Trade up goes wrong

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Wife tries to trade up.
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Disclaimers: Yes I need an editor. No, I do not want an editor. Yes, there are too many people to keep track of. Yes, it jumps around too much. Yes, it's too short. Yes, it's too long. Yes, it's in the wrong category. Yes, this is stupid shit. And yes, I suck.

To all nitpickers, I use Microsoft Editor and Grammarly so fuck off.

Just a reminder THIS IS FICTION If I say green is black then green IS black it's my world and if I say you get ten years for farting in church then you do end of discussion.

Now can we get on with the story?


My name is Bill Watson I'm 44yo 5' 10'' 200lbs in great condition thanks to regular visits to the gym and two weekly sessions at the MMA dojo. My wife Sarah is a looker at 5' 6'' 110lbs and in great condition thanks to her gym membership also 44yo. We have two children Mark 21yo and Ann 18yo just went to college a week ago, so we are empty nesters.

I work at ABC Engineering as head of research and development we make the anechoic coatings for submarines. It's my job to make sure our coverings continue to be the best available through rigorous testing at all stages of production. This is a government contract and pays very well indeed. Our house has no mortgage as it was left to me by my grandparents together with twenty-five acres of land and a substantial sum of money. we have money in the bank. Our stocks and shares are worth over a million and a half and retirement looks to be good. Sarah works part-time at the local hospital as a OR nurse and is good at her job all is as it should be or is it?

I'm on my way home from the gym knowing I'm about to be ambushed by my loving wife and her toy boy doctor aged thirty-five. How do I know this? My work friend Ralph told me one day in my office. It seems his wife also works at the same hospital. When was I told? Just over six months ago.

Ralph came to work at ABC as a Computer tech, I have known Ralph since college. I took Chemistry and he took computer science but we both took business management, which is where we met, and we have stayed in touch ever since. When the post of senior computer technician became available I immediately thought of Ralph. I phoned him and said he should apply for the job which he got on my recommendation. It turned out he had married a nurse (Sally) as well. He brought his wife to our Christmas party and introductions were made. When I introduced Sally to Sarah and mentioned that they worked at the same hospital Sarah made an excuse and went to another table. Later I saw Ralph and Sally in an intense conversation shortly after they left. That was on a Friday night, Ralph came to see me on Monday morning. He sat opposite me at my desk and looked troubled. I asked him to spit it out and he told me he was sorry, but he thought I should know. Sally worked in the ER at the hospital so rarely saw Sarah, so they weren't friends and didn't socialize. Sally had heard of a nurse in OR who was rumoured to be having an affair with a young doctor. Sally thought it was just gossip and thought no more of it. Then one day she was talking to another nurse when the nurse pointed out another nurse and said ''that's the one having the affair and there's the doctor with her.'' Sally thought they were acting like a couple holding hands and conversing. She then put it out of her mind until she was asked to take some charts to Doctor Carl Bright. When she got to his office she tapped on the door and got no answer so tried the door to leave the charts on his desk. The door opened and she was shocked to see Bright sitting on his desk while the nurse who had been pointed out to her was sucking his cock. She quickly shut the door and left asking the desk nurse to give Dr Bright the charts.

Although momentarily shocked she soon put it out of her mind as none of her business and carried on working. Ralph said ''Imagine her surprise when you introduced that same nurse as your wife at the Christmas party.''

I sat there stunned my loving wife of over twenty years was having an affair for over a year and I was the clueless cuckold. I thanked Ralph and asked him to keep it to himself while I tried to figure it out. I knew I would be useless for the rest of the day, so I went home telling my Clerical assistant (secretary) where I could be reached.

When I got home I sat in my office thinking about what to do next, I had to do something but what? Perhaps it was just a rumour with no truth. Then I realised I had fallen for the first reaction to devastating news I was in denial. I had to have proof one way or another, so I called the security company that did our background checks. I called Tom Wilson the owner and asked for an appointment. He said he could see me now if I could get there in twenty minutes. I was there in fifteen and shown straight in.

