The Unlikely Quarterback Ch. 03

Story Info
Mike gets on the team and wins the hearts of cheerleaders.
8k words

Part 3 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/13/2019
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*Thanks to Alwaysready64 for editing and contributing some snippets of this story, and to HellCat_Sundry for her two cents.

*All sex described in this story will be between consenting adults, 18 or over.

* This is a long story. It's a story first, that happens to have erotic content in it. There is no sex until more than halfway through (approximately chapter 9), so don't bother reading if you want something to get off on.

*This chapter has no sex in it. This story will have elements of "Romance", "First Time", "Fetish", "Group Sex", "Loving Wives", "Mature" and "Interracial Sex" in it. If any of those categories offend you, you were warned.

*Comments and votes are appreciated. For you grammar police out there, yes I edited this story but it, being a long story, is bound to have some uncaught errors here and there. Feel free to contact me with any errors you find but don't leave them in the comments. I will collect any errors and overwrite the story with the corrections when I have time. Please leave your comments about what you like or dislike about the story only, and keep it constructive either way you go.

*I am NOT a professional writer, nor am I retired with a lot of free time to write. This is a free story that I took my time out to share with you. Before complaining about how bad my grammar is or how poor my writing style is, etc., try writing a story yourself and see how it goes. That being said, criticize away, I have a pretty thick skin.

Edited 8/18

Chapter 3 - The Quarterback.

Delilah's distance grew. I couldn't remember a time we cuddled on the couch watching a movie, of course, I rarely had time for that anyway. She seemed to be avoiding me as she would make up excuses for our normal meetings at school. Usually we met for lunch and breaks to show our affections and maintain the facade of our fake relationship, except that for me it was no longer fake, and she knew it. I didn't know what was going on because when I did get her alone and ask her about it she would just brush it off and suddenly the affections started flowing again. I knew it was fake, but it kept me going.

"Hey, dweeb. I hear you're trying out for the football team. That's so funny," Johnny jeered.

"Sorry, why is that funny?" I asked.

For the first time I felt a little offended by what he said. I had been working my ass off, running drills, lifting weights, and bulking up. Coach hadn't told me I wasn't good enough to try out, so I was beginning to believe I had a chance.

I had a secret weapon that no one counted on - my martial arts training. As part of my Taekwondo training, they trained us to use and throw a spear and javelin. I think technically the javelin isn't a traditional weapon of Korea, but the sensei justified it by saying that it would help us throw the spear better. The track and field facility at our school had a set of javelins from previous years when they used to use them in competition as part of the track and field events. I got special permission from the school to practice the javelin during my free period that year, since no one was using the fields at that time anyway and the javelins were just gathering dust. All that practice made me a natural at throwing the football and I was secretly hoping to try out for quarterback.

The football season had already started so most of the new recruits would go on the second team or fill in talent holes in the existing team. Tryouts were normally for freshman or kids that didn't make the cut before that wanted to be on the team next year. Our team was missing a proper quarterback and was currently using their JV quarterback from last year. They only had three games scheduled for September and they lost one and won one. Johnny was favored for the position; he was the quarterback for the middle school team and everyone just assumed he would be the next in line.

"Have you ever PLAYED football?" he remarked.

"Not in a school game but I played a bit over the summer. And, I've been practicing with the team every day. Coach has been training me during my free periods," I remarked.

"No way, they let you practice with the team? Fucking liar, they've never let a scrub practice with the team unless he's made it on already. And YOU aren't on the list yet."

"Yeah, well, I guess coach must like me, because I'm not lying, Asswipe."

"Yeah right, as if. Let's go Biff," he called, Biff gave me a smirking look and a nod of approval once Johnny had turned his back to him.

Tryouts started out with everyone in the stands while the coaches gave their speeches. They explained in detail what would be taking place. They would start out by separating us into groups based on positions that either we wanted to try out for or the coaches thought we would be good at. We lined up in a queue and had to approach the assistant coach for group designation.

Once I got my turn the coach looked me over and asked me what position I was interested in.

"Quarterback, coach!"

"Funny, everyone wants to be a quarterback. I'll put you in with the running backs."

