Unknown Friends

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I didn't know I had friends in low places.
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This one has some gun play, so if that bothers you, perhaps you should skip this one.

There is very little sex in this one, sorry guys.

I sat in the bar and looked around. Not much had changed in the last five years. The bar was a simple three sided rectangular thing. There were about fifteen seats in the front and five seats on each end. I sat in the same seat I had occupied that night five years ago, on the corner with my back to a wall.

I could clearly remember every detail of that night. It was a warm muggy Saturday night in mid August. My fiancé of two years had recently dumped me a big blow hard with money. Carol claimed she wanted more excitement in her life. She admitted she had already hooked up with her "Bad Boy" after they'd met a couple of months ago. The bitch delighted in telling me how he was big and strong and so very dangerous. "Nobody messes with a man like him," she had gushed.

Truth be told, while I'd seen him around, I'd never met the guy. Everyone knew who he was, John Franco, Jr, the nephew of a well-know "Businessman" in these parts. Yes, he was big, about 6'4 and 275 pounds. Solid, but not muscular like an athlete, more like a longshoreman, or something. He was about ten years older than Carol. He always had lots of money and several pals with him when he went out. He loved to mess with other men's dates just so he could humiliate the guy, or if challenged, beat him to a pulp. He was an asshole and I knew he would dump Carol, or simply give her to one of his minions when he tired of her. I tried to tell her about Johnny, but she laughed at me as she threw her small diamond engagement ring at me.

"Johnny said you probably got that from a CrackerJacks box. He said I deserved a REAL man, not a boy like you, Tommy." With that she had laughed hysterically and walked off.

Of course I was humiliated and heart broken. The story spread quickly and everyone knew Johnny had stolen my fiancé and I couldn't do anything about it. I should have known things with Carol were going to end badly. She was a slut when I first met her, but she was pretty hot and very willing. Like most young men, I was thinking with my little head whenever she was around.

At 5'5 Carol was not tall, but she always wore 4" heels, so she was close to my 5'10. She had nice firm B+ size tits, crowned with long super sensitive nipples. Her ass was perfect for her slender frame and her well toned legs. Her face was not beautiful, but she was kinda cute and her long thick blond hair always drew added attention from the boys.

In fact, it was her golden locks that first attracted me to her at our local union's annual picnic. I was just walking away from the "Refreshments Stand" (read portable bar) after getting my third beer when I heard her giggle at something some guy had said. I caught the flash of blond locks and turned to investigate. She was wearing a low cut halter top and tiny "Daisy Duke" shorts. Her cheap sandals with 4" heels did marvelous things for her sweet ass and long legs. Just looking at her caused a stirring in my jeans.

Her escort walked off to get into the long line at the beverage cart, naively leaving Carol standing alone in the shade of a small tree. I couldn't help myself, it was like magnetism, (or maybe just horn-dog lust), I was drawn to her. I walked up to her, putting on my very best lady-killer grin.

"I can't believe anyone as beautiful as you could be working at our plant without me, the shop Steward, knowing it."

She looked at me and giggled, "I don't work at the plant, I came here with my cousin, Mary Rossi, she works there."

"Oh yes, I know Mary. Is she still dating Jimmy Rollins?"

"No, she dumped him. That's why she brought me along today, you know, as company."

"I stuck out my hand, "Tommy Mason, I'm very glad you could join us today."

"Carol Dixon," she said, taking my hand with a surprisingly strong grip. "Mind if I have a sip of your beer?"

"Oh, sure," I said as I handed her my cup and watched her take a long drink. When she lowered the cup she had a bit of foam across her upper lip. I reached out and gently used my thumb to wipe it away. Her hand came up and she clasped mine and rubbed it against her cheek, giving me a coy little smile. Her cheek was soft, warm and smooth. I instantly wanted to touch a lot more of this sexy creature.

"Say, there's a little pond up beyond that tree line," I said, pointing to the trees about 20 yards away. "There are lots of flowers there and a small bench by the pond. Would you like to walk up there with me? Maybe we could sit and get to know each other a bit better?"

She giggled as she looked past me towards the refreshment stand. I turned and saw the guy she'd been with was still in line with his back to us. "Oh, I guess, you need to wait for your date? So, maybe I can show you the pond some other time?"

"He's not my date, I just met him." She looped her arm in mine and said, "Lead the way, handsome."

As we rounded the first tree, I glanced back and the ditched guy was still in line. I felt kinda bad for snagging his gal, but not that bad.

