The Tale of Amberley Bloodstar Ch. 03


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They sent their son and daughter to me that very night, to try to persuade me. I was lying on top of the dear girl, a pretty thing, our bodies pressed together tightly as we kissed, swallowing one another's tongues. Kneeling between our legs, her brother was pushing in and out of our greedy pussies in turn. It felt so good to get fucked again.

They were both undone by my lovemaking, almost my willing slaves, not that I needed any. But they had forgotten their mission readily enough. The daughter, Chara, cried out as I squished my sticky womanhood against hers, our clits brushing and dueling. Her brother Oryan pushed deep inside of me as he came, my own climax following moments later. I pulled myself off his cock and nestled my gooey pussy over Chara's mouth. She sucked her brother's cum, mingled with my own, out of me hungrily.

Morning arrived and the servants found us still in my bed, with me lying on my side, Oryan lying behind me and pumping in and out of my hungry slit. Chara was lying below, lapping at my netherlips and his shaft. The servant girls giggled and watched, one of them even joining us. After so much time in the world of the dwarves, it was perhaps inevitable that my carnal desires would be in such need.

The following night, it was the lady of the household who had come to entreat me. We were now sitting in my bed, legs and arms wrapped around each other and kissing deeply. She was still wearing her jewelry, although she'd managed to remove her clothes. We slithered and ground our pussies together, kissing deeply, looking forward to the mutual release. I made her climax at least four times, and she too had forgotten her mission. At least for now.

I bade my hosts thank you and farewell the next day, to their disappointment, heading back to a familiar inn where I took up residence, paying two months in advance for one of their best rooms. I was sighing in relief now as I soaked in a large wooden tub, feeling the tensions and aches continue to bleed out of my body.

"Lady Bloodstar," the young woman who was in the tub with and bathing me said. "It is true that-"

"Amberley, my love," I said lazily, managing to hold up a hand somehow. The lavender-scented water had me in a haze, a delicious sense of relaxation caressing me. "No need for the lady part."

"But that's what I've heard you called," she said continuing to wash me, her hands lingering on my breasts. "I've heard that even the dwarves call you that."

I opened one eye now. "The dwarves call me Lady Bloodstar?"

"So it is said, my lady," she iterated, her hands finally leaving my breasts to wash and caress my shoulders. "I have only heard this from others, but why anyone would lie about that..."

I settled back and let the girl continue, now using her breasts and her body to massage me as I relaxed, letting my mind go.

Lady Bloodstar... a girl could get used to that...


Two months had gone by, and I found myself sitting in a public square, up on a dais where everyone could see me. My aeolian harp was in my hand as I played and sang, the strings made of thyno-ar crystal glowing in the darkness every time my fingers strummed over them. The crowd seemed spellbound by my tale, including the retinue of dwarves who had come to listen, led by old Rulim.

Inkhî, haburmâ

hâmazun, masalumôn

tarâgzun, birasalunôn

haddarzun, mahmagumôn

Come, let us listen

Your tankards, let them be filled

Your beards, let them be drenched

Your barrels, let them roll!

I'll sing to you now a tale of glory, feats of arms and valour great

Bones of the deep earth ringing, mighty armies meeting their fate

Shouts of valour in the face of Doom, defiant dwarves who know only their duty

I sing of Dalgrul Orc-Spiker, valiant stripling who shall never grow old

Feast now are your forefathers' table, my friend, ever lauded and never forgotten!

The applause was thunderous, of course. I could see old Rulim looking at me and nodding from his place nearby.

Tonight I'd worn Dalgrul's amulet over my heart.


"But must you leave, Amberley?" the woman seemed to plead, sounding very distressed. "You are, quite simply, becoming the most popular bard in the city."

"Meaning that soon enough people will find me prosaic and boring," I said as I packed my bag in my room at the inn. The fact that this aristocrat had come here to see me rather than simply summoning me meant she was in earnest. "And in due course, I shall return."

"But I will miss you," she protested, her eyes glassy. "I... my daughter, my son and I, we... we love you."

