Those Eyes

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They are from different worlds. A love that can never be.
17.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/09/2019
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Chapter 1

My name is Jake Pepper. I'm a police Sergeant with a midsize police department in Texas. Yeah, I've heard all the jokes. Sergeant Pepper, where's your lonely hearts club band, etc...if they only knew how my story goes, they would realize how close to reality the Beatles were to my tale when they named that album all those years ago.

Anyway, my duty days are filled with supervising the day shift patrol division, answering domestic violence calls, auto accidents, and listening to complaints of how my officer mistreated this traffic violator by issuing he/she a citation. "Don't you know who I am?" That sort of whining. So far, this day has been going pretty well, until my life was affected in a way I never imagined when I went to work this morning.

As most stories go, I'm obligated to relate my biographical information so that you can envision a real person to put with the words. I'm 41 years old, 6'4", 220 pounds give or take a pound, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I have been with my department for 12 years and love what I do. I joined the Police Department after an 8 year military obligation in the Army.

I was an Army Ranger doing two tours in Iraq attaining the rank of Lieutenant. Never been married but have had several committed relationships through the years. They usually don't last due to my weird hours and the fact that in my position, heavy drinking is frowned upon so I don't party all night as some of the women I dated would like plus I don't go home shit faced. I'll drink a beer or two from time to time but a heavy drinker I'm not. I've seen the carnage drunk drivers cause on our streets and highways.

I had just left my office, when Dispatch notified my patrol units of a major 10-50 (traffic accident) with injuries at the intersection of Main and 5th Streets. I rushed to that intersection and was the first unit on scene. I saw what looked like the remains of a late model Mercedes and a dump truck in the middle of the intersection. The truck appeared to have struck the Mercedes broadside in the drivers door. The dump truck driver was being restrained by concerned citizens who told me he had tried to flee on foot and appeared to be intoxicated.

The driver of the Mercedes was a woman and noted that she was moaning and barely conscious. She was also trapped in her seat. The side and front airbags had deployed. I checked for bleeding and noted a laceration on her left arm. Scanning the rest of her body, I saw that her left ankle had a compound fracture with the bones exposed through the skin with her foot bent back totally out of place . That area was also bleeding.

I entered the car from the back window and climbed into the passenger seat. Her pulse was strong and she began to come out of the fog. I told her she would be fine and we would get her out of the car as soon as the fire department determined the best way to extricate her. She opened her eyes and saw me. I asked her name and she replied, Susan Jamison. I then recognized her as Senator Ralph Jamison's daughter. I had seen her on TV with her dad and one guy or another at functions that were certainly above my pay grade.

I told her my name was Jake and that I would stay with her until they got her out. She said my left leg hurts really bad and so does my side and left shoulder. A paramedic handed me a C collar and I placed it around her neck. She cried out at the slightest movement. I knew her foot had to be killing her. It was a mess. She asked me if she was dying.

I said, "No Ma'am, you're going to be fine soon as they get you to the hospital."

The truck was still embedded in her door so they were going to have to cut her out of the car. They handed me a heavy duty blanket to put over us while they cut the car up with "JAWS" so that we would not be showered with glass. She said I'm scared and I tried to calm her and insure her she was not dying on my watch. She grabbed my hand with her right hand and opened her eyes, looking straight into my soul.

Whenever the pain hit, she would squeeze my hand and the tears would roll down her cheeks. Make no mistake, she is a beautiful woman. She has shoulder length jet black hair and sky blue eyes. The roar of the JAWS drowned out our voices so I just held her hand.


I saw I had a green light and started through the intersection when I heard a loud crash, severe pain, and everything went black. When I came too, I saw a police officer in the car with me. The pain in my lower leg, shoulder and side all hit me at once. I screamed out in tremendous pain. He grabbed my hand. The officer asked me my name and said his name was Jake. He told me I was not dying and they were working to get me out.

He put a C collar around my neck but my foot and leg were killing me. I looked but couldn't see it. I learned later it was just as well I didn't see it. It was a mess. I also couldn't move my left arm. My shoulder was either broken or dislocated. The paramedic started an IV in my right arm and put a heavy blanket of some sort over the officer and me. I grabbed the officers hand and looked into his eyes. They were gorgeous.