''OK Bill what can we do for you, I take it it's something personal.''

I explained the situation to him and asked if he knew any good PIs He explained they had their own investigation and surveillance division and asked if I wanted to proceed. I agreed and left him a retainer and a photo of Sarah I kept in my wallet. He said I should talk to an attorney as soon as possible and gave me a card saying to call her she's a real shark and his sister. I left there feeling a bit better now that I was doing something even if it was as I hoped a waste of time and money. When I got home it was still some hours before Sarah came home so I started a little investigation of my own. I first checked her emails on her laptop (I knew her passcode) nothing. I went through her wardrobe no scanty underwear no CFM shoes no condoms nothing out of the ordinary. I would try her phone tonight while she slept.

Sarah came in said ''hi'' kissed me on the cheek as usual and went for a shower. When I heard the shower running I went into the bedroom to check her panties for evidence nothing they seemed too clean after a day's hard work. I decided to check the colour of her panties before she went to work tomorrow.

I went back downstairs to start dinner when she came down she asked what sort of day I had. I decided to tweak her and said I had spent the day with Ralph, and he had asked us over for dinner one night soon. I watched her carefully as I said this and thought I saw a moment's panic cross her face, but she recovered quickly. Saying she wasn't sure she liked Ralph's wife as she was a bitch at work so wasn't keen. This alone started alarm bells ringing as I knew she was a very amicable person.

The next day I went to work and called in to see my boss and asked for some time off. We weren't very busy at the moment, so he agreed but asked why so I explained my problem and he said to take as much time as needed. He had gone through a messy divorce a couple of years ago and I had covered for him through their breakup. He was now married to the counsellor who had helped him to restart his life after catching his wife in bed with their neighbour. He gave me her card and said he would tell her to expect a call. I thanked him and went back to my office where I called the attorney Tom had recommended. I got an appointment for that afternoon.

When I arrived, I was shown straight in, and she introduced herself as Jane Scott and shook my hand. She said that Tom had spoken to her and asked how she could help and did I have any proof. I said I was waiting for the PIs report at the end of the month. She explained that she could still file for divorce citing irreconcilable differences, but proof of adultery would give me a stronger case. I agreed she should prepare the paperwork based purely on what Ralph had told me Sally had seen. She then gave me a list of things I could do to mitigate my financial loss. She also warned me not to do anything stupid or to try to hide any assets from her attorney. She said it would be a 50/50 split but as I earned much more than her she would get spousal support for the rest of her life. Which meant I would be paying her to fuck other men, no way Josay. I told Jane to hold off until I had sorted some things out and I would contact her.

Having sex with Sarah wasn't a problem she had cut me off about a year ago saying she was dry, and it was painful. I suggested using lube, but she said it was more than that she no longer felt interested in sex but would help me out with hand and blow jobs. This all made sense now that I know she was having an affair at work. The hand and mouth relief became less often and then only when I asked for it. One morning I cuddled up to her with a stiffy rubbing against her back she shot out of bed screaming. ''That's all you ever think about sex, sex, sex you're a fucking pervert now leave me alone.'' And she went into the bathroom slamming the door. That afternoon I moved all my stuff into the guest room, and I haven't been in the master bedroom since. That was six months ago needless to say my right hand is getting a workout at least twice a week. The funny thing is after about a month I found I didn't miss sex with Sarah anymore the temptation was missing so I felt no rejection. Our relationship improved at the same time I made this discovery, and we became roommates rather than husband and wife. I once asked our doctor about our situation, and he said it was quite normal for a woman of her age to go off sex, but her sex drive would probably return in time. I loved her so much, so I decided to wait and be as supportive as possible.

Now all the above makes sense what a chump I've been well no more the gloves come off.

A month later Tom asks me to come to his office so the PIs report is ready. As soon as I see Tom I know it's going to be bad, Tom tells me to take a seat he then looks at me as he seems to come to a decision.