We walked around the small pond on a foot-path that looped through the flowers and came back to a small cast iron bench nestled between two large shrubs. The bushy shrubs almost engulfed the small bench, but made for a cozy place to be alone with my new friend.

We chatted a little. Carol repeatedly touched my arm and chest as she talked to me. I leaned in and kissed her. Carol kissed me back with enough enthusiasm to let me know she was just as turned on as I was.

My tongue found hers as I slipped a hand into her halter top and freed a breast. I broke the kiss and immediately sucked her long hard nipple into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. Carol moaned and pressed my head to her breast. I sucked and lightly bit her nipple and she whimpered into my mouth. I slid my hand up her leg and rubbed her mound through her tiny shorts. Carol was rubbing the bulge in my jeans and we both were panting hard. I popped the button on her shorts and lowered the small zipper, allowing room for my hand to slip in. She was very wet and my fingers easily slipped inside her. She crushed my lips and humped against my hand. I used my thumb to flick her clit and she groaned her approval.

She worked my dick free of my jeans and slowly jacked me. I curled my fingers looking for those small ridges that marked her G spot. She jerked when I found them and then whimpered as I stroked them and used my thumb on her clit. She was really worked up. It didn't take long before she bucked up against my hand and then suddenly went rigid. She pulled off my lips and growled, "Oh fuck yes!" as her pussy spasmed on my hand.

As she came down from her climax, Carol still had a death grip on my swollen dick. "Baby, I don't think I hold back much longer." I said as Carol slumped against me. She stirred a bit and then bent down and swallowed the head of my dick. Her tongue swirled around me as she sucked me in. I looked down and her thick blond hair completely covered my lap as she bobbed up and down on my rod. I grabbed a hand full of hair and used it to move her head up and down. Carol groaned on my dick when she felt me grip her hair. I lasted just a few more strokes and then growled as I exploded into her eager mouth. Carol sucked and bobbed and licked me, as she swallowed every drop then sat up and smiled at me.

"Holy Fuck, babe, that was fantastic!" I said as I kissed her neck and hugged her. She giggled and stood to reattach her clothing. I tucked my dick away and zipped up as I watched her slip her tits back into her top. Once dressed, we hugged again and I asked her to come home with me. She agreed and we spent the rest of the weekend fucking our brains out.

I guess I was stupid to think we were in love. I mean, we'd only known each other about twenty minutes before I had my hand buried in her pussy! My little head told me it was love and I believed my dick. ... What a dumb ass! I dated (fucked) Carol for two months and then asked her to marry me. She seemed a bit surprised, but she slipped the tiny diamond onto her hand, studied it a bit, and then said yes.

Things were great for a little more than a year. By that I mean Carol let me fuck her any time and any place I felt the urge. If we couldn't fuck, she'd happily suck my dick. In hind sight we had little else in common, but I was young and didn't care.

I met Carol's mother and we hit it off right away. I was very happy and very much in love. I had no idea that Carol was becoming bored with our relationship and had begun to look around for a new adventure.

It was while we were at her mom's for a Sunday dinner that I learned of Carol's wondering eye. Her mother, Cindy, had asked me to move some boxes to her cellar. After I put the boxes away, I climbed the stairs and was about to open the door when I heard Cindy say, "Damn it Carol, Mary told me she saw you with that big asshole. What on earth are you thinking? You know he is trouble and if you keep on, you'll lose Tommy for sure!"

"Fuck Mary, I haven't done anything, yet. Besides, Tommy would never leave me, I keep him very happy, mom."

"Tommy is a sweet boy, you owe it to him to be honest with him. If you can't be true, you have to break it off with him. Of course I think that would be the dumbest thing you've ever done. Tommy will be a great husband, don't fuck this up!"

"Okay, Okay, I get it! You think Tommy is great. Like I said, mom I haven't done anything ...yet."

I sighed with resignation, I knew what that single word meant. It didn't take a genius to figure out my time with Carol was limited. Slowly I backed down a few of the basement steps then turned and noisily stomped back up and pushed through the door. Both ladies turned and smiled at me. "Thanks for your help, Tommy," Cindy said softly.

Over the next few months, Carol became more distant and then more absent with flimsy excuses as to why she was out. I should have been better prepared for her brush off, but I didn't want to believe it was over. Even though I knew it was coming, when she told me about Johnny, it still hurt, really, really hurt.

