Thrillseeking Slut Surprised


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"Right. Who's next? Slut pick the next two pieces of paper from the bowl."


Her small hands trembling Barbara plucked two pieces of card from the bowl and nervously read out the names.

"Jake and Paul."

Two of the guys sitting across from her gave a muted cheer and congratulated each other then got to their feet.

"So what's it gonna be boys? Take you pick? Whatever you wanna do."

They were both quite young looking, though haggard and scruffy. Jake was up and over by the blonde in a flash and had his dick out and in her mouth before his compatriot could react.

"Hey man, I wanted her mouth!" Paul complained.

"Well get it out and in there, stretch the bitch's lips, see if she can take two dicks in her mouth!" this call from the black girl, again accompanied by a vicious sneer directed at Barbara, she evidently did not like her at all.

The two guys looked at each other and shrugged and did just that. They squeezed up nice and close and before Barbara knew it she had two smelly cocks shoving and pushing at her lips and finally in her mouth. It was a tight squeeze and she felt claustrophobic, surrounded by balls on both cheeks and hemmed in by the men's bodies. Despite that she found herself wondering if this was actually nastier than taking a cock straight from fucking her ass? Whichever, they were both pretty low and Barbara could feel herself feeling worse and worse about herself which only served to arouse her more.

It all got a bit too much for the guys sword fighting with their dicks in her mouth and both had to pull out and as they slapped their hard dicks on each of Barbara's cheeks they were clearly very near to bursting.

"You go first man."

"No you go. Or how about we both go for it? What you aiming for? Her face? Her tits?"

"Man, I'm shooting for the bitch's eyes. Hey how about I nail her right one you go for the left one."

Barbara could do nothing but kneel there as they bounced their dicks off her face and discussed where they were going to dump their cum on her. Having reached their decision each reached down with a free hand and used two fingers to push her eyebrow up and her cheek down to bare her eyeball while they started wanking themselves to climax. Jake was just the first to cum, spurting a large stream of thick cum out that covered Barbara's right eye and then pumped out several after that. That set Paul off and he did likewise though with an even large amount of spunk right into Barbara's unprotected left eye! She was blinded with cum and they held her hands down so she couldn't wipe it away as it slowly dribbled out of her eyes and down her face.

"Hey look guys, the bitch's crying cum!"

That brought another laugh and then Barbara felt her hand thrust once more into the bowl. Blindly she selected a piece of paper and it fell to her initial attacker to read who was up next.

"Sharleen, looks like it's your turn baby, get up here and see what you can do with this slut!"

The dirty blonde smiled and got to her feet and strolled over to stand over Barbara. Looking up at her she looked like a stereotypical junkie bitch. Her make up was a mess, her hair a mess and she was pale and withdrawn looking -- just the scum of the earth. She gripped Barbara by the hair and took great delight in moving her head with her grip, bringing Barbara's messed up face right up towards her crotch then rubbing it against her tiny, denim skirt there.

"Take it off bitch and get eating, been ages since I was eaten out -- none of these selfish bastards would do it!"

That brought a howl of derision from the guys.

"That's 'cos you smell like a tuna fleet down there!"

"Nah! More like the whole fucking fishmarket!"

As they all laughed Barbara meekly pulled the blondes skirt off to come face to face with the most unappetising pussy imaginable. Barbara steeled herself for this, she had wanted the dirtiest, nastiest experience imaginable and it seemed like she was getting it. Her hesitation cost her as Sharleen drove her face right into the mess of wiry pubic hair and she started to again rub her face in there, this time with no skirt to block her. Desperately Barbara extended her tongue to show her compliance and the blonde laid off as Barbara found her clit with it and choked down on the vile smell as she started to lick. This was her first lesbian experience since boarding school but she had licked pussy before and had it done to her so she knew what she needed to do.

The others cheered as the rich bitch ate out the trashy skank and Sharleen was evidently enjoying it too by the moans and sighs she was making and the increasing speed of her hip gyrations.

"Ungh! Ungh! Unggghhh! AAAAAAAAA! Yes! Yes! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss!!"

Sharleen cried out as she came, spurting her warm, clear juices all over Barbara's face.

Two guys went next and the night was blurring into itself for the thrill seeking politician's wife.

