The Thorned Rose Ch. 02

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Scarlett's first day takes a turn when he encounters a Naga.
8.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/06/2017
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Authors note - Chapter subject picked by a raffle winner <3 I wasn't sure whether to tag this as Trans or non-human, I went with non-human just to try and warn people who wouldn't like the content below not to read it! So if you don't like elf boys taking it from shemale nagas, skip this one! Mwah, Xtina Xx


Scarlett stood precariously in his new heeled shoes, eying himself over sceptically in the full-length mirror Mayla had been so kind as to provide him with. She had been so kind as to provide him with a lot of things, actually.

She had been so kind as to supply the heeled shoes in which he now stood, although he cursed their shape and was only standing, he was sure, thanks to his natural elven balance. She had been so kind as to supply the dress that now clung attractively to his figure, strapless and shoulderless it had to hug tight to his flat chest not to slip down further, following the shape of his hips to flare out into a wide flow of skirts. She had even been so kind as to not only supply him with the makeup, which she assured him was necessary for his job role, but to show him how to apply it.

A dark shade of shadow highlighting the vibrancy of his bright green eyes. A dash of blushing adding to his already alluring femininity. Most prominently, his lips were now a vibrant red, a hue she had smirkingly referred to as being in their tongue, also called scarlet.

Observing himself he certainly set a striking image, his hair brushed and tied back into a flowing ponytail, strands tucked back to emphatically display his pointed ears. It seemed to him Mayla had gone very far out of her way in preparing him to display his perceived feminine features and to highlight his race. Not that all that really surprised him, he was after all her flashy new elven barmaid. Her all-female employee, as far as any curious customers were concerned.

Scarlett sighed some and patted down his dress, finally convinced he had sowed and tailored it enough with Mayla's small kit that it fit him comfily. He was almost convinced in fact that he'd be able to move around without it slipping down his chest, he had observed that while males often brandished their chests proudly all but the lowliest of women kept their chests hidden.

Mayla had been up since the break of dawn, splitting her time between providing breakfast for those who had stayed the night and inducting, dressing and making up Scarlett to look the part he had to play. While he would be tasked with smaller errands for her throughout the day, his real duties of serving wouldn't be quite as needed until evening.

She seemed keen, however, to get him downstairs today to start spreading the word of his arrival and to further show him the ropes.

Carefully and leaning on the wall delicately for the support he made his way towards the tavern proper, away from the rented rooms and into the main space. It was late morning before the sun had reached its peak and the tavern was at it's quietest. People who had stayed the night had breakfasted and left, those who might come for lunch had not yet arrived and the evening crowd of revellers were likely still sleeping off the previous night's fun.

"I really must get back to the market Mayla.." a voice whined, female and quiet, his elvish ears picking it out as he arrived.

"Stay for one more! Just one more I swear she will be down any minute!" Mayla's voice, her head turning to glance anxiously towards where Scarlett now stood, her eyes lighting up as soon as she saw him, a relieved-looking smile settling over her features.

Scarlett glanced down from her, pursing his lips as he noticed the source of the other voice, a gnomish woman, slender and maybe three foot tall, looking up at her in frustration as she knelt on the bar stool, "You have to let go of this fantasy of yours that you bedded an elf! You got too much into your own brew I'm thinking lass!!"

Mayla glanced down at the gnome as Scarlett, standing free of the wall for support but walking with measured steps all the same, sauntered towards the two of them at the bar, trying to sway his hips the way Mayla had demonstrated that morning as he had washed. "Oh yeah?" she pointed towards Scarlett, smug.

The gnome rolled her eyes as if to entertain a child and glanced in the direction Mayla was pointing. She did a double take, her mouth falling open as she stared at Scarlett as he approached. He tried to give her his most winning smile. "Good morning.." he said, voice soft and inviting, again as Mayla had instructed him. His voice should be enticing so people want to stay and drink more, he remembered her instructing.

"By the workings of our fathers. You! Elf lass! You real!?" the gnome was tiny sure, her frame slender for her size, her hair black and her eyes almost matching, he looked down into the intensity of her almost black eyes. She looked as if she were about to burst they were so wide!

