The Visitor's Surprises


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Kim collapsed over me. I remained deeply ensconced in her. We were both still panting and our hearts were still racing. We just held each other tightly as the after shocks from our climaxes subsided and our body chemistry came back towards normal.

I was stroking Kim's back and buttocks gently as we cuddled. She remained above me, clearly unwilling to make any move that would result in my separation from her.

Finally, I could feel her legs spasm slightly in their folded positions astride me. I rolled to the side, still keeping my penis as deep in her vagina as I could. We laughed as the roll took us to the edge of the bed and there was a scramble to not fall off. I separated from her in the process.

We continued to hug and kiss again for a few moments. I then asked, "When was the last time you went skinny dipping?" She laughed and said, "Let's go!"

We both scampered through the darkened house and out the back door to the pool. As she walked through the house, Kim held her hand over her pussy so she wouldn't drip somewhere. I left the lights off lest the neighbors see more than they should. The house had a lot of glass. A quick check, however, showed that both neighbors were out or away; their homes were dark.

We both dove into the pool enjoying the sensation of nude swimming. Kim and I gravitated to each other and kissed and cuddled as we floated almost weightless in the dark waters. I continued to polish her breasts. She commented, "They'll glow tomorrow if you don't stop." I told her, "No, they'll need polishing tomorrow too." I sucked and kissed both breasts.

We floated next to each other, holding hands and looking up at the night sky. The stars were brilliant. I pointed out a satellite slowly passing overhead and then some planets and constellations. The moon was just a sliver in the corner of the sky.

I spread towels out on one of the chaises and we cuddled together on it under the night sky. Amazingly there were no bugs that night.

Kim said, "You know I hope I didn't gross you out with my language back there," gesturing to the house. "When I'm making love I seem to like to talk 'dirty'. For me it's a turn on."

I told her that it was probably a bigger turn on for me. We talked through the words that made our bodies respond more. While we were having this discussion, we both started stroking each other's sex organs. She was manipulating me in a way that overtly said, "Let's do it again." I was fingering her slit.

I had learned years before that rapidly moving some fingers in and out of a vagina produced no end of excitement for a woman. Thus, as we heated up again, I started this move on Kim. She was "oh-ing" and "ah-ing" as I did this, her breath coming in little pants. Meanwhile, as she responded, I reacted to her and my cock hardened again.

When I reached penetration rigidity, I moved over the top of her on the chaise. Kim spread her legs, pulling her knees back with her hands to allow maximum penetration. I placed my cockhead at the entrance to her tunnel and slowly thrust into her, working my full length into her moist slit. I was swelling too, so by the time I finished the first strokes of my penetration, I was again fully erect.

In the dim light we fucked; no, we loved. We lavished kisses on one another and whispered words of tenderness and encouragement. I hadn't felt like this in over thirty years. Kim admitted that she hadn't either. I sucked on her breasts some more as I continued my rhythmic thrusts.

Kim started to have a series of little mini climaxes as I worked on her. I would put my fingers down between us, find her clitoris and then rub the area. Kim's tone of voice and moaning would increase, she would start to pant and then a huge sigh would erupt from her body. I think she had four of them before we decided we would be more comfortable in the bed again.

We uncoupled and went in the house. I had an idea I shared with Kim; "I spend a lot of time in my home office; I want to make love to you on the sofa in there. You'll leave and I never want to forget this night, even when I'm in this room." She changed direction and pulled me to the sofa in my den.

She lay back and spread her legs again. I nestled right into her pussy again, sinking deep into her with a single thrust. She put her head back and sighed. Now I started pumping in and out of her with increasingly rapid strokes. I was on a mission again.

We entertained each other with an increasingly vocal selection of questions and stories about what we were doing to each other. The language became more crude as we used our favorite sex words like fuck, cunt, pussy, vagina, rod, shank, cock, dick, and so forth.

Even from her supine position, Kim started rolling her hips into me with that milking motion. I could feel the muscles on the walls of her vagina start to pull me deeper in her milking motion. We told each other we were ready. I increased my pace and then the waves of ecstatic pleasure swept over me as I made my final lunges into her body. Kim climaxed simultaneously too -- her back arching off of the soft cushions.

