Unlucky at Cards, Lucky at Love?

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A gorgeous young woman learns the benefits of losing!
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"What a beautiful sight!"

Molly Ingles immediately hit the brakes on the tow-truck she was driving to make certain that what she thought she saw she was really seeing!

Yes, there up ahead on the lonely stretch of highway here in rural Nevada was a car parked on the side of the road with its hood up --- nothing particularly beautiful about that --- but check out the hot GIRL leaning over and staring down at her engine!

"She doesn't look a day over twenty," thought Molly. "And check out that tiny red dress she's got on!" The girl was a stunner, with short blonde hair, a slender build, and legs as long as, well, as long as the day is long out here in the west! And while the girl's face appeared distraught regarding her current predicament, there was no denying that this was a rare beauty to be out here alone, and so far from help. "It's a good thing I got here first!"

As Molly eased her truck into the space immediately behind where the girl's car had come to rest off the side of the road, the object of her interest became aware of her arrival.

"Oh thank God," she exclaimed, jumping down off of her car's front bumper and approaching Molly. "A tow truck --- I'm saved!"

"What seems to be the problem, sweetie?"

"Oh, you're a woman! I thought you were a man!" Then she quickly corrected herself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

Molly smiled. In the shapeless khaki work clothes and matching hat she wore with 'Igles Tire & Auto' printed on it, it was an easy mistake to make.

"Not a problem, sweet cheeks!"

55-year old Molly Ingles had been raised on the west coast, but after her divorce twenty years earlier she had moved out here to quiet, largely empty Canaris County, mostly to get away from all the hustle & bustle of big city life, and after a few years of this quiet desert solitude she had opted to make it permanent. It suited her. Middle age had left her slightly on the stout side, but still healthy and in great overall physical shape. She'd also grown used to wearing a somewhat butchy-looking haircut that she would have been the first to admit made her look like a stereotypical lesbian - but what of it? The truth is, she'd grown increasingly fond of eyeing pretty women in recent years, so much so that she'd even gone so far as to make one or two forays to Sheri's Ranch and another legal brothel here in Nevada where an older woman like herself could spend some quality time enjoying the lovely pleasures offered by pretty young women, all for a couple hundred bucks, and with no emotional strings attached.

To pass her time, Molly had purchased a small, going-out-of-business garage, as making a profit wasn't really all that important right now - she had a sizeable savings & investment portfolio to fall back on, but for some strange reason she still enjoyed working on cars, something dating back to her youth when her father had operated an auto repair shop near Bakersfield.

The profits of her one-woman business were miniscule, but she loved all of the free time it gave her to read and paint and occasionally even tinker with old cars! What little money her business earned barely paid even the utility bill, but that was enough - she was happy here.

But right now, all of that idyllic hum-drum existence was being quickly pushed to the back of her mind as she listened to what this beautiful, hot-young-blonde-in-distress had to say.

"...and so then I see this little red-light come on, flashing on & off, telling me that my engine is too hot and right about then I can also see the steam coming out from under the hood and so I pulled over and had opened the hood and was looking inside when you got here, and I'm so glad you did because I really can't get any signal out here on my i-phone... it's like we're in the middle of nowhere!"

"Calm down, everything's going to be just fine..." the older woman cooed. "Let's take a closer look, shall we?"

The girl immediately returned to her car and hopped back up onto her front bumper so that she could point out the trouble spots to Molly. She had on a tight little red mini-skirt far better suited to the nightlife in Vegas that out here in the wilds of the Nevada desert.

"The steam isn't leaking out right now, but it was pouring out of there and there," she remarked, excitedly pointing at her engine. But all that Molly was noticing right now were the lovely curves of the girl's gorgeous ass bending over as she leaned out further over her engine block.

"Show me again," Molly asked, very gently placing her right hand on the pretty girl's lower back, and then very slowly sliding it down across the thin red fabric covering the girl's beautifully-shaped derriere.

"I'm sure if I start my car up again you'll be able to see where the problem is," the girl offered, seemingly unaware of Molly's hand lightly cupping her ass.

"It sounds to me like a ruptured radiator line," the older woman replied, her hand still resting comfortably on the pretty blonde's rump. "But I'll probably have the take it back to my shop and check it out, you know, just to make absolutely certain."

