The Vocal Local

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No good deed goes unpunished, or does it?
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The saying 'no good deed goes unpunished' is a phrase we're all familiar with. Most likely, our life experiences have shown us that the saying rings true most of the time. There are, however, rare times when a good deed is well rewarded. The spring of 2004 was one of those times for me.

My name is Parker Korrwrite and at the time I worked as a financial risk analyst for a firm in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The firm had been hired by the city of Dockbourne, Ohio when the Air Force base there was slated for closure. We were retained to consult on the economic viability of the City's redevelopment projects. I was appointed lead, which meant an overnight trip to Dockbourne, once a week, for several months.

I spent the first two months trying out different hotels and exploring the area restaurants. Eventually, I discovered the Headwater Hotel. It was an elegant place in a historic building that had a great blend of ambiance and modern amenities.

Connected to the hotel was the Lighthouse restaurant. It had a vintage feel with a quaint bar area and a quiet dining room that still used cloth tablecloths and napkins. The large from scratch menu and attentive staff made it easy to have a positive experience every week.

That's where I got to know Reece Hoboken. She was a tall, young woman with waist-long, red hair, usually pulled back into a ponytail. She seemed to be able to do every job in the place, sometimes she was the hostess, sometimes the waitress, and sometimes she poured drinks behind the bar. On slow nights they ran light on staff and she jumped from job to job to job.

Reece was friendly and very chatty making her well suited for restaurant work. I would sit at, or near, the bar and we would talk while she was getting drinks. After a few weeks, we got to know each other. She grew up in town and had friends that worked at the Air Force Base so she had lots of questions about the project I was doing for the City.

Reece was also very forthcoming about herself. I learned that she was in her last semester at the local community college. She liked restaurant work and wanted to make a career out of it. She was going to a culinary institute in Cincinnati that fall.

One night she wore a shorter than usual grey skirt. She was having trouble reaching something behind the bar. Her back was to me so when she lifted onto her tiptoes and bent at the waist I had a spectacular view of her long legs.

The innocent tease of sensuality aroused my curiosity for the more personal parts of her life. When she next came by I asked, "Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend?"

"Not really, just working and studying."

"No night out on the town with friends or a boyfriend?"

She laughed, "Well there isn't much town to go out on and not a big selection of men to be had."

"There have to be lots of men at your college?"

"I'm not really into guys my age, they're not very sophisticated or smart for that matter. How about you? You must have a girlfriend at home?"

I shook my head, "No, no girlfriend, I've been single since my divorce."

She looked surprised, "Divorce, you're way too young to be divorced."

"Nope that's me, married at 27 divorced at 32."

"When was the divorce?"

"About a year ago."

"Well, that's not right. You've got to get yourself out there. Lots of ladies are looking for a guy like you."

I snickered, "Yeah ok."

"I'm serious," Reece said with a grin.

"Ok, I'll get a girlfriend if you get a boyfriend," I said grinning back.

"Deal," she said and shook my hand.


On a Thursday evening in mid-April, I did my usual and got a table near the bar. It was a very slow night, Reece was waiting on only me and two other tables. I noticed she had a few books and a notepad set up in the corner. When she wasn't needed at a table she was working on something. After a time I asked her what she was doing.

"I have a big economics paper to do. This class has no final, just a big paper."

"That shouldn't be a problem, you're doing well in school right?" I replied.

"In my restaurant management classes' yes. I've struggled with these mandatory core classes."

"I'm sure you'll do fine."

"I need to do better than fine. I'm up for a scholarship at the culinary institute. If I get it, I can use the tuition money I've saved for living expenses. That way I won't have to work and go to school, I can just concentrate on my studies. I need a certain grade point average to get the scholarship. I'm close but this class could cost me. I've done the math, if I get below a B on this paper I won't have the G.P.A. to get the scholarship. If I get a B it'll be close. If I get a B+ or above I'm good."

I asked, "What's the paper was about?"

"It needs to be about a concept in behavioral economics. I have to pick one, explain it and cite examples. I was thinking temporal discounting but I'm having trouble getting going."

