say.

"Imma suck that dick," she said, dropping to her knees and engulfing me. I had never met a woman who loved giving head like she did.

We had made love twice that day, already, and I complained that she was wearing my dick to a nub.

"Yeah, but it's my nub," she grinned up at me. "You got a nice nub. I love my nub."

I had to laugh, then moan as she did incredible things with that mouth.

It never changed.


School was getting out, and we were moving Talley back to our house. I was looking forward to having the summer with my baby, Maia was getting back into the swing of driving again, and she brought her trailer and truck to get Talley's stuff.

When we got there, Anna was home. Talley's things seemed to be packed up, but the whole place looked like it was being packed.

"Hey, Anna, what's going on?" I asked when I found her upstairs.

"I need to talk to you," she said. "Talley knows what's happening, but I asked her to let me talk to you."

"Okay," I said. "Is this a good time?"

She sighed. "As good as any. Let's get a cup of coffee down on the corner."

I let Maia and Talley know we were going for coffee. Maia wanted us to bring her a latte, and they kept packing while we walked down to the corner. We got our coffee and the latte and sat at a little table.

"Rogers, there's no good way to say this," she said, "so I'm just going to blurt it out. I've come to realize that you've moved on. We're never getting back together, and I'm moving on, too."

"Good," I said. "There's no reason for acrimony. I don't have any ill will, Anna."

"Well, the only thing keeping me here was you and Talley," she said. "Talley wants to be with you. She regards me as kind of keeping her from you and... that girl."

"Careful," I warned her. "She loves Maia, and the feeling is mutual."

"I'm not stupid, Rogers," she said. "I can see how that girl looks at you. It's written all over her. She's in love with you, and I can also tell the feeling is mutual."

I just sipped my coffee. It was none of her business. "I'm moving back to Colorado Springs," she blurted out. "I'm giving you custody of Talley. That's what she wants, and I'm not going to fight it."

"I'm sure she wants you in her life," I said.

"Yes, but not if it keeps her away from you and... that girl."

"She has a name, Anna," I said. "Do you want her to refer to you as "that woman?"

She looked like her coffee was straight lemon juice. "Okay, Maia then, are you happy?"

"Very," I said. "Are you going to stay in Talley's life?"

"Yes, I'll want holidays, a weekend here and there, we'll work it out, okay?"

"You've explained all this to her?" I asked.

"Yes, we've been talking about it for a couple of months," she said. "I think this is best for everyone. You can keep or sell the house, whatever you want. I've accepted a job. The paperwork giving you full custody will be ready Tuesday. You're not going to be a dick about me seeing her, are you?"

"I'm not, and I resent you asking that," I said.

She sniffed. "I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling very happy, okay? This isn't easy, Rogers."

"No, I don't imagine it is," I said. "I'll make sure she knows you're her mother, and I know she loves you. Hell, I want her to love you, Anna. A girl needs a mother. I think you're right; this is for the best."

We walked back to the house, and Anna was even cordial to Maia. We got Talley's things packed, and started home. It was a little melancholy, I had to admit. One thing was done. Fortunately, something else had begun. I looked over at Talley and Maia. They were my life, and they were with me. I didn't think it could get any better. There were no waifs in sight, only gorgeous girls, who both looked at me with love in their eyes.

"Dad, when do you think you might want to give me a little brother or sister?" Talley asked.

I choked, and looked over at Maia. She was looking out the window with a little smile on her face. Her hand came up, and her ring finger wiggled at me. I laughed. I had plans for that finger.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

Wonderful, 10 stars! Maia should put her arms around him, and say"husband, our daughter is going to have a sibling, and I'm the happiest wife and mother in the world"...

6King6King8 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Love the story! Just read it again after searching for it. No disappointment (except for the Mr. Rogers assessment - I thought he was great! 😁)…

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

i agree with another commenter ,this reads like a hallmark movie . i thought zendaya or someone like her would make a good maia ,then i looked her up and she's 27 so... still, very nice story .

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