"I guess so," the girl agreed, somewhat glumly. "I just hope it's not going to be too expensive." Molly's hand began slowly sliding off of the girl's curvy behind as she then helped her down off of her bumper.

"Don't worry," she assured the girl. "I'll have you back on the highway in no time at all. And I promise it won't be as bad as you think." She patted the girl's butt affectionately before then hooking up her car to the back of her truck.


"So... what's your name and story, honey?" The two women were now riding together in Molly's tow-truck cab, with Erin's car pulled behind them on its way to the shop.

"I'm Erin... Erin O'Neal... I'm a sophomore at U.C.L.A., and I was visiting Las Vegas with three of my girlfriends, you know, just for the weekend... having a little fun... anyway, we all left our hotel this morning, but I needed to make a detour to Pahrump before heading back... I'm applying for a summer job there... anyway, not half an hour after I get back on the road, this happens!"

"And how old are you Erin?"

"Nineteen. I'll be twenty in June."

"So it's not like this summer job you're applying for has anything to do with the sex trade or you working in a brothel?"

The girl laughed, a musical laugh, perfectly fitting her bubbly, light-hearted personality!

"No, ma'am, nothing at all like that," she giggled, showing off her dazzling white smile. "It's a media relations summer internship... I'm sure if I was going to work topless I'd stay in Vegas... I don't think they even have a strip-club in Pahrump." She giggled again.

"Well, even if they did, I'm pretty sure you'd have to be twenty-one to work there," the older woman added. "But you're already more-than-pretty enough, and you've certainly got the kind of smoking hot body that those horny guys all love," she observed with a smile, patting the girl just above her knee.

"Thank you, ma'am," Erin responded, blushing slightly.

Molly's hand remained on her knee for just a couple of extra seconds before then slowly sliding off.


The girl tried talking & texting on her cellphone while Molly eased the car into her garage for closer inspection, and she soon discovered the culprit, a cracked fluid line connecting the pump with the radiator.

"We're talking about sixty bucks for parts, with an additional sixty bucks for the labor," she later explained to the girl. "Think you can handle that?"

"I guess so... when do you suppose it'll be ready?"

"Well, that all depends on how quickly I get the part. It's got to be special-ordered, you see. It could be here within a couple of hours, or it's entirely possible that it might not arrive until sometime tomorrow morning. We're kind of off-the-beaten-path out here, you know?"

"Tomorrow morning?" the girl lamented. "Geez, I hope it's not that late."

"Why? You got a big test back at school, or something?"

"No, it's not that... actually, ma'am, the problem is expenses... I'm afraid I kind of maxed-out my credit card in Vegas... I just barely have enough money for gasoline!" Her eyes blinked with the beginning of tears. "There's no way I can afford to add a motel room tonight without going over."

"Not a problem, you're in luck," the older woman exclaimed. "You could sleep here in my office. There's a bathroom and shower and everything! Come and see..."

And with that, Molly escorted the pretty college girl into the office where, in addition to her untidy desk with it's paperwork, unopened junk mail, and well-thumbed copies of Maxim & Penthouse, was also a small refrigerator and even a queen-sized bed!

"I don't understand," the girl inquired. "Why do you have a bed in your office?"

"Well, you're not the only customer I've dealt with who doesn't keep a lot of unspent cash lying around. There's a ranch-lady up the highway who needed me to fix her pickup-truck's transmission, and she offered to give me this perfectly good bed in exchange for the work!" She sat down on it, bouncing up & down. "It's very comfortable, and it certainly comes in handy when I want to take a nap in the middle of the day or work late at night!"

"Oh yeah... we studied that in economics... it's called 'bartering' - you trade objects other than money in exchange for labor!"

"Exactly right! Both beautiful AND smart, I see!"

The girl blushed. "But ma'am, I really don't have anything particularly valuable to trade with you... certainly nothing like this bed!"

Molly gazed long and hard at the beautiful young blonde standing before her in her short, tight, red-skirt. Was she being serious? "Maybe you don't think you do, Erin," she replied, "but you'd be wrong. Just because you're not aware of something's value doesn't mean that it isn't there!"

"How so?"

"Well, look at that pretty face of yours," Molly pointed out. "Put it on a magazine cover and maybe they sell a million copies!"

"Oh, stop it!"