Shortly after she dumped me, I realized I couldn't stay there in our neighborhood and be embarrassed every time I saw Carol, so I took a transfer to my employer's Alaskan facility and was due to leave town that coming Monday.

Saturday night I walked into Sammy's to have a drink and get one of his fabulous burgers. For the last several nights, I had been eating most of my meals at Sammy's because I had pretty much emptied my fridge in anticipation of my move.

The last few times I'd been in the bar there was a guy seated at the same end of the bar as me, four stools down from my spot. I had said hello to him a couple of times and his only response had been a very slight nod in my direction.

I'd had finished dinner and downed a couple of beers. I knew I wouldn't be back to Sammy's for several years and wanted to give myself a bit of a send-off, so when Sammy came down to my end of the bar I said, "Sammy, pull me another draft and get my friend here another of whatever he's drinking." I tilted my head toward the quiet guy four stools down.

Sammy paled as he froze in place, a stricken look on his face. He turned very slowly towards the quiet guy and raised his shoulders in a pleading gesture. The guy turned his head an inch or so in my direction and I caught his cold gray eyes. I swear I felt a chill pass through me as his eyes swept the quickly fading goofy grin from my face. I was about to say something to apologize when those cold gray eyes snapped back to Sammy and he gave him a quarter inch chin lift. Sammy quickly turned and moved down the bar to fetch our drinks.

The bartender returned with our drinks and slipped a glass onto a paper coaster in front of the quiet guy. He sat my frosty mug in front of me and searched my face. I had no idea what he expected, so I just nodded my thanks.

Not two minutes later the bar erupted in loud voices as the asshole himself, Johnny Franco, arrived with his entourage. Besides his two favorite running mates, there were two girls hanging all over him. One of the girls was Carol. She was dressed like a hooker and giggled each time Johnny-boy pawed her.

I kept my head down, thinking I would just finish my beer, pay my tab, and call it an early evening. ... It didn't work out that way.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here - a wimpy little guy who couldn't keep his woman!" Johnny and his two pals had drifted down the bar towards my end. I could hear Carol and the other girl giggling as Johnny taunted me.

I tried to ignore him. Bobby, one of the sidekicks, slipped around my stool and leaned onto the bar between me and the quiet old guy. "Soooo, Tommy-boy why did your fiancé there dump you for my man Johnny? Could it be because you have a tiny little cock and couldn't keep her satisfied?' Bobby said and laughed.

I don't know what made me do it, maybe it was the fourth beer I was drinking, but I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. "Well, ... she certainly ended up with a big DICK, didn't she!"

It took Booby a few seconds to realize the double meaning of what I'd said and he wasn't about to let me get away with calling his boss a big DICK. He grabbed my mug and drew it back to smash into my head. When he did that, he jerked and sloshed a bunch of beer onto the quiet guy.

In that instant several things happened at once. Sammy grabbed his phone and began punching in a number. The quiet man stood up from the bar. Bobby's head slammed into the bar. Johnny finally realized I had called him a DICK and started towards me. I sipped off my stool and almost fell on my ass. I staggered to my feet and leaned against the back wall for support. Bobby flew past me to land in an unmoving heap on the floor as the old guy stepped in front of me and around the bar.

It's weird what goes through your mind at times like that, but I was struck by the image of this quiet old guy as he moved past me. Gray hair, gray eyes, gray mustache, short gray goatee, gray suit jacket, gray shirt, gray tie, gray slacks, gray shoes. This old dude was gray from head to toe, ... literally a Gray Man.

Micky, the other henchman, flicked open a knife and charged at the Gray Man. I started to grab the old guy and pull him back, but when I reached for him, he'd already moved. His left hand grabbed Micky's right wrist, pushing the knife hand out as he stepped into him. The Gray Man's right fist slammed into Micky's throat. Micky dropped the knife and grabbed his own throat, falling to the floor, as he choked and gagged.

Sammy was yelling at Johnny who was frozen in place watching his boys being destroyed by this old man. Sammy had his phone extended across the bar and was yelling for Johnny to take it. Slowly Johnny realized what Sammy was saying and grabbed the phone.

"WHAT!!! Who the fuck is .... oh, uh, sorry Uncle Tony. No, we didn't do anything! We were just talking to some asshole and all of sudden this old gray motherfucker just goes nuts on Bobby and then when Micky jumps in to try to help, the old fuck plants him! My guys are pretty messed up! This gray fucker is going down hard!'

Johnny shuts up and is obviously listening as his uncle talks.