There must have been some type of pain med in that IV because I was feeling less pain and smiling at those dreamy eyes. He was looking back into my eyes and kept talking to me and calming me. All I could see was the grill of a truck in my door. Then the noise of a machine that guess was tearing the car apart. Then a welcome sleep.

The next thing I know, I'm waking up in a hospital bed with my family standing around me. I try to move but I'm in too much pain. My dad says don't move, Honey, you're just out of surgery. In my groggy state, I asked why I had surgery. My dad said you were in an accident, the doctors had to put your left ankle and foot back together. Six hours in surgery. I looked at my left leg and it was laying elevated with my lower leg from knee to toes. It was bundled, splinted and wrapped in a huge ACE bandages. I saw what was left of my freshly pedicured red toe nails and bruised purple toes protruding out the end of the bandage. My left arm was in a sling and my ribs hurt when I breathed.

My dad said, "You were sooo lucky. You won't be dancing for a long while, Sweetheart. The dump truck driver was drunk and went through the red light. He T-boned you in the intersection."

All I heard was part of interse...when I dozed back into Dreamland. Then I saw those cold blue eyes staring into mine. Who did they belong too...can't remember?


The accident scene is finally cleaned up. The truck driver is in jail charged with intoxication assault. I need to go change my uniform. I got her blood on it while trying to remove her mangled foot from the floorboard. Good thing the meds put her in la la land or she would have been screaming when they splinted her leg. I don't think I've ever seen a broken ankle that was all but dangling from the tendons and muscle like hers.

As I was changing my shirt, I was going back a few hours...those eyes...we met with our eyes. It was like I had known her all my life but in reality only knew her name. I would have to check on her in a few days. I'm sure she has more metal in her ankle than a Sherman tank about now.

It has been three days since the accident. It's Friday, my day off. I decided it was time to go check on Ms. Jamison. I went to the hospital and asked for her room number. The nurse advised me she could not give out that info at the family's request. I badged her and told her I was one of the investigating officers and needed to follow up on the accident. She reluctantly gave me the room number and I went to the floor.

I entered Room 412 and immediately encountered Senator Jamison and another family member. They wanted to know who let me up there and what my business was. I informed him of my business and he told me to obtain any information I needed from her attorney.

That's when I heard a weak "Who is it, Dad?" from behind the curtain.

He said, "It's just a cop, says he's following up on the accident."

I heard her say, "It's ok, Dad, let him in."

I entered the room and saw her. She was sitting up in a chair and looked tired and weak. Her arm in a sling and her left leg and foot resting on pillows .

I said, "Hi, Miss Jamison. Do you remember me."

She replied, "I think so, Officer." She looked straight into my eyes and said, "Oh My God. Your the one in my dream...your eyes."

I said, "I'm Jake, the officer in the car with you while they were cutting you out. I was just in the area and thought I would check on you but your dad doesn't seem to want me here, so I will just say, get better soon and watch out for those dump trucks."

I turned and started to walk out when I heard a weak, "Wait!"

She said, "Please, don't go. Could you stay for a bit?"

Her father intervened saying, "You need to rest and not be hounded by some cop from the accident."

She said, "Dad, I'm a grown woman and I want him to stay."

I said, "Miss Jamison, I don't want to cause a problem, I better go."

I could hear her scolding her father as I walked down the hall.

He ran out of the room and yelled, "Wait!"

I just nodded and said, "No, thanks, I don't need this."

I held my tongue, not saying what I wanted to say. I didn't need an official complaint from some Asshole Senator.

The next day I was back to work, just finishing a burglary report when Dispatch requested I meet a man in the lobby of the hospital. Upon arrival, I saw Senator Jamison, a lady who I guessed was his wife and a clean cut guy in an expensive suit who radiated arrogant asshole all over the place.

I asked, "What can I do for you, Senator?"

He said, "My daughter has been asking for you to come back and talk to her. This is my wife, Kathleen and Susan's fiancée, Gregg Foreman."

I raised my hand to shake Foreman's hand and just got a smirk.