"No, I'm serious," the older woman said, grabbing the copy of Penthouse off of her desk and opening it to show a nude girl in the arms of another woman. "Look at her legs & ass. They're certainly no nicer than yours, but I'll bet she got paid a goodly sum for these racy photos!"

Erin blushed. "I could never do that."

"You could if you wanted. Never underestimate yourself! You're a very attractive young woman!"

"Thank you, ma'am," the girl responded, shyly looking down at her feet. "You're very kind for saying so."

"And stop calling me, ma'am. My name is Molly."

"Yes, ma'am, Molly."

"Now, if you want, you can make yourself comfortable in here while I try and track down that auto part for your car. Feel free to lie down and rest or maybe even take a hot shower!"

"Thank you... Molly... a shower sounds great!"

"There's a clean towel in the cupboard over there you're welcome to use."


The distribution center said that the part would get there in the morning. She'd tried her best, Molly thought. Now she had the girl all to herself until then. With a little persuasion from her friends Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, she could no doubt have that gorgeous blonde beauty completely nude and begging for it in no time at all...

No, who was she kidding? That wouldn't be right. Yes, she definitely wanted the girl... she wanted her very badly. Erin... the girl had a name... her name was Erin. She was a real person, not a party favor to play with and discard... yes, a very beautiful young person with a smoking hot body, but to take advantage of her would be obscene. Molly knew she was better than that...

"Molly?" It was the girl's voice. She turned around and saw her there, calling out from the office. "Molly? Do you have a clean tee shirt or something like that I could put on?"

Oh God... look at her, with the little towel only just barely covering that gorgeous figure, barely hiding that delicious, yummy young body. "Yeah, Erin, I think I've got a shirt or two in the closet you're welcomed to."

"Thank you!"

Molly caught a glimpse of the girl's beautiful ass as she turned around and the towel briefly slipped open. She wanted to bust into the room, rip off that towel, and forcibly push the girl down onto the bed, and just start devouring her, perhaps maybe handcuffing the girl's wrists to the bedpost first so that she could then leisurely use her all night long, perhaps as her 'pleasure-slave,' in all sorts of highly creative & imaginative ways! She wouldn't even need to use the ball-gag, either... nobody would hear the girl's screams for miles around out here in the middle of nowhere...

But once again she realized that none of that was ever going to happen. Molly just wasn't the sort of woman cut-out to be an evil-predatory-lesbian-rapist! More's the pity...

"Say, Erin, honey? I'm going to go grab us a bite to eat. How does pizza sound to you?"


Forty-five minutes later, both women were enjoying slices of Italian sausage with green peppers on a thin-crust pizza, along with paper cups filled with sweet iced-Sangria wine, while Molly explained the situation about the part. Erin was now clad in one of Molly's work shirts, several sizes too big for her, but looking incredibly hot nonetheless as the girl wasn't wearing pants her long legs just looked incredible!

"They assured me they'll have the part here by 10:30 sharp... I should then have it installed in under an hour, which means you should be back on the road to L.A. by noon at the very latest!"

"Oh, Molly, that's wonderful," the girl gushed. "But how am I going to pay for it?"

"It's OK... you can owe me. I'll give you my address along with the bill. Pay me whenever you can."

"No, you can't do that. What if I forget about it, or lose your address?"

"I trust you, Erin."

"You're way too sweet," the girl softly said, flashing that pretty, flirty smile of hers. "But, no, that's not how businesses work, here or anywhere else. I can't allow it."

"OK, pretty girl, perhaps you've got a better plan?"

"Well... what about bartering? You know, I could provide you with something of equal value in exchange for your service!"

"And what exactly do you have of equal value?"

"Well, there's my make-up case! It's got at least seventy-five-dollar's worth of make-up inside!"

"And do I look like the kind of woman who puts on a lot of expensive make-up every day?"

"I guess not," the girl frowned, looking adorable doing so, Molly thought. "How about gambling?"


"Sure! This is Nevada, after all... and gambling is legal here, am I right? I could gamble with you for your services!"

"You're wanting to gamble... with me?" Molly was amused. "Gamble what exactly?"

"Something of comparable value, obviously."

"And that would be...?"

"It doesn't always have to be an expensive material item, Molly! I could offer you something of symbolic or sentimental value, maybe?"

"Go on... I'm listening."