Scarlett paused, a little taken aback. He was still considerably withdrawn when it came to interaction, after all, he had only ever spoken in full to Mayla. He glanced at her and saw her nod a little encouraging with a smile as she moved with practised motions to make some kind of drink.

Scarlett looked back to the expectant gnome and nodded some. "Well.. Of course? My names um.. Scarlett.. I'm the new barmaid here." he offered, simply.

The gnome eyed him over critically then beckoned with a finger as she stood on the stool, "C'mere! Lemme get a proper look at you eh?"

Scarlett glanced at Mayla before stepping forward complying, blinked at the gnome, studying the intensity in her dark eyes as they flickered and scanned over his features. "Naah they're fake, look!" She reached out with a hand and gave the tip of Scarlett's long pointed ears a squeeze!

His vision went white and a soft feminine gasp flowed from his painted lips, he felt his cheeks flush with colour and he found himself gripping the bar for support as his knees went weak. "A-aah! H-hey~ Careful please, they're really really sensitive.." he pursed his lips a little, trying to find his feet again.

The gnome stared open-mouthed, incredulous, unbelieving. "..Fuck me. You're an elf.."

"Told you so," Mayla replied in a smug sing-song voice, placing a tall cup filled with a creamy brown liquid, steaming before Scarlett. "Whose bed did you stay in last night Scarlett hun?"

Scarlett eyed the cup with some suspicion, the scent was complex to his senses but not unpleasant. "Yours, of course," he replied casually as he picked up the cup, as if the answer should be obvious. It was only proper after all, following the tradition that he stay in his employer's bed for the first night of his employment.

The gnome's gaze flickered between Mayla and Scarlett, at a complete loss for words. She shook her head, clambering down from the stool and walking hastily between the tables towards the exit. "I er.. I gotta get back from the market, my sister will be wondering where I'm at!"

Mayla grinned excitedly as she leant forwards on her bar, elbows on the top chin rested on her upturned palms as she watched the gnome leave.

Scarlett slid into the stool the gnome had been occupying, clasping the hot cup in his hands to warm them. "What was all that about?.."

"Oh, that was Liu. She's possibly one of the biggest gossips there is around here. She'll spread the word of you to everyone she speaks to in the market today. A rumour like you will spread like wildfire too." She grinned broadly. "We're going to have a rush on tonight. It'll be a bit of a trial by fire for you. You'll be on your feet all evening, think you can handle that?"

Scarlett bit his lip and looked down at his feet. The heels were awkward, but not too tall, not too difficult, after a couple of hours he'd be graceful on them, he was sure. The conversation and social aspect worried him, but he didn't want to disappoint Mayla after she had been so considerate and kind to him. "I'll be okay Mayla. I won't disappoint you." he was going to do his best to earn his room, board, bed and pillows.

"I know you will sweetness," she said, reassuringly squeezed his forearm, smirking some. "Drink, it'll give you energy. I'll show you how to quickly wash the glasses, pour the drinks and mix a few of the basics. I'll mostly just have you serving tonight but you might as well learn. We'll start when you've finished that eh?" Scarlett nodded softly and she smiled, walking off to see to a patron, leaving him to his cup.

He glanced down at his drink. The colour was disconcerting but the smell was already growing on him. He picked it up and, in the spirit of learning, took a sip. It was bitter, caramelly, sweet, creamy, all manner of amazing tastes and sensations which washed over his inexperienced palette. He stared down into the cup in wonderment. Elves stuck primarily to water with the occasional treat of flower wine, a mildly alcoholic drink made with the petals of flowers for taste.

"Mm!" he swallowed and looked back at Mayla, calling to her, eyes twinkling! "What is this?! This is amazing!" he took another sip, almost burning his mouth as he let the invigorating flavours play out over his tongue.

Mayla looked across at him bemused as she went about pouring another for the patron. "Uh.. Coffee?"

"Coffee.. I must bring this back to my people.. Where does it come from?" he asked excitedly and Mayla noted, his pupils had dilated. Two sips and the elf was already buzzing from the energy hit. She wondered if his body would react the same way to alcohol?

Mayla pursed her lips some, "Buh.. From the southern lands, I think.. Was an orc brew but it's gotten pretty popular in these parts with a bit of cream and honey."

