The Pilots Ch. 01


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I had just finished dressing when I heard the rap-rap-rap on my door. I opened it to find Kim standing there in a business suit looking very professional and all business. "Wow!" I said, "I would do business with you in a moment."

She slipped into my room and plastered her body against mine. "I just wanted to be sure you remembered me," she said. She kissed me several times, her face up-tilted to mine.

I said, "As you go through today remember that you are loved. Not in any conventional way, but in a very unconventional way. Feel that love with you all day long. Know that whatever you are doing that love is with you. Know that whatever decisions you have to make I'll love you. And, know that I can't wait to see you again so I can love you some more."

She smiled and the two of us walked out in the hall after checking to be sure no one else was there. I did want to protect her professional reputation.

In the elevator we were at the back as it became a local and stopped at most of the floors on the way down to the mezzanine, where we could get a continental breakfast. Kim quietly pinched my bottom between the eighth and seventh floor. I never respond to mashers.

The conference breakfast was abuzz with activity. There were clusters of people everywhere, most carrying small plates and eating bagels, juice and coffee. I bid Kim au revoir and we headed into the maelstrom separately. I found an old client and soon we were chatting about the outcome of some planning work I'd done for them. I spotted Kim with several others having an animated discussion. I sighed silently.

At 8:50 am a bellhop walked through the breakfast area ringing chimes to indicate that we had ten minutes until the conference breakout sessions started. I said goodbye to my friend and headed to a session on solar technology. I not only wanted to hear the session, I wanted to befriend the speaker to see what his consulting needs might be. The rest of the morning went about the same, multiple sessions, sliding in and out of the backs of rooms, sampling session after session, collecting reading material in this room and that.

I headed to the conference lunch with about 800 of my closest friends. Again there was a keynote speaker, however, I didn't think he was near as good a speaker or as inspirational as Kim was the day before. Kim, I knew, was in the hotel restaurant doing a deal. I made some good contacts at lunch and gave away a lot of business cards. All in all I was happy the way my networking was going.

I was standing in the hall talking to two geothermal experts when my cell phone buzzed in my pocket. I excused myself from the group and answered the phone. Kim's cheery voice said, "Are you ready to play hooky?"

I said in my best professional tone, "Why yes, what a pleasant surprise. How are you? Haven't talked to you for ages." I gestured to my friends that I was going to slip away and we nodded goodbye to each other. I strolled down the hall holding the phone to my ear. "Where are you and what do I have to do to find you?"

Kim said, "Well, if you'll look a little further down the hall you'll see a good looking chick just waiting for someone to entertain her in lewd and lascivious ways the rest of the afternoon." I spotted Kim down by the elevators. She moved to head upstairs. I took the next elevator.

I rapped on her door and she opened it and pulled me to her. "Oh, I've missed you all morning. I have had one of the most productive days of my life. I've sold more business than I think I'll ever be able to deliver. Everything went my way. Everything is going my way." She put her arms around me and kissed me.

"Do you still have more business to conduct today?" I asked, "Or are you free to play and enjoy life."

"No. No more meetings today," Kim said, "but I do have one important thing I have to do. We have to do." With that she started to undo my belt buckle and zipper, reaching into my pants and grabbing my cock almost before I could respond.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Oh yes," she replied, "Never more sure of anything in my life."

We undressed each other with a sense of urgency. Seeing her naked body in the light of day was a marvel. Her nude body was spectacular, bumps and curves in all the right places. I bent and sucked on her breasts bringing her nipples to erection; meantime she worked on my erection.

Kim then announced, "I started thinking about making love with you in the elevator this morning and I've been wet ever since. I don't want foreplay; I want you in me right now." She pulled me to her bed.

She pulled her legs back and spread them, giving me unfettered access to her vagina. I bent and kissed her clitoris; she jerked slightly. I then rose and inserted my hard penis through her wetness into her and started a slow, rhythmic pumping. Kim sighed and locked her legs behind me, pulling me to her for a kiss with lots of tongue action. She was right; she was sopping wet.

