The Turaround

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Indecent Proposal and consquences.
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This one is a traditional storyline for loving wives but hopefully adds a little spin; with more fantasy than reality its not to be taken too seriously. I have used some of the same characters and lead in from my 'Indecent Proposal' story.

Honestly, I do spell check and proof read but bound to miss some, if that bothers you too much think about moving on.


My wife and I work at the same marketing firm. Lucy is a client relationship ambassador, don't ask... I'm still not sure what her job is other than schmoozing customers. I'm Mark and head up the IT teams.

Things were going really well for us, employed, happy, well through the house renovations on our 'doer upper' and two great kids, Emma 13 and Daniel 11. We lived near our families and had a close knit group of friends.

We're both in our mid 30's and a good match for each other although she wins hands down in the looks department. She's 5ft 9 with long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. Lucy claims some family heritage back to Sweden and has that leggy Scandinavian look about her. She is bright and vivacious and never seems to stand still. I'm 3 inches taller with sandy hair, I prefer endurance sports such as cycling and running so have a slim build, I'm physically fit just not in a showy gym way.

I was surprised to be invited to a long weekend on a private island owned by one of our firm's clients. Jack Edwards our Chief Executive explained that he and his wife Margaret were going along with a couple of the Directors and their partners. Lucy had been asked as she was the client's primary point of contact. It sounded like I was there to make up the numbers, but hey 'never look a gift horse in the mouth'. Jack went on to explain the client was filthy rich and easily our firm's biggest customer, we'd go early Friday and return Monday on a private charter and everything would be provided for us.

Lucy knew all about the trip when I mentioned it on the drive home. She'd been working with the client for months, seemed very impressed and was looking forward to the freebie weekend. Lucy explained the client was William Fellows, guessing he was late 40's, he was good looking and oozed confidence. She seemed a little smitten describing him as powerful and controlled amongst other things. Great I thought to myself, he sounds like a right arrogant prick, but maybe I'd keep that observation to myself until after the weekend.

Two weeks later found us in a private charter plane on Friday morning. I've got to say I was impressed, if the island was all his, he must be absolutely loaded. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it seemed huge, maybe 5 miles long and a couple wide from what we could see when coming in to land. It looked like a 5 star resort, with the main buildings sitting behind a white sandy bay which formed a perfect crescent. Lucy was beyond excited and the rest of us weren't far behind.

We were shown our rooms and then on to meet our host for lunch on a veranda overlooking the bay. I wanted to hate him but William seemed like a reasonable guy. If anything Lucy had down played his looks, he had a bit of a George Clooney vibe about him. He thanked us all for coming and told us to make ourselves totally at home.

The only other people on the island were serving and security staff who hovered in the background. I started wondering if William had the sort of enemies that still required security on a deserted island.

William greeted Lucy as an old friend and they looked very comfortable in each other's company. She and the others seemed to defer to most of the things he said; it was natural I suppose, seeing as he was an extraordinarily generous host and our most valuable client.

We had a great afternoon, snorkelling, paddle boarding and generally messing about in the bay. There was a constant supply of free drinks and food; later we enjoyed an evening meal with everyone. The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed and we mingled in small groups.

We chatted with the other three couples from our firm and met William's wife a stunning brunette called Jennifer. Jennifer came up and introduced herself to us; she was lovely and talked about growing up in England. She sounded like she was from money but seemed a genuinely nice person. I wondered if she was a model or maybe didn't need to work. To my surprise she was quite flirty even in front of Lucy; I managed to brush it off politely, putting it down to over friendliness.

Being pampered, no kids, time to relax and an idyllic location was the ideal setting to enjoy a romantic night. Lucy was particularly amorous, our love making was intense and she repeatedly declared her love for me. It was the best night we'd had in a long time, maybe there was something to this love island idea after all. I hoped for a repeat the next morning but Lucy was quickly showered and keen to get to breakfast. I eventually managed to drag my butt out of bed and caught up whilst she was in conversation with Jack and William; I wondered if it was work, as both Jack and Lucy looked a little tense. Maybe William was doing the schmoozing and had used the weekend to push them on something work related. The conversation broke up as I arrived, after a quick bite to eat we went on to enjoy the pool with the others.

