Time Rider Ch. 07


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"Where?" Nanu asked, looking around hurriedly. Had they missed one? "May I try it?"

"Another time, you greedy little pill," Becky laughed as she disposed of their waste. "Don't worry, we'll be back."

"And you said we're underground?" Nanu asked, looking around in wonder again. The space was huge and so open, like a forum surrounded by endless shops, but there was no sky above her, just a distant white ceiling.

Becky nodded. "And there are more shops above us. That's where we're going, to find clothes and so on for you."

They took more of the magic moving stairs, carrying Nanu up to another level. She watched over the railing in awe, feeling so very superior to the people who were still below, like puny ants. The sights and the smells and the throngs of people enthralled her.

"Mistress, I am so excited that I think I need to pee," she said, feeling a twinge in her pussy.

"Just over here," Becky said, diverting them down a small hallway. "I happen to know these washrooms are pretty clean because they're seldom used."

"You are so smart, Mistress," Nanu said proudly as Becky led her into the little room with all the weird stalls. Becky led her over to one of the stalls and gestured for her to enter.

"Go inside, pulls down your pants, do your business, and then use the tissue like we do back at home," Becky instructed. "I'll wait out here."

"You won't come in with me, Mistress?" Nanu asked. "How will you watch me pee?"

"No, sweetie," Becky replied, smiling. "That's not how we customarily do things in public places in my time. I'll be right out here, though."

Nanu shrugged and sighed, heading into the little stall and Becky closed it behind her. She heard the Egyptian girl shuffling around, and then Nanu let out a groan, peeing very loudly. Becky wasn't surprised, given all the pop Nanu had inhaled. The sugar crash was going to be awesome. Some other unladylike sounds followed, but at least Nanu didn't seem to be turning herself inside out like she had the previous day. Baby steps.

There was a pause and Nanu seemed to be finished, so Becky began talking. "Okay, sweetie, remember what I told you. Go ahead and clean up, but just be aware of-"

There was a sudden flushing sound, followed by a yelp of shock and fear. A split second later, the stall door burst open and Nanu raced out, her track pants still around her ankles as she hobbled as quickly as she could toward the exit, her eyes wide in panic and once again peeing herself.

"Just watch out for the automatic flush mechanism..." Becky grumbled as she loped off after Nanu before she exposed herself to the busiest mall in all of Canada.


Some minutes later...

"Okay," Becky said, holding some dresses in front of Nanu and trying to decide which ones looked better. "We could try these ones out for you."

"They are both pretty colours, Mistress," Nanu remarked, feeling the material. "How will I choose?"

"We'll work it out, I'm sure," the blonde reasoned. "We can try them on you in those little changing stalls over there."

Nanu eyed the stalls warily. "There are none of your magic toilets in there, are there?"

"No, darling," Becky giggled. "Just enough room for us to make sure that the clothes work on you. There'll even be a mirror so you can see yourself."

"Can we fuck in there?" Nanu asked.

Becky shook her head and Nanu sighed, allowing herself to be led toward the stalls. They were stopped by one of the shop's attendants as they tried to go in.

"I'm sorry, but it's our general policy that only one adult is allowed in a stall at a time," she stated, looking somewhat apologetic. "Loss prevention and all that, please understand."

"It's fine," Becky assured her, looking down at Nanu. "Sweetie, I'm not allowed in the stall with you while you change, you'll just have to do it yourself."

Nanu shrugged and went inside the stall, closing the door after herself.

"What language were you speaking to her?" the attendant asked as they turned and stepped some distance away from the stall.

"Latin," Becky said, fingering a light sweater on a rack she thought might look good on herself. "She doesn't speak English, and I don't speak her language, so we speak Latin to one another."

"Oh," the girl said, blushing. "I thought she was your girlfriend or something."

Becky smiled at the thought. "I guess she kinda is in some ways. We-"

"Mistress?" came a call from behind them. They turned and stopped dead, gaping as they saw Nanu standing in the open door of the stall, completely naked, her shaved pussy and her large tits on display for anyone nearby to see. Her tan skin shone bronze in the store lights. She was holding one of the dresses in her hand and looking very confused.

"I don't know how to put it on," she admitted, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"M-maybe we'll break the rules and let you in there with her," the girl said rather hastily, blushing.

"Probably for the best," Becky said quickly, stepping over quickly and stuffing herself inside the stall along with Nanu as a mom walked by with her kid, looking shocked.

"What?" Nanu hissed, scowling at the mom and the wide-eyed brat before the door closed again.