"It could be almost anything... like, for example, let's say a cute little five year old girl drew a picture of a pony for you... wouldn't you find that kind of thing priceless?"

"Sure I would, but let's say that same girl is now twenty-five... I'd say she'd had better offer me something better than her drawing of a horse, don't you think?"

"Like what?"

"Like maybe a nude lap-dance!"

Erin blushed. "Oh, you're terrible!"

"I'm just saying, something like THAT would be worth gambling on, as I'm sure most reasonable people would agree that it holds a far higher material value."

"Are you saying that you'd want ME to offer you a nude lap dance, Molly... you'd want that... from another woman?"

"Maybe... I mean, if a girl is young & attractive like yourself... sure, why not? You know, Little Miss College Girl, a LOT of women visit strip clubs nowadays, and they even occasionally buy lap dances from the pretty girls working there! Why should I be any different?"

Erin frowned her adorable little frown again, but she knew that Molly's logic was sound.

"Alright then... so you're saying that you WOULD be interested in gambling with me... that I would have to give you a nude lap dance if I lose our bet, whereas you'd fix my car for free if I win?

"I've already told you, Erin, you don't have to gamble with me... you don't owe me anything!"

"Yes, I know that. But let's just say that if I were to offer to gamble with you, and those were the stakes, you'd accept?"

Molly stared long and hard at the beautiful blonde girl with the incredible body, wearing her work shirt - and little else - and offering her a chance to get a free nude lap dance, right here, tonight in her very own office.

"But what happens if I win? We're right back where we started, aren't we, with you still not having the money to pay me for fixing your car!"

"Then I guess we'd just have to just keep on gambling until I win," the pretty girl surmised, with a smile.

"I believe I have a deck of cards in my desk drawer," Molly said. "Straight up poker alright with you?"


The cards were then swiftly dealt, and sure enough, Molly took the first hand, her three Jacks beating Erin's pair of sevens. "It looks like you owe me a nude lap dance, young lady. You really want to play again?"

"Sure I do... only let's try some different stakes," the girl pouted, sticking her tongue out at the older woman. "Something less humiliating & sexist, perhaps?"

"How's about I turn your pretty ass over my knee for a good-old-fashioned hand-spanking? Let's make that our bet!"

"How many spanks, exactly?"




Once again, the cards were dealt, and once again Erin lost, her pair of fours losing out to Molly's pair of tens.

"You want to keep going, pretty girl? Because I can keep winning all night long!"

"I'm ready," the girl responded, aware that she now owed the older woman both a lap-dance and getting her ass spanked! "How about, if I lose, we engage in a two-minute make-out session, with me on your lap, kissing you."

"Sounds good... will you be nude?"

"I guess so, if you insist."

"I do!" Another hand was dealt.


It wasn't until the seventh poker hand that Erin's hand finally defeated that of the older woman, with the girl's full-house overpowering Molly's three kings. But by then, in addition to owing the woman a lap dance, OTK-hand-spanking, and nude-make-out session, the beautiful younger girl had also lost bets where she agreed to be handcuffed & ball-gagged to the bed while sensually spanked (Molly's idea, after belatedly remembering a few of the other toys she kept hidden in her desk drawer), a slow strip-tease by Erin for the older woman's pleasure, and even a full-one-hour of agreeing to become Molly's nude slavegirl, leash & all (another item Molly remembered possessing!) The older woman now felt confident that she would be more-than-fully compensated for her expenses regarding the repair of the pretty younger woman's car! What this girl had just lost to her in half-a-dozen poker hands was worth... well, let's just say that, at one of Nevada's many legal brothels, such activities would cost a man or woman thousands of dollars, and this particular girl was a whole lot fresher, younger, & stunningly beautiful that the average female prostitute working the many sex-ranches in this state!

The older woman didn't waste any time claiming her prize, either, leading the pretty girl by the hand, taking her over to the bed. For a girl who had just lost several bets and was now about to entertain another woman with her body, Erin didn't appear the slightest bit alarmed or upset, only maybe just the tiniest bit apprehensive over what was soon to follow. She smiled at Molly, even flirting with her, and the older woman flirted back, before then sitting down on the bed and pulling out a CD player she kept stored underneath. Molly licked her lips as her eyes slowly travelled up the bare legs of the pretty girl standing nervously before her as if awaiting further instructions.