"With all due respect coach, I think quarterback is more my speed."

"Listen, kid, you got spunk. But coach says you've never played before. There's more to being the quarterback than just throwing the ball... although that's basically the biggest part of it... You need to be able to make plays and that takes experience. We also need a leader, what have you ever led?"

"I'm a fast learner coach. Give me a chance. I've been studying the game ever since I started playing this summer... you know I'm a genius, right? Test me; I'll show you that I have what it takes."

"Fine, call out the five basic plays we typically run in our games."

"OK, I wouldn't know for certain the typical plays WE run as I have never seen one of our games yet... but based on what I know and what I have seen at practice I'll have to say - sweep, slant, reverse, pitch and draw... we've practiced other plays but those seem to be what we focus on most."

"Hmmm, ok kid, I'll give you a try on the target (the target was a car tire that was held up by a platform and surrounded by netting). If you can make it through the tire five times out of ten, I'll let you try the next drill," he stated, and I looked hopeful. "Buuut, you need to do it AFTER all of the running back drills. Good luck!" he said with a chuckle.

I wasn't about to let that get me down. Sure, I'd be tired, but I was determined. After all, I gained twenty pounds over the summer, and I had a ton of endurance and energy.

The first drill they had me run was more for a lineman. I had to perform hitting and blocking drills on a padded blocking sled. Based on what I observed from everyone else performing the drills I did well. I was only 210 lbs., and linemen tend to be a lot bulkier.

Then they had me run some receiving with prospective quarterbacks. That was followed up by the forty-yard dash a couple of times to which I surprisingly had the best times of the day. Lastly, they had me run through a tire obstacle course where I had to finish up fast enough to receive a pass in less than 20 seconds. I wasn't sure how I did but I felt ok about it. I did receive the pass after all, but I don't think I had the best time.

Finally, I approached the assistant coach and said, "OK, coach, you said I could run the quarterback drills after I ran all the basic drills."

"OK, kid, you asked for it. Let's see what you got."

I had been practicing my throw all week. I was a pretty good quarterback in the summer league but everyone there played for fun. I knew I could throw a perfect spiral over fifty yards accurately. A lot of the kids all went through their drills and I could see Johnny trying to get them to egg me on. A crowd gathered around, even coach Ryan, although he made out as if he came to discuss something with the assistant. I blocked them all out and used the same focus that I used in my martial arts competitions.

"Whoa, did you see that? First try..."

I hit the target dead on, every time. I was definitely on a hot streak; I had gotten pretty good at this drill but I was never able to hit them at 100% accuracy before.

I heard more comments like, "Wow, ten out of ten. Jack (the quarterback the previous three years before he moved on to college) could barely get 8 of ten." It looked like Johnny's egging was backfiring.

"Good job, kid. I don't know if you're just that good or really lucky but a deal's a deal. Get down to the twenty-yard line and let's see your passing skills."

After throwing twenty perfect passes to a line of receivers that were staggered to run one at a time at random intervals, coach Ryan and the two assistants came to congratulate me, they seemed impressed. Everyone trying out, gathered together in a massive circle, almost like a huge huddle with the head coach in the center.

"Take a knee!" coach Ryan began. "I want to thank each and every one of you for trying out today. You all did great out there. Unfortunately, I only have so many slots to fill so naturally many of you will not make it this year. For those of you that didn't make varsity or junior varsity, you were all close. Come see me and we'll work on your conditioning for next year. We will have the final cut posted in the quad before noon Monday... Dismissed!"

There was a flurry of questions raised but coach Ryan passed the buck to the assistant coach Davies and that was that. We were left to fester over it the whole weekend.

"Mike! What's up buddy?" Johnny schmoozed.

I gave him a questioning look, trying to figure out what he was up to.

"Me and my homies were going to hang out at John's (a diner in Long Beach) and celebrate getting on the team. Let's say we squash our differences and you come with us?"

"Look, Johnny, I don't have a problem with you. You flaunt yourself like a peacock and are cocksure and arrogant. Those can be good qualities if used correctly. I don't particularly like your attitude, but I don't like a lot of people's attitudes. My problem with you isn't your attitude; it's the way you disrespect my sister."