The day became irritating pretty quickly, William was monopolising all of Lucy's time. She was laughing constantly and there were a lot of friendly touches and looks. It had gone on most of the morning; I was just about to interrupt when Jennifer grabbed my arm and asked me to take a stroll down to the beach with her.

It wasn't long before she opened the conversation, "Mark, I guess by now you have worked out what is going on, William is very interested in Lucy."

"Yeah I'd worked that one out!"

"Well you wife seemed open to the idea, they spoke about it before the trip and her actions this morning seem to confirm that intent."

"So what next... do you get the job of getting the sap husband to approve, now why exactly would I do that?"

"Oh there are a number of reasons: William will offer you a financial incentive whilst Lucy will enjoy a one off experience."

"Well good for them, there is the fact we are married, forsake all others and all of that."

"Don't be a stick in the mud, it's just a fun experience Mark. Lucy has resisted William's advances for months, not many make it as far as the island. She has demonstrated her commitment to you and refused point blank to cheat. William is no threat, she clearly loves you."

"You're not doing a great job of selling this to me!"

Jennifer was unperturbed and smiled, "Well then I hope the final reason is the most compelling, you would get me!"

"So what: like a pity fuck?"

"Not at all, I am very attracted to you. I like you a lot actually, you're funny and easy on the eye. I gave William permission to proceed after we met yesterday."

"Do you enjoy this sort of thing Jennifer or are you just going along with what William wants?"

It was the first time I had seen her hesitate and lose a bit of her outgoing confidence, "We agree things together, and I am comfortable with our arrangements."

"Really, so you into the whole swopping thing, lots of different guys."

Her eyes flashed with anger, "No, they aren't lots of guys, this doesn't happen often; William usually resolves his additional liaisons without my support."

"You don't sound too happy about it, I am not sure I want to sleep with someone who may be reluctant."

Jennifer recovered her aloof confidence, "Lucy would not be the only one who would enjoy the experience Mark, I can assure you of that. You would get me and all of me, not half hearted, reluctant or unwilling; we wouldn't be having this conversation unless I was attracted to you."

We continued to talk, I found myself liking her, she was engaging, confident and elegant. I quizzed her about William and their relationship. She admitted that he was the one who started playing around, and their current understanding whilst not ideal, allowed them to stay married. She sometimes took the opportunity of a fringe benefit as her relationship with William was far from fulfilling; if everything was consensual she thought it was ok.

I asked if it was always consensual for all parties, she admitted some of the husbands got a little railroaded, but as far as she was aware no couples had broken up.


We went to dinner on the Saturday, Lucy dressed up and looked stunning in a red satin evening dress and strappy heels. After dinner William asked if we could spare him and Jennifer a few minutes; we agreed and followed him to the study with a security guy trailing us. William sat in a high backed leather chair whilst I perched on the couch opposite, noticing that Lucy sat a little away from me.

After a long pause, William began speaking, "I understand Jennifer has outlined our proposal to you Mark."

He paused again perhaps waiting for a reaction, then carried on, "I've had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Lucy over these last few months and it's been an absolute delight. We get on fantastically well and have built up a great relationship."

He continued casually, "As a result I have a proposal; I would like to spend the rest of the weekend with Lucy. Of course I am more than happy to recompense for the time she would have spent with you, and to that end I have transferred £100,000 to your joint account."

The cheeky bastard, he'd already made the transfer!

"I can assure you, you wife is fully supportive of the idea. In addition Jennifer would be at a loose end and we'd be delighted if you would be willing to entertain her. Where is the harm, we will all have a wonderful time and you will take away a significant sum of money."

I turned to Lucy, she looked concerned. "It might be fun for us both to explore with other people. William and I like each other but it's nothing more than that, it doesn't change our love for each other. I am sure you and Jennifer would have a good time as well."

Jennifer came over and gave me a hug, saying everything was going to be ok.

I thought if this was happening I wasn't going to lose out or waste any time and immediately led Jennifer upstairs, leaving a slightly stunned William and Lucy in our wake. William might have wanted to get his hands on Lucy as quickly, but he would have to entertain his dinner guests for a while.


