The Photo Album

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Wife poses for photographs.
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My wife and I have a tradition. Each Christmas morning, before we get up and join the others to start the festivities, we give each other our special presents. These are gifts that we wouldn't necessarily want to be opened in front of everyone.

This year, I was woken by my wife coming back into the bedroom after having had a shower. I lay still and watched as she she meticulously dried every inch of her body and then walked naked across the room to get back into bed, her breasts bouncing slightly with each step. What a wonderful way to start the day. She leaned across and kissed me.

"Happy Christmas darling"

Her body felt warm and clean and she had the fresh smell of shower gel about her. I could tell she was excited and returned the kiss.

"Happy Christmas Beth. Would you like your present?"

Not needing to hear the reply I reached under the bed and pulled out the suitably wrapped gift. She took off the paper to reveal a distinctive box from her favourite lingerie company.

"Oh, goody!" she exclaimed, carefully removing the lid and unfurling the tissue paper within.

Out from the tissue paper she lifted the delicate black lace knickers I had bought her.

"Wow, these are gorgeous" she said, feeling the material between her fingers.

She jumped out of bed and pulled them slowly up her long legs. Thankfully they fitted. She reached back into the box and removed the matching bra, which she also put on. Stepping over to the mirror she looked at herself. The lacy fabric did little to cover her; if anything the tantalising view of her pubic hair and areolae beneath drew attention to her nakedness.

"I think you will also find a pair of stockings in there."

In no time she was back in front of the mirror with the stockings on, their wide lace tops keeping them in place on her thighs. After admiring herself in the mirror again, she turned to show me.

"You look hot. So elegant and sexy. I wish I had my camera up here."

Grabbing a present from under her side of the bed, she bounced over to my side and straddled me. I could feel the fabric of her stockings on either side of my legs and the sensation of lace grazing my cock.

As she handed me the parcel her face had changed to that of nervous excitement.

"This is for you."

I peeled off the paper and found what looked like a photograph album. The book was tied shut by a ribbon. As I reached to undo the bow she stopped me.

"Before you do that, I have a confession to make." She looked at me now with an expression of nervous guilt. "You know how we have always been honest and open with each other about how we feel and the things that we have done?"

"Yes" I replied, beginning to feel a little nervous myself.

"Well I have kept something from you for the last couple of months. Do you remember, several weeks ago, when you got back from that business trip you asked me how I had spent the week and I told you that I had gone to work as usual?"

I nodded. The time difference and long hours with the client had meant that we hadn't really spoken while I was away.

"Well that wasn't entirely true. One of those days I didn't go to work. Instead, I drove to a photographic studio where I spent several hours being photographed naked."

Her eyes searched my face, anxious to gauge my reaction. I was stunned. During moments of passion we had talked about this but I never thought she would do it and especially not without me there. Then my attention turned to the album I was holding. Within its pages were images of my wife, naked as someone else had seen her. Questions started running through my mind; how many people had been there when she was photographed, was the photographer a man or a woman, what had she worn, what poses had she been photographed in? I became aware of my cock stiffening against the lace of her underwear.

I reached for the bow to answer some of these questions. Again, she stopped me from opening the book, taking it from me and placing it on the bedside table.

"Tonight, when we have more time, I want to tell you in detail everything that happened that day. Until then will you promise not to peek at it?"

"Uhmm...okay" I responded frustratedly.

"It's getting late, we really ought to join the others downstairs for breakfast. I think I will wear my present today. Thank you."

With that she kissed me again, leapt from the bed, slipped a dress on and disappeared out of the door.


This Christmas day was the longest I have ever experienced. All I could think about was the photo album on my bedside table or, more precisely, the nature of how its contents came into being. To compound this, each time I caught site of my wife's stocking clad legs or the outline of her breast beneath her dress my head was filled with images of the underwear she had on and its contents.

By early evening, through surreptitious questioning during snatched moments alone, I had managed to ascertain that she had gone there alone, that the photographer was male and unknown to me and that his wife had helped with wardrobe, hair and make-up.