"OK, fine. I get that you want me to back off your sister. No problem. I got myself a new honey anyway," he said with a wolfish grin.

I didn't know what to make of that. I didn't have any interest in being friends with Johnny but if we both made the team then we would at least be practicing together, and it wouldn't hurt to make peace with him.

"Fine, how are WE getting there?"

"My brother's driving some of us, you can hop in the back."

I knew his brother from Krav Maga, his name was John, Jr. I guess John Senior really took to having his children being named after him, because they all had variants of his name. Johnny had five siblings all together: his older brother John Jr., Jonathan AKA Johnny, his sister Joannie, his other sister Johanna, and his youngest brother Jon whom they called "Little Jon" for clarity. The only reason I knew this was Junior annoyingly told me about it one day while regaling me his bad home life.

Junior was nineteen and a freshman at UCLA. He used to play football over at Poly High. They let him in because it had a lot more AP classes there, but I suspect it was because their football program was eager to recruit him. He, unlike his brother, had a head on his shoulders.

I would have gone to Poly myself but after visiting their campus I couldn't see myself going to downtown Long Beach every day. Poly is famous for its gang bangers and I got into a few scuffles with the Crips that go there over the years, (it's one of the reasons why I stayed in martial arts). Things with Johnny weren't ideal, and although threats and insults have been traded, we had yet to trade blows.

"What's up Junior," I called out as he pulled up in his parents' station wagon.

"What's up Mike!" he returned, his face changing from a look of drudgery to one of "hey there's someone I don't hate." From what I assumed, he must have been told to drive his brother by his dad and was hating it.

"Nothing much, just got out of football tryouts."

"You going with these bozos? I thought you hated each other."

"Yeah well, sometimes you gotta leave petty differences behind when you join a team," I justified.

"Huh, alrighty then! Good to see ya, bro."

"How do you guys know each other?" Johnny asked, as he and his friends piled into the back seats.

"Junior here is taking Krav Maga at my dojo. We've sparred together many times," I said.

"Pshaw, I don't spar with this fool, I just started. We've just held each other's kick pads; he's got a black belt... He'd kick your ass small fry!" Junior taunted.

"Riiiight...," Johnny snarked.

"Hey, Mike, why don't you take shotgun," Junior said as Johnny tried getting in front.

Johnny looked a little peeved, but he just shrugged and got in the back with his buddies.

I smirked and jumped in the front. I was hoping that Johnny would keep me out of his conversations on the way to the diner, but that would have been like a bear not hibernating for the winter - it was against his very nature.

"Oh, hey Mike, you get to meet my honey - she sure is a fine piece of ass."

I nodded like I understood, hoping to humor him so he would shut up.

"Yeah, she gave it up the first night we went out!" he said, laughing and his buddies joined in as there was some sort of an inside joke, I wasn't privy to. I should have just got out of the car right there, but I'm a glutton for pain and I kept going.

"Good for you, Johnny could she even feel you?" I said, and he looked confused until I held up my finger and thumb and inch apart.

"Ha, ha, virgin. Yeah, she could feel me, she was begging me for more. She couldn't get enough. Right guys?" he asked, laughing. And his friends all joined in nodding, grunting and high-fiving each other. "She's one dirty girl! Oh, man, she took us two and three at a time."

"Shut the fuck up Jonathan!" Junior shouted. "Dad may have made me give you a ride but I'm sure he hasn't heard this whopper. You want I should tell him?"

"Fuck you, Junior," he said sullenly quieting noticeably.

I'm not sure why he was bragging about how much of a slut his new girlfriend was, but I was afraid there was more to this story than he was saying. With trepidation I got out of the station wagon as Junior dumped us off in John's parking lot saying he'd be back in a half hour.

Johnny and his buddies all swarmed inside the diner. As soon as I walked into the diner, I saw there was a counter for ordering with some small tables in front. Off to the side of the dinner was a row of booths lining the side. You had to go around a corner to see all of the booths, so I couldn't see Johnny's girlfriend anywhere. I assumed she was either in a booth around the corner or not there yet.