"Well, that was an eventful day," Becky sighed as she walked along the street with Nanu, carrying bags full of clothes and some lingerie. They'd even stopped at a small Godiva shop and had some strawberries covered in chocolate. Nanu, once again, made it sound like she was having an orgasm, and that it was one of the best things she'd ever tasted. Given Nanu's unique circumstances, Becky couldn't exactly fault her. She'd never had chocolate before.

They were heading to a subway stop that didn't require Nanu to be completely surrounded by skyscrapers again, rather only one or two. The Egyptian girl eyed the massive edifices warily as they walked by them. "Still, we now have at the very least a few sets of clothes for you to begin your new life in. We'll get more soon enough."

"Can we just go back to that place and eat all our meals there, Mistress?" Nanu asked as she walked along. She seemed fascinated by the pigeons, legions of the little hellions. She had mostly seen them served cooked at her master's dinner table. "It was all so good!"

Becky smiled. "Eating out all the time is expensive, Nanu, and inconvenient when you have a job to make it to. Besides, I can make most of those foods at home. I make an excellent hamburger."

"Hanbaga," Nanu parroted, pleased with her new word. "And the tickling drinks were wonderful as well."


"Pop," Nanu pronounced, nodding. "I want more pop."

"It will be a treat, having too much of it will be bad for you," Becky said.

"I can't have more ba-lo, I can't have more pop," Nanu complained, almost stomping her foot petulantly as they walked up Yonge Street. "Why does everything I like have to be bad for me?"

"Because it'll make you fat, and then you'll look silly when you dance or fuck," Becky said, finally realizing she needed to appeal to Nanu's vanity to get through to her.

Nanu was quiet for several moments before sighing. "Fine..." she grunted, kicking a little pebble with her shoe and almost taking out a pigeon.

They reached the subway station and Nanu seemed to have forgotten to be grumpy as she looked around at all the people, the knots of humanity that passed through the space. She didn't cover her ears this time as the roaring train approached, but ended up sitting on Becky's lap as the train was much more crowded this time.

"Some of the people are very smelly, Mistress," she stated, subtly waving her hand in front of her face. "Doesn't everyone have a bath?"

Becky smirked. "Almost everyone has a bath, some people just don't do it often enough."

"Those people are stupid," Nanu groused, not enjoying the body odor of someone nearby. She'd hoped that coming to a new place and a new time would mean she left the stench of slavery behind. So why did some people choose to stink like slaves? "Why are there still stupid people, Mistress?"

"Nanu, honey, I really wish I had an answer for you," Becky sighed, shaking her head and holding the little Egyptian girl closer.


An hour later...

They were home and back up in the bedroom, laughing as Becky tried to teach Nanu how to wear her new clothes. It was certainly a process of trial and error.

"Now some of these are for daily wear," she said, indicating a small pile of pants, skirts, and shirts. "Others, like those there, are for more formal occasions and you'll wear less often."

"I think I like the Zepli shirt best," Nanu said, holding her new acquisition against her chest. Becky had indeed bought her another Zeppelin shirt, this one featuring a muscular, naked man with great white wings, surrounded by symbols. It had a cropped bottom that showed off her toned midriff, and the size that fit her frame was tight across her tits. It looked great on her, Nanu thought. "But I love them all."

"I'm glad," Becky said cheerfully, watching Nanu practice putting her clothes on. "Now like I promised, we can stay naked at home, you just need to be able to put on robes and the like quickly. Because tomorrow, I have to go back to work. There will be plenty of food for you, and I'll show you how to use the television, okay?"

"Yes, Mistress," Nanu said readily, looking at herself in the mirror while holding up a slinky little dress. "I'll be so very good while you're gone. I promise to not get scared and run out the door again."

Becky nodded and began putting the clothes away. They were calling it an early night, because it had been another long day, and the morning would probably be more complicated in terms of getting out the door than she wanted it to be. She put Nanu's clothes away and they took a quick shower, despite Nanu's pleas to use the shower jets on one another again. Once they were dried, the pair clambered into the bed, wrapped up in one another and kissing deeply, fondling each other's bodies.

The kiss ended and Nanu looked into Becky's blue eyes, her own hazel ones glassy as sleep advanced on her. "Mistress, am I doing well? I want to do well."

Becky didn't know if anyone had ever even come forward in history before, so by default Nanu was doing better than anyone else Becky knew of. But she still had a right answer to give. She smiled gently and stroked the Egyptian girl's cheek lovingly.

"Yes, Nanu," she cooed. "You're doing so very well. You're learning quickly, and you will be so very happy here."

