Trial of Skin

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Only the quick and the naked shall succeed.
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Welcome back, gentle reader. My last story was kind of brooding and serious, so this was an attempt at something more fun. I recognize that while this is grounded in reality, the details of it are wildly improbable, especially in the current day and age. But it's meant to be lighthearted, so please take it as such. I tried to get to the naughty parts sooner, but me being me, there's a bunch of build up to the E&V elements, so if you were looking for something rewarding on page one, this ain't it.

Note: this story is not meant to parody or criticize any specific location, organization, or institution (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

I didn't have an editor or test reader for this one, so there are probably more typos than usual, because I suck at proofreading. As always, I appreciate any feedback, whether good, bad, or indifferent. Thanks!


Krista glanced up from her half-packed suitcase as the door opened and grinned. "Hey, old woman."

The tall brunette in the doorway snorted. "I'm seasoned, not old. Nice to see you too."

Krista laughed and stepped into her older sister's embrace. Naomi returned the hug and patted Krista's back for a moment before pulling away. "You about ready?"

"Yeah." She glanced back at her room--the room in which she'd spent her entire childhood. A trickle of nostalgia and loss seeped into her mind but was quickly replaced by the excitement of the journey. Apart from her last suitcase, her bags lay stacked at the end of the bed. Everything I'll need, I guess.

Naomi must have seen Krista's thoughts reflected in her expression. "Yeah, I know how you feel... kinda like you want to take everything with you but at the same time, you want a fresh start. Am I right?"

"Nailed it."

"Been there, kiddo. That's why Mom and Dad said I could make your first drive to school. They thought I'd understand how you felt." Naomi sat next to the open suitcase, glanced in, frowned, and plucked out a tee shirt. "This is mine, you little snot."

Krista snatched it from her sister's hands. "Hey, you left it when you moved out, so it was fair game."

"Fine," Naomi said, rolling her eyes. "Let's get you loaded."

A short time later--after a teary farewell with their parents--found Krista staring out the window of Naomi's Audi as they pulled out of her neighborhood. She tried to focus on what lay ahead--the draw of going to college, meeting new people, and the bright potential of her future--versus what lay behind--the familiar, the comfortable, and everything she'd known.

Naomi wheeled up to the local coffee shop, pulled into the drive-through, and ordered two drinks without asking. Krista smiled as she completed the order. "You remembered my favorite coffee."

"Jeez, Kris. I graduated and moved out of state. I didn't suffer amnesia." She paid and handed Krista her drink.


"What are big sisters for?"

The two chatted as they drove, catching up in person after eight months of texts and calls. Krista asked Naomi about her career in corporate sales, which was just getting underway with a prestigious international company. In return, Naomi asked about Krista's school plans. "You still want to be a pediatrician, right?"

"That's the plan."

"Cool. State has one of the best pre-med programs in the country, Remember my old roommate Davina? She took that route. She's at John Hopkins now. You kill it here, you'll be a shoo-in for med school."

The reminder that she was attending the same school her sister had spurred a thought. Krista said, "Hey, I wanted to ask you something."


She twisted sideways in her seat to face Naomi. "That sorority you joined... which one was it? Epsilon Zeta Epsilon?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Would it be a good one for me? Did they help you get a leg up for your internship?"

Naomi didn't answer for a moment. Krista creased her brow. "Naomi?"

"Yes, they gave me the edge. I might not have gotten it without their recommendation. But Kris... I don't think Epsilon is right for you."

Krista blinked. "Huh? Why?

"It's a very challenging sorority."

"What does that mean?"

"Epsilon is great for getting ahead. Their members sit in a lot of prestigious, influential positions. But as a sorority, it puts a lot of demands on its members. Some girls are okay with it but for others, it really goes sideways. I'm afraid it would for you."

"I don't understand." Naomi frowned. "Did something bad happen to you there?"

"It wasn't bad--I mean, not for me. Like I said, I don't think it's for everyone." Naomi bit her lip. "I know I'm not making any sense."

"You're really not."

Naomi side-eyed her from the driver's seat. "Kris, we've always been pretty open but I try to respect your privacy."

"I know you do."

"Are you a virgin?"

Krista flushed. "I, uh..."