"Have you thought about cognitive bias? When you see data that confirms your point of view while filtering out data that's inconvenient to that view. There're lots of different types of cognitive bias. It should be easy to find one that you can explain in plain terms and apply to real-world situations."

"Ok yeah, that sounds a whole lot better than what I'm struggling with," Reece replied with a tone of relief.

"I would suggest not using library resources. They'll be dated and I'm sure your professor is used to seeing them. Go to a book store and buy 'Inescapable Illusions' it's a great book that makes you think about the nature of thinking. Another is 'Cognition through Communication' it illustrates how judgment and cognition reveal biases and shortcomings."

She was scribbling down everything I was saying while smiling and nodding, "This is terrific. Thank you so much."

"No problem. If you do go to the library, look at current magazines like 'Atlantic' or 'Economy'. They both have lots of current data and stuff you can easily reference in your paper."

"Ok will do."


The following Thursday I was met with a smile by the restaurant hostess, "Reece told me that if you came in tonight I had to seat you in her section. I have a table reserved just for you."

Feeling like a V.I.P. I said, "Ok lead the way."

I wasn't in my seat long before Reece came over. She had her long hair pulled into two tight braids running from each side of her head to her waist. She had an excited look that made her green eyes pop with vibrancy, "I can't thank you enough for the advice you gave me last week. I bought the books you recommended and found some current articles in the magazines you suggested. I was able to pound out the paper in just a few days. It went way easier than what I was doing before."

"That's good to hear."

"I know right, but I was hoping you could give it a quick read and tell me what you think."

"Yeah absolutely. Do you have it with you?"


"Well bring it out and I'll read it while I eat."

"Ok great."

Reese brought out ten stapled pages with my drink. I read what she had done and found that she was a very competent writer. There was nothing I had to change, just a few suggestions that would improve clarity. I also encouraged her to lean into her opinion on the subject rather than just state history. This would make her look more like a teacher than a student.

She was on break when my meal was done. We used the time to go over my comments. She intently listened and was enthusiastic, "This'll be the best paper I've ever turned in."


The following week I was back at the restaurant and again in Reese's section. She was bubbly and excited. She told me the paper was done and in the professor's hands. She should have it back in a week and she'll know if her G.P.A. will be good enough for the scholarship. She insisted that my dinner was on her. I accepted, however, tipped her enough to cover the meal.


The next Thursday evening I walked into the restaurant. I didn't even get to the hostess stand before Reese came running from the kitchen and jumped into my arms. She gave me a big, enthusiastic hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I don't know how else to say it but thank you, thank you, thank you."

She stepped away from the hug and I said, "I'm guessing you got your paper back."

"Yes! And guess what I got?"


"No an A!! Professor said it was the best paper he'd read in years and if I'd done that all semester I would've aced the class."

I was excited for her. "That's awesome! That'll lock in your scholarship, right?"

"Yes, Yes, Yes. This will get me the scholarship that will allow me to concentrate on my classes, which will allow me to get better grades, which will enable me to get a better job and that will lead to a better life. This is so huge! Thank you so much!"

"No need to thank me, you did all the work, I just made some suggestions."

"That's not true I couldn't have done it without you."

"Yes you could've, Reese you're very smart and very talented, don't forget that. Make sure you believe in yourself."

Our eyes made contact with a connection that we hadn't experienced before. The moment hung there for a few seconds before she said, "I won't forget, come on let's get you something to eat."


My dinner was the usual positive experience. When I was done I paid my bill, said goodnight, went back to my room and got settled in. About an hour later I was startled by a knock at the door. I opened it and was surprised to find Reece standing there, still in her work clothes but her hair no longer in a ponytail, "Hey," she said.

"Hey," I responded, "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah my shift was done and I thought I would come by. Can I come in?"

"Sure, sure," I shut the door behind her, "How did you know my room?"

"I work here remember, it wasn't hard to find you in the system," she walked over and sat down on the loveseat near the foot of the bed.

"Do you want something from the mini-bar?" I asked.