The next guy up was fixated with fucking her ass and he had a big dick so it was a tight squeeze for Barbara but as she knelt on the mattress, covered in dirt, grime and various bodily fluids she allowed herself a small smile, this is what she had come for to be treated like a piece of shit and used and abused. She didn't know it but that small smile was to cost her dearly, the black girl, Tara, glimpsed it and suddenly realised what was going on - the rich white bitch wanted this! Only that first guy had known this was all a set up from the beginning, his contract with Owen to arrange this night not revealled to the motley cast of characters he had assembled in this doss house that evening. But Tara saw it now, that the blonde bitch was still actually in control here, and she did not like it one bit. But while she contemplated these thoughts she held her silence while Barbara took a good old fashioned ass reaming from a tramp who eventually unloaded his cum deep in her bowels.

This left one last guy to be picked from the bowl but by then Herbie was drunk and could barely stand as he demanded a blow job and just as a cum covered Barbara wrapped her lips around his limp dick his bladder gave way and she ended up swallowing a heap of vile piss before the rest splashed all over her face and body then seeped into the disgusting mattress.

Tara's was the last name to be pulled from the bowl and she got to her feet and strutted over to the mess that was Barbara with serious intentions. She cleared her throat and spat it's frothing contents right into Barbara's face with all the venom of a hissing Cobra. The room became silent as the black whore stood over the blonde and gripped her hair and jerked it so she was looking up at her.

"Think you're so fucking clever, don't you? You sit up there and sneer down at the likes of us and think it's fun to play with us for a thrill, don't you?"

Barbara shook her head vehemently and tried to say no but Tara's hand slapped over her mouth and gathered the fluids there and wiped it in Barbara's hair.

"Shut it bitch. The only thing you're gonna use your mouth for is to kiss my ass, understand?!"

Barbara nodded and watched aghast as the black whore dropped her skirt and presented her dark backside to her face. The blonde nervously puckered up and planted a gentle kiss on her smooth, dark chocolate skin. Tara spun round angrily.

"What the fuck was that? I said my ass not my ass cheeks, you fucking kiss my dirty, black asshole bitch, and make sure you use your fucking tongue, understand!"

What the fuck? Thought Barbara, this had not exactly been what she had wanted. She had wanted cock in all her holes and doing all kinds of things to her, eating the white whore out had even been Ok but this dark skinned woman was fucking crazy and Barbara sensed then that she would do well not to disobey her. So, reluctantly, Barbara prised open Tara's ass cheeks and delved her face inbetween and began to lick and kiss her asshole using the same lips that she had kissed various famous politicians and foreign dignitaries with to rim a dirty, nigger prostitutes asshole with! While she was in there Tara squeezed out a great big, noisy, stinking fart and gleefully reached back to hold Barbara's nose in there for a minute before releasing her and stepping away and Barbara gasped and coughed and caught her breath. Tara reached down and grabbed one of Barbara's discarded stockings and threw it to the bedraggled blonde.

"Let's see how fucking extreme you're willing to be whitey! Wrap that round your scrawny white neck and pull it tight."

Barbara looked around the room but saw nothing to help her in the faces watching on and gulping she did as she was bid, winding the expensive hosiery around her neck and then pulling on both ends. Immediately she felt the pressure on her and had to fight to maintain her position looking up at the black woman, looking for the slightest hint that she could relent. She got none.

"Keep it up slut. I want to see you choke yourself. I'll show you what life is like in the gutter, it's cloying, gasping, choking and inescapable!"

At the last word Barbara had no choice but to release her hold on the stockings as she came close to passing out.

"Do it again bitch. I know someone else whose name wasn't in that fucking bowl."

Reluctantly Barbara started to choke herself again as Tara left the room and returned minutes later with the dog, Devil on a leash and a wicked grin on her face. Barbara looked at the snarling, salivating beast and forgot she was choking herself and passed out with that visage before her.....


Barbara woke up an indeterminable time later. It was dark and cold and she was lying in the foetal position in a damp puddle. She was in an alley, dimly lit by two overhead lamps out of five that worked. She rose unsteadily and looked down at her self to see she was naked and had the words "COCK MEAT" scrawled across her stomach in black marker. The night's events came back to her in a rush and she leaned back against the stone wall to support herself. What had she done? What a risk! But what a thrill! It had all got a bit out of hand towards the end there and she struggled to remember everything. Her head ached and her body ached all over and she wondered just how far things had gotten after she had passed out. But all that was swiftly forgotten when there was a loud metallic clang further up the alleyway. She jumped and gave an involuntary squeal.