''Bill you are right we have audio, photos and video proving her affair with Carl Bright. If there is any possibility of a reconciliation I recommend you do not look at the photos or video they are pretty graphic.''

''Tom the moment she kissed another man we were through show me what you've got.''

He first showed me the photos which almost made me puke. The first one showed Sarah with Carl's cock in her mouth and then with it up her ass and the last one showed him cuming over her rings while she laughed. At that point I broke down and cried, Tom left me for a while and then came back with a cup of coffee. I thanked him and took a big swig.

''Bill are you sure you want to see the rest the video is much worse, and the audio will break your heart, or I can sum up the two and you can look at them later.''

I didn't think I could take much more so I asked for a copy to view later. And asked him to give me the reader's digest version of the report.

''Basically, they've been screwing ever since he joined the hospital. Sometimes in his office and other times at the Silver Dollar Motel. Shortly after they started their affair he demanded she cut you off then a few months later he told her to not give you any relief at all. They did this to try and force you to start your own affair so that she could divorce you and clean you out. Your being followed and your house might even be bugged, and you might also want to check your car. We can do all that if you would like us to. All we need is the keys to your house and car, we can do your car now if you wish.''

I handed over my keys and he called a colleague to take the keys. I asked if he could find out who was following me, and he made a couple of calls. It turned out it was one of his rivals, so he told me how to spot the tail and what to do about it. The man he had given the keys to came back and said the car was clean we then made an appointment for them to visit my home to scan for bugs and cameras.

When I got home I called Ralph and asked to meet him at the Lone Ranch Bar and Grill he said he would be there at six. Sarah wouldn't be home until seven-thirty, so I had plenty of time. When I got there he was waiting for me in a secluded booth with two beers waiting.

''Ok, Bill what's so important that it can't wait until tomorrow?''

I explained my meeting with Tom and said I wondered if my home computer, laptop and phone were safe to use so I called him.

''Fuck Bill that's shit sure I'll take a look I've got the tools in the car lets go back to your place.''

When we got there I motioned him to be quiet and we went into my office. He took out a small black box about the size of a TV controller. He put his finger to his lips for me to keep silent and walked around the room waving it about. Suddenly there was a loud beep as he waved it over a picture. He reached behind the picture and showed me a small microphone. He went back to his toolbox and produced a small cube which he put on the desk and pressed a button.

''Ok we can talk now I neutralised the mic and there doesn't seem to be any other devices in here, do you want me to destroy it.''

I thought about it for a minute.

''No but can I have one of those pointing to the cube? I don't want her to know I've found out about her putting surveillance on me just yet and I can use that to feed her false information. Will the people who put that in here know we found it?''

''No, it will just look like there was nothing to record. Now let's check your other appliances.''

He found a keystroke logger on both my desktop and laptop computers. We left the one on the desktop so as not to alert anyone to me knowing it was there. I had a plan to disable her logger on my laptop. The phone was found to be clean, so no action was needed. That night we watched TV for a while, and she said she was tired and was going to bed. She went to kiss me, but I turned my head, and she kissed my cheek. She stood there looking uncertain and said. ''I love you, baby.''

''I replied that's nice, I've got work to do so goodnight.''

The next day I bought new hard drives for my laptop and desktop computers and had them fitted by Ralph who transferred everything over to the new drives. I kept the old drives in my safe at work for future reference. At dinner that night Sarah was quiet just answering me when necessary. I wanted to put her on edge, so I started a conversation.

''A funny thing happened today: I noticed my laptop was running slowly, so I asked Ralph to look over it. Ralph found a virus that was recording my keystrokes, so he changed the hard drive to a new one. As you know my laptop is supplied by the company and as we work with sensitive government projects it was classed as a security breach. We reported it to security who sent the drive to the FBI for examination. If they discover who put the virus on the drive they could spend the next twenty-five years in federal prison for treason.''

Sarah dropped her knife and fork and ran to the bathroom, and I could hear her throwing up. I had a little chuckle to myself; the drives were safely in my safe at work, but it gave me an idea about informing the FBI later. When she returned her face was a whiter shade of pale, I pretended not to notice.