"No I'm good," she patted the cushion, "come here sit next to me."

I was confused about what was going on. Reece and I had never spent time together outside of the restaurant. Was the staff allowed to go to rooms when they weren't working? Her paper was done, did she need other help? Was she in some kind of trouble?

She smiled coyly, "I thought I'd come by and thank you for helping me. If it weren't for your help I wouldn't have gotten an A. My future is brighter now because of you and I wanted to show my appreciation."

"I told you it was no problem and you bought me dinner so we're square."

"That doesn't feel like enough. I want to show you how much your help means to me. I was hoping I could express my gratitude a bit more intimately," she bit her lower lip and started rubbing my thigh.

I was shocked and didn't know how to react. This crazy hot, way younger woman, wanted to thank me for helping her, with sex. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say yes. Could I say yes? What kind of guy would that make me? After a few seconds the professional gentlemen in me took over and spoke up, "Reece, no, you don't have to do that. I'm so sorry if I made you think you had to do that."

She put her hand on mine and said, "Don't apologize, you didn't make me think anything and I know I don't have to. The truth is I want to." Reece reached up, took my head in her hands, pulled it in and kissed me softly. As we shared our first kiss I could feel arousal run through my body.

Reece moved her lips away from mine and close to my ear. She whispered, "I wanted to do this long before you helped me. I've been hot for you since you started coming in." She began rubbing my chest, "You're smart, sophisticated and good looking. I kept hoping you would make a move, but you didn't, so here I am."

Reece gently bite my earlobe then ran the tip of her tongue along the edge of my ear, "I've caught you looking at me. I think you want me as much as I want you. So let's be with each other, let's enjoy ourselves. We deserve it."

She was right. Yes, there was an age gap but we were both consenting adults. We've enjoyed each other's company for months now. We're both attracted to each other. Yes, let's let this happen. She looked longingly into my eyes, I pressed my lips into hers.

I hadn't kissed anyone since way before my divorce and had not kissed someone new in many years. I was nervous that this might be evident to Reece. But, when her tongue slid into my mouth and spun around mine I could sense she was enjoying it as much as I was.

As we kissed I unbuttoned her purple shirt and pushed it off her shoulders. I ran my hands over the thin, black and white fabric of her bra. The contact made Reece moan into my mouth. She pushed me back, breaking our connection and putting some space between us. She took ahold of the bra straps and pulled them down to reveal the most perfect tits I'd ever seen.

Reece's naked breasts were captivating. They were full and firm 32Cs. Their shape and distance apart were perfect for her frame. Her pale skin tone was uniform across her naked torso creating beautiful lines. Her nipples were bright pink and already hard. The areolas were tight and covered with folds and bumps.

I placed a hand on each breast, sliding my fingers and palms over the tender skin. I explored the flesh on the sides and bottoms before gently lifting each enough to feel their weight. She moaned when I squeezed just a little bit, indicating how sensitive her tits were. Slowly I worked my way to her nipples, lightly touching them and the surrounding skin, "Oh Parker," she whispered.

I couldn't resist this amazing woman. I leaned in and began kissing her. This kiss was more passionate than the first. We were past the point of no return and the excitement of what was to come was evident in the movement our lips and tongues.

I started to kiss her face and nibble along her jawline to the nape of her neck. She tilted her head back and moaned from deep in her throat, "Oh that feels so good. You're even better than I thought you'd be!"

I trailed gentle kisses from her neck down to her clavicle making my way towards the valley between her breasts. She heaved her chest up offering them to my mouth, "Oh yes, kiss the sides, lick me there," she told me with a rasp in her voice.

I did as Reece instructed while she continued talking, "Yes that's it. That feels really good. Keep going just like that. Now the other one. Oh, oh baby yes the underside is so sensitive. Flick your tongue there. Yes just like that, just like that."

I was taken aback by her vocal nature. I hadn't experienced anything like that before. Most of my partners had been silent or soft moaners. Reece was simultaneously coaching and giving play by play in a super sexy way. It added heat to an already hot situation, so I wasn't going to stop her.