Yeah, he's maybe 5'9 a buck sixty. Yeah, completely gray, everything, even his fucking shoes. ... "Who the fuck is the Gray Man? What? Yeah, hold on. Sammy, he says to put this on speaker." He hands the phone to Sammy and Sammy presses the speaker button.

"Ok Mr Franco, you're on speaker now."

"Hello Richard, I didn't know you were in town."

"Hello Anthony, I was planning to come see you later this week."

"Are you here on business?"

"No, just laying low here for a few weeks, then I'm heading west."

"Richard, my nephew is a hot head and thinks he is a tough guy. The guys who run with him are idiots. I'm asking for your indulgence here. I assume my nephew hasn't harmed you?"

"Not yet, but he looks like he's about ready to explode."

"Johnny, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I hear ya, uncle."

"Richard and I go back a long ways, he knew your father well. In fact he helped train your Dad back in the early days. He is the best I've ever seen, don't fuck with him!"

Johnny stared down at the much smaller man, "Don't worry Uncle, I've got this."

Johnny threw the phone at the Gray Man and then went to his belt for his gun. The Gray Man leaned slightly to his left to avoid the phone as his right had rose from under his coat. He fired once, just an instant before Johnny fired. Johnny's shot was wide. The Gray Man's shot was true. Johnny dropped to the floor.

I felt as if I'd been hit with a baseball bat. I slammed back into the wall and a burning, searing pain exploded in my shoulder. I slid down the wall as I pressed a hand to my shoulder. I can remember hearing Carol screaming Johnny's name.

The Gray Man lifted my hand and placed a wad of towels under my hand. "Hold these to your shoulder. You'll be okay kid, sorry, but I've got to go."

That was the last I ever saw of the Gray Man. I spent a few months rehabbing before I finally left for Alaska. It had been lonely working there. Females were few and far between in the area of our facility, so like most guys up there, I went without until I couldn't stand it, then I visited the working gals. I did my job and fulfilled my contract.

Now, here I am, back in the old neighborhood and my bank account is full.

As I sat and looked around the bar, Sammy came down to stand in front of me.

"I'm not going to have any trouble from you, am I?"

I smiled at him and stuck out my hand. "I'm surprised you remember me, Sammy."

"Shit Tommy, it's not every night I have 3 dead guys on my floor and another one bleeding out!"

"About that, thanks for trying to help me that night. I thought when you got Tony on the phone that would end things, ... but fucking Johnny!"

"Nope, I knew he wouldn't listen, dumb fuck stood no chance against the Gray Man."

"Sammy, this Gray Man, you knew who he was before Johnny ever showed up, right?"

"Yeah and when you offered to buy him a drink, I didn't know the whole story. I was afraid he'd think somebody sent you, or maybe you were undercover and he'd kill you right then! I realized later he had known you were just a stupid kid and not a cop. I breathed a little easier after he accepted your drink."

"I guess I was lucky that stupid fucking Bobby spilled a drink on him. Jesus, what a dumb shit."

Sammy had to go tend to some other patrons and left me alone with my beer. I sipped my brew and thought about what Sammy had said. Wait! ...what did he say? I looked up and he was at the far end of the bar. I waved him over.

"Ready for another?" He asked as he approached.

I shook my head, "No, not now. Before, when we were talking, you said you didn't know the whole story ...what story? What were you talking about?"

He gave me a confused look, "About you and Carol, and, you know ... Carol's mom."

"Carol's mom? You mean Cindy? What about her?"

"Oh my god! You don't know! She never told you about the Gray Man!"

"The Gray Man? Sammy, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"Jesus Dude, I can't believe Cindy never said anything to you. I thought you guys were close. I mean, after you were shot, she was at the hospital almost every day."

"Well yeah, we got along great and I remember her coming to the hospital, but what the fuck does that have to do with the Gray Man?"

"Look Tommy, normally I never repeat what people tell me. I'm a bartender, people tell me all kinds of stuff, ya know. ... But this? This you need to know."

I just sat there. I was totally bewildered and it must have shown on my face.

Sammy looked around and then leaned in. "Okay, the day after you were shot I came to the hospital to check up on you. Cindy was there and she had just talked to one of your nurses. They were worried about how much blood you had lost and how much damage had been done to your shoulder. It must have upset Cindy, because she was crying and the nurses were having trouble getting her to calm down. I knew Cindy from when she used to come into my place, so I approached her and we began to talk."