"OOOOKAYY," I said. "This has been "interesting" but I have work to do. What is it I can do for you and Mr. QT here?"

The smirk turned into a red angry face.

Jamison repeated, "My daughter wants to see you if you have the time."

I said, "Is that ok with you, Mr. QT?"

I could tell I was punching his buttons. I was pissed now.

He said, "Susan can talk to anyone she wants too."

I added, "As long as it meets with your approval?"

I decided I had no time for these games. I walked over to the elevator and went to her room.

As soon as I saw her, I knew...I knew she is a woman I really wanted to get to know better. But I knew my chances of any connection with her were slim to none given our status in life. She was dressed in loose fitting slacks that fit over the left leg cast she now wears propped on a stool, her hair and make up are perfect. She's beautiful. She smiled and apologized for her dad's behavior the other day.

I said, "It's no problem. He's just protecting his daughter from the big, bad cop. How are you, Miss Jamison?"

She said, "Susan. Call me Susan. I'm better. I'm going to be on crutches and a walker for several months. I think they brought in the whole crew from PEP BOY'S with all their pliers and screwdrivers to put my foot and ankle back together. Lots of screws, pins and sheet metal in there. TSA is going to go berserk when I go through their metal detector."

We both laughed and I saw her wince with the pain of moving her leg.

"I'm going home this afternoon. My dad and a friend are here to pick me up. They just finished casting that mess down there that was my foot as you can see. I wanted to see you and thank you before I'm discharged. I understand your friend that's picking you up is your fiancée. We've met."

She frowned and started to get up. I handed her the crutches, helped her up and she hobbled up to me.

She looked into my eyes and said, "You feel it too, don't you?"

I thought for a second. What am I doing? This will never work.

I said, "Feel what, Susan?"

Tears poured from her eyes and I was doing everything possible to hold mine back.

She put a card in my hand and I said, "I better go. Your fiancée awaits with your carriage, M'Lady."

A nurse came in with a wheelchair and wheeled her down to the lobby. As we went down the elevator, I wrote my cell number on my card and slipped it in her belongings without her noticing. I got in my unit and watched as a limo pulled up. I gave her a smile and she gave me an unhappy look as her dad helped her into the back of the limo.

As I drove off, I still was aware that something happened that day in that wrecked car that brought our souls together. Neither one of us really realizing the magnitude of our feelings yet. Her card had her name Susan M. Jamison, Attorney at Law, engraved on it. She is associated with the most prestigious law firm in Texas, of course. Her cell was written on the card. There was no doubt, she is light years out of my league plus she's engaged. What was I thinking?


"Well...Shit..Shit..Shit. Greg told him that he was my fiancée. I haven't worn the engagement ring since the accident because of swelling in my left hand and I didn't have it on the day of the accident. I don't care what he said, I saw it in his eyes. He felt it too. I know he did.

I started unloading my hospital bag and slowly made my way to the laundry room. Had to see how many pairs of pants I have that will go over this damn cast. Doctor said 8-10 weeks in this thing and no weight on it for 4 weeks. I looked at my toes sticking out the end of my cast and decided I needed a pedicure if I was going to be showing my toes to the world for the next two months."

The doctor said the damage to my foot and ankle was severe and I was very close to losing my foot. It remains to be seen how much function I will have in the future. There is the possibility of further surgery.

My thoughts turned to Jake and Greg. What do I do about Greg? Dad pushed me into this relationship. I only said yes to his marriage proposal to get him off my back. It's Greg this and Greg that. Give me a break. He's gotten very possessive and I don't like it. I know he thinks he's got me under his thumb now that I'm not as mobile.

I heard Greg walk in and ask, "Susan, where are you?"

I replied, "I'm in the laundry room."

Just as I turned a card fell out of my bag. I bent down to pick it up trying not to fall when Greg saw it and got it before I could. He looked at it and started to tear it up.

I said, "Give that to me, please." I saw it was Jakes card.

Greg said, "So, you got that shithead cop's card and phone number. I guess you'll be fucking him next."

I slapped him as hard as I could nearly losing my balance on my crutches. He raised his hand like he was going to hit me when I heard Dad call my name.

I said, "Do it, Greg. It will be the first and last understand me! Now get out!"