I kept my mouth moving as she continued to talk, "Suck my nipple into your mouth. Yeah like that, that's good. Nibble it just a little bit, not hard, oh, oh yeah just like that. Now the other one, do the same with that other one."

She grabbed my hand and pulled it to the nipple that wasn't in my mouth, "Pinch it. Pinch it and roll it between your fingers while you suck the other one. Yes, yes, yes that's it, keep doing that, keep doing that. Now switch, yeah baby keep going, keep going, keep switching."

Her breathing became heavier and heavier as she was getting louder and louder. The instructions became gasps then back to instructions, "P...please. D... d...don't s...s...stop. Please don't stop. Please!"

Suddenly she grabbed my head and pushed it away from her breast as her whole body shivered.

The sexy redhead was still for a few moments, breathing heavily. She looked up at me with her luscious green eyes and a seductive smile across her. She ran her hand over my chest, "This is so great. I've wanted to do this for months."

Reece's hand moved to the front of my pants. She massaged my erection through the material. "Oh so hard already."

She undid the button, pulled the zipper down and reached inside my briefs. I could feel her fingertips run along the length of my cock. The contact made it twitch a few times. She purred, "It's excited. How about you let it out so I can play with it."

Wasting no time I lifted my hips and pushed both my pants and briefs down to my ankles. With a kick of my legs and they were off completely. I saw her mouth open slightly as my cock came into view. She gave it a gentle squeeze while continuing to stare at it with a look of fascination, "What a beautiful penis," she said with a smile, "so hard, but still soft and silky."

Reece held her squeeze and pulled the skin of my shaft toward the top of my cock, forcing pre-cum to ooze out the slit. After a few more strokes a puddle had formed. She touched it with her fingertip and slowly spread the liquid around the head. She moved her hand in front of her face rubbing the viscous fluid between her thumb and forefinger.

With a sultry tone, she said, "I've never told anyone this, but I love cum. It's amazing. It's warm and slick and sticky all at the same time. The fact that it only comes out during sex is exciting. I get so turned on knowing that I'm the one that made it come out. I love the feel of it and I love the taste of it."

She leaned over and took my cock into her warm, wet mouth. I had never received oral sex sitting side by side before. The angle of my erection in her mouth created a new sensation for me. The sides of her tongue rubbed the sensitive skin between my head and shaft. She used one of her hands to massage my scrotum. My brain felt like it was melting under the heat of our sexual contact.

I looked down and could only see her long, flowing red hair. It covered my entire lap. It slid around as she bobbed up and down. I could feel it brushing against my naked hips and thighs. If I could've made this moment last forever I would've. Unfortunately, the tightness in my testicles let me know it would be over soon. I groaned, "Oh Reece I can't stop it. I'm going to explode. I can't stop it."

She came off my pressure-filled cock just long enough to say, "It's ok, don't hold back. Go ahead and exploded baby!"

She had my length back in her mouth just as my orgasm released with incredible force. My hips thrust and my legs trembled as my cock squirted over and over. She used her lips and tongue to hold my manhood firmly in place while I rode my orgasm to its end.

When I was finished my head fell back and my breathing slowed to normal. Reece sat up and pulled her hair back into place. She grinned mischievously and rubbed her lips together, "You like?"

"That was awesome!"

While still in my post-orgasm haze, Reece lifted my shirt up and off. She rubbed my chest and placed soft kisses on my neck. I ran my fingers through her long red hair from her scalp to her lap. I put my hand under her skirt and rubbed the damp silk covering her crotch, "I think you should take these off," I suggested.

"Yeah? You've got something in mind?"

"Yeah, I can think of a thing or two."

"Hmm ok if you say so," she purred.

Reece got up and stood in front of me. She unhooked her bra and tossed it, flirtatiously hitting me in the face. I laughed at the tease as she reached behind her and unzipped the back of her skirt. With a little wiggle of her hips, it fell to her feet. She paused, smiled and playfully scratched my head, "I love the way you're looking at me right now. It makes me feel so sexy. Are you ready to see the rest?"