The evening continued with everyone chatting and playing games but I couldn't take it any longer. When I felt it had got late enough not to draw attention, I announced that I was tired and was heading to bed. As I passed my wife she caught my eye and, with a straight face said she would be up in a while before returning to the conversation she was having.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long to get ready for bed and soon I was sat waiting with the album beside me, no distractions and a digital clock display that appeared to have become stuck. I picked up the album and examined it without untying the ribbon. It was hardback, bound in leather and had that wonderful smell that real leather has. It measured roughly eight inches by ten and, from what I could see, contained roughly 30 pages each apparently with a photograph on it. Thirty images of my wife's naked body.

Twenty minutes had passed since I had retired to bed, it couldn't be long now before Beth came up. I managed to resist the urge to look inside the album but could not resist that of touching myself. I lay with eyes closed, the book in one hand and the other slowly stroking my cock. Different scenarios of what might have happened played out in my head.

I woke with a start as Beth kissed me. Three-quarters of an hour had passed since I last looked at the clock; I had drifted from fantasy into erotic dream.

"I'm sorry I wasn't up here sooner but I got talking with Uncle Tom and couldn't get away. I hope you are not too tired; I really want to tell you what happened. You're not upset with me for doing this are you?" she said, pointing to the album.

", I don't think so, but until I see the photographs I don't think I can really imagine that you did it. I need to hear what happened, everything."


"Yes, every detail of what you did, were thinking and feeling."

"Okay, hold on a second." and with that she slipped out of her dress and carefully removed her bra and stockings before bending at the hips to slide her panties down her legs. This provided me with a brief but exquisite sight of her pussy framed by her thighs. She slid between the covers and cuddled up to me, her skin warm and smooth against mine, I could feel the roughness of her pubic hair and the hard nub of her nipple as she moved against me.

"Well, to start at the beginning." she began, pausing slightly, "I love you and wanted to do something special for you for Christmas. You know we have spoken before about having someone else photograph me naked and to be honest, while I enjoy it when we mess around with the camera at home and the fantasy is fun, the idea of being photographed for real by someone else was not that appealing. However, I thought there was no harm in looking on the internet for places that would do that sought of thing; so I spent some time on the computer. Most of the sites I found were too seedy, too expensive or I didn't like the images they took. Others I liked but were too far away to be of use. I was about to give up on the idea completely when I found this one site. It was for a photographer called Mike who has a studio about an hour away from us. Judging by his website he appeared to be very professional and predominately did studio portraits and some nudes. I liked his photographs as he seemed to have brought out the beauty in all his subjects, although there weren't many examples of the nudes. I decided to give him a ring to see if he could ease my mind about some of the questions I had that the website didn't answer."

"The phone was answered by a woman, who turned out to be Mike's wife Sue. She has a bubbly personality and I found it easy talking to her. She explained the different priced packages they did, the lengths of the shoots, the number of photographs you got and how she would be on hand to help with hair, make-up and wardrobe. From what she was saying it was clear she thought I wanted just and ordinary portrait session, so I explained that I wanted these to be special photographs for my husband but that I was a little nervous about it. "Oh" she giggled, "Mike hasn't done a great deal of those professionally but he has been thinking about expanding that side of the business and, between you and me, I just love the ones he has done of me at home. Why don't you book a session and if you don't feel like it when you get here we can just do a normal portrait." So I booked a date for when you were away so that it would be a surprise and, if I bottled out at the last minute, you wouldn't be disappointed."

"About a week before the photo shoot I got a call from Mike, he wanted to check that the proposed date was still okay for me and to give me some instructions for the day. He also wanted to discuss whether I had any particular requests for sets, costumes, poses etc. It was strange talking to a complete stranger for the first time about how he would be photographing me naked."

"You left for your business trip on the Monday and the photo shoot was scheduled for Wednesday. I went to work as normal on Monday and Tuesday, although I doubt I got much work done as the closer Wednesday came the more distracted I was. After work on Tuesday I went to the hairdressers, if I was going to do this I wanted to look my best. When I got home I had a quick supper and then spent a long time in a hot bath with a glass of wine. I shaved my legs and trimmed my bikini line so it was neat for the following day. It was strange, as I was painting my nails, it occurred to me that it felt as though I was getting ready for a date."