"You don't have to tell me."

"No, I'm not."

"Okay, that makes it easier."

"What does that mean?"

Naomi didn't answer. Her eyes stayed on the road.

Krista thought back to her boyfriend, Jake. Like her, he had been a "late" school attendee, with a birthday in October, only a few days after hers--which meant they had both been held back a year early when young. They also meant they'd both turned eighteen early in their senior year, meaning they were older than most of their peers, and they had bonded over that fact. Bonding had turned to dating, and by the time graduation rolled around, dating had turned to fucking.

She shivered at that thought. Jake had been her only lover but once they got over the initial clumsiness, they'd taken every opportunity they could manage. Krista didn't consider herself experienced but she knew she liked sex. The sensation of having Jake's warm, hard cock sliding in and out of her body had been delicious in a way she couldn't explain to someone who had never felt it. His mouth massaging her pussy had felt divine and each time he went down on her for a while before ramming himself home, she'd had a massive orgasm. Krista had even come to like licking and sucking his cock. The power she felt while listening to raw lust in his pants and groans--knowing that her slurping his throbbing dick in her mouth was the cause of his excitement--made her wetter than anything.

Sadly, Jake had left their midwestern state a week before, bound for Harvard, and they had tearfully agreed that with life taking them on different courses, that it had been best to break up. That hadn't stopped them from fucking up a storm the last night.

Naomi's words tore her out of her memory. Krista blinked. "Sorry, what?"

"You never told me." Naomi's voice was a little wistful. "I guess we've drifted apart, huh?"

"I wasn't hiding it from you, Nae, but I couldn't put it in texts. You know Mom still checks my phone, right?"

"I guess I'm not surprised. She did mine too until I got my own account."

"The last thing I want her reading about is me having sex with my boyfriend." Krista snorted. "That would go over like a fart in church in the Guillard household. It would be the nonstop weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. 'Where did I go wrong?' and all that crap."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"I'm getting my own line at school for some privacy, even if it's just a cheap flip phone. I'll use the one on their account for day-to-day. And..." She searched for the words. "It never really came up in conversation whenever we visited last year. I'm sorry. I wasn't holding out on you on purpose."

"Don't apologize, Kris. I don't hold it against you. I guess I just miss when I lived at home and we were really tight--and no, that's not your fault either." Her sister shot her a sad grin. "I've let that get away from us."

"I don't blame you either. Life goes on, right? We grow up." Krista snickered. " 'But time makes you bolder, even children get older.' That's how the lyrics go, right? One of Mom and Dad's dinosaur bands sang that, I think."

Naomi laughed. "That 'dinosaur band' was Fleetwood Mac, and they are musical icons, kiddo."

"If you say so. We're getting off subject." Krista brushed a coil of her curly shoulder-length brown hair from her face. She gave Naomi an abbreviated version of her sex life. "I mean, me and Jake didn't get into anything weird but I did enjoy it."

"Hmm." Naomi's gaze grew distant and her brow scrunched in a way that Krista knew was a sign of her sister in deep thought. She waited, watching the highway scenery go by.

"How open-minded are you, Kris?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look, it's something we're not exactly supposed to talk about but I'm going to tell you." Naomi side-eyed her. "You understand you need to keep this to yourself, not spread gossip, yadda yadda yadda?"


"Epsilon Zeta Epsilon isn't all that different from the other sororities on the surface but underneath, there's a lot of sex play. No one is coerced or forced to do anything, but the assumption is kind of that you're going to bring a sex-positive attitude and be open to trying things--and people. There's a lot of banter, a lot of innuendo, and a lot of people swapping bedrooms on a regular basis. They have a partner frat, Kappa Omicron Kappa, that has a similar mentality. Most weekends, there's a party at one place or the other and while it's not like there are orgies in the public spaces, there's a lot of pairing up with different people."

"Pairing up?" Krista blushed. "You mean hooking up."


Krista frowned. "Kappa Omicron Kappa. KOK." She hesitated. "Cock?"

"It's a bad gag, I agree. It gets worse when you think of Epsilon Zeta Epsilon as EZE. Easy." She laughed. "I can't believe they got away with those names."

"Wait. You were in the sorority for four years. Were you hooking up the whole time?"