He walked out and I put the card in my pocket.

The next day was Saturday. I called the number on the card and Jake answered.

I said, "Hi, Jake, it's me, Susan Jamison. I really need to talk to you. I know you felt it as much as I did."

Jake said, "Susan, that's not a good idea. Your dad hates me and the next time I see your boyfriend, I'll probably get fired because I'm gonna clean his clock. So, it's probably not a good idea for us to continue whatever this is we have. It can only end badly for me. I can't compete in your circles, we both know that, Miss Jamison."

I said, "Stop calling me Miss Jamison. My name is Susan, Jake."

I said, "OK, Susan but it doesn't change anything. We are worlds apart and you are a beautiful, successful attorney that's promised to a man equal to you and your family's status. My relationships don't last long because of my job, my hours and the things that guys like me do."

I said, "Jake, I'm going to see you, one way or another. If I have to walk on these crutches to your house."

He said, "Susan, you just got home from the hospital after having major surgery. You should be resting and healing, not trying to make something happen that can never be. Susan, get well soon and be happy." Then he hung up.

That evening, my dad and mom checked on me in the first floor bedroom I was using while recuperating at their mansion. They saw I had been crying.

Mom thought I was in pain, not knowing the reason for the tears and asked if I needed the pain meds. I think Dad already knew what was behind the tears, but said nothing. Later, I heard Dad and Greg talking quietly making plans to make sure that Jake did not interfere with their plans for my future. I didn't hear the details only that they were scheming.


Bright and early Monday morning, I reported to the office and checked my mail before hitting the street. Then I heard over the intercom, "Sergeant Pepper, report to the Captain's office, please."

I thought this can't be good but I couldn't think of anything that I or any officers on my shift had done to provoke anyone recently. So, I reported to the Captain who advised me that he was assigning another Sergeant to the Jamison accident investigating team and that I was not to communicate with the Jamison's.

The Captain said, "Senator Jamison thinks your attention to their daughter is inappropriate and wants me to relay that information to you.

I didn't argue, I just said, "Yes, Sir" and hit the street.

Power has its privileges and I knew who had it and it wasn't me. I changed my phone number so that Susan no longer had it. I tried to take my thoughts elsewhere but her face was always there. I know that discretion is the better part of valor and I knew I had no chance in this battle. Life went on.


I've been trying to call Jake for four days and all I get is the number is no longer in service. I've called the Department and am told he's not available. My mobility is extremely limited or I would be driving the streets looking for him. I made some phone calls and obtained his address from my "sources".

I called Uber and told them to pick me up at my parents house. Uber picked me up in a big black SUV, so that I would be comfortable. It was the first time I had left the house since the hospital. We passed Jake's house which looked like a small two bedroom pier and beam house in a decent neighborhood. It was well landscaped and maintained.

I had the Uber driver park down the street and wait. The driver said he couldn't wait very long, he had other calls. I handed him $500 and told him to shut up and wait. There was no more discussion. I leaned back against the back door and propped my leg upon the seat. It was killing me. We waited.

At about 5:15, an older GMC pick up passed us on the street and pulled into Jake's driveway. Jake got out and my heart almost stopped as he checked his mailbox. He was a hunk in his uniform. I wondered what he was like in bed. I watched him go into the house. I gave him about five minutes and told the driver to drive up and help me out at the sidewalk. I got on my crutches and unsteadily hobbled up the three steps to his front door with my drivers help. He went back to the SUV. I worked up my nerve and rang the doorbell.


I had just pulled on my jeans, still shirtless and barefoot when my doorbell rang. I was not in the mood for company...damn.

I opened the door and there stood Susan wobbling on her crutches, the one ballet flat she had on her right foot was not much support.

I said, "SUSAN!! What the Fuck!"

I caught her just as she started to topple over. I caught her, picked her up and took her over to my sofa and gently laid her down. I got two pillows and lifted her foot onto them making her as comfortable as I could.

Susan said, "Jake, I had to see to you. I'm dying inside and I feel lost not being able to talk to you or see you. Jake, I don't know how it happened, but I fell in love with you that day in that wrecked car. Your touch after looking into your eyes, set my heart on fire."