We made love, mad passionate love, tender gentle love, and all the shades and hues in between. I maneuvered Kim into that space where she was triggering off little climaxes every minute or so. Each time her body would shutter and I would feel her contractions around my prick.

Finally, I could hold off no longer. I let her know I was "inbound for a full-stop landing." Kim said, "Cleared for the approach and landing, Mister." We both ratcheted up the pace of our thrusting and she started to roll her hips, pulling my cock into her in an unusual and very stimulating way.

"Oh Wow!" I panted as my orgasm started. There was a squeal and moan from Kim at the same instant. I thrust several more times, very deliberately, into her and then my ejaculate started to fill her chamber. She was cuming too; our backs arched in unison again and she used her legs to pull me deep into her as our thrusting ceased. Our mouths locked together in a passionate kiss.

Eventually we rolled to our sides panting wildly; I was worried I was crushing her with my weight. "Don't worry, I'll let you know if your bothering me," she said with a smile and kiss. I remained as deep in her as I could be for several minutes after our love making ended. Then Kim started to flex her vaginal muscles and I could feel my flaccid dick being expelled with each of her contractions. She had a mischievous look on her face as she watched my reaction to her antics. Finally, I flopped out along with a deposit of our combined juices.

"If you work on those muscles you could propel rockets into space, you know," I said as I kissed the end of her nose. "Plus, who's going to sleep in the wet spot?"

We played with each other for a few minutes, enjoying our stickiness and nudity. I think she would have gone another round, but a man of my age is not as resilient as he used to be. I mentioned this fact to her. Kim said, "Ah, what we need then is some activity that qualifies as foreplay and recreation, while we give this a rest." She stroked my limp appendage.

I held her at arms length. "So what's your pleasure? Might you be interested in going to the beach?"

She said, "You're kidding, right? There's no beach near here."

"No," I said, "The beach is only a little over an hour or so east of here. If we leave now we can swim, walk, run or whatever over there and be back here for dinner or we could eat over there."

"Let's go. I haven't been to the beach in years and I love it." She hopped up and started rummaging in her suitcase. "I even have a swim suit in here somewhere." Finally she held up several pieces of cloth that couldn't possibly cover very much skin. "Here it is," she announced.

"You're dripping, dear," I commented, nodding to her very damp pussy.

"Oops," she said as she grasped her groin and shuffled into the bathroom. "A girl has got to watch herself around you," she yelled out.

I got up and joined her, taking the damp washcloth from her to clean myself. "I've got to change. I'll go back to my room. Knock on my door when you're ready." I gave her peck on each nipple. She liked the action.

An hour and a half later we parked along the waterfront in Cocoa Beach. Condominiums ran along the oceanfront as far as the eye could see both to the north and south. Nonetheless, the beach was fairly deserted. We left most of our stuff in the car. We lathered up with sunscreen, grabbed a couple of towels I'd borrowed from the hotel, and started walking south away from the pier that appeared to be more honkey tonk than either of us wanted.

Kim was wearing the little brief bikini and I had on my manly swimsuit. She had on a matching gossamer skirt that made her look sexier than if she'd had on only the bikini. And then there were her breasts, held only slightly by the two small triangles of designer cloth with strings behind her and around her neck. I kept leering at her even though I knew what delights there were beneath. She laughed at my arousal and she admitted she relished her ability to make heads turn, and turn they did as we walked along.

We held hands, we walked arm in arm, we poked in the sand for shells and sand dollars, we waded, we swam, we kissed, we pressed our bodies against each other and told each other how loved they were, and then we did it all over and over again. I think we walked about four miles. Any further and I would have had blisters; I wasn't used to walking on the sand.

After we got back near the car we spread our towels and lay side-by-side still talking. Kim told me more about her business. This year it was going to be over a $70 million dollar business, but it was growing at about fifty-percent or more per year. She could grow faster but she couldn't find the talent and skilled workers fast enough. She had a pretty low debt, good credit and was the sole owner, not a bad place to be. Even better was the excitement in her voice when she talked about it and what she was doing. She was living the vision she'd painted for the energy industry.

