The Wrong Movie Ch. 02

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What happens after Danny and Rachael have sex?
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/16/2004
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Author's Note: This story is the sequel to ‘The Wrong Movie', which I shall entitle ‘The Wrong Movie Ch.2', even though the movie theme has no application here. It makes things easier though, so I'll leave it be. Don't forget to leave comments. And to vote. There'll be more, obviously, though I'm not sure when. Hope you like it.


"Come on," Rachael panted. "Mom'll be home any minute."

Danny's only reply was to groan. They were both fully clothed, he sitting on the couch with his hands on her hips and she rubbing her ass vigorously against the bulge in his pants.

"Quickly," Rachael urged him, glancing nervously at the door. In actual fact, their mother was late; she should have been home ten minutes ago. What they were doing was dangerous, but Rachael liked hearing Danny cum. She rubbed his cock harder with her ass. "Cum, Danny, cum," she said, spurring him on. "Baby sis wants your cum."

Danny uttered a low moan and suddenly gripped her hips harder. She felt his cock spasm against her ass and closed her eyes with a smile. She rubbed her ass in circles, silently urging Danny to hold her closer. She liked it when he held her.

They finished in the nick of time, as they always did. Rachael leapt off her brother's lap as their mother's car pulled into the driveway outside. "And don't forget," she said, "we're gonna try oral tomorrow."

"I won't," said Danny with a smile. He pulled her forward by the hips and she bent down to kiss him once on the lips, her entire body tingling. "I love you," he said, and started to disappear. The weight of his hands vanished from Rachael's hips and the sight of his smile faded into black, and then she was rolling back and forth in bed, trying to cling to the dream. But it was hopeless.

Damn it, she thought, slapping the bed with her palms. She turned over to glare at the wall, her head pillowed on her hands. After five minutes, she realised she wasn't going to get back to sleep anytime soon, so she threw off her sheets and left her room.

She went downstairs first; got a glass of water and tried to watch TV. She came back upstairs after a few minutes, then went down again, then came up again. When she finally realised that both sleep and a night's worth of crappy infomercials were not going to happen, she made her way down the hall to Danny's room.

She stood nervously outside his door, biting her lip and wringing her hands together. It was past midnight now, and both her parents and her brother would be sleeping soundly in their beds, untroubled by sick and wonderful dreams. But Rachael was still thinking about what had happened the other night. Why hadn't Danny mentioned it since then? Wasn't he thinking about it too? Hadn't he liked it?

Rachael looked down at herself, took in her diaphanous nightgown and slender legs, and wondered if maybe he didn't find her attractive. Maybe having sex with her was just a thing of opportunity; they were both horny, and curious, and in the mood – maybe that's all it was. But no – that wasn't fair! It should be more than that. He should have told her how much he'd liked it and how good she made him feel. And he should have told her he loved her as well. Unless he didn't, and it was only her dream version of him that did, which still wasn't fair.

Rachael curled her hand into a fist and raised it to knock. She paused with her knuckles an inch from the wood, and started to fidget. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other and bit her lip harder. What if he told her to go away? What if he said "It didn't mean anything" and laughed at her for thinking it did? The image of Danny laughing at her and calling her a little girl sparked a fierce anger inside her. She lowered her hand and stormed back to her room, shutting the door and collapsing onto her bed. She kicked her heel down hard and glared at the ceiling.


The next day, at the breakfast table, Rachael sat spooning cereal into her mouth while she looked surreptitiously at her brother. She had her face lowered, so he wouldn't notice, but she raised her eyes whenever she could to see what he was doing. Which was nothing. Nothing apart from eating his cereal and reading the back of the cereal box.I'm over here,dumby! she thought at him, but he wouldn't look at her. Rachael sighed mentally.Boys!

Their mother collected Danny's bowl when he had finished and took it to the dishwasher. "What've you kids got planned for today?" she asked.

Rachael opened her mouth to reply, but Danny beat her to it. "I'll be out most of the day," he said. "I'm playing tennis with Tim and Colin this morning and then I think we're meeting some others for a movie."

