The Pulse Pt. 07

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Christine can't get enough Jake.
8.9k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/16/2021
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Jennifer Sawyer was enjoying life.

Harry Youle was irritating at times but he worshipped her. She only had to snap her fingers and she was getting gifts, anything that she wanted. His father had even found a work experience position for her. Everything felt back to normal after the weirdness with Jake. She was excited.

She had got a lot of attention from girl friends who heard the rumours about Jake. They all wanted to know how she'd got free of him, what she'd done, and some unsubtle questions about how far he'd forced her to go. She was evasive, playing up a slight loss of memory, presumably caused by the drugs. It allowed her friends to add their own spin to it which made the rumours that much more difficult to track and easier for her to deny if they ever came back to her.

She lapped up the attention.

Even her mother had somehow heard the rumours and had asked her if they were true! How satisfying to see the plan to smear Jake working so thoroughly. Everyone remotely associated with him was reevaluating how they thought of Jake. It was delicious. Even if Harry kept trying to take credit for it. She even heard that Jake had lost his job. That'd teach the bastard for making her feel something for him.

Occasionally, a very small part of her thought they'd gone a bit too far. That the rumours had got out of hand. That what she'd done was a massive overreaction. But then her spiteful anger rallied her and she reminded herself that anyone that could do that to her deserved everything that he got.

She went back to admiring her reflection and wondering what to ask Harry for next.

Harry was also enjoying life.

He was almost fully recovered now. He'd got to third base with Jennifer and he was totally smitten with her. She was everything that he deserved - hot, intelligent, sexy. She'd give it up soon for some Youle loving and he couldn't wait. He had it all planned out. He'd get her drunk on champagne and then convince her to come up to his room where he'd decorate the place with a massive range of condoms for her to choose from. And then he'd fuck the shit out of the teasing minx.

Every time he thought about his plan he'd get rock hard and have to disappear to the bathroom and rub one out.

The only thing that bothered him were the nightmares. He still woke up every night in a sweaty funk of fear. He'd actually cried out one night and his mother had come through to check on him. He laughed it off as being a rugby related dream where he was being picked for England. He was pretty sure that he'd got away with it.

He lay back on his bed luxuriating in how the rumours had taken off.

They'd taken it slowly, asking people if they'd heard about the McConnell party. Dropping the hint that Jake had been bragging about his conquests there and that he'd drugged and raped six girls including Chrissie. He had enjoyed coming up with the rape scenarios. How the girls had been abused. He made a point of telling Jenny to make sure that the rumour was that Chrissie had been sodomised. Bitch.

He catalogued it all in an old exercise book, making sure which story had gone to which girl. In each one he'd then come up with more and more elaborate detail on what he'd do to each of those fine bitches if he had the chance.

He really wished that he had that date rape drug and not Jake. He started to stroke himself just thinking about it.


When she heard the rumours, of course from Ami, Christine had been furious.

She'd been riding the high of rubbing Fiona's nose in her Jake fuck victory. But her little Jake fantasy with her friends had been a complete washout and she'd even woken up with her face in Ami's ugly little cunt. Eww.

How had that happened? She still couldn't understand it. She remembered going upstairs but she must have been drunker than she thought. And waking that...had been gross. Seeing Ami's ugly, hopeful little face looking at her was horrific. Nearly as bad as the smell of stale alcohol and pussy.

It had taken full on bitch mode to get everyone to keep that to themselves.

And then there were rumours of rape? And drugs? Her little scheme to rub Fiona Davis's bitch face in it had been fun at the time but being remotely associated with Jake now was toxic. She spent the whole week denying anything had happened and that it had been a mistake that Jake was even there.

Usually she would have been crowing about stealing Jake from Fiona and then dumping him but this whole thing was out of control. It was getting to the point that her parents were asking questions because someone at the golf club had told her Dad that people had been date raped at the party.

What the actual fuck?!

She was usually the one starting this stuff. Dealing with the fallout was work. She was usually the one setting the agenda and this was nothing but a pain in the arse. And not the sort that she dreamed about.

She stopped herself there.