"I plead the Fifth."

Krista's mouth fell open. Naomi had always possessed a straight-laced and no-nonsense image, and had been something of an introvert. She had trouble reconciling the idea of her big sister banging a different guy every weekend with the straight-A honor society nerd Naomi had been in high school. She stammered, "I... wow."

"Not what you were expecting, right?"

"No." Krista thought for a moment and an uncomfortable thought pushed its way to the front of her mind "So, you got the internship--"

Naomi held up her hand and a scowl appeared on her face. "Hold it right there. If you're about to make an assumption that I screwed my way into my internship, you can put fucking forget that right now."

Krista blushed and looked at her hands.

"I told you, no Epsilon--or Kappa, for that matter--is forced to do anything. People join them because they want to be around like-minded people. I got considered for my internship in the first place because of my grades and playing on the lacrosse team. Advocacy from the national chapter and former members just put me over the top." Her narrowed eyes flicked Krista's direction. "Got it?"

"O-Okay. Sorry." She stared at her lap, unsure what to say next.

Naomi took a deep breath and her face relaxed. "Look, let's forget that for now and enjoy the drive. You're going to have lots to absorb for the first few weeks, so try to concentrate on that, 'k?"

Krista nodded. A few moments later, they had launched into a discussion of the campus and where certain facilities were located. Krista bantered with her sister but in the back of her mind, her attention remained fixed on the previous subject.


Krista stood still on the sidewalk leading to the sorority. To no one, she muttered, "This is a bad idea."

The building was a red-brick three-story building, modeled in Victorian style, with steep roofs, decorative molding, and a wraparound porch. To the casual eye, it looked like every other house on Baker Street, which ran the east edge of campus and housed the university's sororities. Across campus, the western bordering road Vine Street held matching fraternities, with matching architecture.

She smirked to herself. She'd already heard Baker and Vine Streets called "Ho Row" and "Himbo Lane" by other students.

Her eyes glanced at the three stylized Greek letters on the board above the door--Epsilon Zeta Epsilon--and wondered just how grounded in reality those street nicknames were.

Naomi had not said another word about the organization on their drive and had instead helped Krista get settled in her dorm room. They ate dinner before Naomi checked into her hotel. Krista had called her parents and assured them she was all right. The next morning, they'd had breakfast before a tearful departure, with promises to speak often, after which Naomi left to begin the long drive back to her home and job.

Krista had met her roommate--a quiet girl named Jenna--later that day. Jenna had seemed considerate and polite. While Krista didn't foresee any issues living with her, she also knew they were not destined to be lifelong friends.

The first few weeks of campus life had been a whirlwind but she adapted easily enough and met a lot of people. Class had been about as expected and she'd gotten to a good start, acing her first test. She had almost forgotten about the conversation with Naomi until she received an email from the campus life organization reminding all new students that pledging season was about to commence, starting with, "Rush Week," when all the new students could apply to join a fraternity or sorority. Attached documents had told them what they needed to do to apply.

That announcement tore the scab off her memory. Krista had thought about Epsilon a few times since arriving but the memory of her sister's reaction meant she didn't dwell on it. Now with the reality back in her lap, she obsessed over the thought until it dominated her thoughts. The idea alternately intimidated and intrigued her. She had really cared for Jake and didn't know if she could hook up with someone just because. At the same time, the idea of being plowed by someone with no strings attached held a level of naughty heat that made her nipples hard and pussy tingle. And if she was honest with herself, she missed sex. Getting it from Jake on the regular, only to have her supply cut off, had left a need gnawing in the pit of her stomach.

Fortunately, Jenna was the type of student who went home every weekend. Krista spent a few Saturday nights in her dorm room, under the covers naked and stroking herself to orgasm at the idea of a nameless man pounding into her.

Rush Week had arrived, and now, here she stood, outside Epsilon house. She still wasn't sure what to do. The idea of powerful people who could speak for her when it came time to apply to med school was incredibly tempting. The idea of a lot of nameless sex was tempting but oh-so intimidating too. Tentacles of fear crept into her mind, sapping her resolve.

I'm standing here rooted to the spot, like some loser who can't make up her mind. That thought irritated her. Krista knitted her brow, took a deep breath, and strode to the door.