"What others?" Rachael asked, before she could stop herself.

Danny gave her a funny look. "Others," he said. "From my school."

Rachael looked unhappily down at her bowl and poked it with her spoon.Others, she thought dejectedly.There'll probably begirlsthere. Hmph!

She took a long time eating her cereal, and when her mother finally asked if she was done, she said she didn't want it anymore. "Honestly, Rachael..."

She on the sofa with her arms folded tightly across her chest and watched TV while Danny bustled around getting ready. He didn't even saytwo wordsto her all morning!What a bastard. Now she knew why it was so annoying when a guy didn't call the next day. Did it make a difference just because he was her brother? No, of course it didn't. He should say something – tell her he had a great time and he's been thinking about her non-stop and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Rachael sighed and fell into a blissful reverie.

When she came back to reality, Danny was yelling a goodbye to their mother as he walked out the door.Don't say goodbye to me or anything, Rachael thought unhappily, and crossed her arms more tightly.


Her mother announced, in the afternoon, that she would be out shopping for a few hours, which left Rachael home alone. It was nice – having the house to herself – but she almost longed for the days when her parents had – embarrassingly – forced Danny to stay with her. She both wanted him here and didn't want him here, and she wasn't sure which she wanted more.

Her wanderings somehow brought her into Danny's room, where she now sat on the bed looking through the possessions on his bedside table. She found some loose change, some pens, a silver chain; nothing very interesting were it not for the fact that they were Danny's, and therefore special somehow. Rachael lay back on his bed and breathed in the smell on the sheets, which conjured memories of the other night, lying beneath the blanket with him, calling him a baby and guiding his throbbing cock to her pussy.

Rachael smiled as they daydream sank over her. When it faded, she looked down to see that she was absent-mindedly rubbing herself. Instead of suppressing her desires and kicking something in indignation, she crawled underneath Danny's sheets and, with his smell filling her head, slid her fingers inside her pussy.

"Yes, Danny," she moaned aloud. "Fuck me with your cock. I want it so bad. Put it in me and cum inside my pussy."

She squeezed her eyes shut, picturing it as clearly as she could. Her orgasm built fast, and soon she was arching her back and gasping into his pillow. "Yes, Danny. Yes!" She climaxed with his name on her tongue, imagining the cool touch of his sheets to be his lips and her fingers to be his cock. When her head cleared again, she felt only a renewed anger. "Bastard!" she said, and punched his pillow repeatedly. "Why won't you fuck me?"


Later that afternoon, just before her mother returned, Rachael raided the cupboards in the living room until she found a recent photo of her brother, then hid it in her room for later use. She felt wickedly dirty doing it, which only made it more pleasant.

The last thing she did was to search Danny's room for his diary, in the hopes that maybe he'd written something about her in it. But she couldn't find it, and didn't even know if he kept one, so she returned downstairs and helped her mother with the groceries.

The rest of the night was torture. Rachael ate dinner with her mother and father in complete silence, wondering if Danny was talking to any cute girls at the movies and whether they would ask him out. Shouldn'tshe be his first priority? Shedid have sex with him after all. Didn't that count for something?

She was still at the table long after her parents had finished eating, poking dispiritedly at her broccoli. She didn't hate it like a lot of teenagers did, but it didn't look particularly appetising right now. It was all green and small and uncocklike. Rachael looked down and saw her hand between her legs.Damn it!

She threw out the rest of her food and went upstairs to take a shower, which proved to be a bad idea. She spent most of it sitting against the wall, probing her pussy as deep as she could and moaning Danny's name. But her fingers, like the broccoli, weren't very cocklike.

She felt a nasty thrill when she imagined kneeling in the shower and sucking on Danny's cock as the water ran over them both. She imagined him holding her head and telling her how good it felt, how incredible she was at it and how he never wanted her to stop. And she wouldn't; she would wrap her arms around his waist and suck him hard and tell him he could cum in her mouth if he wanted to. She sat back against the wall and imagined it squirting warmly inside her mouth, running over her tongue and down her throat. She made herself orgasm again, with that thought in her head.