She had planned to use Jake's body, ditch him and then use him to fuck over that bitch Fiona. Simple. But down by the boathouse he had taken her deeper into her own desires than she had ever thought that she wanted to go. It was like he'd looked into some of her deepest, darkest fantasies and taken her there.

And how she'd loved it.

Just thinking about him standing behind her with that wooden oar, his ripped body and hard cock at attention, in total control and about to fuck her...and her absolutely powerless to do anything about it.


All it took were a couple of fingers in the right place and she was gone. Christine couldn't believe that she was acting this way but there was no denying how hot it made her. She desperately wanted a repeat performance, maybe one that involved lube and her virgin arsehole. Just thinking about it sent shivers through her.

But of course Jake was toxic. With the current rumours flying round she couldn't very well call Jake. She huffed, unused to being told that she couldn't do anything. She looked across to her mobile phone, the latest Nokia 6310. She scrolled through fantasising about calling Jake.

Dammit she couldn't.

But Ami could.

She had given Ami her old brick of a phone, the flick out thing that they'd used on the Matrix. She picked up her phone and dialled. As ever Ami picked up on the second ring regardless of whether it was day or night. It was pathetic really.

"Ami sweetheart."

"Chrissie, great to hear from you."

Ami's voice was faintly guarded. Chrissie never called her sweetheart unless she was after something.

"Darling, I need a small favour. You know those ghastly rumours about Jake at my party? Well it's left some unfinished business. I can't call him and confirm any rumours but maybe you could invite him over on Saturday? Nothing serious, just a chance to...spend some more time together."

"Of course I can, Chrissie. On Saturday? Doesn't he work on Saturdays?"

"Ami! You were the one that told me he'd been fired. He'll be pleased to have something to do." Someone to do anyway.

"Oh, that's right. I'll call him in a bit and text you. Shall I come over too..?"

Ami felt so pathetic asking but she couldn't help herself.

"No, I don't think so. But could you organise some lunch? I'm sure that we'll work up an appetite."

There was a slight delay before Ami answered.

"OK, Chrissie."

"Thanks Ami, you're a love. Later."

The line went dead.

Ami hated herself. She knew what Chrissie was. She knew what she was like. And she still couldn't help herself. Chrissie had protected her at school when she realised just how good she was at digging out gossip. She was connected through various study groups to a wide range of people. Chrissie's popularity and Ami's ability to ferret out gossip were a brilliant combination. And Ami discovered herself fantasising about sex with Chrissie. About her boyish chest and her shapely rear.

When she woke up like that, her nose sniffing the nectar of Chrissie's pussy she thought her dream had come true. How incredibly degrading then to go from that high, from her dream, to seeing the revulsion on Chrissie's face as they both realised the situation. That had been a turning point for her as she realised that nothing would ever happen between them.

She'd heard about the Jake rumours early on and rapidly figured out the source. She was still trying to figure out why Jennifer and Harry would join forces like that. They were a bad match. He was an oik and she was a princess. She grudgingly admitted that they were at least socially compatible if nothing else. Though based on what Chrissie said he was as interested in boys as girls.

It was even more of a surprise when she heard rumours coming from other sources. Shocked mothers, enraged fathers. Those all seemed to go back to a meeting at an exclusive golf club but she'd been frustrated in finding out who was there.

Her phone pinged with a text message.

"What did he say?"

She sighed and went through her phone and found Jake's number.


I walked out of the police station exhausted. I stopped at the bottom of the steps and took a deep breath.

The questioning had been relentless, picking away at my story, looking for any hole. It was nerve wracking but my desperation to not be discovered as different focused my mind and I maintained the story that I'd told Fiona and the family. I was simply the victim of slanderous accusations and there was no validity to any of it.

It seemed that they'd called on the various witnesses that I'd suggested and their testimony made all the difference. It appeared that Dr Maddren's assurance that I didn't have "the talent, the intelligence or the interest" to have created a new wonder drug went a long way to rebutting the rumours.