She got me talking about the management consulting work I'd done and was involved in. I'd migrated from technology consulting to management consulting twenty years earlier. I worked with several dozen large Fortune 500 and FT1000 companies to help them redesign their business processes, develop new strategies, implement major changes in their businesses, and come up with innovative and completely new ways to operate. More recently I was helping companies set up internal groups to do the same thing within their own organizations. For the past five years I'd specialized in energy providing industries particularly those that offered the promise to wean the world off of oil and fossil fuels. Most of my work was in the U.S., but some was in Europe and Japan. I guess I got pretty excited when I talked about my work too.

After Kim and I roasted in the Florida sun for an hour on each side we decided to leave the beach and go back to Orlando, clean up and find a romantic spot for dinner. We left the beach about six thirty, were back at the hotel by seven thirty, and sitting in a booth in Tiffany's holding hands at eight thirty. Tiffany's was a five-star restaurant specializing in their romantic ambiance. Kim looked radiant; her normal warm glow was enhanced from spending part of the afternoon in the sun. Somehow she'd made her hair look as though she'd spent hours getting it just right. The rest of her looked exactly right too, particularly the sexy black sheath dress and spike heels she'd pulled from her suitcase.

Kim leaned forward in her attentive way and engaged my eyes, "OK. Now we have some uninterrupted time and I want to know what you meant yesterday when you were talking about your relationship with your wife a while back. If I connect the dots with some of our earlier discussion I am guessing she had another lover."

"Oh you are perceptive," I said in astonishment. "Yes, that was exactly the case. After we'd had our discussion about rules, love and support, and having what I guess you'd call an open marriage, Mindy fell for a guy she was working with; they fell for each other actually. Before anything happened she came to me and asked permission to pursue the situation; I explained to her that she didn't need my permission, she needed my love, support and trust and that I freely gave these to her. I admit I had to work on my own jealousy; I think jealousy is a conditioned response by the way. That passed quickly as I came to know John and his motives.

I went on, "John joined our marriage for a while; he'd just gone through a divorce. I liked him almost immediately. We talked about our values and what was important and he agreed with them. No, more than that, he became a disciple of them and found, as I had, that life is better when you make them a way of life. Mindy and later another young woman named Loren were the beneficiaries of the love John and I gave them. Unfortunately both of them had to move away, in different directions."

Kim said, "Keep talking, this is fascinating. So this was a foursome for a while?"

"Yes, but Loren had to move to the west coast. She runs the west coast and pacific-rim operations for CTC – Computer Tech Corporation. When she was with us outside Boston she'd just started to move up the ranks as a high potential employee. She's married now and has some stepchildren. We helped her grow and move out of her comfort zone and accept the risks that her new jobs gave her as she moved up the ladder. Loren also didn't love herself too much when she came into our lives; we loved her and showed her how to love herself."

I went on, "John got recruited away from the Boston area about a year and a half after Loren moved away. Mindy, John and I were a threesome for that time, yes, a ménage å trois. We both loved Mindy very much, but Mindy and I came to realize that John needed to break with us and find his own base in life; we didn't feel Mindy and I were his long-term home. John eventually re-married. He had two sons from his first marriage and I think he got a couple of more step-kids when he married. As with Loren, the intimate side of the relationship ended when the frequent proximity to each other ended. Mindy and I went back to a relationship that at least externally looked pretty conservative; we still held the love and memories of all the times we shared with our friends."

"So all this ended about ten years ago," Kim asked?

"No really more like twelve years ago," I said. "Sometimes it seems like it was all like yesterday. The emotions we shared were quite intense at the time. We talked a lot to be sure we were on track with each other too. We wanted to be sure we kept going in the same direction."

"What did you get from the years you were in those relationships?