''Are you ok Sarah you don't look too well.''

''Just went down the wrong hole that's all.''

''Well, as I was saying, I keep a lot of information on my desktop, so I also changed that drive. I also checked my phone but that was clean. The head of security said that the FBI would also want to do a sweep of our house and cars sometime soon.''

Sarah went even whiter if that was possible and didn't answer me. I bet all the surveillance gear they installed will be removed by the end of the week. I would love to be a fly on the wall when she tells her boyfriend he may go to prison.

I needed a plan to minimise my financial exposure when we divorced without ending up in prison, I needed time to put the plan into action. I needed her to keep seeing asshole while I implemented my plan, I needed at least six months.

Sarah went to bed early again; good I can hardly stand to be in the same room with her anymore. So, I went into my office and sat at my desk formulating a plan of action. Three hours later I had what I thought was a workable plan. I slept well that night.

The next morning, I went to see my boss Frank and told him what was going on he said he would help in any way he could having suffered a messy divorce a couple of years ago. I laid out the first part of my plan that he would let me go as things were tight at the moment. He said he couldn't let me go completely as my work was critical to the company's ongoing success. But I could work as a consultant from home and therefore would not be classed as employed. I would be officially unemployed from next Monday.

Next, I contacted Tom and asked if he could put audio surveillance in all the rooms at home and also in Carl Bright's office. He said that wouldn't be a problem, but I couldn't use the take from the office in court. I said it was just to gather information, so he agreed and sent a man around that afternoon. I was surprised it only took him half an hour, so I asked what he had done. He had replaced the plug sockets with ones with a mic attached they worked just the same and looked identical. The feed went to my laptop and phone and then to the cloud for storage. I could even access it live when any noise was detected it would call my phone to let me know it was active and I could listen in. He said he had also wired my landline so that I could hear both ends of a conversation. I asked if he could do the same with her cell phone and he gave me a little flat circuit board and showed me how to fit it to her phone. He then asked if I paid for her cell, and I said I did. He said I could use the take in court in that case as it was legally my phone.

That night I told Sarah I had been fired but would soon find another job. She didn't seem happy about that so I said to look on the bright side I would be home most of the time and we could spend more time together. She looked positively pissed at that. I gathered that from her reaction I had just put a major crimp in her sex life I had a little chuckle at that inside myself.

Sarah came into the lounge that night after dinner dressed in a see-through nighty and nothing else. She sat down opposite me with her legs open showing me her shaved pussy. She looked at me and smiled.

''Baby it's been a long time how about an early night?''

''No thanks, there's a game on later I'm going to watch that good night.''

And I went into my office and shut the door, I heard her gasp and run up the stairs, I even thought I heard her crying. Good now she knows how I felt when she cut me off. But I had to wonder what she was trying to accomplish as she was getting all the sex she needed from Carl the shithead. I did watch the game with a couple of beers. That night I waited for her to go to sleep, and I could hear her gently snoring. I crept into her bedroom and took her phone to put the listening device that Tom's guy had given to me into it then put her phone back on her charger and went back to bed. The next morning, I was up at six and went for my morning run. As I ran my phone chirped letting me know she was making a call in my absence. I stopped to listen in.

''Hi Carl, he's out for his run did you get all of that stuff out of the house?''

''Yeh got it out yesterday while he was out, do you think he suspects?''

''I don't know I tried to get him to fuck me last night and he turned me down flat the bastard said he would sooner watch the game.''

''Have you heard anything about the hard drive he sent to the FBI I'm really worried about that.''

''No nothing yet do you think they could trace it back to us?''

''Don't know but if they do we could be in a lot of trouble.''

''Why don't I just divorce him now, I'll still get half of everything, and we can get married I might even get the house.''

''Not yet we need to wait until after his forty-fifth birthday so that we can get his inheritance as well. Are we still on for this afternoon?''