By the end of the interrogation the police were almost apologetic. They had to take rape allegations seriously they said, particularly if drugs were involved. Of course they believed me about Fiona not being abducted but had she been drugged? Did she know what she was doing? Her parents seemed to be very certain and there were other accusations of rape at a party. You do understand sir...

As the details that they had been told, and were relying on, were stripped away it became very obvious that no one had been raped, no one had been abducted and that I might actually have a case to prosecute myself if the source of these rumours could be found.

I looked around the car park relishing being able to breathe in fresh air, and saw Dad's old Vauxhall pull up. Almost before it had stopped Fiona was out of the door and hurtling into my arms. She felt wonderful though she looked tired and stressed as I drank in the sight of her.

"They let me go hours ago. I've been so worried."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that, Fiona but it's all done with now."

She hugged me again and then pulled me towards the waiting car.

"Come on we're getting a kebab on the way back."

"A kebab?"

"Where else do you think is open at this time of night? And my favourite one is on the way."

"You have a favourite kebab place?"

"You have a lot to learn about me Jake."

"I'm looking forward to finding out."

We drove back via the kebab van. There was a mountain of meat in a pita bread, coated in hot chili sauce and a mound of salad on top. It was utterly delicious. Even sober.

Mum welcomed us home and we all sat down with a glass of something to talk through what had happened while I was being questioned.

"So what happened after we left Dad?"

A broad smile spread across his face.

"You won't believe it!"


"As you were being driven away that...well, I know he's your father Fiona, but that bas...Mr Davis, was shouting some of the vilest filth you ever heard at your mother and me. I was going back in for my old cricket bat when out of his front door came Old Bill. He marched right up to Mr Davis and told him that if he said another word out of line then he would use his pliers to pull off both of his testicles before feeding them to him through his soon to be broken jaw."

"Old Bill?!"

"Yes! That bast...Mr Davis, sorry Fiona but you should have heard the things that he was saying... Mr Davis practically wet himself and ran off with Old Bill threatening to sue him for defamation of character."

"Oh my god, I'm so ashamed," Fiona looked dejected and distanced herself from us slightly.

I got up and knelt between her legs, lifting her chin up to look me in the eye.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your father is doing what any Dad would do - anything he possibly could to protect his daughter. He is acting on the wrong information and we know that but I cannot blame him for his actions."

She nodded and gave me a small kiss.

"I'm so sorry Mrs Conway."

"Stop it, Fiona. It's water under the bridge and he'll come round once everyone knows the truth."

I sat next to Fiona and held her hand. She gave my hand a squeeze and we turned back to Dad expectantly.

"Anyway, it turns out that Old Bill hadn't heard the rumours. He was so pissed off that he looked like he wanted to go and use those pliers on someone for real. You know he was always a bit vague about what he used to do?"

I nodded. Bill had never got into any of that, instead quite happily diverting the conversation onto other subjects.

"Well he used to be a high court judge."


"Yup, the full wig and everything. And he's still connected to a bunch of people. He's been on the phone all night, Jake, pulling in favours to help find out who did this to you."

I was speechless and really moved that people were stepping up for me.

"He told me to tell you not to worry and that he was on the case."

I nodded and Fiona leaned into me, her small smile showing that she thought I deserved all the support that I was getting.

"We also heard back from Joe Lathan that he's traced one rumour back to a golf club. He's not a member there but he thinks it should narrow things down."

"That's great news. Did you tell..?"

"...Bill? Yes. The other phone call, well calls, were a bit more unusual. They were from a girl called Ami, 'with an i' who wanted you to call her back on a mobile phone number whatever time you got back."


"With an i," grinned Dad. "Three times."

"But she's Christine's best friend. Why would she be calling?"

"You tell us," said Fiona.

"Well, it sounds important. I guess I should call."

I found the number and dialled her, bringing the cordless phone back into the sitting room so that everyone could hear. The phone rang once before she picked up.



"You're back, that's great news. Is everything alright?"

"About as much as it can be. Is everything alright with you? Why were you calling? It sounded urgent."