I smiled and sauntered up to her, taking her hands in mine, standing close enough that my breasts touched hers through our blouses. She shivered and bit her lip.

"You have become dear to me as well, Renya," I said in a gentle voice. "But my heart knows only the love of wandering and seeing new things, learning new songs. Your song will always be in there, of course, and I look forward to singing it to you again one day..."

She nodded and stepped back. I picked up my gear, slinging my pack and holding my other possessions. I gave her a charming smile. "And I promise, I will be back."

She smiled back. "No more adventures in the bowels of the world?"

"I think I have that out of my system," I giggled, hugging her one more time.

Some hours later, I was sitting in the back of a cart, surrounded by hay and enjoying the sun on my face. I was wearing my sturdy travelling clothes, my other attire carefully packed away. Clearly travelling light was going to prove tricky the more popular I got.

I was sitting at the back of the cart, kicking one foot back and forth idly while watching the world trundle slowly by, strumming out a simple tune on my harp. From the front of the wagon, the farmer who was taking me to Molovar looked back at the sound.

"You one of them bards?" he asked, the piece of straw he had in his mouth arching rather judgementally.

"I'm trying to become one," I answered simply, with a smile.

He kissed his teeth. "Better you than me, lady. I've never understood the appeal. Sooner or later, you'll get someone mad and end up planted in the deep earth."

"My friend, you have no idea how right you are!"' I laughed, the crystal strings of my harp laughing with me.


Author's Notes: I've been a fantasy nerk my whole life, and Amberley was one of my very first characters when I began playing D&D in the mid-to-late '70s. Back then, bards were actual bad-asses, able to not only charm your pants off or make you run away crying with a song, but they were handy with a sword. Good Lord, I miss AD&D.

I'm enjoying telling her story, and this is certainly high fantasy. Not much sex this chapter, given the nature of the narrative, but I hope the action made it worthwhile. Amberley, a confident, beautiful young woman, is still finding herself, although she has a decided sense of destiny. She's just trying to get there without getting killed first.

If you don't know what 'Diggy-Diggy Hole' is, turn in your nerd card immediately.

Lots of tongue-in-cheek humour happening as well, especially if you're a fantasy buff. I hope you enjoy the esoteric references. I can't really help myself.

Amberley will be back, of course, with a different adventure, so I hope you enjoy. In the meantime, it's off to Sapphic Serenity for me.

Keep your stick on the ice!

- Management

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Trc2003Trc20033 months ago

It has been a while...this chapter is really as epic as the previous ones were erotic!

KerrionKerrion6 months ago

By the gods both above and below! Your tale brings back such fond memories of my youth so wondrously misplaced around a table of friends... nothing but paper, pencil, dice and drink around us as we weaved our own tales of daring adventure hidden behind the screen and within the books that unleashed our imaginations. My first, best, most loved and deadly character being a half-elven thief/assassin whom despite his hard upbringing which led to his chosen profession, had a love of life and a song of love in his heart that (with the help of his 18 charisma) that had others just swearing that their was no way the He could possibly be the one who killed the tyrant baron and stole the gems and golden treasures he hoarded! The proof found upon him placed their by the true culprits to take suspicion away from themselves! My one true treasure of that time (other than the memories) being my books... all of which were signed by Gary Gygax himself, after sitting in on a game I hosted at a convention in Fort Worth, Texas. Books that have since been passed down to my children.

WolfenherzWolfenherzover 1 year ago

So happy to se another Amberly story, such a awsome tale.

shaknashaknaover 1 year ago

> I'm the hardiest, bardiest bard.

> ~~Antrius~~ Amberley brings salvation !

> Timing and tenderness, terribly talented, topped with a bit of alliteration.

Amberley's moment of bardic inspiration as she sneaking about just brought that song straight to mind. Twas a fun little kick, to see it playing out in the tale.

DarkenningDarkenningover 1 year ago

A wonderful continuation to Amberley's story, and I hope to see more of her adventures -- martial, musical and bedroom -- in the future.

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