After she'd hopped out of the shower and dried herself off, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at her reflection.Maybe my breasts are too small, she thought, cupping them in her hands.Or I need to shave my pussy. But she didn't really have much hair there to begin with, and they were just fine blonde ones.I should stop wearing a bra, she thought.That would make him notice me. Wouldn't it?

When she left the bathroom she was as confused and miserable as she had been when she'd entered it. And just as horny too.I want cooooock, she thought despairingly, not caring if that made her a slut.

She said goodnight to her parents and turned in early, lying in her bed with her panties around her ankles. He was giving it to her again, holding her in his strong, muscular arms and whispering romantic things into her ear. The irony didn't escape her – that she had once teased him endlessly about his "puny muscles" and "piss-weak body". Now, he felt like the strongest, most muscular guy in all the world to her. And shewanted him. So very, very badly.

She took several dozen deep breaths and pulled her panties up her legs. When they found their way down again after two minutes, she knew she was in trouble. That's when she remembered the photo she'd smuggled into her room. She pulled her panties up temporarily and raced over to her closet. She fell to her knees and fished around for it, then climbed back into bed. She had to turn on the bedside lamp to see it, and when she did she saw Danny smiling back at her. She slid her panties, which were impossibly wet, down her legs again, and curled her fingers inside her pussy. She gasped his name and put her face close to his picture, pretending he was driving into her with the force of a charging bull. She almost longed for the pain of the first time, to feel him breaking her resistance again.

"Are you going to fuck me, Danny?" she asked his photo.

Yes. All the time. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner.

"Do you love me?"

Of course I do. I love you more than anything.

"As a sister?"

As more than a sister. Much more. I love you as a lover.

"Oh, Danny."

Oh, Rachael.

She dropped his picture and crested a huge orgasm that shook her entire body. She trailed a hand across her belly and her breasts and imagined it was Danny's. She imagined giving herself to him, wholly and completely, and letting him do whatever he wanted with her, as long as he did something.You can have my pussy, she thought,and my breasts and my hands and my mouth. And I want you too; I want your hands and your lips and your warm cock. Put it inside me, Danny, pleeeeease!

The tremors subsided and she lay still, staring up at the ceiling, which was obscured by the darkness. It was no fun, cumming and then having to lie here alone. She wanted to be able to roll off him afterwards, panting and sighing and letting him draw her into his arms so that they could sleep together.I love you, she heard him say again.I love you so much.

Rachael looked down at her chest in confusion as she felt tears splash her skin. She looked back up at the ceiling and felt them welling in her eyes. They hurt and she wanted them to stop but she let the unhappiness wash over her, and made it more intense. She imagined him saying those three words over and over again, holding her around the waist and slowly caressing her face. Soon her cheeks, neck and even her breasts were coated in tears. She could taste them in her mouth and they were making the sheets around her damp. She rolled onto her front and buried her face in her pillow, willing, in vain, that her fingers not go inside her again.


Rachael had rolled onto her side in the morning, and the first thing she saw was Danny's photo, lying on the bed beside her. She flipped it over quickly and looked miserably at it, then flipped it over again and clutched it to her chest. "How could you take something like that from me and not talk to me about it?" she asked him aloud. "Don't you care?"

It was some time before she was able to push herself out of bed. She sniffed, hid Danny's photo again and left her room. She passed his bedroom on the way to the bathroom, and tried to peek inside; but his door was almost shut and she could only see a strip of bare wall. She could easily push the door open and go inside, crawl under the covers with him and kiss him awake until he smiled and wrapped his arms around her. Physically, it would be easily, but in every other regard...

In the shower, Rachael thought again how unfair it all was. Was Danny jacking off repeatedly after what had happened? Did he have to worry about waking up on sheets that were wet with tears and cum? Did he evenremember what they'd done?

When she got back to her room she decided to write him a letter, to say what she herself couldn't.

Dear Danny, she began, then paused, biting the end of her pen.No, a letter's stupid, she thought crossly, screwed it up and threw it out. She had a fresh sheet of paper out within thirty seconds, with the same two words written on it.