"Christine and I were worried that you left without saying goodbye. She wanted to see if you could come over tomorrow, just the two of you, and try and figure out what to do about these rumours that are flying around. We were both devastated when we heard them. She really wants to help."

"I'm not sure that I'll have the time tomorrow Ami..."

"Oh please try. Christine's parents are giving her all sorts of grief about the rumours and she really wants to help find out who started this. She's so angry that people would do this to you. She'd be ever so grateful and she asked me to say that she'd bend over backwards to help things in any way she can."

"Ami, why are you calling me and not her?"

"Oh, she's out tonight and didn't want to miss the opportunity to speak to you tonight. So how about it?"

I looked towards Fiona who looked fit to explode.

"Can I call you back in a couple of minutes?"

"Of course, Jake."

I hung up and looked back at the other three.

"What do you think?"

"I think that bitch just wants to get her claws into you. 'Bend over backwards Jake'! I'll bet she will, the little fucking cow."

She looked at the shocked faces of my parents.

"I'm sorry but you don't know this evil bitch. She has slept with people just to break up another couple that might be more popular than her. You know she invited Jake to that party specifically to ruin our relationship because I was one of the few that stood up to her in the past. She uses her parent's money to pay for 'friends'. I doubt that she has a single redeeming feature. She is scum."

We were all quiet as we considered what she'd said.

"I want to go."

"You what?!?" came the unanimous chorus.

"I want to go and put her in her place. Look what she tried to do to Fiona and me. Look how she's using people like Ami just to get her own way. I've got an idea that might get her off our backs but I'm going to need some help."

"This doesn't make sense Jake. We've already won this fight. We're together."

"We have. But what about others? And what about when she starts throwing her fathers business weight around at just the wrong time. No, I want an ace in the hole, and I know what will work."

"You're not going to tell us are you Jake?" said Dad.

"No. It's not going to get back to us, you really don't have to worry. But I owe Christine for the way she manipulated me and for what she could have done to us if Fiona wasn't such an amazing person. It could have ruined our chance of happiness. And for no good reason other than because she could. Well enough of that shit."

My parents looked at each other and seemed unsure what to say. They'd never seen this side of me. Nor had I if I was being honest. My only thoughts were of Fiona and protecting her and I began to understand a little of what Mr Davis must have been feeling.

I picked up the phone and called Ami.

"Hi Ami. Look, tell her I can make two o'clock. I've got other stuff going on the rest of the day though. Just the three of us, yeah? OK. See you tomorrow."

My parents looked at me uneasily.

"Mum, Dad, this isn't going to be a problem. I'll need Jamie's help too and Fiona will be there. I'm going to discuss the idea with Fiona, sleep on it and then make a final decision in the morning. I'm not going to put our futures at risk but I'm not leaving that female with any hold on us whatsoever. And if I can stop her from doing it to anyone else then even better."

I turned back to Fiona whose eyes were shining with pride.

"Fiona, you still haven't told me what happened to you at the station."

She sighed, leaning into me for support.

"It was fairly straightforward. I reiterated what had happened. We went through it a few times and I confirmed that I wasn't under the influence of drugs, nor was I being forced to do anything against my will. They did ask about any potential rape and I just laughed at them. I did tell them what my parents had planned. I think they may have cautioned them. They even asked me if I wanted to press any charges. Of course I didn't and they understood why I couldn't live there for another second. I hope that if we can get to the bottom of these allegations then maybe I can start to talk to mum and dad again. I...I don't know what's going to happen from here."

"We'll all be here to help Fiona, you know that," I said.

"I know but..."

I squeezed her hand, knowing how difficult this must be for her. She was having to place an enormous amount of trust in me and my family and our relationship was still very new. It must be very tough.

"Anyway, what about you? How did it go?"

I talked then through the hours of questioning and my total satisfaction as the layers of lies were e posed for what they were. They all laughed at Dr Maddren's quote and shared in my happiness when they heard that any and all charges were being dropped.

"That's enough for one night. Everyone is going to bed," said Mum, "to sleep!" she said with a smile. "We can all do with the rest and hopefully we can digest everything that's happened and talk some more in the morning."