Jet after jet of semen erupted from me into her body. She pulled her legs back again to maximize my penetration and to signal her receptivity of my fluids. We were both moaning and groaning in our pleasure. There were lots of "Oh shit's" and "Oh God's".

This time I collapsed on top of her. My arms couldn't hold me up any longer. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and hugged me tightly. "Oh a girl could get used this kind of treatment," she said. We kissed and loved each other some more.

After a while I got up and went and sat in my desk chair for a moment. I looked back at her available body on my sofa. "I never want to forget you there like that. I just wanted to capture the mental picture."

Kim said, "Take a real picture of me this way. Just don't you dare ever let anyone else find it!" I rummaged in a drawer and found my digital camera and took several pictures of her posing on the sofa in absolutely pornographic poses.

I came back to her on the sofa and picked her up. I carried her down the hall to the guest room where I gently deposited her on the bed. I crawled in next to her and we cuddled and kissed in the dark until sleep overtook our bodies.


I awoke the next morning next to this goddess that had arrived on my doorstep the day before. I lay on my pillow and watched her still sleeping. Even though her hair was a tangle, Kim was beautiful. She had an angelic glow about her in the morning light that filtered into the bedroom.

Some inner message told her she was being watched. As I continued looking at her beauty, I could tell that minute-by-minute she was regaining consciousness. Then her eyes opened slowly, first as slits protecting her eyes from the intrusive light of the day, and then opening wide. She gave me a groggy smile as she stretched. Her body was still nude from the night before and so her stretch highlighted her generous breasts to me. I leaned in and kissed her eyelids, then her nose, then her lips, then her cheeks, then her neck, and worked my way down and planted a kiss on each breast directly on the nipple. She giggled.

Kim wiggled across the bed and came into my arms, wrapping herself within my body and pressing her nakedness against my own. We kissed again. Suddenly, she whispered, "My breath may not be very good." I said, "Your fine. Kiss me again and don't worry." This time our kiss was deep and more meaningful.

"If you were around here all the time I think I'd tell you I love you," I whispered to her. She nuzzled into me then came up to look me in the eye. She said, "I'd probably be telling you the same thing; you are a great lover." "Aren't we both?" I asked her.

Nature called and I finally had to get up to go to the bathroom. She did too. Rather than dress, I just went into the kitchen nude, put on a pot of coffee and poured us both some juice. She came in a moment later with a short robe on. Seeing my nakedness she undid the tie on the robe, forced the front open and came and hugged me against her nude body.

"Oh, I could make love to you morning, noon and night," I said. "That's the message I'm trying to send you right now," she replied. We pressed our bodies together. My penis stirred at the attraction and visual stimulation.

"What time do you have to be at your niece's performance?" I asked. "In about an hour," she said, "but I'll take a rain check for anything you're offering or thinking about or might think about!" I laughed and poured her some coffee. We both had decided there wasn't time for even a quickie before we had to leave.

"There's juice for you. Here're three kinds of cereal and milk. I still need to wash up from our loving last night." I kissed her and said, "I'll be right back." I padded across the house to my shower. A few minutes later I'd shaved, showered and dressed in slacks and a golf shirt.

Kim was just finishing a bowl of cereal at the patio table beside the pool. The morning was crystal clear and promised an entire day of warm temperatures. "Oh aren't we dashing," she said as she noted my dress. "You can go as you are," I suggested, indicating that she might wear just her robe to the cheerleading event her step-niece was in. She flashed me.

She carried her dishes into the kitchen and put them in the sink. "I'll be ready in fifteen," she said and she toddled across the house, slowly stripping the robe off her body in a very seductive strip tease.

I'd decided to go to the cheerleading competition with her, so when she emerged looking like a million dollars in a flowery summer frock, I had the car already out and in front of the house. I held the door for her and then hopped in and drove to the large school where the competition was. We finally found a place to park and walked to the main building.

The place was a mob scene. Teenagers in various school uniforms were everywhere, usually in gaggles of a dozen or so girls. Even more parents and relatives milled around the outside of this mix looking ill at ease or at best bored.