Scarlett nodded curiously as he took another sip, tapping his foot a little impatiently on the floor. There was so much to get done today! He could hardly sit here the entire day wasting it! "Can you show me how to mix the drinks? Maybe I could clean the place up a bit of you prefer? How much do I charge for drinks?"

His questions were coming fast and frantic and Mayla found herself cracking a smile. This was going to be a good day for business.

The day progressed much as Mayla had expected, she had a mind for business and had had the foresight to crack out the extra chairs and glasses. She showed Scarlett the ropes to serving and waiting tables, encouraging him to make polite conversation with the few patrons that entered during the day, enticing him with notable results to come out of his shell and embrace being Scarlett. However many of these people didn't stop for a drink, there merely walked indoors, spotted Scarlett and left again. Word was spreading, people were coming to see whether it was true.

He was progressing well, too. Each new visitor intrigued him more and more, engaging in conversation just to learn more about them, to know where they were from and where they were visiting. Mayle loved watching him interact, he was adorably flirtatious even if he didn't realise it. His curiosity and desire to learn more was disarming and combined with his beautiful smile and increasingly feminine mannerisms he seemed to be hitting on everyone he talked to. The way he pursed his full lips as he adjusted the top portion of his dress, the way he delicately brushed stray hairs over his shoulder, occasionally stopping to adjust his ponytail, trapping them in his cascading rush of fiery hair. It was like he was courting them into telling him more worldly news and information about themselves.

As the day drew on she truly felt he was coming to grips with his assigned role and given identity. He was already confident while speaking with others and was definitely blossoming in his portrayal of an Elven Maiden, albeit a flat chested one.

Mayla was of course still anxious of what the evening would bring, but she found herself glancing towards the door with rising anticipation and excitement. She wanted it to begin, wanted to see Scarlett in action. If tonight was as successful as she hoped it would be, it could mean great things for not only her, but The Thorned Rose in its entirety.

Mayla was used to her regulars starting to trickle in around fifth and sixth bell, proceeded by groups of patrons and revellers from seven onwards in search of food, drink, warmth and mirth, so when the door was pushed open as the fifth bell was chiming to reveal a group she hadn't seen before it gave her hope for the evening to come.

Scarlett, who had been leaning on a counter, watched as the three entered the bar and quickly focused on him. A trio of humans, two women and one male watching him as he blinked back at them. Awkwardly he raised his hand and gave them a little cursory wave.

As if breaking some spell one of the females, who Scarlett noticed was likely in her middle years urged the other two towards a table. They started to whisper to each other but it was as easy to pick out as a normal conversation for Scarlett.

"See!" the younger girl, a chesty blonde whispered, leaning forward conspiratorially towards the other two as they sat down around a small table. "I told you she wouldn't lie about something like this!"

The older woman, darker in hair and sterner in face shook her head some, a mix of reverence and disbelief in her voice. "It can't really be can it?.. I mean I heard stories of the males but.. A girl? In all my years.."

Scarlett, bemused by their words looked over to Mayla who, with a wink, nodded. This was it. The start of the evening and his first table. He'd have to set a good example and show Mayla he could do this. He took a deep breath and put on his most winning smile, making his way towards the gossiping trio.

"Shh! Here she comes!" the male, a handsome, slender man with shoulder length, well-kept hair hissed to the others before they straightened their backs trying to act casual as Scarlett walked over with a warm smile.

"Good evening! Welcome to The Thorned Rose, my name's Scarlett," he started, speaking the line's he'd been practising throughout the day, trying to make them sound natural and flowing, though he tapered off, pausing. They looked like they weren't listening, they were all just staring at his ears.. "..Yes, they're real, please don't poke them. Can I bring you a drink or a meal?"

There was a stunned moment of silence shared between the three guests in which they glanced between one another. Before the older woman spoke up, voice hesitant.

"I er.. Yes, two glasses of red wine and a pint of ale, please?" She ventured.

"Of course! That'll be.." he bit his lip for a moment, doing the mental maths as he tried to recall the prices Mayla had set out to him, "..Bronze three copper!"

The woman nodded as if she had been expecting this, her hand already in a pouch at her waist, pulling out thirteen copper chips, placing them with a lingering touch into Scarlett's outstretched hand. He nodded graciously, closing his hands around the metal chips and returned to the bar.