"I was anxious and didn't sleep well that night. When I woke on Wednesday morning I had a knot in my stomach as if I were back at school and it was an exam day; although perhaps this was also tinged with a dash of excitement. One of the things that Mike had asked was that I avoided wearing tight fitting clothes before the shoot and preferably no underwear at all, as these create unsightly marks on the skin. So I remained naked around the house until just before leaving when I put on one of my cotton summer dresses. Walking the short distance from our front door to my car was quite an experience as I had never worn a dress in public with no underwear."

"The studio, as I think I mentioned, is about an hour away. I had set off in good time but an accident had caused the roads to snarl up and I ended up arriving over forty-five minutes late. I was flustered but Mike and Sue were very understanding and put me at ease with a cup of tea and by explaining that I was their only appointment for that day.

"You have been very quiet, are you okay with what I have done?" As she asked me this she ran her hand up my leg and took hold of my hardening cock.

"Yes...I'm just enjoying listening to you." I replied.

"So I can tell." she said giving a slow tug on my now hard cock.

"I have loads of questions, like what are Mike and Sue like, and I am dying to see inside the album but I'll try not to interrupt because I want to hear every detail you can remember,"

Without releasing my cock Beth continued, "Good. Well of course I had spoken to both of them on the phone but had not seen them; they don't have any pictures of themselves on the website. I think I had assumed that they were about our ages but in fact they are probably ten years older. I think you would get on well with them both but especially Sue."

"Anyway, after we had finished our cup of tea, Sue lead me through the studio, where Mike was moving a riding saddle onto a stand in front of an array of lights, to the dressing room. The room was like a movie star's, it had a dressing-table with lights around it. On one side was a huge rack of clothes and a full length mirror and on the other a leather sofa. Sue, turning towards the clothes rack, told me to get undressed while she sorted out clothes for the first shoot. I took off my coat and shoes and realised that all I had left to remove was my dress. I took a deep breath, undid the zip and stepped out of it. I stood up, holding the dress in front of me, and turned towards Sue to find that she was looking at me. She held out her hand to take my dress and, once I had given it to her, handed me a pair of jodhpurs and a red riding jacket. The jodhpurs were a tight fit, as they should be, and so was the jacket. I had no shirt or bra on underneath so, when I looked in the mirror, there was a healthy amount of cleavage visible but you can see that for yourself. I think it's time for you untied that bow."

I pulled on the bow and opened the album to the first page and there, staring back at me, was my wife dressed as she had described with the addition of a riding hat, crop and boots. She was standing beside a saddle slung across a stand as if it where a horse. The jodhpurs were indeed tight and perhaps of a thinner material than usual. Stood as she was with her legs together, the triangular gap that she gets at the top of her thighs when wearing jeans or leggings was clearly visible as was overall shape of her pussy. The jacket was buttoned showing off her trim waist while its plunging lapel made it obvious that she wasn't wearing anything underneath without actually showing anything.

As I turned to the second page Beth restarted her slow rhythmical massage of my cock. The second image was much the same, Beth stood in almost the identical position except that in this shot the jacket had been un-buttoned and her arm now rested on the saddle. This meant that the jacket fell open and the sides of both her breasts were in plain sight, their beautiful curves disappearing under the fabric.

I turned the page to the third image. The camera angle had now changed and we were looking at the saddle from the side. Beth had also moved from standing beside the saddle to leaning over it. The image showed her firm round buttocks and legs. This pose stretched the fabric even more; it was clear that her pussy was being squeezed out from between her thighs and, knowing her pussy, I could even discern the outline of her inner labia sitting proud of her outer lips, as hers do.

Having absorbed this image, I went to turn the page and Beth stopped me.

"Are you enjoying what you have seen so far?"

"Yes, you look beautiful and sexy. I'm also enjoying what you are currently doing with your hands."