Nanu let out a tiny gasp before she pressed her lips to Becky's, kissing her with a whimper. Becky could feel tears touching her cheeks ad she pulled Nanu into an embrace while rolling onto her back. She parted her legs and Nanu's slid between them, her pussy now kissing Becky's. Their tongues rolled and flickered while clits kissed and netherlips slithered wetly. Their lovemaking was not hurried, but deep and affectionate, two people who were very dear to one another, and on the verge of a great adventure together. It would be so new for both of them.

Nanu couldn't wait.


Don't forget the stinger after these notes, folks!

Author's Notes: Even though they don't have access right now to the Holmes Field Device, I figure it is important to keep mentioning the rules, if you will, of time travel. History, the past, cannot be changed, only the perception of it, if you know what you're doing. Our protagonists do not, most assuredly. There is, in a loose sense, some truth to the statement 'History is written by the victors.'

Conversely, the more you know about the future, the less you can do to affect it, hence the 'fating' concept that Walter was talking about. Fating and time twists are dangerous, which is why time travelers tend to not say much to one another. 'Loose talk stops clocks', and all that...

Since time travel is not available to our duo at the moment, we're obviously focusing on Nanu's GIANT learning curve about her new world. Even the simplest things will be daunting for her. Preservatives in foods will make her sick, the climate of a modern urban center like Toronto will affect her differently than ancient Rome, the types of noise she will be constantly exposed to will be completely alien. The fact that she cannot speak En-gush is almost the least of her worries, frankly. Everyday occurrences and even household items pose a danger to her, after all.

Of comedic note will be Nanu's observations about how strange our social mores and customs are, especially since we take such great delight in considering ourselves morally superior to people of bygone eras. Nanu's unique perspective will prove quite vexing for Becky, certainly.

The 'Rolling Menhirs', of course, is an homage to the wonderful Asterix novel 'Asterix and the Normans'. Check it out when you get the chance.

Why didn't the language chip work for Nanu? Well, timelock is the simple answer, but the reason for said timelock happening remains to be revealed down the road. In the meantime, it just means more language comedy, so enjoy. At least she has proper ID now. She couldn't possibly get into trouble if she has that, right?


Since they can't see Mark until late June/early July, this arc, 'The Education of Nanu', will take a few chapters, I figure. Soon enough, you'll see a crossover guaranteed to cause more hilarity. I know it's a time-traveling story, and there isn't any at the moment, but it'll still be centered around temporal hijinks one way or another. Just watch.

That'll do for the moment; on to The Alexaverse and The Great Khan.

Keep your stick on the ice!

- Management


3 am...

Becky lay on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling. Outside the bedroom, the bathroom light was on, and a stream of invective was carrying down the hall and ringing in her ears, along with many horrifying noises like something out of an Eighties teen comedy. She could only assume Nanu was swearing in Coptic, since she didn't understand a word of what the girl was saying.

All those nitrates and other things in the food at the mall, she thought despairingly, realizing that letting Nanu gorge herself, while fun, had been a complete mistake. She had no damn clue how long it would take someone from Nanu's era to adapt to modern food. Aside from making sure everything was fresh and completely organic, how could she going to keep the girl from crapping herself to death?

More long, rolling and unlovely noises reached her, followed by more swearing and the sound of yet another toilet paper roll being unravelled. She wished she had earplugs. Or had been born deaf. She was mad at Mark for not being here to share this particular joy with her.

And the adventure was just beginning. Wheeeeee...


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DevilbobyDevilboby12 months ago

I'm eagerly awaiting a meeting of minds between Nanu and miss Prospero when she and Becky visit the bridle path. To my dirty mind that could be a bit special.

Speaking of which that's just where I'm off to now Bridle Path ch.31. Your stories are always well thought out very literate and not lacking in humour. And always 5 stars.

HornERabbitHornERabbitover 1 year ago

This is a wonderful addition! Thank you! So looking forward to integrating Rebecca\Mark\Nanu into the Alexaverse.

Bookworm1962Bookworm1962over 1 year ago

Thoroughly enjoyable and well thought-out! I can only imagine how a time traveler would handle modern foods. And cars and atrplanes! I'm always grateful to read whatever you choose to share, but I confess I'm most eagerly awaiting the story of how Mike and Karen finally came together. Thank you for sharing!

namidaboshinamidaboshiover 1 year ago

Good to have an update from you. The Alexaverse cameo was welcome one. It would be good to return to Karen and Mike. We really need to see the fun Jen and Nanu can come up with.


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