The steps to the porch creaked under her weight--it wouldn't have felt right if they hadn't, she thought. The brass knocker on the door was almost a cliché but she raised it, tapped it twice, and stepped back.

A moment later, the door opened, revealing a tall, broad-shouldered woman with brown skin in a tone that suggested Pacific Islander heritage to Krista. The black braid of her hair lay on her collarbone, reaching near to her waist. She wore a sleeveless yellow sundress that left her muscular arms bare. Penetrating brown eyes gazed into Krista's. "Can I help you?"

The woman's husky voice jolted a shiver up Krista's spine. "I... I came to pledge."

"Thank you but we're full for this year. But there are lots of great sororities that I'm sure would be happy to take you." She stepped back and reached for the handle.

Holy shit! It's ten AM on the first day of Rush Week, and they already filled their pledge class?

The closing of the door spurred her to action. "Wait!" Krista jammed her hand on the door, halting it.

The woman's eyes narrowed and Krista swallowed hard at the dangerous spark in her gaze. The house's resident was over six feet tall and based on appearance alone, could kick Krista's ass up and down Baker Street all day long if she wanted to. Krista blurted, "I'm a legacy."

"Legacy" meant that she had a family member--sibling or parent--who had been a member in good standing. In theory, that meant Epsilon had to at least consider and evaluate her. In theory.

The woman tilted her head and some of her animosity faded. "Okay. We'll have to verify with records at national."

"My sister... she was a member at this school a few years ago. Naomi Guillard."

The other woman's eyes widened for a moment. A pleasant smile appeared on her lips. "I remember your sister. I can see the resemblance between you two." She held the door open. "Come in, please."

Krista stepped inside, wondering if she would be walking into a boudoir or sex den straight out of badly-written fanfiction. But the entry appeared as normal as the front room of any large house.

Her hostess indicated a small office off the entrance and motioned Krista into the chair before taking the one behind the desk. "I'm Isabelle Kekoa, the president of this chapter. You understand that being a legacy means only that we must consider you during Pledge Week--that you may not make the cut, right?"

Krista nodded.

"Okay. I'll need your Form 92 and your driver's license."

Krista handed over the form confirming her full-time enrollment and her ID card and filled out an application. She kept waiting to get to the question about whether she was a sex maniac but the form was about as bland as it could get.

Isabelle made copies of her paperwork and reviewed her application. She handed Krista a manila envelope. "This has copies of all the bylaws and history, both for the national organization and this chapter. Make sure you know them front to back. There are also forms to apply to move into the house if you want, along with a schedule of our Pledge Week." She leaned against the backrest of her chair. "How's Naomi? She conquer the business world yet?"

"Good. She's working her new job and really liking it. I can tell her you said hi."

"Please do."

Isabelle's smile reminded Krista of a cat that had cornered a mouse. Perspiration dotted her forehead, but before she could say anything, Isabelle stood. "Thanks for coming by, Krista. Pledge Week starts next Monday. If you have any specific questions, please call Monique Darby. She's the pledge coordinator and on the executive committee for the chapter. Her number's in the packet." She offered her hand,

Krista took it. Isabelle's grip was confident and strong but her skin was soft. With more conviction than she felt, Krista said, "Looking forward to it."

Isabelle smiled. "Me too."


Naomi's reaction was not quite what Krista expected it to be. She called to update Naomi, half-expecting to be torn a new asshole but hoping her sister might offer some words of support or encouragement.

Naomi had done neither. When Krista had informed her of her pledge, Naomi had been silent for a moment before muttering something. Krista pressed her phone to her ear. "What was that?"

"I said, 'Jesus H. Christ on a crutch.' " The sound of a loud exhalation echoed across the line. "Okay, what's done is done, I guess."

"Okay. What can you tell me about Pledge Week? Are they going to make me walk around campus with a tomato tied around my neck, or deliver nightly news reports in limericks to the exec committee, or something like that?"

"Not exactly. I mean, there will be some of that but... look, Kris, are you sure this is what you want? Really? If you just want to explore sex, I guarantee there are ten thousand guys on campus that would be happy to help you with that, and probably a bunch of women too."