Johnny's friends stayed at the counter to order while Johnny went around the corner and walked down the row of booths out of sight. I was curious, so I followed him and saw him sit down across from a girl at a booth, three booths down. His girlfriend was facing away from me and all I could see was the back of her head, but I would recognize that bright red hair anywhere.

"No way!" I said turning white.

When Delilah turned her head and saw me, her face went from a mischievous smile to one of dread. She didn't appear devastated, like me, but more surprised and fearful like someone caught shoplifting or something.

Everything appeared blurry as my eyes filled with tears. I'd never been stabbed in the back before; it sucked. I felt myself getting numb from that anger, that I hadn't felt in years. That anger that could only be brought out by some extreme action like someone close betraying me.

I looked her dead in her eyes, she wasn't apologizing or sorry that I could see so I said, "Your name, suits you."

I turned on my heels and ran out of there before my anger took hold. I vaguely heard her calling my name and Johnny saying something to the effect of "let him go."

I ran down the street for what had to have been miles before I heard a horn honking. I turned and looked and saw my mom waving for me to approach as she had pulled over to the side of the road for me.

I didn't want to talk to her. I was in too much pain and knew I would say or do something I would regret. So, I kept running.

"Mike, Mike!" she desperately called.

But I ran into a neighborhood in the hopes of ducking down an alleyway or finding a place to hide. She couldn't chase me with her car since she would have had to drive down the road more and make a U-turn to get into the neighborhood. But I'll hand it to her, she wasn't going to let me get away that easy. My mother jumped out of her car and left it running as she ran after me crying for me to stop.

"Please, Mikey, Stop. I'm not letting you go..."

I let her chase me for a block and I would have eventually outrun her, but I felt stupid having my mom chase me down the street. I didn't want to cause her pain just because I was in pain. So, I had mercy on her and stopped to let her catch up. I didn't want her to see me crying so I kept my back to her. She didn't care; she just hugged me from behind.

"Come on, baby," she cooed, she hadn't called me baby since I was 10. "Tell me what's the matter."

"Nothing... can we just go home... I, I don't want to talk about it..."

"Okay, Honey," she said as I turned into her for a frontal hug.

She grabbed me around the waist from the side as we walked back to her car. When we got back, it was still running and surprisingly no one bothered it.

We rode home in silence, me with my head against the window letting it cool my face as I blankly stared out into nothing. The heat and sweat off my face fogging up the glass. When we got home, I ran up into my room and locked the door and burying my head under pillows and covers, trying my best to block the rest of the world out.

About a half hour later, Stephanie came knocking at my door asking to come in. I heard some mumbling from Mom something to the effect that I wanted to be left alone. I laid there in the dark for what seemed like hours. I didn't even realize that I fell asleep until I was woken up by a loud banging at my door.

"Mike? Mike? Can we talk, please?" Delilah called.

"Fuck off!"

I heard her scurry away then I went back to sleep.

I had my own bathroom attached to my room, so I didn't need to leave my room the next day. It was Saturday and I decided to get some work done. I had a second phone line installed in the house that I used to connect to the internet and download any specs for contracts from the programming job board. Back then, the internet was mainly text based since downloading with a 56 Kilobit connection took forever to receive big files. To compare the connection speeds to today's speeds; a minimal connection from an internet provider today would be about 50 Megabits/second or 1000 times faster. If you think you have buffering issues try downloading porn from a 56 Kilobits/sec connection.

Downloading text files was no big deal and for most of my clients it was a matter of trading textual based specs on an issue, then me sending the code solution for the problem if I agreed on the pay. They would then compile and test it on their end and return with any bugs and we would go back and forth until they were satisfied. Sometimes they would mail me floppy disks with the program or a customized test environment.

The whole weekend I holed up in my room, never coming out. When I got thirsty, I drank from the bathroom sink. When I got hungry, I ate junk food I had stashed in my room. By the end of the weekend I ran out of snacks but still refused to leave my room.

I couldn't get myself to face my sister or mother because for some reason I felt ashamed. I couldn't face Delilah because my anger over her just built, I found myself fantasizing about killing Johnny and humiliating Delilah in all sorts of scenarios. I felt like I was going to explode.