I led her to our bedroom and kissed her, it felt good, exceptional in fact. The kissing intensified becoming heated and passionate. I undressed her like a delicate prize taking my time and trying to make her feel special. Her body was amazing shown off perfectly in a silk teddy and I told her so. She seemed to feel the same way about mine, and actually took in a gasp of breath when she saw my erect cock; that response was very flattering. As she reached out for it, I pulled away and began kissing all over her body; taking my time as I removed the teddy.

I was gauging her reactions and responding in sync. She moaned loudly as I moved down to her muff and began kissing and nibbling her lips before circling her clit.

"Oh my God, William never... oh fuck... mmhmmm."

Her orgasm arrived quickly; just as she was beginning to recover I moved up her body and steered my cock into her, she was still convulsing from the orgasm and felt very tight. She gasped pulling me closer, her mouth opened wide to welcome my probing tongue as I entered her. I pushed further forward and she moaned again, opening her legs wider in response.

She began writhing beneath me as I pushed forward steadily but relentlessly, easing slightly before feeding more of myself into her, then I began pumping my cock slowly and deeply. She seemed completely taken over by her desire and wrapped her legs around my waist begging for more as I increased my pace. I penetrated to my maximum depth before my cock gushed inside of her. She was overtaken with a powerful orgasm and continued to hold me in a vice-like grip with her arms and legs as I kissed her passionately.

"Jesus Mark, I have never experienced anything like it. That intensity, gentle yet 'in charge' was thrilling. I didn't realised it could be like this, I have never cum for William... not like that."

I was determined to keep her on a sexual high and to make sure she enjoyed the experience. I dug into Lucy's case and found her vibrator and a pair of stockings. Tying Jennifer's hands up with the stockings, I alternated between the vibe and my tongue on her pussy. Keeping her on edge for an extended time; her body was squirming on the bed as she begged to be fucked.

"Please Mark, make me cum again, William never goes down on me."

"Oh I have the perfect solution for that Jennifer, come with me!"

I finally released her hands from the stockings, she stood and I helped her put on Lucy's short robe. I took her hand and led her to toward her own bedroom suite; the one William was sharing with Lucy. She was reluctant to go in, asking what I was doing and saying she just wanted to spend the rest of the night in bed with me.

When we walked into the suite, I saw Lucy in her leather playsuit, boots and stockings, sitting on the edge of a chaise lounge. The bigger surprise was William, lying on his back, tied to the chaise and gagged. Jennifer's mouth hung open in total shock.

I smiled, walked up and kissed Lucy before asking how she had gotten on.

"Yeah all good; he got really excited when I got dressed up and I think he almost came when I tied him. I caned his arse first though; he still has the stripe marks. I've edged him and made him beg for everything; sadly I found myself unable to fulfil his requests and limited him to some stroking. That was an hour or so ago, and as you can see his erection just won't go away. He is desperate to cum, I think he really likes me... like... REALLY likes me, he'll do anything for my pussy."

"You can't blame him for that my love."

"Oh and I showed him some of the video of you and Jennifer from your live phone feed. Speaking of which I am being very rude."

With that Lucy strode over said hello and kissed a stunned Jennifer full on the mouth, "I hoped you liked your time with Mark; you looked so hot on screen with him. I certainly enjoy domineering your husband; the sense of power is intoxicating."

William started squirming at that point. Lucy went over and grabbed his balls, "Now, now, William... remember I have you by these!"

She squeezed to emphasise her point and he stopped squirming. Then Lucy casually grabbed his cock whilst looking back at Jennifer.

"I bet you got a shock at the size of Mark, he's got a good 3 inches more than this!"

Jennifer blushed but quickly recovered, "Well yeah, it seemed to do the trick, I had a wonderful orgasm from it."

Lucy laughed, "So I saw and that you enjoyed oral an awful lot."

She turned back to William waggling his cock, "That really is very remiss of you William, your wife deserves better, much better. It's unforgivable that you don't go down on your wife. And as for using her as bait, so you can have another conquest, that's just selfish."