I started, "They went on for over three years. I've thought about it a lot. I was very naïve and lived in my comfort zone almost all the time. I'm an engineer by training and relationships had been a mystery to me before we started to talk about them and redesign our life around a new set of values and philosophies. John and Loren moved me out of my comfort zone and opened my eyes to the infinite possibilities that love and sharing can bring. I'm more aware of the responsibilities I bring to a relationship than I was before too. Love is not selfish; I used to think it was, at least in part. We'd talked about creating and being responsible for your own happiness before John and Loren came on the scene; in practice, though, what I learned about besides how to do that is love and empathy. You don't need to solve a loved one's problems by changing radically but you do need to sympathize. There a fine line in there."

Kim said, "You are a mind blowing individual. I haven't thought so much about relationships since I was asked to go steady in the tenth grade."

"I tell you all this," I said, "with a little fear that you'll get up and walk away, that I am too unconventional in my thinking, too out of the box. You should know that I live in the box a lot, but I've been outside enough to know what's out there." I shot her a sheepish grin.

Kim leaned in and kissed me. "No, you haven't lost me, in fact, quite the opposite. You are so deep in some areas I've barely even thought about. I know my stepsister June would love to talk to you about this sometime; I think your philosophy is very close to how she is living her life. I could talk to you about this for hours and hours and never be satisfied. The discussion about our business today was the same; I hated for it to end. As far as I'm concerned we need to build in more and more intimate time when we can talk without interruption, without a conference hanging around."

"Good idea," I said. "Today is Thursday. The conference ends tomorrow with the lunch. What are your plans for the rest of Friday and the weekend?"

Kim said, "I was going to fly up to Camp Forge, Pennsylvania to see my stepsister but she'll understand if I cancel. It's not a family event or anything. She'll be curious as all get out and I can deal with that later. What do you want to do?"

"I want you to come up to Amelia Island with me. My home's there as I told you. Come and we can play for the weekend. I haven't even been in the house a month; I've been living out of the condo I have in DC since I have two active clients up there. That was where I flew in from on Tuesday afternoon when I met you."

"You're on," Kim said. "I accept." She clapped her hands with glee and kissed me again. I was really getting used to all this affection. I think she was too.

We went back to the hotel and made mad, passionate love to each other twice I'm proud to say. We fell asleep in each other's embrace and awoke to each other's love. Kim and I went separate directions again in the morning, meeting associates, talking to clients, doing deals, and trying to do deals. I saw Kim at another luncheon table near where I sat; she had an attentive audience to something she was saying. I had trouble taking my eyes off of her. After lunch there were a few mundane remarks that closed the conference, and then the meeting was adjourned.

We'd both arranged for late checkout from the Intercontinental, so after lunch we gathered our luggage, checked out, put our bags in the car and headed to the general aviation side of the airport. We both settled our accounts and I went over with Kim the route up to the Fernandina Beach Airport, familiarizing her with procedures for transiting Jacksonville International, the runway layout, traffic pattern, and location of the FBO. We pulled her Jeppesen chart for the airport and I penciled in some key points. We both filed IFR even though the weather was VFR. A few minutes later we each picked up our clearances from ATC and started our engines.

I took off first so I'd be on the ground when she arrived. She could spot my plane and head for the FBO and parking area a little easier that way. I went from tower frequency to departure and heard Kim's voice pop up on the frequency about three minutes behind me. We'd agreed to monitor 122.7 Mhz in case we wanted to talk but all we did was just briefly say hello over that channel. Kim heard my handoff to Jacksonville Arrivals and followed me a few minutes later; then I was cleared for the visual approach into Fernandina Beach Airport. Kim followed and a few minutes later we cancelled our IFR flight plans, landed, and taxied at the airport. Kim parked where I'd indicated.

I knew the airport staff and was warmly greeted. I'd left a car at the airport. I pulled the car from my hanger to near where she parked, walked back and pushed my plane into the hanger and closed the hanger doors. We put our luggage in my car. Kim said she was impressed with my Florida car; it was an old Porsche 944 I'd had for over twenty years. I introduced Kim to my friends at the FBO and helped her check in, a job made easier since she was staying with me and they had all my contact information.