"Barbara! Is that you?"

She gave a large sigh at hearing Owen's voice and weakly called that she was there. He rushed to grab her and kiss her and wrap his coat around her and lead her away to her limo. She slept in the back seat all the way home and barely woke when he carried her inside and up to her bed, the nightmare/fantasy over.


In the days and weeks that followed Owen demanded the full gory story of her evening and she told him, missing out only one or two things. She was glad she had lived out her sordid fantasy but knew that now she had done it she had no desire to revisit it. The reality had been too much for her. Indeed Owen (and her husband) noticed a newer Barbara in bed from then on, a kinder, gentler soul and Owen's days of treating her rough were a thing of the past. She had experienced the harsher sides of sex and decided that that particular itch was scratched.


Some six weeks to the day Barbara and her husband were hosting a dinner party at their house when their maid came to tell her that there was someone to see her at the door, that they had insisted on speaking to her even when told she was busy and had stressed how important it was she saw the lady of the house. Mildly irritated, Barbara excused herself. She was dressed in a really expensive dress and jewellery and her hair had been done that morning at great expense. She didn't know what to expect when she opened the door but is certainly wasn't to be staring at that black girl from her sex fantasy night, Tara!

Barbara was stunned into silence but had enough presence of mind to close the door of their London home and guide Tara into the bushes.

"W-What are you doing here?"

Tara smirked.

"I came to see how the other half lived. Kinda like you did bitch! Thought we was so poor that we don't see the news or read the papers, didn't you? Well I seen you bitch, I found out just who you were and who you're married to! "

"Look, I don't know what you want but go away, we can't do this now. "

Tara looked her up and down and admired the hostess's look before pulling a photograph from her tatty handbag. Barbara blanched as she looked at it, it must have been taken while she was passed out, she had no memory of doing that! She held her hand to her mouth as if she was going to be sick and then she was, throwing up in a rose border. The whole time Tara looked on amused.

"What I want, you rich, white bitch, is for you to meet me at this place in Soho tomorrow at 11in the morning. We're going to go shopping, so bring plenty spending money and dress down - but you know how to do that, don't you?"

Barbara took a business card from her and looked, dazed at the address.

"And bitch? If you tell anyone else about this, I mean anyone, your chauffeur lover, your husband, the police, anyone, then this picture gets sold to the highest bidder along with some others I took. Or maybe I just send a copy to your man, how'd he like that you think?"

"P-Please don't, I'll do what you want. Please, leave now, I'll be there tomorrow."

"Better believe it cunt, you're my bitch now and you do what I say, or else."

Barbara could hear chatter in the house behind her and she turned to listen lest anyone come out and find her like this, when she turned back Tara was right up in front of her and once again cleared her throat and spat right in her face. Then she twisted her nipple through the expensive gown before leaving with the warning.

"Be there white bitch or else this (waving the disgusting, incriminating photo at her) goes global!"

And with that Tara skipped out of the garden and out of the gate leaving Barbara frozen in place as the sour saliva dripped from her perky little nose.


Somewhat against her better judgement Barbara escaped the house the next day and did not inform anyone where she was off to. Colin, her husband was easy because he had left early for yet another fact finding junket on tax payers time and money in the Middle East. Owen not so much but she had slipped from the house and when he texted her later she just replied that he had the day off. She herself got a taxi into the city a couple of streets from the address Tara had given her and nervously walked the rest of the way. She had tried to 'dress down' but the reality was her wardrobe had nothing really that could mingle in with whatever whore couture that the black girl would be wearing.

Barbara's attire was a knee length black skirt, black stockings, a casual red top that displayed a decent amount of her cleavage and a designer denim jacket and sunglasses. She had slipped on red heels too but was more than aware it wasn't going to be what Tara was wanted. She got confirmation the minute she entered the sex shop that was at the address in Soho and spotted Tara staring at her. Tara herself was all in black leather, boots, miniskirt and bra top under a jacket. The black girl marched right up to her, grabbed her wrist and led her out of the shop.