Kim and I roamed the hallway and then the gymnasiums looking for her relatives. Suddenly, she let out a shriek and was embracing another equally stunning woman. Both of them were talking a thousand miles an hour. I stood aside and looked on with amusement at the greeting scene.

Kim then introduced me to Joan, her husband Bart's sister. Joan's second husband already had a daughter by a former wife that was Kim's step niece. This relationship had to be explained to me several times before I got it. Joan's husband was to be along shortly. No one questioned the relationship between Kim and me.

Joan was also a stunning blond. Someone's trophy wife, I thought. She was about ten years younger than Kim but the same height and figure. I wondered whether they drank the same brand of bottled water.

As we were talking a beautiful young blond in a blue and white cheerleading outfit with a big "B" on it came bouncing up to the three of us. "Oh Mom, this is so exciting. Heather's here too. We haven't seen each other in months."

Joan introduced us to her stepdaughter Sara. Sara was polite but her enthusiasm and the potential to win blinded her to anything other than the event and kids her own age. She bounded off again when she saw a boy her own age that she knew. As Joan turned to watch her go, Kim leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Don't you wish I'd worn a skirt that short, and with no knickers too?" She pinched my butt.

My head snapped around. Joan turned back, but Kim and I were standing there looking innocent and full of interest in the surrounding crowd.

"Oh look, there's Jerry," she said, waving wildly across the auditorium to a tall salt and pepper haired guy that looked like Gregory Peck. Jerry came over and introductions were made and mandatory hugs exchanged. The four of us followed Jerry who had figured out where to sit and who to root for. Soon we were seated in the bleachers with a thousand other parents and friends as the show started.

A panel of eight judges sat at a table down on the gym floor in front of us. Each school's cheerleading squad had to perform some required moves and then they could improvise. Each of the routines was graded in terms of originality and difficulty.

The squads were about ninety percent girls. In a gesture of humor I speculated to Kim about the future sexual orientation of the few boys on the team. Kim whispered in my ear, "Don't worry about the guys. You should know that I'm not wearing any underwear and that someone is going to get lucky later today!" I gave her a double take and a big smile. "And what would you like me to do with that information?" I inquired. She just winked and patted my knee.

Squad after squad came and did their five to seven minute routines. There was a lot of jumping over each other and rolling around on the floor taking place. Frequently, one or more cheerleaders were hurled somehow to amazing heights and then even more amazingly caught by their teammates before becoming an accident statistic. A large board at the end of the hall was recording the judges' scores and the relative team standings.

About the eighth group to perform was Beaumont High, which I discerned from the excitement from Joan and Jerry was Sara's school and squad. Sure enough about twenty-five young maidens came running out to the center of the gym. We could tell that every move was well rehearsed and the entire team synchronized with one another. Everyone got thrown into the air at one time or another, often three or four at a time. Some amazing cartwheels and other gymnastic routines were performed and the event ended. Beaumont's score was admirable but not first place. I think the school that won started with a "D".

We followed Joan and Jerry outside after Beaumont High's squad had finished. I gave Kim lots of time to talk with her relatives. After all, the scenery was magnificent with all of the cheerleaders running around. I had also suggested that we have lunch together, in spite of wanting to take Kim back to house and ravish her for the rest of the day.

While Kim, Joan and Jerry were talking, I called Trish on my cell phone to check in. She said her mother was doing fine and her breathing was again normal. She allowed as how she'd had a great talk with Kim a couple of days earlier and did not need to talk to her now. I described the competition and how we'd eaten at the bistro the night before. She again urged me to be 'especially' nice to her friend, to spend time with her, and to take her someplace special again tonight. I allowed as how that was not a problem as Kim was such a nice person and had turned out to be easy to talk with. We said our good-byes and ended the call.

The four of us did go off to eat after Joan had hunted down Sara and told her our plans. Apparently, Joan and Jerry would return to pick up their daughter after lunch. Kim and I would be free the rest of the day. I decided that a walk down the beach would be a suitable activity to show a visiting guest. At least that's what we told Joan and Jerry we were going to do.