"Those three images are from the first set we did. I was very nervous as you can probably see and, as a result, I wasn't responding to Mike's directions very well; so they decided that a change of costume might help. I went with Sue back to the dressing room. She said that I needed to loosen up a bit because the best photographs happen when the subject is truly enjoying themselves. I explained that I was a bit nervous about getting naked in front of strangers so she suggested that I be nude in there while she had a look at the lingerie that I had brought. Mike had asked that I bring along anything I thought I might want to be photographed in. I took off the jacket and tried to get the jodhpurs off but they were stuck around my ankles. Loosing my balance I fell back onto the sofa. Sue came over and grabbed them and started pulling while I held on to the sofa to stop myself ending up on the floor. Eventually they flew off leaving me naked and both of us laughing. After that I couldn't see the point in covering up so I helped her pick a pair of panties to go with the dress she wanted me to wear for the next set. I dressed and Sue did my hair and make up. As we were leaving the dressing room she whispered to me that I had a beautiful body and I shouldn't worry about letting other people see it, which was kind and sent a little shiver through me. Okay, you can turn the page"

In the next image Beth was standing beside a chaise-lounge, the backdrop had changed to a thick velvet curtain and there was a tall candelabra to one side. Beth was wearing a long black velvet evening gown and holding a champaign flute. She was turned away from the camera which revealed that the dress had a halter-neck and a plunging back. The photograph beautifully caught her smooth skin and the taught muscles underneath. The plunging back meant there was no way she could have worn a bra and, sure enough, the side of her breast was just visible with a tantalising void below where it held the fabric of the dress away from her body.

On the following page she was now perched on the edge of the chaise-lounge, both hands holding the champaign flute as if in conversation with someone at some smart cocktail party. Except in this position it became obvious that the dress had a slit that ran from the hem to most of the way up the thigh. The top of her legs were covered but on the side nearest the camera the material had fallen away to reveal a stocking clad leg. The outline of her calf, accentuated by the high-heeled shoes she was wearing and contrasted against the darkness of the fabric beyond, was very sensual.

Mike had zoomed in on the upper half of my wife's body for the following shot. In this Beth was raising her glass to take a sip; in doing so the material on the front of the dress moved revealing her breast in profile with a very erect nipple was clearly visible.

"Do you like the way my nipple looks?" Beth asked.

"Yes. I don't think I have seen it larger than that, you really must have been enjoying the experience by now."

"Sue said you would like it. Mike had to take lots of shots before he got that one the way he wanted it; the fabric of the dress wouldn't sit right. Just before this shot was taken Sue, who was adjusting the dress again, slipped her hand under my breast and gave my nipple a firm tweak. After, she whispered to me that all men love to see a hard nipple, and then walked away as if nothing had happened."

"What did you think to that?" I asked, excited by the thought of a woman groping Beth's breast.

"I was a little shocked...but it did feel nice." she replied, coyly.

The next four images were not posed photographs like the others but more reportage in style. The first showed Beth reaching behind her neck, a look of nervousness on her face. In the second she has released the clasp of the halter neck and is pulling the top down but her breasts are still covered. In the third image she has pulled the top down to her waist but one arm is clasped across her breasts in an attempt to cover them, however one nipple can just be seen poking out from between her figures. In the fourth, Beth has closed her eyes with embarrassment as she has dropped both hands to her lap. Mike had skilfully captured the moment when my wife had exposed her breasts to him for the first time.

Reverting back to the studio-image style, the next photograph showed a proud Beth with her back slightly arched and her breasts pushed forward and lead by firm nipples. Her hands were in her lap amongst the crumpled fabric of the top half of her dress. Next, she lay back with her leg furthest from the camera bent causing the bottom of the dress to bunch, allowing a view of her panty-clad crotch. I recognised the panties as being a pair she has that are similar to the lace ones I had given her that day. I tried to remember how much is visible when she wears them. They are lined, so Mike wouldn't be able to see her pussy lips, but they are lacey so he would be able to see her bush. The next shot was confirmation of this.