"Two glasses of red wine and a pint of ale," he reported in, placing the bronze chips down on the counter for Mayla and poking them around curiously. Though even as he did so he could feel their eyes on him, hear them gossiping still, but he ignored it. "What are these? They are not coins?"

Mayla glanced over at him, shaking her head some as she went about preparing the drinks. "Nah, city like this doesn't really have any one single ruler to stamp on a coin so they just use chips of metal. Metal has a pretty set value at the minute so it works. Ten copper chips to the bronze, ten bronze chips to a silver, fifty silver to a gold.

Scarlett frowned and watched the chips as Mayla prepped the drinks, in no real rush as it stood. "...So.. One gold chip is worth... Five thousand copper?.."

Mayla nodded some and set the three drinks down. "Yup. The price of gold was about on the same line of silver until the mages discovered they could use it in their magics. After that, it became rarer than hen's teeth."

"...Hen's teeth?"

"It's an expression. It means really, really rare." she explained, smirking some.

"Oh. And a gold chip is the same size of these?.." he asked, picking up the drinks, eying her wide eyes.

"Uh.. Yes?"

"...Okay!" Scarlett quickly turned, carrying the drinks to the table, Mayla shook her head. Elves were weird. Amazing, but weird.

Scarlett had brought with him a pouch of elvish gold coins. Each coin was probably the weight of five chips. Twenty-five thousand copper a coin. And she had said this had been a recent price adjustment? Something to do with mages? He had by their currency a great wealth stuffed into the pocket of his old belongings upstairs! And...

"Ai lainu torenni..." he cursed softly in elvish as he set the drinks down before the three baffled patrons. He had paid a gold coin for food and shelter on a stormy night on his travels! And another gold coin for directions! He had given away amazing wealth to swindlers as if it was nothing. He fumed to himself but realising himself he quickly got it under check as he eyed the confused expression on the three humans. Passing them a smile. "Er.. That's elvish for I hope you enjoy your drinks." he lied smoothly as he set the wine before the girls and the ale before the male.

"Oh.. Aye laynoo to-rain-knee?" the male attempted, forcing Scarlett to stifle a laugh.

"A-ah.. Almost?" he smiled then blinked. The older woman was switching the drinks, taking the ale for herself and placing the wine before the male. The male picked up the wine and took a grateful sip, looking proud about his use of elvish. But Scarlett chimed in curiously, "..Is the wine not a drink meant for females and feminine people?"

The male's face turned red and he could now see the two women smirking to themselves, nudging one another under the table.

"Scarlett!!" Mayla called from the bar and he turned, hurrying over to her, hearing the two women behind him burst out laughing as he arrived, looking at Mayla with wide innocent eyes.

"Scarlett!" she paused, looking at his face, it was so damned difficult to be mad at him, "You can't say things like that." she said, her voice a soft whine.

Scarlett blinked and tilted his head. "...Do you have elven ears too?"

She let out a withering sigh. "When it comes to you insulting my patrons, apparently, yes.."

He would have to write that down. Elvish hearing manifesting in humans in certain scenarios? That was a new one too.

As the evening progressed more and more parties arrived, taking up space and before long, filling The Thorned Rose like it hadn't seen in a year.

To Mayla, Scarlett had become the world. Not only had he enticed this excitable and curious crowd to her modest tavern but after coming out of his shell he had taken to his job like a fish to water. He could skirt the room taking orders from table after table, come back with a list of drinks as long as she had ever heard and deliver them as fast as she could pour them to their correct recipients, always careful to take the correct coinage. She was raking it in and the patrons loved him.

Scarlett was an absolute delight to watch. The room was packed full of people but Scarlett weaved through the crowds with such ease while carrying drinks that it may as well have been empty for him. Hands, as she had feared, reached out to cop a feel, aiming to grope and squeeze his plush ass but he was always an inch or two out of reach, bending and moving elegantly like a leaf caught up in the wind.

He stopped as often as he dared to take and ask questions, focusing mainly on the non-humans that entered, the gnomes, the orcs, the halflings and such were semi-regulars and Scarlett seemed delighted each time he got to query one.

She had had to rein him in once or twice, his persistence and determined lines of questioning proving to go down better with some of her customers than others, but on the whole, the evening was a success.