"I told you to dress for the occasion, that (pointing at her outfit) is pathetic. Not what I had in mind."

She led Barbara down a dingy back alley beside the shop and then stopped behind a large bin just out of sight of the main street. Tara looked Barbara up and down then announced.

"We're about the same size , get undressed you can wear my clothes and I'll take yours."

Any argument was not brooked and was wasted so it was that the older blonde stripped off (naked, at Tara's bidding) and accepted the whores clothes and slipped them on while Tara helped herself to Barbara's much more expensive clothing. As they changed Barbara could not help but stare at the younger girl's ebony body and realise that her own figure would struggle to display itself so well in her cheap clothing.

"Give me my jacket I'll carry it, want you to get the full effect bitch!"

Barbara handed it over timidly which left her looking and feeling badly exposed. For goodness sake the only thing she wore on her top was a leather bra top that her tits were at least a size too big for. The skirt too was a little too small for her waist and she was conscious that it barely came down to mid thigh. This was made worse by the fact Tara had not been wearing knickers so Barbara now wasn't either and she felt the air get in between her legs. Contrastingly Tara fit into Barbara's clothes neatly and slipped the sunglasses on and smirked at her victim.

"Right, that's much better. What's the matter you wanted to live like scum, I'm just making it happen. Come on let's get back to the shop."

As Barbara made her way behind Tara she couldn't help but think that the dark girl was right, she had wanted this once (well not this exactly now) and had sought the thrill of helplessness well now she was really feeling it for sure!

It was a pretty grubby and seedy shop, both in look and content. Barbara stared at the rows of hardcore porn magazines, DVD's and sex toys and felt a familiar tingle in her crotch. As much as she did not like this situation and her lack of control she could not deny there was a certain arousal to it. Her feelings changed again as she caught two guys staring at her in the shop. They were quite young, both looked pretty nerdy and they were in the BDSM section of the chop. Barbara crossed her arms over her chest and turned to go down another aisle as Tara chuckled and called her over. The black girl was looking at a range of collars, she picked up a skanky looking black leather one, ringed with mini spikes.

"This'll do I think. Just trying to complete your look bitch. Gotta get you looking the part, eh?"

Just for kicks Tara also made her buy a couple of porn DVD's, including one called "Animal Farm" because it reminded her of a great night she had recently (said with a knowing wink at Barbara). Barbara cringed as she handed over her purchases to the man at the till and paid for them. Before they were out of the shop Tara had torn the packaging on the collar open and put it tightly around Barbara's neck, making her look even more of a dirty slut.

They shopped in other places too, normal shops where Tara used Barbara's money to buy all sorts of clothes and goods for herself and where Barbara felt particularly self conscious of the sneering, condescending looks from the normal denizens of these establishments at the cheap, tacky way this woman was dressed. She was even asked to leave one shop and she burned with embarrassment as she scuttled out.

About mid afternoon Tara had done enough shopping and again using Barbara's money got them a Taxi out into the schemes and housing estates in a part of London Barbara did not know but clearly was near the house that Owen had taken her to on that fateful evening. Tara led her into a dilapidated, disgusting flat and threw her shopping on the single bed and collapsed on a dirty armchair staring at Barbara with ill disguised hate in her eyes. Clearly the days shopping in higher establishments than she normally frequented had brought it home to her when she returned to her dump just what a shit life she led and how Barbara's differed. Barbara just stood there unsure of what was going to happen now.

Tara took out a bottle of gin they had bought that morning, unscrewed it and took a large gulp from it before finally explaining.

"See cunts like you disgust me. That today I bet was just a tiny fraction of the life of luxury you enjoy, wasn't it? Yeah, I bet. And yet you chose to slum it that night didn't you? You wanted that, didn't you? Wanted to see what it was like as a slut, a whore, a cum dump. What it was like to be nothing but a piece of fuck meat. Like me, eh? Don't bother denying it bitch. I know, I knew it then and I know it now. Well you want to see what my life it like do you? Well you can tonight. 'Cos see Saturday evenings? Hell most every evening, I dress like you are dressed and go down the estate and stand on the corners and let filthy, depraved, sad, pathetic bastards buy my body and do what they want with me for cash. And that's what you're doing tonight, see if you want to live my life then bitch, eh?"