I turned toward him, "Why do these proposals? Is it the control or the thrill of taking someone else's wife? Either way it just makes you a really sad bastard. Christ what are you 48, yet you act like a child stealing toys just because you can. Well we are going to show you what it feels like to be cuckolded."

Lucy smiled, "That's right William we are going to demonstrate by making love to your wife together and you my little cuck need to watch."

His eyes went wide and he tried to speak through the gag, you could just make out a garbled 'we' in question.

"Didn't Lucy tell you, she likes women as well. In fact it was Jennifer's photo on your desk at work that got us to come along to the island in the first place. You have been trying to seduce my wife for months; you wouldn't have resorted to the swop if she had given in earlier. So now we get the opportunity to seduce your wife."

I turned to Jennifer, "If you thought I was good at oral, Lucy will blow your mind."

Lucy produced a velvet choker and slipped it around Jennifer's neck fastening it at the nape as she whispered in her ear. "Your mine now and you owe me for fucking my husband... shall we?"

With that Lucy led Jennifer to the bed, laid her down and started kissing her. I think I was as mesmerised as William, those two making out was hot; it didn't take long for Jennifer to really get into it.

I helped remove Lucy's playsuit as they continued to kiss and then eased the robe off Jennifer. As soon as I did that Lucy's hand reached down to cup Jennifer's sex. As Jennifer moaned, Lucy eased between Jennifer's legs, pushing her onto her back.

As Jennifer started enjoying the expert ministrations of my wife, Lucy spun around to a 69 position. There was no hesitation from Jennifer as she started lapping eagerly at my wife's cunt.

As they rolled over, Jennifer's beautiful pert arse rose into the air, I couldn't resist and mounted her, easing my cock into a very wet pussy from behind. It didn't take long before I was fucking her hard, pushing her face into Lucy's gash. I had to really go for it having so recently emptied my balls, that and my earlier edging sent Jennifer into orgasm, as she cried out loudly it triggered both myself and Lucy.

We landed in a heap of arms and legs, entwined and panting to catch our breaths. I had forgotten all about William and looked across at him; he was red in the face and had cum across his stomach, but his cock was still hard. I couldn't blame him, Jennifer and Lucy together were next level.

Lucy undid William's gag, warning him to be good or that it would go back on. She added that she was pleased to see his obvious arousal, to my surprise he didn't shout or even utter a sound.

"William you're crazy to not give Jennifer head, her pussy is divine and I haven't seen a woman enjoy it so much, she deserves a lot more than you are providing. Tell you what Jen, why don't you come over here and sit on his face...Queen him, take what he is not willing to provide voluntarily."

She only hesitated for a second before doing it, walking over to straddle him, he fought it at first and the juices smeared all over his face; he had little choice but to swallow some of my cum. By the end he was lapping it up and enjoying it, it made Jennifer orgasm again.


We left them alone after that and wondered what the fall out would be, half expecting security to throw us out and having to pay the money back.

Lucy turned to me, "Do you feel guilty?"

"No its feels like a community service keeping those two busy and away from respectable married couples. It should make him think twice before trying it again at least."

"Do you think they will want us to leave?"

"I'm not sure, she was certainly enjoying it, but who knows how they will feel in the cold light of day and William has an awful lot of adjusting to do. Remember she is the one with the money, it all comes from her family."


The next morning we got up, changed and headed into the dining room, everyone went silent as we walked in. Lucy went through to the kitchen to ask for some poached eggs.

There was a murmur of conversation; I could hear comments about 'it being fine' and 'it's nothing'.

Then the finance director John Cousins and his wife approached, "Listen Mark we've all been there, just let it happen it isn't personal. He sees other wives but moves on and is very generous."

As he said it I saw his wife's neck flush red. I looked around, all eyes were on me, some in anticipation others clearly amused by the scene. Everyone knew what was going to happen before the weekend even started... at least what they thought would happen.

Just then William and Jennifer made their appearance. She seemed content and happy; I'd describe it as glowing. I noticed William sat down uneasily, Lucy's caning must still be stinging. Jennifer was whispering to William and I noticed she still had the choker around her neck.