After lunch, we bid Kim's relatives good-bye. In the car, I turned to Kim, "Are you really not wearing underwear?" She grabbed my hand and pulled it up under her dress. Sure enough, I was treated to contact with the smooth mons of my passenger. I took the opportunity to insert one finger partway into her slit. "Hummm," I said, "Seems wet and willing." Kim just said, "Right! Let's go, fuck buddy."

I sniffed my finger and inhaled her unique musky scent. It was truly arousing. I announced that if they made perfume of her scent I would buy a gallon and bathe in it daily. Kim allowed as how dogs would certainly want to smell my crotch. I periodically re-dipped my finger in her ink well as we drove home.

I drove right into the garage and closed the garage door. There was a trail of clothes across the house as we headed to the bedroom.

Our sex was an urgent coupling making up for the hours of feigning indifference and sexual disinterest in one another while we were with Joan and Jerry. I was in a rock ready state by the time I penetrated her. There was no foreplay other than what had gone on in the car. We were ready.

We fucked and fucked and fucked. As I'd approach an orgasm I'd slow or stop and rain kisses down on Kim's body, at least the part I could reach without pulling out of her body. She understood our need to copulate but hold off our climaxes at least until we had savored the joy of our sexual union.

Kim experienced some small orgasms that became more and more frequent as I assaulted her clit with my thumb. We changed positions a number of times. We'd started in the missionary position, then be side by side with our legs intertwined, then she'd come over me. Whenever I could, I would suck on one of her breasts; Kim said she could almost cum with just my sucking on her breasts.

Finally, I pulled out of her and positioned her on her knees. I could reach around her and fondle her dangling breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples. I entered her cunt from the back in doggy style. She allowed as how she loved this position but hadn't tried it for years. I told her our playing was over and that I was going for the "big it".

I thrust back and forth into her cunt in a staccato rhythm of lust and love. Kim thrust back against me with the same urgency. She also started to give me a running commentary on how she was enjoying our fuck, on how she loved my cock in her mouth and in her pussy, how she loved cum and wanted to swim in it, how she wished she was a cheerleader and could wear the tiny uniform as she fucked me only without underwear so that I could fuck her all the time, and how she was so glad that we had found this time together. The string of dirty words and visions she painted for us was stimulating and I came hard.

I came and came. Back arched, head back, and my hips thrust tightly into Kim's hips. Kim had read my signals and cum almost at the same time I had. We both vocalized our climaxes to one another, praising the prick and cunt contact and stimulation.

I wondered where I generated so much semen, particularly since we'd had intercourse twice the evening before. Did I regenerate that fast. I was about thirty years older than when I'd lost my virginity; at that time I knew I had great regenerative powers. Trish and I kept track of how many times we had sex each day on our honeymoon too; I think the record was twelve times in one day.

Kim and I both collapsed next to each other. We were smelly, sweaty but loveable. We fondled and kissed one another. Kim was leaking my cream pie juice, but I didn't care. I leaned down and started to lick and eat her pussy.

Kim was startled. "Oh, my, no one has ever done that to me before. Are you sure? Oh, don't stop! Oh, that feels so good!" I kept it up, using both tongue and fingers. Kim continued, "Oh dear, oh dear, you're going to make me cum again. Oh. Oh. Ohhhh." And then there was a shudder. It started deep within her, but I could feel it come from her back forward to her pussy.

As my fingers massaged her G-spot, I could feel the pussy muscles contract as her climax arrived. Kim went rigid. Her back arched; she threw her head back into the pillows. "Oh dear God. Oh dear God." She pulled my head into her mons and stopped my hand from stimulating her clitoris. After about thirty seconds, she started to relax.

"Oh, my God. I didn't know the human body could experience such pleasure," Kim stated. "I just want to fuck you all the time. I want to inhale you into my pussy and not let you go. Your job will be to just keep giving me orgasms all day and all night." Slowly her heartbeat returned to normal. We cuddled and caressed each other. Kim even said she liked how the mix of my cum and her juices tasted when I kissed her. She liked it a lot and wanted more. I went back to the well and got some more in my mouth and brought the juices up for us to both enjoy. We did.