Dear Danny,

I know this is strange – me sending you a letter – but I don't know what else to do. It's been a week since we had sex and you still haven't said anything to me. I think you're being a real bastard, and you should at least talk to me about it. I don't go having sex with just anyone you know? It was a big thing for me, even if maybe I didn't act like it at the time. But it was! And I thought it would be for you too, but obviously it wasn't because you haven't even spoken to me you stupid asshole. And you know what? I don't even care anymore. Ignore me if you like – that's fine with me. I don't even want your cock. I'm fine just sitting here and fingering myself everyday. Does that turn you on? Well...too bad, because you don't get any of it. You're a dumb, moronic, brainless idiot and I never want to have sex with you again.



No! she thought fiercely, and screwed that up too. She dropped her head on her desk ("Ow") and stared at the wall. She closed her eyes and imagined Danny rubbing her back soothingly, telling her it would be okay, that she didn't have to worry about Danny because he was here now. Then she realised that they were the same person, and quickly dismissed them both.Fuckers, she thought, standing up.

Danny, apparently, had gotten in late last night, so he spent most of the day in his room. Rachael wanted to go in and shake him awake and maybe slap him too, until he told her both what he thought of the other night, and what he'd donelast night. If there had been a girl...

Rachael conjured all sorts of clever and not-so-clever excuses to get into his room. She could bring him something to eat maybe, or a drink – but then she'd never, ever, done that before and he'd almost certainly become suspicious. She could say that their mother asked her to clean the rooms upstairs, and she was just in there to do some dusting. But then her mother was home and she wouldn't verify that story. Plus, Rachael didn't have a maid's outfit like she did in her fantasy.

In the end, she realised that it wasn't going to happen, and spent the day sulking miserably in the living room. As soon as Danny came downstairs, she went upstairs, ignoring the confused look on his face. She supposed her exit was a little ostentatious, but she didn't care. Let him feel some of the confusion that she felt herself.

After seeing him, and now that she was alone in her room again, she waspining to feel him inside her again, more than ever before. Why couldn't he just stop being such a prick andtalk to her? Just that would be good. They didn't have to have sex, although that would be good too. Couldn't he just ask her if she was okay, or what she thought of the other night? It wasn't that strange, Rachael supposed. Before that night, they weren't the closest of siblings, and she didn't think Danny had ever asked her if she was okay before. She didn't think she'd askedhim either.Maybe that's it, she thought,maybe he's waiting for me to talk to him about it. But, no! The boy is supposed to do that. Why should I do it? I let him cum inside me.

The mere thought set her off again, and soon she was writhing beneath the sheets and begging her imaginary-Danny for more.More, she thought,more, more...please more! And he gave it to her, whenever she wanted. Not like thereal Danny, who was a complete bastard.This Danny whispered kind things to her and never thought about other girls he went to the movies with. He held her tightly and fucked her and let her suck his cock, not just because she liked it but because it made him feel nice, and that's what she wanted to do: to make him feel nice. She would do anything to make him feel nice – anything he wanted. If only he would let her.


Later that night, Rachael was lying in her bed, hugging her pillow fiercely. A minute earlier it had been between her legs, but now it was wrapping its phantom arms around her and kissing her face. She closed her eyes and smiled against it.I love you Danny-pillow.

It took the arrival of the real Danny to break her reverie. She got such a start when he appeared in her doorway that she gave a little cry of shock. "Danny!" she gasped. She saw the pillow in her arms, and realised what it must look like, but it was the lesser of two humiliations right now, so she lowered her hands beneath the sheets and quickly pulled her panties up. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "It's past midnight."

"I know," he said, taking a step into the room. "But I wanted to talk to you."

Rachael's heart was brimming with elation. She instantly forgave everything he'd put her through this last week, and sat up eagerly, ready to hear what he had to say. He took another step into the room and opened his mouth. "About...what happened," he said. "The other night..."


"I- I just wanted to see if you were okay."

I am and I love you! Rachael wanted to say, but she bit her tongue. "I'm fine," she said.